Story A GOOD SOAKING part 1
(sequel to the car accident)

<Anna> I wake up and get ready for the new day. I get showered and dressed
and go downstairs to make myself a coffee. When I finish my coffee, I
decide to go outside to check on things. Noticing how dry it has been with
no rain for a while , I get my hose out and plan to water the flowers in my
front yard. While I'm getting the hose turned on, I am thinking about what
happened the other day with Ron. The more I think about it, the more upset
I get over the spanking. Well, I am still lost in thought and the flowers
are getting good soaking.
'Who does he think he is...and how could he assume to know what's good for
I hear a voice over the sound of the running water, and look up, and who do
I see???.....Ron.......
Well, I first pretend not to see him, but then he comes closer and I think
Before I think about what I am doing....the hose suddenly turns full force
right at Ron soaking him from head to toe!

<Ron> It started out as a lovely morning and everything was going so well as
I got ready for work. Today, there was a special meeting first thing in the
morning with some prospective customers so I put on my best suit and tie to
make a good impression as the CEO emphasized to me that they were very "old
school " as far as business dress codes. The sun was shining, it was a
beautiful day out as I walked up the street to the subway stop. Lost in
thought , I suddenly spotted Anna outside , when I was right opposite her
house. I walked across her side of the street, as I did have a minute to
spare to say at least " hello."
But Anna seemed not to notice me at all. So I went closer to get her
attention and suddenly next thing I saw was a stream of water coming at me
while I was looking down the barrel of a hose. Well in 2 seconds I was
drenched to the skin from my shoes up. My shock of the event didn't sink
in for a moment. But Anna was looking now straight at me with a sly grin on
her face and then started to break out into a hidden laugh. Well when the
flash to reality hit about my meeting with new clients I was petrified . I
couldn't think what to do, so I just stood there standing stupefied like a
drown rat. Then I looked up at Anna again in disbelief.

<Anna> I finally have sense enough to turn the hose away from Ron, and I
look at him and all I see is the water dripping off him.

<Ron> I look at Anna in an attempt figure out what happened but the grin
is hard for Anna to mask when I am now walking closer to her now that the
hose is safely off. "ANNA, what are you doing???? " Was all I could say.

<Anna> "Watering my flowers Ron, I didn't see you until it was too late"
I back up a bit as Ron comes closer.

<Ron> "Anna you seem to find this all too humorous to my liking, I
will now have to go home and change and may miss an important meeting at
work," as I feel the cold water now soaking into my skin, giving me the

<Anna> I try to hide my smile, and say..."Well, you do look kind of funny
standing there all soaking wet. But I'm sure if you hurry and change, you
can make your meeting at work."

<Ron> "Anna this suit may not be recoverable either , so I think young lady
you are in a whole LOT of trouble."

<Anna> "Oh Ron, the suit will be fine. Stop worrying about it and get home
and change."

<Ron> "Anna what you need right now is a good spanking, but I don't have
the time to do for you, right now.
But when I return tonight I expect to see you at my place at 7 PM sharp.
We will get to the bottom of this incident."

<Anna> I just look at Ron, remembering again the other night, and then I say,
"No, you have absolutely no right to think you can spank me again. All I
did was accidentally spray you with water and I am sorry for your suit...but
I know it will dry and be as good as new, so I will not be seeing you
tonight at 7:00."

<Ron> "Anna this is a 100% wool suit and I don't intend to wear a suit that
has shrunk, so tonight at 7 PM I will expect you at my place or I will come
to visit you If you try anything funny like not being around, it will be a
lot worse for you. I thought you were becoming more responsible for your
actions. As you can't pay for the suit or my potential lost clients , I
expect you'll be there."

<Anna> I turn away from Ron and march into my house and slam the door.

<Ron> Ron yells out, "YOU BETTER THINK LONG AND HARD " and trails
softly to "I'll see you tonight"
as the door slams shut.
I then rush off home, change and rush back again past Anna's place for a
second time.

<Anna> I watch as Ron leaves again for the train...
No way ,am I going back there tonight!
Who does he think he is all of a sudden, my keeper, or something? Well, the
other night was more than enough for me. He needs to learn that I don't
need or want anyone telling me what actions of mine I am responsible for or
Maybe I'll go buy him a new suit..that might be the thing to do...I can
always put it on my charge card. But then I quickly change my mind. No, I
won't buy him a new suit. It's partly his fault anyway for not looking
where he was walking.

<Ron> I look at Anna's place while rushing by, but see no one around so I
continue on running up the street and off to work.
The meeting is a disaster, as my CEO looks at my lateness and my attire as
the reason the clients would not sign a deal with us. The rest of the day
that smile on Anna's face fills my mind, as she pointed the hose in my
direction. I got home, in plenty of time but stopped up on the street by
the neighbor who lives across from Anna . After a brief chat, and my
suspicions confirmed my resolved hardened. Anna was really in for it.
Her bum was really going to sting tonight. I wondered the rest of the way
home, mulling over a more fitting punishment.

<Anna> I returned home from work about 5:00. I was thinking of maybe going
to the store after all and seeing how much a new suit would cost. I thought
if I could get one and have it delivered to his house, I wouldn't have to
see him tonight. Not that I planned on going there anyway.
I get my purse and car keys and head out to the garage. I know I shouldn't
be driving again, but I need to get there and I won't have time if I wait
for a bus.
So I go to the shopping plaza, but I can't find that exact suit
anywhere. I get home long before 7 PM, put the car back in the garage, and
go in to make a sandwich for my dinner.

<Ron> I happened to be near the window when I hear tires squeal rounding
the corner, as I looked up I am shocked to see it was Anna's car. I can
see in my mind that Anna is still in need of a further "reminder" about
driving without insurance . I think about phoning Anna but by the time she
is out of her car and inside I relax a little and decide to wait for a later

<Anna> I sit at the table, trying to decide what to do. I finally decide to
do nothing. I will not go back over there to 'discuss' anything with Ron.
So, I wait to see if Ron really will come looking for me at 7:00.
Looking at the clock, it is already a few minutes past 7, so I get up
and go to the kitchen sink to wash my dinner dishes.

<Ron> I glance at the clock then check the time with the TV. well its 7:10
so I decide to look out the front door to see if Anna is coming down the
street. NO sign of Anna at all
Going back inside I gather my collection of instruments for correction and
place them into the only large bag I have. Unfortunately it is clear, and
the cane is a little too long.
I then go to the fridge and dump all the ice cubes into a cooler bag, seal
it and throw it in the clear bag as well, swinging it over my shoulder like
Santa, I come marching the street attracting a few glances and smiles along
the way.
Reaching Anna's house finally, I rap loudly on Anna's door ignoring the
bell. Yelling out "ANNA , IT'S RON , OPEN UP " in a voice that carries to
the neighbors.

<Anna> I look out the door, and see him standing there..with a big bag of
Oh dear....I can't believe Ron is doing this.
I tell Ron to "GO AWAY. What are you thinking of???"
But then I see the neighbor across the street heading this way, so I open
the door, and tell Ron to get in here fast before they see that bag you're
"But you aren't staying"...Just wait till they go back and then you can
leave too.

<Ron> I slip inside past Anna and proceed inside to the hallway, then look
back at Anna. "Well Anna there are two ways we can settle this matter. One, is
a spanking...and the other is a harder spanking, as I happened to see a certain car on
the street tonight."

<Anna> I look at Ron, and yell "YOU'RE CRAZY"

<Ron> "I'm crazy!!!, I thought you were NOT going to drive again???? " Ron
guides Anna with him toward the living room couch area.

<Anna> "I was not driving the must be seeing things that aren't
really there!"

<Ron> "We will discuss that matter another time soon, but right now I am
here to spank you for ruining my suit and the resultant loss of my new major
account. I DO have an appropriate punishment that will fit your crime,
Anna though."

<Anna> "NO...NO..this is not going to happen again!...Just go back home and
leave me alone. I will find a way to replace your suit. I promise I will.
so I start to move towards the door to show Ron out of my house.
"Ruining a suit is NOT a crime!"

<Ron> "Anna, you acted like a spoilt child deliberately spraying me with
that hose, and you have no money for insurance, let alone replacing my suit.
So BAD girls get spanked. And you Anna are a very bad girl."

I pull Anna back from the doorway looking into her eyes the whole time as we walk hand
in hand toward the couch, then releasing Anna and drop the contents of bag
onto the carpet. I then picks up the ice bag and places it on the table
while still maintaining eye contact with Anna I place all the instruments in a row,
neatly aligned on the same table as well.

<Anna> "I am not a spoiled child...or a bad take all that stuff and
get out of here.. NOW!" I slowly back away from Ron.

<Ron> "ANNA, you know you have this coming, so lets get this over with NOW."

<Anna> Looking at the ice cubes on the table, I look at Ron, trying to
figure out why he brought them with...but I still refuse to go any closer to

<Ron> Ignoring Anna's resistance I tell Anna, "Here is what is going to
1. You will remove your shorts and panties while you are in the kitchen
I don't trust letting you try to lock yourself in the bathroom.

2. Anna, you will then soak your panties in the kitchen sink under the
tap, and put them back on.

3. If you have any ice in the freezer, you will bring it here, Anna ,along
with a wash cloth and 2 towels.

4. You will place the cloth, Anna and ice on this table next to me.

5. You place the towels neatly across my lap, Anna.

6. You will then lay yourself Anna across my knee, on top of the towels.

7. You will get your spanking Anna, after a little preparation to keep
your panties bottom cool for you now.

Okay Anna now, GET MOVING and gets yourself prepared . We will let YOU see
how much FUN it is to be soaked, Anna."

<Anna> I can only stand there, looking at Ron in disbelief at what I just
heard him say to me.
"You are CRAZY...There is NO WAY I am going to go in the kitchen and do what
you just said. NO WAY!"

<Ron> I stand up from the couch and approach Anna, looking deeply into her
eyes. Placing one hand on her shoulder and the other under her chin. I say
to Anna , "Now you heard what I said young lady and I only say things ONCE.
So if I don't see you in that kitchen in 30 seconds, I am going to be making
a phone call to a certain friend across the street that does seem VERY
interested in seeing me at your door with my bags of "instructional
aids…….. Or………… maybe we could go outside….. if you like……
because your neighbor told me he saw the whole thing this morning.
He stopped me as I walked past him on my way home tonight, from work.
He said he could see you did it on purpose.
He thinks you're a really nice girl just need a little taming, from the
right man, when you get sassy. Well Anna I didn't tell him anything about
giving you a bare bottom spanking for damaging my car THEN...but maybe he
would be REAL interested in knowing and even maybe the details
…………maybe he'd like to see it for himself, IN PERSON that you didn't get
away with that stunt this morning of purposely spraying me with that garden

…to be continued in part 2