<Ron> "Anna now place the 2 towels on my lap and may sure they are
nice and flat. Then you can lie over the towels onto my lap."

<Anna> I put the towels on Ron's lap, then hesitate for a moment.

<Ron> "ANNA, I can see why you hesitated, you were about to get over my
knee the wrong way, well you will soon learn which way to face in the
future, unless you mend your ways quickly."

<Anna> I look at Ron for a second, then decide I had better do as I am
told, so I place myself over his knee.

<Ron> I settle Anna into position, getting her bottom in just the right
spot where I can perform the next stage. I reach over to get an ice cube
out of the bowl
Holding it with the washcloth to keep my hand warm. I grip it exposing only
one surface of the ice cube . Then lifting up the waistband of Anna's
panties, with my free hand I slide the hand holding the ice cube underneath
and begin rubbing the exposed edge against Anna's bare skin

<Anna> When I feel the ice cube on my skin, I almost jump off Ron's knee.

<Ron> Holding Anna down firmly and pushing her back in place I begin to
rub the ice cube slowly across the whole surface of each cheek until the
cube is gone. Then I reach for another and continue the process again. Still
rubbing the ice cube , I ask Anna "do you feel now that drenching me with
the cold hose water wasn't so funny after all, now that your bottom is
getting the cold chills."

<Anna> "No, Ron, I guess it wasn't funny, but this is not the same thing at
all, what you are doing to me...I'm really sorry I soaked you with the
hose" (I barely get these words out.)

<Ron> "Yes Anna I agree with you, it isn't the same thing you are sooo……
right, here I am, you with soaked cold feeling inside...
when I got the same cold chills but outside in front of the neighbor hood,
I had to really suck it up, to walk back home with the neighbors snickering
as I walked past.
MMMMMMMM yea Anna you are very right,
lets do go out to the bench in your front lawn."

<Anna> "I told you I was sorry, and I REALLY mean it. I didn't think you
would get that wet, and I didn't know anyone else was watching.
No, NO, NO.....don't take me outside like this, please don't..."

<Ron> As the third ice cube is melted away, I reach inside Anna's panties
with my bare hand and feel that nice cold damp chill as I can feel the pores
bumped up, now receptive to the coldness.
"Anna, I think one more cube should do the trick for now," as I reach over
and get a really large ice cube and purposely put the one large one I've
saved for this moment in front of Anna's face so she can get a bird's eye
view of the LARGE cube.

<Anna> Seeing that big piece of ice being held so close to my face, makes me
shiver even more than I already am....I'm freezing all over by this time and
now he has one more to use. I tell Ron I'm SO cold and I know he can feel
me shivering all over ..."So please stop now...I told you I am sorry and I
truly mean it." But he doesn't say anything at all, just keeps holding that
ice in front of me......

<Ron> "Anna, I brought this ice cube all the way from home. Now you
wouldn't want me to waste it."

<Anna> "But I'm FREEZING! I'm so cold Ron."

<Ron> "Well I will warm you up I promise, okay?"

<Anna> "Noooo.. I think this was enough. I'll NEVER soak you again with the
hose. I promise!!!"

<Ron> As I listens to Anna I start to rub the large cube against Anna skin
again under her panties . When she stops I continue to rub the cube all over
her bottom.
"Anna you are going to feel a sting in your bottom from my hand soon, that
is really going to surprise you. Now that your bottom is really cold it is
going to STING like the dickens, so be thankful for the chills right now,
believe me."

<Anna> A few tears begin to form in my eyes and I again beg Ron to let me
get up now, I'm SO SO cold and feel SO SO awful.

<Ron> As the Ron listens to Anna's pleas, he is happy that she is
repentant but knows that if he ever stopped now the lesson would be
"Anna after this cube is melted, I bet your bum even burns now from the cold,
but I think you deserve your come-uppance full measure. So I will spank your
panties until they are dry, that is if you are good during your spanking.
Otherwise I will wet them again and chill your bottom and spank it again
till the seat of your panties is bone dry again."
I show Anna the cloth now with the ice gone, and say to Anna,
"Well now the warm up "is at hand" so hang on tight, you are never going to
believe how much this is going to hurt, no damage but oooohhhhh what a
Ready Anna? Hang on tight!"

<Anna> "No....I want to get up right NOW...you gave me enough of a punishment
with that ice.
I want you to go back to your own house...NOW..............
I can't believe you did that with the ice. That hurt so much and now I'm
freezing and ...(starting to cry)..I want you to go..."

<Ron> "Anna, you are not going to want the strap on your bottom too in
this state after you feel my hand you can't EVER want to fell the pain of
the strap.
Here let me give you an example, so your conduct will improve and you don't
waltz your naughty cold bottom into a dusting off with the strap."
SPANK! as I land a firm hard spanks to Anna's right cheek.


<Ron> It is all I can do to hold Anna in place as the truly unbelievable
sting from a simple hand spank sinks in, It not a deep pain just a supreme
sting to it.

<Anna> "Don't do any more."

<Ron> "Anna, I promised you I would dry your panties for you ,so here
I land ten quick spanks to both cheeks.

<Anna> As Ron is delivering more spanks, I try desperately to get away from
him by squirming as much as I can.

<Ron> I grab one of Anna's hands as she reaches back and lift up her
panties and slide Anna hand across her own bottom. "Isn't it truly amazing
that your hand feels how cold your bottom is, but the terrible sting makes
you think it is very hot.. Well I guess you are not in the mood right now
for this strange paradox on the brain. I guess the sting is getting too
much of your attention right now." I openly laugh quietly,
A cold bum .but a stinging bum, cold but hot mmmmm
interesting mmmmmmmmmmmmm still chuckling.

<Anna> Totally mortified, I try to pull my hand out, away from my bottom,
and I try to figure out why he is laughing at all this. He is really mean.
I start getting really upset right now and start yelling at Ron, "STOP ALL
I try even harder now to get away from him, using all the muscle I can
gather right now and almost succeed but....

<Ron> I wrestle with Anna holding her down until she feels the futility
of the one sided struggle. "Well Anna the humor is going to be much later
when you are saying to yourself, Ron was right now that I think about it.
How could my bum sting so much and feel so hot and yet when my hand touched
it was clammy and cold.
I guess I have to keep my word though Anna and now spank till those panties
on your bottom are spanked dry."

<Anna> "That's all right Ron, you can forget your promise this time, I'll
forgive you..I really will."

<Ron> "No Anna, IT WOULDN'T feel right me breaking my word and giving you
the wrong impression , so I just have to spank you, mmmmm to bad………….

<Anna> "But no one would even know about your promise. Only me and I most
certainly am NOT going to say anything to anyone."

<Ron> "No , Anna you would say to yourself , that Ron I hardly have gotten
to know him (except maybe one side of me) very well and he has broken his
word already. No Anna , you panties will be dry……spanked dry."

<Anna> "But I do know you and wouldn't ever think that of you...we've known
each other for quite a while, but not as well as we do NOW, so, really, I won't think of it as you breaking your word."

<Ron> "So you really don't want me to hand spank your panties dry???"

<Anna> "No, Ron, I really don't." (feeling relieved)

<Ron> "Maybe you're right Anna, the strap would dry them faster I guess."

<Anna> "NOOooo!"

<Ron> "Well how do you want them dried? Fast or slow???"

<Anna> "I don't want them dried at all, I just want to get up..please...please."

<Ron> "You are NOT getting up." I land 2 spanks to each cheek. "And be
assured I am not waiting here to watch them air dry across my knee. So I
gather the hand spanking is your preferred choice, Anna."

<Anna> I can tell from the tone of his voice that he is not going to let up
on me at all.
He is not yelling or shouting at me , but just has an even calmness to his
voice...that is almost more unnerving to me than if he was yelling.

<Ron> "You are correct Anna, I will not let up with the spanking till your
panties are dry. I will be nice and not charge you for the dry cleaning."
With that Ron starts to spank Anna's cheeks firmly but not real hard, knowing
the sting involved Anna
is feeling, is all that she can handle right now as he sees her tears begin
to flow again.------

<Anna> "Ouchhh Ouchhhh Ouchhhhh!!!
Ouchhh Ouchhhh Ouchhhhhh!!!
Ouchhhh Ouchhhhhhhh Ouchhhhhhh!!!
Ouchhhh Ouchhhhhhhh Ouchhhhh."

<Ron> Hearing the ouches are not very loud decide to up the strength of
the spanks accordingly that will of course speed up the panty drying process
too. I grab Anna's hand during a pause and show her how the drying
process is coming along by placing her hand on her panties.

<Anna> He must be almost finished, I am thinking because my panties feel
almost dry now, as I quickly move my hand away.

<Ron> "Yes Anna, the process is coming along nicely, you don't have any more
panties in the washer you want to get dried do you Anna, while I'm at

<Anna> I answer with a shake of my head 'no.'

<Ron> "Ohhh!!!! that is really too bad as we were just getting good at it,
a pity to waste all this heat built up in your bottom Anna."

<Anna> "Well, I'm just glad it's all over with now!"

<Ron>"Who said it was over Anna , I said dry , they are still a little damp
really. Don't you think? Do you need another feel?" I feel them slowly.

<Anna>Not wanting to have to feel them again, I hold my hands together,
really tight, so he can't make me feel again.

<Ron> "Now Anna if I stopped now, we'd have to take them off and hang them
outside in the front yard from the hose, or maybe from the tree to get them
dry. now wouldn't it be better for me to finish the process here where we
are already to put the final dosage needed in place."

<Anna> I felt panic rising in me,, so all I could do was say ...."no...don't
do that. You can't be serious and hang them outside..please don't do that!"

<Ron> "Well them being white and all it would be symbolic of a surrender to
the hosing you gave me this morning."

<Anna> While unwilling to admit that to Ron, I knew that's what I was
doing, and did not like it. So I didn't know what to do...did not want the
panties hanging outside...that's for sure...so..

<Ron> "Anna, I guess I've been such a nice guy all along tonight in
spanking your bum for you to become a better person, I should just finish
the current treatment the way it is, but maybe we will hang them from your
mantle piece when I am done here or mine at home maybe for a week."
"It is funny, when I stop spanking, other ideas just pop into my head. Are
you sure you wouldn't rather I finish your spanking before I think of more
ideas, Anna?"

<Anna> "Finish..aren't you finished??? I think you are....because I am... I
am finished here and now, and I want you to let me get up right now." I
start to get myself up.

<Ron> I force Anna back into position and reach over for the strap on the
"Okay Anna here is a little slash for all your sass . SPLATTTTTT."

<Anna> Feeling his arm moving, I knew he was reaching for the strap on the
table, so I try to grab his hand before he can reach it, but I couldn't.

<Ron> "Anna you must think I like coming over here ruining my evening of
fun, just to spank your bare bum. Well it is a tough task to try to help you
out, and spoil my dinner plans tonight just because you were a naughty girl
BADLY in need of a good hard spanking. Now Anna you should be more
considerate of my time and energy."

<Anna> I shout out.. "Well no one asked you to come here and spank me...Why
would you ruin your dinner plans to come here anyway?"

<Ron> "My plan was to spank you at my place then I would be able to go out
afterwards for dinner but having to come here and all your stalling and
little tricks has ended up ruining my entire evening and now I am stuck here
having to spank your bottom all night."

<Anna> Feeling a little bold right now, I tell Ron "Well sorry for ruining
your plans...and this ruined my plans too.. and what do you mean by tricks?
and you will NOT be stuck here...so don't worry about that because you CAN

<Ron> "Anna I do have to fulfill my promise of making sure you have
dry panties to sit on, so you just get yourself set for the balance of you
spanking and I'll get those panties dry real fast for you."

<Anna> "You fulfilled it."
I just shake my head at this.

<Ron> "I think my most convincing argument is just to start spanking right
away only this time it will be a hot spanking full force for the finale, so
I won't get the brattiness at all I'm putting up with now."

<Anna> "What do you mean brattiness???"

<Ron> I lift up Anna's panties and look at her bright red bottom and then
say to Anna, "This is the cure for brattiness even if you don't know ya got
it yet. So if you want to consider it as a preventative treatment in you own
mind that fine too. Either way you're getting the full dose.
I promised you dry panties , I DID NOT SAY EITHER THAT I WOULD STOP the
moment they were dry."

<Anna>" Noooooooo no more NO MORE ".........I shout at Ron

<Ron> "Anna I just looked at your bare bottom and if you could see it from
my perspective you would know it take plenty more spanks. It is a nice firm
bottom the can take a lot more punishment than the love taps I have given
you so far. To emphasize the point I gently pat Anna bottom making it
jiggle. See Anna lots and lots more resilience left in your bottom."

<Anna> Totally embarrassed at his mention of looking at my bare bottom, I
immediately take my hands and put them on top of my bottom, so he can't look

<Ron> "Now Anna remember back the last time what happened to your hand when
you put them back to protect your bottom. Besides you have nothing to be
ashamed of it is a very lovely bottom indeed."

<Anna> "Oh yes, I remember what happened that night."......as I take my hands

<Ron> "That is better Anna," as I begin to tug Anna's panties into place
properly getting rid of any wrinkles that could impede the sting of my hand
being applied to Anna's panty covered bottom.
Smoothing them out very carefully, I take my time getting things just

<Anna> I wait.

<Ron> "Okay Anna, I think I have your bottom properly covered now, although
it is a challenge to do it right, alas I am ready to finish the last stage
of the drying …………the RED HOT stage.
Any last apologies before I start?
I'll take the silence as a NO!"

<Anna> "You're right...no more apologies from me..I gave you enough apologies
already....( starting to cry again) how many times do I have to tell you I'm

<Ron> So gripping Anna's waist tightly I start the hard spanking with fast
stinging blows bouncing both cheeks up and down in rhythm of my spanking
hand. After 20 I pause just to hear clearly Anna's reaction without the
sound of the spanks getting in the way.

<Anna> Owwwwwww

<Ron> Not hearing enough reaction I continue to spank up to 50 and listen
to Anna closely.

<Anna> Ouchhhhhhhhh

<Ron> Well I continue then to spank hard forgetting the count just
spanking and waiting for Anna to breakdown from her spanking.

<Anna> Owwwwwwww
now I start kicking my legs a lot......trying to make Ron stop spanking.

<Ron> Knowing the leg kicking is an early stage in the process I continue
landing hot stinging SMACKS to Anna's panties as the kicking and squirming
continue to get worse and worse.

<Ron> It is now time to bring on the spanks to the lower tender cheeks
areas to get the proper response from Anna as I watch closely as I spank for
the right moment to end the spanking.

<Anna> While Ron continued to spank, but now even harder and faster,
but I kept right up with him, kicking my legs harder and faster in an attempt
to get him to stop.

<Ron> Watching for the signs of real crying starting , Anna's body
shuddering is the sign I am looking for but don't see, so the panties may
be too much protection, but I don't want to pull them down because they may
be dry and then I'd have to stop. So I decide that the thighs are out of
bounds too, as that would not be drying the panties either. The only option
is then to spank even harder and faster till Anna has crossed the threshold
and broken down to a well spanked young lady.

<Anna> Finally realizing that all my kicking and yelling isn't get me
anywhere, I decide I should just stop fighting it, because I can clearly see
that he is not going to let up at all now, so I relax my legs and settle

<Ron> As I continue to spank, I say to Anna punctuating each word with a
"Anna SPANK, you SPANK ,are SPANK too SPANK big SPANK a SPANK girl SPANK to
SPANK be SPANK getting SPANK spanked SPANK so SPANKED often SPANK."

<Anna> "Well, Ouchhhh.... I.....Ouchhh.....agree.........so...just

<Ron> "Anna SPANK, no, SPANK,…….. are SPANK you SPANK ready SPANK to SPANK
be SPANK a SPANK good SPANK girl SPANK now SPANK."

<Anna> I am thinking I better stop trying to unwillingly prolong this
spanking,, so I tell Ron, in between spanks......"all right ... Ouchhh
... I will ... Ouchhhh.. be ...Ouchh..good ... for ...you

<Ron> Hearing Anna's answer, I realized she has finally decide to not
fight the spanking so I decide it time to end it. I rest my hand on Anna's
panties and declare them as dry.

<Anna> I am so relieved, as the spanking seems to have stopped, but I'm not
positive, and I am afraid to ask him if it is indeed over...so I wait and
don't say a word, but let my tears fall down my face.

<Ron> "Anna get up and put your panties on backwards and we will dry
the other side for you."

<Anna> I look at Ron, my eyes blazing.......looking for my shorts......

<Ron> I get up and walk to Anna and put my arm around her shoulder , "Anna
I was only kidding you, your spanking really is over."

<Anna> "I think you have spanked me more than enough...I can't take
any more of your spankings......they really hurt." I wipe the tears from
my eyes. I give Ron a look of relief. I see he is smiling now, and I don't
know why, because I don't find any of this funny, but I find myself smiling
back at him, through my tears.

<Ron> Ron reaches over to retrieve Anna shorts and gives them to her. "I am
not sure you want to try and squeeze your swollen red bottom into those snug
shorts now or not........ Maybe you want to slip into something more

<Anna> "I think you are right!"

<Ron> I go toward the table to gather my implements and put them in the
bag and then yell to Anna,
"Where do you want me to keep the spanking tools?"

<Anna> I was quick to say..."far far away from here!"

<Ron> "No Anna , I was thinking of avoiding the embarrassment of carrying
them up the street should you need a discipline session again."

<Anna> I go to the kitchen and bring him a big black bag and tell him to use
it. And not to worry about me needing any of the spanking tools..because I
will be good..Promise!

<Ron> "Okay," I say trustingly and put all the tools into the bag and sit
on the couch,........ "Oh by the way Anna…………..
I would guard then very carefully ....... if anything happens to get lost
I will replace it but not before it is used very effectively across you
bared rear end...... now that bag could easily be mistaken by someone as a
garbage bag and thrown out... it would be a shame if I had to come over with
a fresh supply and use ever one of them each night of the week till they had
all been replaced."

<Anna> "Well......not to worry.........it will be safe."

<Ron> "You had better get dressed don't you think?"

<Anna> I grab my shorts from the table and hurry upstairs to change.

<Ron> I look up to where Anna had escaped to and after sitting for a
couple of minutes decide I probably better get going so, I yell up to
Anna, " I think I will be going home, now, so take care where you sit
Oh, Anna by the way, we still have that matter aaaahh hhhem about that
little incident of you driving your car again. So why don't I just see you
Friday and we will find a way to eliminate your wanting to drive.
I am sure I can deliver some good suggestions where they will do the most
"GOODNIGHT!" I call up to Anna.

<Anna> I slam the bedroom door shut, pretending I did not hear a word he

THE END of story 2 in this series

go to story 3