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It Is Silent Inside Me
Shows Itself At My Worst ime
It Is My Enemy
And I Have No Control Over It
It Sees Through My Eyes
But My Eyes Will Never See It
My Soul Alone Can Percieve It
Nobody Realizes It's There
It Tortures Me
I Don't Know How To Be Rid Of It
Clawing At The Innards Of My Being
It Feeds Off My Worst Traits
Making Them Grow Worse
It Shows Itself At My Worst Times
Thinking It Is Smarter Than I
It Doesn't Realize That I Know It's There
Nobody On The Outside Will Ever Understand
The Suffereing I Endure
They Will Never Be Able To Feel The Pain I Feel
They Will Never Know What It's Like To Know
Something Lives Inside You
To Feel Powerless Of Your Own Soul
To Know What It's Like
For All Of Your Emotions
To Be Consumed By Something Within
To Be Controlled By Something You Don't Understand
How Hard It Is Not To Let It Take Over
How Hard It Is Not To Give In
To Let Your Entire Being
Be Controlled By A Monster From Within

By: Crys

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