By Amber


About 6 months after meeting Kate I felt like we had known each other forever. We had shared so much just in this short time. Sharing parts of our lives was one thing, but to share what we did this time, was not something we ever wanted to share again.

It started out quite innocently, as most things with us usually did. We had invited Kate and John over for dinner and a few games of cards. For some reason, none of us could really get into Euchre that night so we decided to try out our new Ping Pong table. The first few games went well, as we played doubles. Being the competitive person that I am, when it came time for Kate and I to play against the 2 men, I started to boast at how we would definitely win since I had made all the winning moves in the previous games.

I didn’t catch on to the fact that Dan had deliberately let me have those shots so I would feel good since I rarely won when he and I played. Dan and John looked at each other and seemingly read each other’s minds.

The first 2 games, we did win.

“See, I told you we could beat the men Kate! So who has better coordination now guys huh?” I said as we were taking a small break by having some lemonade in-between games.

“Yes Amber, you were so right, these boys are worse at this than they are at pool!” Kate said.

“John, I do believe we have 2 ladies who have gotten a little too big for their britches.” Dan said as he handed John another glass.

“I do believe you are right Dan, guess it is time to start showing them how coordinated we really are.” Said John.

“HA, don’t you even think you can start telling us you “let us win.” Dan has never done that so why would he start now?” I stated.

“Okay ladies…we will make a deal with you. We will play 3 more games and see who wins 2 out of 3. The losing team has to do the dishes and clean up everything.” Dan said.

I talked it over with Kate for a second and said, “Okay, you guys have a bet!”

We one the first game…and then they won the second.

“We let you win that one so you would not feel too much like the losers you are!” Kate said. I was shocked, as I had never heard her speak so sassily to John before. Apparently John wasn’t shocked.

“Watch your tone Kate, or I will use this paddle on something other than the ping pong ball. Understood?”

This comment really surprised me because even though I suspected Kate knew how Dan dealt with my misbehavior, until now I did not realize Kate was treated with the same type of discipline at their home.

“Yes sir” Kate said but I could see from the look on her face she only said it for his sake.

Feeling a tad bit uneasy, I said, “Let’s get this last game over so the guys can start cleaning up. Won’t they look soooooo cute in the aprons Kate?” giggling I picked up the ping-pong paddle, and caught Dan’s eye. It clearly said, “Be careful or else.”

It was a good game, both teams doing their best. It was when the score was 10 to 11 in their favor that we started to worry. So I started to flirt with Dan, making comments right at the moment he was to be watching the ball.

At Game point, the ball hit the ground near Dan and I walked over to get it, and after looking to see John looking at Kate, I turned and bent over, leaning down enough for Dan to see my panties under the tennis skirt I had on. I knew what this does to Dan, and sure enough I heard the softest gasp as he saw what I put on display. I then stood up and handed the ball to him, intentionally running my fingers in the center of his palm, his most sensitive part of his hands.

John saw that part and said “Stop trying to distract him, you gals are going to loose and you know it!”

Sure enough…when Dan served the last ball. The one that would end the game. He deliberately hit it hard and fast enough to make it zoom past. I hated it when he played like that and he usually refrained, as he knew I thought it was unfair.

“NO way, that is NOT fair Dan! You know I hate it when you do that!” I said.

“Too bad ladies, a game is a game, so start cleaning! Oh and bring us a beer would you? We are hot and played hard so we want to cool off.” said Dan.

We knew we they were right, so we put the equipment away. Once we were in the kitchen, I got out the beer. As I was taking off the caps, an idea came to me of how we could get back at the guys.

“Hey Kate, didn’t the guys say they were hot from playing so hard? Let’s dump the beer into glasses, refill them with water and cool them off quickly.” I suggested.

“Oh Amber, John will have a fit! Are you sure we should do that?” said Kate.

“Well, I am going to, but if you want to chicken out, fine” I said and turned to walk downstairs with my beer for Dan.

Never one to be called a chicken, Kate sighed and picked up Johns' beer, then followed me.


Part 2

I carefully walked down the stairs with Kate following, and was tickled to see the men sitting in front of the television with their backs to us. They didn’t even notice we were behind them as they were watching the re-caps of a football game.

As I stepped closer, I quietly put the tray on the ping pong table, still holding onto the bottle and quietly whispered to Kate “On 3”

Kate came around to stand next beside me. I held up one finger and then 2 and started to tip the bottle.

“THREE!” I shouted, and we dumped the water filled beer bottles over their heads.

“AMBER!” Dan yelled.
“KATE!” John yelled.

We turned and started for the stairs, and as I was ahead of Kate, I heard her call out “NOOOOO” I knew someone had caught her. Without taking the time to glance behind, I kept going, until 2 strong arms lifted me right off the bottom stair I had just put one foot on. Without knowing who had me, I was turned and put over a shoulder.

I then knew, it was Dan who had me, as it was his green polo that I was face to face with.

“Dan, you PUT ME DOWN!”

“Oh you are going down little girl, you are going DOWN OVER MY KNEE!”

I was mortified and embarrassed that John and Kate had heard him say this, so I begged,
“Noooo, not here…. take me upstairs PLEEEEASE! I don’t want a spanking here!"

Then I heard John say, “Don’t be embarrassed Amber, Kate will be going over my knee as well!” I turned and looked to see John sitting in one of the recliners, with Kate standing between his legs. Dan stood me on the ground and sat in the recliner next to John, not caring that it was a little damp. He stood me in front of him, and I started to giggle at the sight of his wet hair, all disheveled (He’s VERY vain about his hair).

“You may think this is funny, but I guarantee you will not be laughing when I am done!”

“But honey, you said you guys were sooooooo hot, we just thought we would help you cool off faster!” I said.

Before I could blink Dan turned me to the side and had walloped my backside in quick succession.


John then stood up and told Kate “Don’t you DARE move and inch young lady!”
“Yes Sir.” She responded.

We watched as John went over to the ping-pong table and grabbed 2 paddles.

“Dan, I don’t know about you, but since this is the girls first twin spankings, I suggest we use these convenient paddles, and Kate can thank her lucky stars these are here or she would be bare bottomed as the day she was born!” Having said this, he handed a paddle to Dan.

Almost at the same time Kate and I started pleading with them not to spank us, that we would never pour water over their heads again, but the men ignored our pleas and within a few seconds, we were both over their laps and looking at the cement floor.

“John, I think I am going to give Amber at least 40 good swats, as I can almost bet this was her idea!” Dan told John.

“She may have thought it up, but Kate sure didn’t have to do what she suggested. I say an even 50 would be better don’t you?”

I was embarrassed enough to be in this position and to hear them discussing how many swats we were going to get had me fuming! I didn’t get the chance to voice this however, as it was at this moment the first smack landed on our skirts!

Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap

We did not even have time to plead in-between the spanks. Apparently John felt the same way as Dan as to "getting right down to business."

Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap.

By the time they reached 25 swats we were both begging for mercy, tears streaming down our faces and swearing we would never be bad again! But both men had their minds set on making sure we knew this would never be tolerated and so they started to take turns spanking and lecturing us!

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! "I cannot believe you, Amber Christine, that you would even THINK I would enjoy being cooled off that way!”
Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

“And you Katherine Elizabeth!” Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! “Just because someone decides to be naughty, does not mean you have to join in!” Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

(HA, John thought this was “naughty”? This was nothing compared to what we were capable of doing, but I wisely withheld that information as all I wanted was for this spanking to be done!)

Without saying another word, the men proceeded to finish the spanking.
Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

“Are you in total understanding Amber that this is NEVER to happen again?”

“Yeess Sir, I understand!” and with that he turned me to sit on his lap.

“How about you Kate? Are you going to do this again?” asked John.

“No, Never Sir!” and then Kate was sitting on his lap.

We sat crying, cuddled in our husbands arms for a few minutes when
Dan turned to look at John and said “John, I do believe we have 2 little ladies here who will think twice before they try to do this again!”

“Yes, and while I have Kate here in front of you, Dan, let me make something else clear! Kate, when you are with Amber, and you get in trouble, I give Dan full and total permission to dole out any punishment Amber receives to you as well. IS that understood?

“Yes, it’s understood.” Said Kate, looking at the John.

“And Amber, John has the same permission to do likewise with you, on the spot. Do YOU understand?”

I thought for about 5 seconds before saying “What I understand is that you 2 are nothing but big bullies and if you think I will EVER let John spank me, you are NUTS!” The second I was done with that sentence, I so wished I could take it back. I heard Kate's gasp, as she was shocked at what I had just said!

Dan froze, speechless that I would raise my voice like that, let alone say what I just did. (If only he had stayed frozen!)

“I guess I didn’t make myself clear!” and that said Dan turned be back over his knee, started to lift my skirt while I frantically wiggled to get loose. Before I could say jack sprat the paddle landed again, this time striking my silk panty covered bottom, which may as well have been bared for the impact that it had!

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! “Am I making myself more clear now honey?”
Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

“Yes, please stop, I understand, I understand! I said.

“Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! "What was that?” Dan asked?

“I meant Yes Sir, I understand, Pleeeeease stop spanking me!” I said.

Dan once again righted me and I put my head on his shoulder, crying out my misery, not even worried that John and Kate had seen my panties, as the pain in my bottom was like a thousand bees stinging me!

After holding us on their laps for a few more minutes, John and Kate got ready to leave. As Dan and John stood talking, I walked with Kate to their car.

"Kate, I am so sorry! I just can't stand to loose and I didn't think Dan would get so upset as it was just a little water!"

"Shhh, don't let him hear you say that! and it's okay Amber. John was right, I didn't have to listen to you. But, it sure was fun to see John jump out of that chair like he had sat on a tack!" Kate said with a little giggle.

It was then that I realized just how much Kate and I were alike. Even though we were both still shocked at what had just happened, somehow we also knew this would only be the first of many "shared spankings." And we were right!


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