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Untitled III

I Never Say How I'm Feeling
And I Always Feel It Double Inside
I Pretend Like Everything Is Perfect
Then I'm Torn Apart Inside
I Say My Friends Are Great
And I Hate Them More Than Ever
I Say I Have No Reason To Cry
Then I Lay On A Tearstained Pillow
Everything Is A Lie
There Will Never Be Truth
I Refuse To Reveal To The Public
The Story Of My Youth
I Much Rather Watch Myself
Slowly Die Inside
Than Reveal The Truth To Everyone
And Watch Them All Pity Me
Tell Me How Sorry They Are
I Don't Want To Hear That
Don't Tell Me What You Believe
Is The Best Thing For Me To Hear
Tell Me How You Truly Feel
Show Me What You Fear
Nothing Bothers Me Anymore
I've Finally Flown Off The Edge
My Feelings Can Be Deeply Hidden
And To Myself, I Lie
Nothing Matters Anymore
Life Is Not Worth Living
Nobody Seems To Care
Who I Am Or What I'm For
I Wish My Suffering Would End
As I Take The Gun
And Point It At My Head
I Look To My Door
And See My Sister
Her Mouth Wide Open
And Tears Flowing Madly
She Lets Out A Small Whimper
As If Saying Goodbye
This Is The Last Thing I See
Before I Pull The Trigger
Laying In A Pool Of Blood
I Die

By: Crys

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