A young lady named Alice
by Ron

There once was a young lady named Alice,
Who lived all of her life in a golden palace.
She played tricks on the others without malice,
Even though many though of her as callous.

It wasn’t until one day a man came along
And that’s where Alice’s plan went wrong.
This fellow knew what Alice badly needed
But his warnings were blindly not heeded.

For Alice, he was a new challenge to taunt,
Life was boring getting every that you want.
Thus Alice set about to develop a brave plan,
That would make him the best victim in the clan.

It wasn’t long before Alice’s brat mode thrived
And the moment to hatch her plan indeed arrived.
Alice watched as the maid picked up his clothes,
And then waited till she was otherwise disposed

When the maid picked up more this and that,
Alice added some red dye to the washing vat.
Then to top things off nicely for the ‘coup de gras’
Something that would certainly be the last straw,

She added only hot water replacing the cold.
That would make the cotton garments old.
She snickered thinking of their new fit.
He might even split his pants trying to sit.

Alice wandered off, her deed now set to a tee.
She couldn’t hide her unnatural new glee.
The spirit to her gait was there once again,
Imaging too the effect of the pink red stain.

However unknown to Alice’s clever scheme,
The maid was no dummy, so it would seem.
Seeing Alice in the laundry area was the flaw.
It told her, Alice had something in her craw.

As soon as Alice had left the lower level hall,
She peered into the wash vat and that told it all.
It was then that she corrected the soon to be mess
And next went to the young gentleman to confess.

He rewarded her alertness with a soft smile
And said I will just wait, for Alice in a while.
Then whispered a little, for only her to hear
A plan that had her grinning from ear to ear.

Alice who had planned to get her in trouble,
This was going to burst her own wee bubble.
The maid went back soon to finish the laundry,
Seeing nothing of Alice left her in no quandary.

The golden sun rays soon did their warming deed
And the young man’s clothes were fine indeed.
When all had gathered later in the main hall,
Alice appeared beaming in her golden shawl.

The twinkle in her eyes was abated when she spied,
The young man without his fine clothes red dyed.
As she pranced around closer, she was taken aback,
As her bottle of red dye was on top of his pack.

Alice had ventured too close to his wooden table.
As the young man stood up to tell of her fable,
His arm held her fast, as he told of the tale.
Her vigorous struggling was to no avail.

Now the young mans sat down once again,
Pulling Alice across his knee, his plan plain.
Alice feverishly struggled, but was no match.
The young man held securely onto his catch.

“Now Alice it seems, a lady of your class,
Should not resort to words with such sass.
Thus I have no choice but to bare your ass.”
The room went as silent as a Sunday mass..

The young man went about his task with glee,
But t’was not the case for the lady of twenty three
As her bottom was soon bared, for all there to see
She kicked her long legs uttering more profanity.

Now Alice’s bare young white virgin ass
Was indeed quite ample, as he stared a gash.
For Alice was quite a nimble young lass,
And not what he had thus expected alas.

But nature has it own way, in good time,
Separating the ridiculous from the sublime.
Thus the most bratty and haughty of lasses,
Do seem to have the most spankable asses.

It wasn’t till the young man landed a spank,
That Alice knew she had her past to thank.
For rather than getting some help or sympathy,
Alice heard cheers as she lay across his knee.

But when the first spank had made its mark,
She wished the palace would have gone dark.
The stinging sharp pain in her spanked cheek,
Hadn’t even yet reached its glowing red peek.

When the young man landed yet another,
She tried her very best, her face to smother.
She hated to see the glee in all their faces
As her red bare bottom showed the traces.

The young man’s red hand prints glowed,
As he went on to fill the gaps that showed.
The spanking echoed around the grand hall.
Her cries resounding as she started to bawl.

Her attitude changed as the spanking went on.
Gone was the attitude as the tears came along.
Her pleading was now not filled with vulgarity.
Her promises were asking for some charity.

When she finally was lost in the sting of her bum,
The spanks still landed, her emotions went numb.
When she was stood alas on her feet to his right,
She peeked at her bottom that was quite a sight.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as he chided.
Then he lowered her gown, as cheers subsided.
She ran from the hall as her panties dangled.
Her respect for the young man was new fangled.

Alice knew what had caused her metamorphosis.
But didn’t know how to cope with the new emphasis.
In spite of the pain from her glowing rear cheeks
Her upper cheeks glowed to a new found peeks.

Her body felt alive as it never had before,
She turned to the mirror, her bottom so sore.
She gave it a soft rub to mellow the deep sting,
But not to dampen the glow it would still bring.

She stood in front of the mirror for hours it seemed.
The new women before her, here forever she deemed.
She freshened up and with a light spring to her step,
Reentered the main hall, her body filled with pep.

The room fell to a hush amongst the whole clan,
As Alice sat down right next to the young man.
Without saying a word she kissed him on the cheek,
Then shuffled on her seat, as she took a little peek.

His whole left hand was a glowing red, as he turned,
No doubt from delivering the spanking she earned.
She kissed it softly, holding it in both her soft hands
Then whispered in his ear, it seemed a few plans.

Both their eyes sparkled as the castle light reflected.
The day had not ended as one would have expected.
But it was the beginning for Alice in wonderland.
For our Alice had indeed met her prince of a man.

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