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WWE Judgment Day
Sax's Revolution

Stretcher Match for WWE Championship
Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar

Winner & Still WWE Champion: Brock Lesnar

After struggling to find a way to wheel the massive Big Show out on a stretcher, the WWE Champion came up with an ingenious plan. Brock hurried to the back while Rey Mysterio hit a 619 on the Big Show. But the mammoth Show managed to overpower Mysterio before long. Suddenly, Brock raced back onto the scene with a forklift! After a death-defying leap from the machine onto Big Show and a Death Valley Driver, Lesnar hoisted Show onto the forklift and sped away to maintain the title!

World Heavyweight Championship
Kevin Nash (w/ HBK) vs. Triple H (w/ Flair)

Winner (by DQ): Kevin Nash (Triple H retains)

The Game struck down the referee with a sledgehammer, earning a disqualification and ensuring that he would retain his title. Nash got even though by powerbombing the champion through a table!

Fatal Fourway Match for Women's Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline vs. Victoria vs. Jazz

Winner & Still Women's Champion: Jazz

Jazz first did away with Jacqueline, then retained her title by felling Trish with a DDT.

Mr. America vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper
Winner: Mr. America

Thanks to the help of the young fan that had his prosthetic leg ripped off on last week's SmackDown! Mr. America was able to avoid the interference by Mr. McMahon and get the win.

Ladder Match for WWE Tag Team Championship
Team Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri

Winners & NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: Eddie Guerrero & Tajiri

Eddie Guerrero's choice to replace the injured Chavo in this match came up big. As Eddie tried to fend off Shelton Benjamin in a race for the suspended titles, Tajiri climbed the ladder and spewed green miss into Shelton's face, allowing Eddie to secure the titles!

Battle Royal
Intercontinental Championship
Val Venis, Chris Jericho, Goldust, Lance Storm, Rob Van Dam, Christian, Test, Kane & Booker T

Winner & NEW Intercontinental Champion: Christian

Christian tossed Chris Jericho over the top rope during a Lionsault attempt, leaving the New People's Champion one-on-one with Booker T. The Bookerman dropped Christian over the top rope, but the referee didn't see it! Christian attacked Booker T with the IC Title and heaved his opponent out of the ring to become the new Intercontinental Champion!

John Cena & F.B.I. vs. Chris Benoit, Rhyno & Spanky
Winners: John Cena & F.B.I.

The F.B.I. nailed Spanky with the Kiss of Death and got the pinfall.

Bikini Challenge
Sable vs. Torrie Wilson

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Torrie clinched the win by stripping down to a skimpy bikini that showed off all her goods. Afterwards, she made sure there were no hard feelings by seductively kissing Sable on the lips!

La Résistance vs. Test & Scott Steiner
Winners: La Résistance

A double-team flapjack on Big Poppa Pump gave the young Frenchmen their first pay-per-view win.

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Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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