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WWE RAW - Bad Blood [Insurrextion 2003]
Sax's Revolution

Redneck Triathlon
Eric Bischoff vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold took top honors in the Red Neck Triathlon's first event, a burping contest! Next up was the Pie Eating Contest. Steve Austin elected to "choose the flavor," and his flavor was Mae Young! Eric, afraid of losing the triathlon, was coerced into eating a slice of mature pie. Austin then decided to forfeit and gave Mae a stunner for her efforts. The final event was Pig Pen Fun. After a stunner from the Texas Rattlesnake, Eric found himself airborne, only to land in a pig pen full of manure.

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
Winner: Ric Flair

Ric Flair, with help from Randy Orton and a chair, handed the Show Stopper a loss in his own home state.

Winner Gets Stacy
Scott Steiner vs. Test

Winner: Scott Steiner

Freakzilla's victory at Bad Blood earned him the managerial services of Stacy Keibler.

Intercontinental Championship
Christian vs. Booker T

Winner (by DQ): Booker T (Christian retains)

Christian took the "coward's way out" according to JR when he got himself disqualified after hitting Booker T with the IC belt.

Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: Goldberg

Chris Jericho was "Next" as Goldberg used two spears and a jack hammer to put away the self proclaimed "King of the World."

Hell in a Cell
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash (Special Ref: Mick Foley)

Winner & Still World Champion: Triple H

HHH proved that the game was over for Kevin Nash. In a match that saw both competitors and special referee, Mick Foley, shed blood thanks to the use of chairs, a screwdriver, a sledge hammer and barbed wire, HHH retained his title.

World Tag Team Championship
Kane & Rob Van Dam vs. La Résistance

Winners & NEW World Tag Team Champions: La Résistance

La Résistance continued their undefeated streak and captured tag team gold after RVD miscalculated a summersault over the top rope and accidentally hit Kane.

Dudley Boyz vs. Christopher Nowinski & Rodney Mack
Winners: Christopher Nowinski & Rodney Mack

Match Details

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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