Help/About File for Quick Mixer Version 1.7.2 | ||||||||||||||||
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some of this information is not immediately obvious,
reading this page is apt to enhance your whole Quick Mixer experience: |
What Is Quick Mixer?
Quick Mixer is a tray-agent
alternative to the Windows Volume Control (SNDVOL32.EXE).
Quick Mixer is re-sizeable and has many settings which affect the
way it looks and acts.
Quick Mixer is a great replacement for that little yellow speaker
icon that may now be in your tray!
Quick Mixer controls Main-Volume, Main-Treble, Main-Bass and
up-to 16 playback audio sources!
Quick Mixer gives you access to every available playback mute on
your sound-card.
Quick Mixer gives you access to the first on/off check under
Advanced, Other Controls.
Quick Mixer allows you to create 10 audio profiles and optionally
starts up with a default profile.
Quick Mixer scans your sound-card's mixer-line to
offer you only the correct playback sliders.
Quick Mixer has full install support and un-installs through the
Control Panel.
Basic Operation of Quick Mixer
keys rotate the selected device-icon and slider forward and
backward respectively. Once a device-icon is selected, you can
also control it's volume with the UP ARROW and DOWN
ARROW keys; the PAGE UP and PAGE
DOWN keys adjust the volume more quickly. The mixer must
have system-focus in order for you to use the keyboard. You can
also select any device-icon/slider directly by clicking the
device-icon once or using the slider. Using any of the
mute-buttons does not affect the current selection. Quick mixer
remembers which device-icon/slider was selected when it is
closed; upon restarting Quick mixer, that icon is selected.
You can use the sliders to adjust the volume of the various
sources. Or, you can
left-click the device-icons to increase the volume and
right-click them to decrease the volume.
If you hold either the left or right mouse-button down while the
mouse-pointer is over a device-icon, the volume will slide up or
down smoothly without any additional clicking.
If you'd like some sound, so you can hear the volume setting,
double-click the title-bar and Quick Mixer will play the default
Windows Sound which you can set in the Sounds Properties Control
Panel Applet.
The mute-buttons are near the bottom of Quick Mixer. They appear
red when muted and green otherwise. When the Master-Volume is
muted, the tray-icon acquires a red outline. Not all audio
sources have a mute control associated with them and, in this
case, no mute button will be displayed below a control of this
kind. The volume-readouts are combined with the mute buttons to
save space.
If you have an on/off check-box located in 'Other Controls'
when you press the "Advanced"
button of the Windows Volume Control (SNDVOL32.EXE), Quick Mixer will give you access to the first one on
the list. This is usually something like "3D Stereo
Enhancement". If you have this, it will appear as Advanced
Control #1 on Quick Mixer's menu
and will be checked when turned on. You can also toggle this
using the F12 key, or by clicking the small special-control-box
on the master-volume device-icon. The special-control-box
is green when this is on and red when it is off.
There are four different ways to display Quick Mixer's menu...
> Click the left-control-box (a small
gray box located to the left of the title-bar).
> Right-click an empty area of the mixer's face or titlebar.
> Right-click the tray-icon. (a small picture of a
volume-slider near the clock on your tool-bar).
> Press the F10 key while the mixer has
If you use the second method, right-clicking the mixer's face,
you can right-drag to where you would like the menu to open, if
you wish to do so. If you use F10 the menu will
appear where the mouse is presently located. ESCAPE
always exits the menu without doing anything regardless of how
you brought the menu up.
The F6 key displays the Multi-Select...
version of the General Settings
menu, which is very handy indeed. The F7 key
displays the Timed Mute...
settings. And, the F8 key displays the Background
Color... settings. Remember, the mixer must have
system-focus for you to use the keyboard.
While we are on keys, the SPACEBAR will hide the
mixer. And, SHIFT+F4 will close and exit Quick
Clicking the right-control-box, will hide the
mixer. Or, you can select Hide
Mixer on the menu.
To see the mixer, if it is hidden or covered by another
application, just left-click the tray-icon once.
You can move (or drag) the mixer by any empty area of
it's face, which is a bit easier than dragging the mixer via it's
small title-bar.
If you resize Quick Mixer vertically to a small enough size, the
sliders will vanish and you can still control the volume in the
aforementioned way by left-clicking and right-clicking the
Single Slider
Mode truly allows you to size the mixer to some very
small sizes, with or without a slider, and it still maintains
it's full functionality. This can be selected from the General
Settings sub-menu. Don't forget TAB
changes between the sliders in Single Slider
Mode too...
You can 'skin' Quick Mixer with any .BMP
file you wish tiled in the background. Just place a file named SKIN.BMP
in the same folder with Quick Mixer's program file (MIXER.EXE).
There is a gray ('grey' to you British folk) skin called
'droplets' built-into Quick Mixer which displays in the
absence of SKIN.BMP.
Quick Mixer remembers it's size, location, window state, and all
of it's settings between runs with the use of an .INI
file. This way it is not poking around in your Windows Registry
at all and does not risk corrupting it in the process. You can
safely delete the QMIXER.INI file at any time.
Qmixer starts with default settings in the absence of QMIXER.INI
and re-writes QMIXER.INI each time it is closed.
Quick Mixer's Control Keys
TAB | Rotates the selected slider and device-icon forward. |
SHIFT+TAB | Rotates the selected slider and device-icon backward. |
UP ARROW | Turns up volume of selected slider. |
DOWN ARROW | Turns down volume of selected slider. |
PAGE UP | Turns up volume of selected slider quickly. |
PAGE DOWN | Turns down volume of selected slider quickly. |
ESCAPE | Escapes from the menu without doing anything. |
SPACEBAR | Hides Quick Mixer. |
SHIFT+F4 | Close and exit Quick Mixer. |
F4 | Audio profiles tool-window. |
F5 | Runs WINAMP.EXE if installed in default location. |
F6 | General settings multi-select tool-window. |
F7 | Timed mute/un-mute tool-window. |
F8 | Background color tool-window. |
F9 | Runs SNDVOL32.EXE if installed in default location. |
F10 | Pops up menu where mouse is located. |
F11 | Toggle master mute on/off. |
F12 | Toggles Advanced Control #1 on/off (eg. stereo enhancement) |
CONTROL+A | Toggle Auto-Hide mode on/off. |
CONTROL+O | Toggle Always On-Top mode on/off. |
CONTROL+E | Toggle Space Sliders Evenly mode on/off. |
CONTROL+R | Toggle Single Slider Mode on/off. |
CONTROL+P | Toggle Pointed Sliders mode on/off. |
CONTROL+G | Toggle Show Graduations mode on/off. |
CONTROL+K | Toggle Show Skin mode on/off. |
CONTROL+T | Toggle Show Tool Tips mode on/off. |
CONTROL+B | Toggle Show Treble/Bass Sliders mode on/off. |
CONTROL+V | Toggle Reverse Treble/Bass Logic mode on/off. |
CONTROL+Q | Quiet mode, all volumes turned down to 20%. |
CONTROL+Z | Zero All Sliders. |
ALT+0 | Load default audio profile. |
ALT+1 | Load user audio profile 1. |
ALT+2 | Load user audio profile 2. |
ALT+3 | Load user audio profile 3. |
ALT+4 | Load user audio profile 4. |
ALT+5 | Load user audio profile 5. |
ALT+6 | Load user audio profile 6. |
ALT+7 | Load user audio profile 7. |
ALT+8 | Load user audio profile 8. |
ALT+9 | Load user audio profile 9. |
Note: the ten ALT keys directly above may also be used with the numeric keypad's number keys. | |
ALT+UP ARROW | Move Quick Mixer up one pixel. |
ALT+DOWN ARROW | Move Quick Mixer down one pixel |
ALT+LEFT ARROW | Move Quick Mixer left one pixel |
ALT+RIGHT ARROW | Move Quick Mixer right one pixel. |
NUMPAD 1 | Move Quick Mixer down and to the left one pixel. |
NUMPAD 2 | Move Quick Mixer down one pixel. |
NUMPAD 3 | Move Quick Mixer down and to the right one pixel. |
NUMPAD 4 | Move Quick Mixer to the left one pixel. |
NUMPAD 6 | Move Quick Mixer to the right one pixel. |
NUMPAD 7 | Move Quick Mixer up and to the left one pixel. |
NUMPAD 8 | Move Quick Mixer up one pixel. |
NUMPAD 9 | Move Quick Mixer up and to the right one pixel. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 1 | Move Quick Mixer down and to the left ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 2 | Move Quick Mixer down ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 3 | Move Quick Mixer down and to the right ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 4 | Move Quick Mixer to the left ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 6 | Move Quick Mixer to the right ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 7 | Move Quick Mixer up and to the left ten pixels. |
CONTROL+NUMPAD 8 | Move Quick Mixer up ten pixels. |
CONTORL+NUMPAD 9 | Move Quick Mixer up and to the right ten pixels. |
Quick Mixer's General Settings
Select... this is very nice if you want to change
several of the General Settings
at one time. This duplicates all the General
Settings on a small, floating tool-window where you can
change as many as you like as often as you like without having to
negotiate the menu structure each time you want to change another
setting. You can also pop-up the general settings tool-window at
any time by pressing the F6 key.
Auto-Hide causes Quick
Mixer to hide itself whenever it loses system-focus, that is
whenever you click on anything other than Quick Mixer such as
another application, the desk-top, or a Windows tool-bar. As with
all of the settings, Auto-Hide
is checked when ON and un-checked when OFF.
With both Auto-Hide and Always
On-Top checked,
Quick Mixer will appear over-top of the Windows tool-bar much
like the volume control you get with the yellow tray-speaker-icon
you can turn on in the Windows Multimedia Properties
control-panel applet.
Always On-Top
causes Quick Mixer to stay on top of most other applications and
Snap Sliders Evenly
refers to when Quick Mixer is being re-sized. When this is turned
on, Quick Mixer maintains even spacing between all sliders at all
times for a very even appearance. With this off, the sliders move
around a bit more fluidly while the mixer is being resized.
Single Slider
Mode causes Quick Mixer to display only one slider. In
this mode, a set of two small buttons appear with left and right
arrow-heads; these rotate through the device-icons and sliders.
In addition to using the two arrow-head buttons, you can still
use the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys
to rotate through the sources. Single Slider
Mode allows you to size the mixer to very small sizes
while retaining full functionality. You can also re-size the
mixer small enough vertically that the slider will not show and
still left-click and right-click the device-icon or use the UP
ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to adjust the
Pointed Sliders causes
Quick Mixer to substitute pointed slider-handles for the
rectangular ones. The pointed slider-handles look good with Show
turned on.
Show Graduations
causes a series of 11 lines to be drawn across the mixer that
indicate relative volume from 0% to 100% in increments of 10%.
The graduations re-size along with the mixer. Show Graduations
and Show Skin
are mutually exclusive, so only one can be checked at a time.
Show Skin
causes Quick Mixer to tile (or repeat) a bitmap (.BMP
file) in the background of it's form. There is a gray skin
called 'droplets' built-into Quick Mixer. You can also
specify any .BMP file as a skin to use with
Quick Mixer by re-naming it SKIN.BMP and putting
it in the same folder with Quick Mixer's program file (MIXER.EXE).
If you change this file, you will have to turn Show Skin
off and then back on, or else re-start Quick Mixer, for the
change-over to take effect.
Show Tool-Tips
causes small help messages to appear if the mouse pointer hovers
over a control on Quick Mixer's form. This is the only option
which is turned ON by default.
Show Treb/Bass
Sliders causes the treble and bass tone-sliders to be
shown. This option will not even be visible on the menu if your
sound-card or sound-driver does not support treble and bass
adjustment and not all do. Not all treble and bass controls work
in the same way either,so there is no guarantee that they will
work with your particular set-up. I'm working on a better
implementation of this in a future release that, I hope, will
work even more often. These controls do work with the majority of
extant sound-cards, but not all of them. -- I'd be interested in e-mail from you if they don't work, let me know what kind of
sound-card you have and what the specific symptoms of the
particular problem are in as much excruciating detail as is
possible -- thanks!
Treb/Bass Logic causes the treble and bass sliders to
operate the right way in the remote possibility that they work
exactly backwards from what you would expect. Note: You'll only
see this option on the menu if Show Treb/Bass
Sliders exists.
Note about Treble and Bass
If you open the Windows Volume Control (SNDVOL32.EXE), and see an "Advanced" button under the main slider, click it. Only if you see treble and bass tone-controls on the form which pops up, should you see any options at all for treble and bass in Quick Mixer's menu.
Quick Mixer's Advanced Settings
The advanced settings are
settings that need more than just a check-mark.
However, they are checked when they are activated...
Mute... allows you to enter a time at which all sound
will be muted and another time at which all sound will be
un-muted. You can set either one or both of the times. The 'Activated'
checkbox next to each time must be checked if you wish the
desired operation to be performed at the desired time. This is
nice, especially if you run ICQ with the sounds turned on, for
keeping your machine quiet during the late evening and night
without having to worry about it. The Timed
Mute... settings can be displayed by pressing the F7
Background Color...
allows you to change the color of the mixer's form. Of course,
you can only see it when you don't have Show Skin
checked. However, when you do have the skin turned on, you might
be able to briefly see glimpses of the form-background as you
resize the mixer. If you had a mostly yellow skin, you could set
this color to yellow and the flickering effect while resizing
will be diminished greatly! Of course, you can use this in the
absence of a skin to make the mixer any color you want. You can
also restore the mixer to the default Windows color here. And,
you can display the Background Color... settings by pressing the F8
Audio Profiles... allows
you to save up to 10 audio profiles. The default audio profile
(#0) can be used, optionally, when Quick Mixer is started. To set
an audio profile, first set all of Quick Mixer's sliders and
mutes the way you want them. Then, type a name for your profile
into a slot. Then, click that slot's 'Save' button. To use a
profile, just click it's 'Load' button, or you can use the ALT+0
throught ALT+9 keys while either Quick Mixer or
the Audio Profiles dialog is the active application. To rename a
profile, first click the profile's 'Load' button, then type a new
name into that profile's slot, then click that slot's 'Save'
button. If you check the checkbox near the bottom of the form,
'Start QM with default profile', then Quick Mixer will load
profile #0 (the default profile) when the program is first
Release Notes for Quick Mixer 1.4.0 - 1.7.2
NEW! (in ver. 1.4.0) If you have an on/off check-box located in 'Other
Controls' when you press the "Advanced"
button of the Windows Volume Control (SNDVOL32.EXE), Quick Mixer will give you access to the first one on
the list. This is usually something like "3D Stereo
Enhancement" or "Digital Audio Only".
If you have this, it will appear as Advanced Control #1
on Quick Mixer's menu and will be checked when turned on. You can
also toggle this using the F12 key, or by
clicking the small special-control-box on the
master-volume device-icon. The special-control-box
is green when this is on and red when it is off.
NEW! (in ver. 1.5.0) Quick Mixer can now display all of it's menu and other
text in any language which can be displayed with the 'MS Sans
Serif' font! But, you'll have to teach it your lingo! Just
edit the 'Multi Language Support file', and rename it LANGUAGE.TXT.
This file must be in the same folder with Quick Mixer's program
file (MIXER.EXE). See the file itself,
for further, and very strict, instructions... If you translate
this file to another language, please send a copy to so he can distribute it with Quick Mixer. -- Thanks! (Look
for multi-language support file in
Release 1.5.1 is just a minor revision to allow key-board shortcuts
in the LANGUAGE.TXT file. 1.5.1 also contains a very minor cosmetic improvement in the special-control-box.
Release 1.5.2 just fixes a problem with the tool-windows forgetting
their second language while using multi-language support.
Release 1.5.3 fixes a problem which was causing Quick Mixer to crash
in extremely rare circumstances. Much thanks to Danny Vergauwe of Belgium for his infinite patience and excellent technical
skills -- without which I'd never been able to solve this
problem! 1.5.3 also re-locates the special-control-box
to a better place, the master-volume device-icon which is really
where it should have been to start with. It also makes this
bigger so it easier to click. You'll only see this if your
sound-card supports it. (See 1.4.0 release notes, above.) 1.5.3 also adds Dutch, Romanian, and Serbian translations!
Thanks once again to Danny
Vergauwe of Belgium for the Dutch
translation. And, a special thanks to Milan Cekic of Yugoslovia for the excellent Serbian translation -- nice job!
Also, special thanks to Alex
Mihaila of Romania for the
excellent Romanian translation -- very nice work as well!
Release 1.5.4 fixes several problems: In the previous versions, if
the menu was obtained by right-clicking the tray-icon while the
mixer was hidden and then the user right-clicked a menu-item,
Quick Mixer would crash, but only under Windows 98... A somewhat
obscure bug, but it has been corrected and it was tougher than I
thought it would be to do so. :) A kind user,
who is also an experienced programmer, pointed out that Quick
Mixer was using a very large percentage of his processing
resources! After just a quick look at 'System Monitor' in Windows
'98, I had to agree. Quick Mixer was using a ridiculously high
percentage of processing resources! I've made several
modifications which are transparent to the user but drastically
reduce the usage of processing capacity! While Quick Mixer is
visible but at rest, it now uses about 3% (on average)
of my processing resources according to tests I've run with the
simple 'System Monitor' tool and taking into account all
other processor overhead. (Of course, this number will vary
on your computer due to a number of factors.) And, when
Quick Mixer is hidden, it now performs almost no processing
at all, at least I can't measure any taking place! So, even
though you won't notice any visible changes in this release,
Quick Mixer has been improved greatly and, once again, this
resulted from a user being kind enough to write with his
concerns. So, please, if you find any problem with Quick Mixer,
don't hesitate to write! -- (Evan Edwards)
Release 1.5.5 fixes the tray-icon not changing status from black to
red and vice-versa when the mixer is hidden. This updates very
quickly now when mute is clicked on the menu from the tray, but
to further reduce processing requirements, the tray icon may take
up to 5 seconds to react if the mixer is hidden and the
master-mute status is changed by some external means or another
instance of Quick Mixer. (You can run as many instances as
your machine can handle, but only the last one you close will
remember it's settings.) Also, the mute butons react to
clicking much more quickly when the mixer is visible and there is
no delay to the mute buttons acting after the mixer is restored
from the hidden state. None of these various speed-ups are made
at any expense to the processing savings enacted in version 1.5.4! Quick mixer is at it's very best, so far, with this
Release 1.6.0 is full of good things! Some more GUI speed-ups for
better responsiveness to control changes. Intelligent form sizing
has been implemented! Quick Mixer will go into and out of Single
Slider Mode
just by resizing the form horizontally far enough either way!
Since this is what you're trying to do anyway, Quick Mixer will
just do it for you. Also when you use the menu or the tool-window
to turn Single Slider
Mode on or off, the form is automatically resized. The
form is also prevented from being resized too small to function
properly. I added quite a few contol-keys this time around (see
the list above), there are now keys for just about every
Release 1.7.0 adds the capability to save and load audio profiles!
(See 'advanced features' above.)
Release 1.7.1 corrects a problem with Quick Mixer not remembering to
start in Single Slider
Mode when it was shut-down in Single Slider
Mode. This problem was caused by revision 1.6.0 and is now corrected. This release also moves the
QMIXER.INI file from the C: root to the QMIXER folder.
Release 1.7.2 corrects a problem that could cause Quick Mixer to crash
if an audio profile is saved with the first charachter of the
name being a number. Quick Mixer will now insert an underscore if
a profile name starts with a number. If you are presently getting
a crash when you open the Audio Profiles dialog, simply delete
the QMixer.ini file. This release will keep the audio profiles
located in the ini file from being corrupted again.
Quick Mixer is copyright © 2001 by Evan R. Edwards, all rights reserved. |
If you are interested in
acquiring the rights to Quick Mixer, please
feel free to contact the author with your proposal.
distribute Quick Mixer, by any means, as long as you distribute
release-file with all of it's ORIGINAL internal,
compressed files unmodified and intact. You MAY
make back-ups, give Quick Mixer to someone on disk, even offer it
for download on your server, as long as it is an ORIGINAL
Un-installing Quick Mixer
If you installed Quick Mixer using
the installation program, then you SHOULD use the
Control Panel's "Add/Remove Programs" applet
in the unlikely event that you'd ever want to un-install Quick
Mixer. Failure to use Add/Remove will leave a useless entry in
the list of installed programs there - a waste of a few bytes.
However, there are freeware utilities which remove such 'dead-entries'.
There are no registry settings, nor is there any software located
anywhere other than the QMIXER
folder, so this 'dead entry'
is the only undesirable consequence of improper un-installation
as in the case of merely deleting the QMIXER folder.
Open the Control Panel (START, SETTINGS, CONTROL
PANEL), and open the "Add/Remove Programs"
applet, move down the list to you find 'Qmixer' and
highlight that entry by left-clicking it once. Then, click the 'Add/Remove...'
button, you will be prompted through Quick Mixer's removal. The
only file that needs to be removed manually is the C:\QMIXER.INI
file, which you can just drag to the recycle bin. As always, be
very careful when deleting files in your boot-root! Use the
Recycle Bin and make very sure you have only deleted QMIXER.INI
before you empty it.
Contact Information
For comments, suggestions,
bug-reports, etc... e-mail the author, Evan Edwards, at:
Optional Payment
If you like Quick Mixer enough
that you'd be willing to pay a dollar for it,
the author would be more than happy to accept...
Evan Edwards
1706 Saint Elmo Avenue NE
Canton, OH 44705-1754