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You Loved Me With All Your Heart
But You Never Could Show It
I Struggle To Block From My Mind
Everything You Showed Me
Everything You Meant To Me
Is All A Mixed Up Blur
You Will Never Know The Pain
The Pain I Carry In My Heart
I Will Never Have The Guts To Tell You
How You Belittled Me
You Reduced Me To Nothing
I Was Just Your Little Toy
To Play Your Daily Games
I Played Your Games Constantly
Allowing You To Win
This Time I Win
With No Prize To Gain
I Am Still Trapped In My Own World
In The Front Of My Mind
I Want To Forgive You
To Hold You Close Once Again
Then Remembering How You Hated
Every Time I Uttered The Words
I Love You Daddy
My Love For You Has Withered
And Now Is Nothing
I Dream Of The Day I Get A Phone Call
And Hear A Voice On The Other End
Plainly State The Death Of My Father
No Tears For You Will I Shed
No Remorse
I Will Never Again Feel Pain For You

By: Crys

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