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Promises That You Don't Keep
It Hurts When You Don't Keep Them
All I Do Is Cry And Sit And Wait
The Wait Is Forever.
Forever Until The Day I Die
The Day That I Die You Will Be There.
The Promises That You Kept
Never Came True Until The Day I Die.
The Promise That Makes You Think
Why Am I With You
The Reason Is I'm In Love With You
But I Guess That Love Is Not Enough
Until You Had It Once And You Can't Have It Again
That Promise That You Kept
Was To Spend The Rest Of Your Life With Me.
That Promise Never Has Happened.
That Promise Hurt When You Broke It ...
I Make Promises I Keep Them All ...
I Just Got Hurt By A Promise From Someone That I Love ...
That Promise Was That I Will See You And Talk To You ...
So If Someone Promises You Something
Then Don't Always Believe That They Will Keep It
In The End You Are The One That Gets Hurt.

By: Jamie

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