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Who Would Of Knew

Who Would Of Knew That You Think I'm Just
A Fucked Up "Kid"
Who Has Nothin Going For Me

Who Would Of Knew
I Would Get Arressted
And Have To Go Threw All This
Law Shit When The Law Isn't Even Fair

Who Would Of Knew
That I Just Don't Give A Fuck

Who Would Of Knew
That I Am A Bad Person
Well In Your Mind

Who Would Of Knew
That I Would Hate My Life
Cause Of Other People And
Their Fucked Up Thoughts

Who Would Of Knew
I Want(ed) To Die So Bad

Who Would Of Knew
That I Would Fuck Up Your Life

Who Would Of Knew
That I Hate Life
And It Hates Me Back
That Life Isn't Fair
That It's Just Fucked Up

By: Erica

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