by Brandy


“Jayme, I’ll be at the airport in about an hour and a half.”

“Ok sweetie, do you mind if I call my brother to pick you up? I am in the middle of cooking your favorite dinner.”

“Umm the stir fry?”

“Uhhh yes baby the stir fry.”

“Ok sweetie that sounds great. I’ll go ahead and call Jesse myself. See you in 2 hours. I love you.”

“Love you too.”


As I hang up the phone and look around I realize that I am going to be in big trouble! The office has paper work every where because I put of my thesis paper until the very last week when I had 2 months to work on it. I worked straight through the whole week Jason was gone. And now he is coming home 2 days early! When he sees the house he is going to realize that I lied during every conversation!

Lets see were to start first… Oh shit dinner! Another lie! And the chicken is frozen, I am out of veggies. I guess I will run to the store. 


An hour later….


Why of all people to pull me over does it have to be Jason’s partner!! Well at least I didn’t get a ticket for having no inspection sticker. But boy is Jason going to be pissed, he specifically told me to take the car in. And I said that I had.


Ok dinner is started, now onto cleaning.  I t will take more than the hour I have to get this place spotless the way Jason likes it and the way I always keep it.



“In the den sweet heart.”


As I look up not only do I see my husband but my brother and father as well. My face turns beet red in embarrassment (the house is still a disaster; thank heavens dinner is done with precooked chicken it really seems like I was cooking 2 hours ago!

 I run up and get Jason a big hug! I missed him so much while he was gone. Maybe he won’t notice the mess. As I start to leave his embrace he whispers, “As soon as your family leaves you need to walk straight to the corner, understood?” One more hug and kiss to disguise my embarrassment and to say “Yes, sir.”


Dinner was fabulous, at least that is one thing that I won’t be getting in trouble for, except... oh crap Jason just saw the grocery receipt on the counter. Another “You are in big trouble young lady” stare.


As the phone rings I don’t have to guess who it is especially after the look Jason just gave. It has to be Michael telling on me about the state inspection.


“Well honey I need to be getting out of here. Great dinner as always, just like your mothers.”

“Thanks daddy, Glad you liked it.  Let me walk you two to the door.”

“That’s ok Jayme I will walk them outside.”

Yes Jason, I get your message! As they walk out the door he sees me stomp off to the living room. Great, that’s all I needed, now I won’t sit for a year!


As I am staring at the corner and the mess on the floor (I threw all my dirty clothes in the corner as I was cleaning up.) I am thinking of all the trouble I am about to be in. Jason is cleaning up the kitchen, and then I hear him start to clean the rest of the house. Dang he only cleans when he is mad! Plus that means at least an hour in the corner. Finally I hear the vacuum shut off. He is coming down stairs and moving the coffee table. Not a good sign but I don’t dare look around! I am in enough trouble already.


“Jayme Lynn, come over here please.”

“Yes sir.”

“Would you like to start explaining?”

“Yes sir.”

“Go ahead, this I have got to hear.”

Taking a deep breath I start….


“My thesis paper was due yesterday. I didn’t start on it until the day you left. I was on the computer almost 24/7 for five days straight. That is why the house is so messy. I was figuring on you be home in two days that is why I told you on the phone everything was great. I thought I would have plenty of time to get the house looking perfect. I haven’t had time to grocery shop or take the car in. When you said you would be home I thought I would have enough ingredients for stir fry and then saw that I didn’t. I ran up to the store, and Michael saw me. That caused me to run behind even more.  I thought I would be able to explain as soon as you walked in the door, I also thought that I would have more cleaning done.” I lower my eyes which have tears flowing out of them. I hate disappointing Jason, and not just because of the spanking.


“So let me get this straight, your thesis paper which you have known about for 2 months suddenly became due. You deliberately disobeyed me by not taking the car in. Lied to me about because you “figured” it would be done by the time I got home. You also lied to me about the reason you couldn’t pick me up.” So instead of being honest from the get go and telling me you procrastinated and getting a minor spanking for that you let every thing go to hell while I was gone?” He had starting raising his voice something he rarely does and I cry harder. Still looking down I mumble my answer.

“Jayme, look at me.”

“Yes sir.”

“Ok I think you know what is going to happen. Would you care to tell me?”

“I am going to get a spanking. (Sob)”

“What kind of a spanking Jayme Lynn, and why?

“One with your belt, (sob,sob) for disobeying, procrastinating and lying. Then for trying to cover it up.”

“Ok lets get this over with. What I really want was a nice quiet evening with just the two of us, not to be spanking you the second I got home. I was planning on going horse back riding tomorrow. But I don’t think you will be riding any time soon. Ok you know the drill.”


I lift up my skirt and lower my panties, then climb over his knee. He doesn’t say a word. He just lifts up his hand and starts spanking. He starts really hard and fast which is a rarity for him. I am already crying begging for him to stop.

“Why should I stop Jayme?I am only just beginning.”

“I am sooo sorry” I wail while he is stopped.

“I know you will be young lady. This is the worse behavior I have ever seen from you.”

He continues to spank HARD, for another 5 minutes. MY bottom has got to be bright red by now, no crimson!

I am sobbing uncontrollably. I don’t even notice that the spanking has stopped.

“Go to the corner honey,” he says softly, lovingly.

I go keeping my hands away from my bottom.

After 10 minutes pass and I have calmed down, he calls me back to him.

“You know we have to finish. I wouldn’t be doing my part as head of this house hold if I let this go thoroughly unpunished?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ok bend over the couch,”

I look to his waist to see which belt he has on. It is the thick long one. Damn my bad luck.

“You are getting fifty, and I want each one counted.”

I hate it when he does this. Swish! Smack onnnneee!!

Swish Smack, Swish smack OWWWWWWWWWW, Twoooooooo!

This goes on until I have received about one hundred, if I didn’t count it it doesn’t count.


"Ok Jayme. Go up to your room."

I go up to our room feeling like a naughty child. He didn’t even hold me! That hurt more than anything! I disappointed him and upset him that badly. I start crying more, and not because of the pain in my bottom but the one in my heart. I take off my clothes and put on one of his big t-shirts. I fall into bed sobbing. Then I feel him rubbing cream onto my bottom. Talking gently to me as he does so.

When he is finished he pulls me into his arms and I cry harder.

“Its all over honey. Calm down, you’re forgiven. You’ll be on restriction for a while but we can talk about that tomorrow morning.”

As I fall asleep in his arms I don’t see him smile or hear him say…

“That was some welcome back!”

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