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Blaq's Lair


I See You Chose To Proceed,
This Means That
You Can In No Way Blame Me
If You Become Offended
By Anything You See
On The Pages That Follow,
Since I Did
Take The Time To Warn You.

(Quick Rant Before Moving On):

I Hate To Be Judged By People Who Haven't Taken The Time To Even Attempt To Get To Know Me. Nothing Like Reading Someone's Online Profile And Labeling Them As Gothic Or Satanist Or Wiccan, Just Because You Think By Reading A Small Item They Have Chosen To Use That You Know Everything There Is To Know Of Them. To Me This Is A Very Disturbing Way Of Isolating The People Who Are Creative Enough To Have Vast Tastes, But Have Been Prejudged As One Thing Or Other And Dismissed. For Those Of You Who Do This, You Are Most Likely Missing Out On Meeting Some Of The Best People Out There, Because You Don't See Them Through All The Labels You Have Placed Upon Them. That Is So Sad. I Feel Sorry For Those Of You Who Do This, Because You Are Too Narrow Minded For Your Own Good. This World Needs More People With Open Minds, Not More People With Open Mouths And Closed Minds.

About Me
Here You Will Find Out
What Pleases Me
(And Maybe Even A Picture Or Two.)

Here Is A Collection Of Sites
That Have Caught My Eye
For One Reason Or Other.

Here Is My MySpace Page.

Here Is Some Of The Music
That I Like To Listen To.

Here Is My Book Of Poetry,
A Collection Of My Works
And The Works Of Others.

Here Is A Collection Of Tests I Have Found
Why Not Check Them Out And See What Results You Get?

ladyinblaq got their NeoPet at
Click On Rittle74, My Kougra To Get A Neopet Of Your Own.
Neopets Are Cute And Fun To Play With,
Everyone Should Have At Least One.

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