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I Wish

I Wish I Could Die
And Nobody Would Care
I Wish I Could Disappear
And Everybody Would Just Go On
I Don't Want Anyone To Love Me
Nobody To Hate Me
I Just Want To Disappear
Vanish Into Thin Air
So I Could Escape The Torture
So I Couldn't Feel My Pain
So I Could Have Nothing
And Be Nothing All The Same
I Don't Want Forgiveness
Sadness Or Grief
I Just Want To Go Away
And Be Forever In Peace
I Don't Want To Remember
Or Try To Forget
I Just Want To Give Up
So I Could Have No Regrets
I Want Everyone To Forget
And Go On With Their Lives
Pretend I Was Never There
Like I Never Existed
I Don't Want Anyone
To Waste Their Time
On Remembering A Nobody
A Coward A Lie
Never Love Me Never Care
Just Pretend I Was Never There

By: Crys

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