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Gone - I Couldn't Murder Your Promise
Right Before My Eyes
The Revolutions Of My Psychosis
Kept Me Outta The Way
Once - Inside - All I Hold Is Ash
Fall - Suppressing Every Feeling
I'm In So Much Pain
I Have Every Fuckin' Right To Hate You
I Can't Take It!
The Hardest Part Was Knowing That I Couldn Never Be You
Now All I Do Is Sit Around And Wish I Could Forget You
My Demise - I Took A Life Worth Living And
Made It Worth A Mockery
I Deny - I Fold, But They Keep On Coming
(Stop) I'm Always Ready To Die
But You're Killing Me
Who Are You To Me? Who Am I To You?
Is This A Lesson In Nepotistic Negligence?
By Default, You Are My Only Link To The Outside
Psychosomatic Suicide
Where Were You When I Was Down?
Can You Show Me A Way ...
To Face Everyday With This Face - Goodbye
My Demise - I Took A Life Worth Living And
Made It Worth A Mockery
I Deny - I Fold, But They Keep On Coming
(Stop) I'm Always Ready To Die
But You're Killing Me
When I Blur My Eyes, They Make The Whole
World Breathe - I See You Fucking Me
And I Am Absolutely Controlling Every Urge
To Mutilate - The One And Only Answer
So Much For Memories ...
I Wanna Dress In Your Insecurities
And Be The Perfect You - I'm Through
I'm Out - Stretched Out For All To Loathe
Here We Go - The Ultimate Irony