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Les Démons Du Guerrier

This Is The End, Beautiful Friend.
This Is The End, My Only Friend, The End.

Come Death, Oh Come Sweet Death
It's Time For The Demons To Stand Up And Be Counted
So Much To Do To End The Pain
So Much Unfinished, Unresolved Work
Can Anything Light His Darkness?

There's Danger On The Edge Of Town,
Ride The Kings Highway Baby

The Hammer, The Pin And The Fire
Those Who Would Seek To Dampen The Flame
Those Who Would Revel In The Chaos
The Chaos Is His, The Killer Awakens From Within
Chaos And Disquietude Are His Comrades
Come Sweet Death, Come
Rescue Him From His Nightmares

The Killer Awoke Before Dawn,
He Put His Boots On

The Bloodsucker At The Bottom Of The Lake Will Burn With Hades
Slowly, Etenally, The Lake Shines Blue Strobe
The Bloodsucker Cannot Hide Behind It's Books
Demons Walk The Earth In The Guise Of Men
Causing A Never Ending Blackness, Totally Encompassing

He Took A Face From The Ancient Gallery
And He Walked On Down The Hall

Nothing To See, Nowhere To Hide Anymore
Give Him Turmoil And Brawl
The Dreams Are Returning
Incessant, Vivid, Harrowing
Dear God Have Mercy On His Soul
And Forgive Him For What He Must Do

Darkness, So Much Darkness
Come Death, Oh Come Sweet Death
Noise, Ear Splitting Noise
Light ... The Last?
Peace, At Last, To A Tormented Soul

The End Of Laughter And Soft Lies,
The End Of Nights We Tried To Die

This Is The End

By: Mick

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