The Adventures of Amber and Kate

By Amber

I first met Kate when I was in my last year of college. I had been married to Dan for about 14 months when his friend John and his wife Kate joined us for dinner and a movie. We had met formally at our wedding, but at the time they lived in another state and had recently moved to our city.

From that first time we met, Kate and I felt like we had known each other forever. Our friendship meshed from this beginning point into something we still treasure to this day.

Our first adventure occurred when I was studying for finals. This happened to be at the time when the movie ‘Dances With Wolves’ was released and since Kate and I were avid Kevin Costner fans, we couldn’t wait to see it! But of course, there was a hitch in our plan, that being my husband Dan. I had promised him to devote my time to studying for my finals, as I was a natural at procrastination.

The understanding we had was that after my last final on Monday, I could go and celebrate with Kate by seeing the movie. Now, Dan was usually not that overbearing when it came to my studies, but he always stressed the importance of making good grades, as they lead to better paying jobs and all that, and he had noticed a lack of enthusiasm on my end, so we had a few ‘discussions’ about that.

The result of those discussions was of course, to no advantage to my hind-end, but we won’t go there at this time.

It was on the Friday morning before my Monday final that Kate called. I had been studying about 2 hours when Kate called. “I was given 2 tickets to see the sneak preview of ‘Dances With Wolves’ but they are only for the 12 noon matinee today, can you go?” Now, I was sitting at the office desk, my books spread out all over, note cards here and there, as I was trying to be good and study.

“Oh Kate, I promised Dan I would study all day so we can have some free time this tomorrow, then I have to study again on Sunday afternoon! You know my final is on Monday and I just have to make the best grade possible or my GPA will be affected.”

Kate was disappointed and said, “I understand, I kind of guessed you would say you couldn’t go as John told me you and Dan had come to some agreement with your studies. (I wondered just how much Dan had told John about our agreement, but didn’t offer any comments at this time.) I will see it again with you next Friday when it hits the theaters. I will call Stephanie and see if she can go instead.”

Now, normally, I wouldn’t have a problem with this at all, as our neighbors Stephanie and Charlie were also good friends, but it was the thought of Kate seeing it for the first time without me, that made me decide to break my agreement with Dan. So I told Kate “No, don’t call Stephanie. I will go with you. I will meet you in front of the theaters at 11:45 okay?”

“But what about Dan? Won’t he be upset?” Kate said.

Upset was a basic word for what he would be IF he found out, but I planned to not tell him. I didn’t want to explain all this to Kate until we met for the movie so I told her “He will understand, as he knows how long we have been waiting for it to be released. Besides, he will not even know I went, as he is in an all-day meeting at work and won’t even be home at his usual 3:30. The movie can’t be that long anyways, so we will I will have plenty of time to be back.”

“Great, I will meet you at the theater then!” said Kate.

We went to the movie and had a wonderful time, both of us just amazed at how good Kevin Costner looked in a uniform! We had a cup of coffee after the movie and talked about the best parts of the movie. I regrettably didn’t remember to warn Kate that I was not going to tell Dan about seeing the movie with her that afternoon. Everything would have been fine, if Dan and I had not gone to their house for dinner and a card game the next night.

We were sitting having dessert and coffee when John asked me how my studying was going, and I told him I was pretty confident I would do fine. John looked at Dan and said

“I was surprised to come home yesterday and hear from Kate that she and Amber went to see the sneak preview yesterday. Glad you let her go, as I couldn’t take time off work to go with Kate.”

I felt Dan tense the moment the first part of that comment was made. I quickly said to Kate,

“Lets go put these dishes away, I’ll help you clean up”. Kate started to stand up but Dan stood and said, “No, let us clean up Kate, you and John cooked, we can clean up while you 2 go get the card table set up.” This being said he grabbed my arm, with one hand and some plates I had piled up, in his other hand. I hesitated for a second, looking at him very wearily, when he leaned to me and said “Kitchen. NOW.” So of course, I went into the kitchen. I started to load the dishwasher while Dan went and gathered the rest of the dishes. I turned to take the last glasses from Dan when he put his hand under my chin and said “You and I will be having a discussion when we get home about this movie you went and saw yesterday. What did we agree to?” I looked at him with my best innocent look and answered him by saying “I don’t remember?” Almost as if he knew that would be the answer, he turned me sideways and landed one hefty smack on my bottom, then said, “Care to try that answer again?”

Now, being who I am, stubborn to a fault, I jerked away, put my hands on my hips and said “NO I wouldn’t like to discuss this now, or later at home! I have busted my butt all week studying and figured one little movie would not hurt!” Wrong words to say, as Dan immediately pulled me to him so we were nose-to-nose and said: “You have just made one big mistake Missy! I think we will go tell John and Kate that we can’t stay for cards as we have something that we have to do right away!” As I opened my mouth to protest he said “Say ANYTHING except ‘Yes, Sir’ and you and I will have a start to our discussion, right here, right now, where they will hear me tenderize your little butt, then we will still leave, and we can go home so I can show you what a ‘busted butt’ feels like! So it is your choice!” Biting my bottom lip with my teeth, it took me a few seconds to contemplate his comment, wondering if he would really spank me here, but when I saw his left eyebrow lift, I sensed he read my thoughts!

“Yes Sir” I said

“Good choice. Now, let’s go make our excuses.” And he took my hand, leading me to the den where Kate and John were getting the table ready. “Amber just remembered something she needed to discuss with me that can’t wait so we are going to take a rain check on the game tonight.”

John looked at Dan and somehow, he is a mind reader as well, and John looked at me and said, “That’s okay, we can get together next weekend and play cards.”

On the way home I refused to talk to Dan, and sat pouting in my seat as he did all the talking on and on about how I promised to study and not be distracted so we could have a night out without either of us worrying about my exam, and how if I had told him about the movie, he would not have been happy, but my spanking would’ve been mild unlike the butt busting I had coming now. As soon as he parked the car in the garage, I jumped out of the car without waiting for him to open my door and walked into the house.

He quickly followed behind me, landing smack after smack telling me to get to the bedroom. I turned in the hall and very sassily said “You are being so unfair about this! I knew if I told you about the movie you would spank me! And besides, you quizzed me on my studies when you came home and I knew the answers, so WHY you are so upset is beyond me. I will make an A on that final!”

And with that, he bent down on one knee, propelled me over his bent knee, threw up my skirt and drew my panties down without blinking an eye! “Obviously I need to show you so you do understand since talking to you is getting us no where!”


By this time I was regretting my hasty comments and said, “I understand, I understand!!” I was surprised when he stopped, then stood me up. It was short lived however, as he said, “Now, shall we continue to the bedroom where we can finish our discussion?” I was rubbing my tenderized butt as he was saying this, and not wanting to add to his irritation, I turned and walked to the bedroom, rubbing as I went. He grabbed my hand and said, no rubbing, you can do that after I am done! And then led me to the bed, sat down, and motioned me to come to him.

“Dan, I am sorry I disappointed you, I understand now, can’t we just forget it now?”

His answer was to start to count to 3; I knew that when he counted there was no more time for begging, so in order to prevent the rest of the ‘discussion’ being much worse, I ‘willingly’ (hate that word sometimes) went over his knee again.

After baring my tush again, and truly busting my butt for me, giving me no less than 140 more smacks. (He asked how long the movie was as Dan is BIG on giving smacks for each minute I spend outright disobeying him) Not that I could count, he smacked way to fast for thinking anything except how much this was hurting!

When he was done and he let me up and I did the  ‘after-a-spanking dance’, the one where you furiously try to rub the sting out. A few minutes later after I had calmed down some, Dan gathered me in his arms and rubbed my back, letting my finish my cry on his shoulder. This of course, made me cry harder at first, as I knew I had disappointed him again. Dan told me my punishment was over for now, but if I made anything less than a B+ on my final, my butt was going to feel this way for a month of Saturdays as he would spank it weekly a reminder of what I could have prevented had I only stuck to the agreement.

I did manage an A on the final, thank goodness. But I wisely didn’t remind him I told him I would make an A. Why is it men just can’t stand to hear “I told you so??”


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