A Flashback or a Dream

By Ron J


The walk in the park was refreshing indeed

But a stop none the less was certainly in need.

I spied a nice soft shady spot under a large elm

Then sat for a rest bit to examine my realm.


As I rolled back my blanket under the tree

The land of nod was soon engulfing me.

The soft summer breezes had their effect

My eyes now wanted their rest I suspect.


A swirling dream soon engulfed me alas

My mind coming alive, as time would pass.

I was back in time as a young bashful lad

The late fifties, based on the clothes I had.


The time and place weren’t a puzzle to me.

A friend had joined me above in an elm tree.

His backyard, as the details faded in and out

but the sound of a spank broke the silence about.


My mind was frozen daring not to believe

But then another was more proof to retrieve.

I dared not move or look up to my friend

But soon, the tree he did clumsily descend


My interest I tried hard even then to hide

But my friends look caught me off stride.

“Your sister”, I said as I grabbed his arm

We approached the house but to our alarm.


The spanks that still enchanted my ears,

Were not coming from his place it appears.

We looked at each other perplexed to core

That the open windows revealed no more.


I looked at the shared drive. The folks next door

The spanks still there, my mind did explore

I had seen the new couple move in days before.

But no children the had, my mind did implore.


My friend waved me aside to cross the drive

The spanks got louder as my mind came alive.

As I joined my friend crouched down to the wall

The partially open window above told it all.


The spanks, now louder, as we huddled of course

The echoing walls weren’t embellishing the force

The recipient of the spanks voiced muffled ow

Had to be…..no…my mind wouldn’t allow


The ows were female, there was to that, no doubt

I tried to reason as the spanks continued about.

I tried not to let my excitement be revealed

As my friend interest was losing it appeal.


The spanking was a good one by the sound

As my friend stood up to look more around.

I yanked his arm firmly, to sit back on the ground

Not wanting his jumping up to make us found.


It would be hard to explain being huddled there

My spanking perk was not shared, I was aware.

I kept thinking of the new neighbor, an older chap

And young wife…….a flash of her over his lap.


As the next spank landed the picture etched

My mind rebelled at it being to far fetched

As each spank was heard, the picture flashed

With my friend impatience my reverie was dashed


Just he got up pulling up on the window sill.

There were no more spanks, the air stood still.

We scrambled to our feet as fast as our will

Sliding close the wall now, I lost the thrill.


Now was the great shaking fear of being caught.

My stomach was now twisting in a fearful knot.

As I moved between the houses no one was about

I crouched past his house expecting soon a shout










Relaxing a bit, I looked down on the summer grass

Now with little more the nerve I looked back, alas

The common drive there with the garages in the yard

Aware now my friend had just ran with total disregard.


But something made me stay, I not yet understood.

But the sound of a door froze me right where I stood.

I fortunately was able to dash behind the elm tree

And well enough away to peer around you see.


The young wife, to an eleven year’s eyes wide

Was walking to the car with her husband astride.

They were well dressed to go out it seemed

But the young lady still objected, I deemed.


He was pulling her along by one hand to the car

But she had the other hand free, I saw from afar.

She was rubbing her bottom, while tears strewn her face

While her husband kept tugging her to keep up the pace.


He stopped suddenly releasing his arm in pain

Turning her to face him as he chided her again.

It seems she had bit his arm, and he was very upset

She pleaded it was a mistake, regretting now, I bet.


He listened to her pleading against his apparent plans

Pulling her to their porch steps ignoring her demands.

The loud shriek as she landed their across his knee

Was nothing to the one heard when her dress was free


For soon her shear panties were fully on public display

Much to the young wife’s complete and utter display

It was then that I noticed a complete change in her voice.

As the spanks landed to her bottom, she had little choice.




But I wasn’t referring to the stifled ows  not planned.

It was respectfulness in her tone now without demand.

This spanking lasted, even longer than the first.

And certainly long enough to wet a life long thirst.


The sight of those stocking clad legs thrashing the air

With that lovely bottom receiving its spanking fair share.

When it came to an end, I prayed my silent upward thanks

For staying back there and not joining my friend’s ranks.


When he lifted up her skirt and guide without alarm

She lovingly accompanied him, hanging on his arm.

Promising to be the best wife ever, as I now recall

But still rubbing her sore bottom, as she stood tall.


She gave him the warmest big hug I’d ever scene.

A sparkling glow to her eyes that had never been.

It was then that her turning, caught my hiding place

That look of knowing, I had witness her disgrace.


Her husband walked away towards their garage.

She walked toward me, as I stood in the mirage.

As a grey blur set in, as I awoke with a start,

To the present again, with my thoughts apart


I rolled over again to follow up on my dream

For what would she had said to me?, eyes agleam. 

And how would I have reacted? I wanted to know.

Would it be our secret. A bond on which to grow?


The grayness was purging and I was back at the tree

Her beautiful face not revealing her thoughts to me.

As she approached I felt transfixed to her soft eyes.

But then a bright flash and before I could realize


The present was again upon me and I was awake

The sunlight upon me, with no shade from its wake.

I pulled myself up, looking about for more shade

When a presence was near, an known voice conveyed


It was the young lady’s, I swear, from long ago

Now older now but her radiance, still a glow

She was not ten feet away from the tree I was under

My nerve to speak to her, set my mind to wonder


I could just say, I recognized her from the past

Where she lived, I grew up or was it just a dream alas

I wish now I hadn’t suffered that memory loss I fear

And could force my mind to my teenage year


How could I handle the unknown or was there a past

I groped with the thought, staring at her, making it last

Would the connection be the past or the present timeline?

I knew not yet, but then her head turned, her gaze met mine




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