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Of Song

In Passion`s Seas I Await For The Touch,
The Kiss Of Everlasting Taste, How I Lust For It Much.

In Depth Of The Dark Night`s Nightingale`s Songing,
I Await For Your Touch And Yearn For Your Longing.

In Deep Dreams I Have Dreamt, Of Dreaming For Your Dreams,
In My Heart`s Ever Burning, Have I Pleased Of Your Pleas?

In Your Wishing Of Rain Has My Reign Not Of Held,
Has Your Silnce Not Spoken For The Kiss Of Your Spell.

In The Midst, Between The Dusk And The Dawning,
I Have Felt Of Your Touch, Tasted Of Your Songing.

So In Now I Have Knelt, On My Knees In The Praying
Burning For Your Song In The Wish Of Unawaiting.

By: Kristofer Draven Knight

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