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How Come I Never Feel Happy?
Why Do I Let Myself Be Sad?
Why Do I Wallow In My Pathetic Self?
My Life Means Next To Nothing
Why Do The Little Things Make Me Cry?
How Do The Things That Mean Nothing
Make Me Crumble Up Inside?
Why Do The Small Fights With My Mom
Make Me Lean Towards Suicide?
Why Do I Feel So Alone
When Everyone Is Here For Me?
Why Do I Wish For My Father
If He Is The Very Last Thing I Need?
Why Do I Hold Everyone Responsible
For The Stupid Things I Do?
Why Do I Feel The Very Opposite Of Perfect?
Why Is It That Whenever I Try To Stand
I Always Seem To Stumble And Fall?
Why Am I Still Sitting Here?
I Have Yet To Figure Out
Why Do I Make All These Stupid Little Things
Become Big And Somethig To Fight About?
Why Am I Still Unaware Of The Person
Of The Evil Thing I Am.

By: Crys

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