What IS it about accountability anyway?

By Kree


I mean, really. What's all the hype about it? My online dictionary gave me

this for a description:


ac·count·a·ble   Pronunciation Key  ( -koun t -b l)


1. Liable to being called to account; answerable. See Synonyms at


2. That can be explained: an accountable phenomenon.

So what's the big deal? Answerable? What's with THAT? One synonym is



So what is the big deal with accountability and this love of spankings

anyhow? JUST because it makes me feel good when I make an arrangement with

someone to work on changes in my life. Just because it makes me feel good to

know someone out there cares about what I do or don't do. Just because being

accountable for my own actions makes sense sometimes. Those are NO reasons

to love accountability as I do.


But I love accountability. I love that little moment when someone asks, "Did

you?" or "Have you?" or "How could you?" But why do I? Why do such small

little questions make my stomach churn in a way that the next movement will

be a tightening of my bottom cheeks?


What IS the big deal about accountability anyway? HMPH!


I sit here and stare at a blank screen and wonder what my next story will

be. I have a tendency to want to be different. Go figure right? But then my

mind goes blank. How many spanking stories can there be anyway? And just

WHAT makes a spanking story good?


Accountability. That's what.


I can only speak from my own experiences but I can be arrogant and assume

there are quite a few others that totally understand the concept of this

spanking stuff we love so well. That moment just before the spanks actually

begin, whether real or cyber. That thrill that someone is giving you the eye

of disappointment. That tightening in your throat, your belly, your butt

cheeks. That tenseness that you feel because you didn't keep your promise or

you did what you weren't supposed to or you did something the wrong way.


Suddenly you find yourself standing there, being held accountable.


My shoulders shudder simply typing the word. Why? Why IS that? What the hell

IS it about accountability anyway?


What it is, from where I am sitting, is that knowledge that yes, you ARE

important to someone somewhere. We all need that. Deep inside we all do. We

need to know someone is going to ask why, or how come, or why not. We need

to know someone worries and frets and plans and hopes and I believe most of

all, we need to know someone somewhere is proud when we do things right.


But when you look at accountability from a spanking perception, it seems to

take on a whole new and different meaning. Regardless of the question,

accountability is a surefire sign that a spanking will be inevitable. Isn't

that the goal in the first place?


That spanking that shows someone really does care what you do or don't do.

That spanking that can only give the freedom of forgiveness when you forget

promises made or when your actions have or could have caused harm. That

spanking that shows you've done wrong and didn't hold yourself

accountable .. but someone else will.


So what's the connection?


I'm certain as I sit here and type and ponder my next words, that every

person in this world who enjoys the art of getting spanked, knows the agony

of disappointment when one isn't given. Every person who loves the thrill of

being upside down, or their hearts fluttering as skirts are raised, panties

are lowered, bottoms upturned, knows the pain of not having any of these

occur for a certain period of time.


I'm certain as I sit here that every person in this world who loves the

dream of getting spanked knows that even if a spanking does NOT occur, there

is more that sends the same thrill of excitement down spines.


That's accountability.


A question as simple as "Did you?" can have the same effect on me as being

turned upside down. Words as small as "Why not?" can turn my stomach into a

nest of butterflies just as certainly as the breeze felt on naked cheeks.


That's accountability.


I can sit here and smile and know for a fact that everyone in this world who

has been held accountable has followed it with a verbal HMPH or "pout" or

"stomp" or followed with a typed "no" or "how come?" or "well . sort of .."

and can make as much noise as possible of the indignity of it all .. and yet

deep inside carries a Cheshire cat grin that someone somewhere, cared enough

to ask.


That's accountability.


So what IS the big deal about accountability anyway? The big deal is

accountability makes you just as special as receiving a spanking does. THAT

is a big deal in my book.


"Kree? Your deadline is getting closer young lady."


I looked at my monitor and the words blurred as my eyes watered.


"Yes Sir. I'm almost finished."


"Good girl."


Accountability? It IS a big deal. It's a way of life.