Christmas Angel

by Katy

Angel Caitlyn sat in her heavenly room with her wings spread around her body, chin on her knees and a scowl was on her face. “What’s with St. Peter anyway?” she sulked to herself. She sat there waiting to be summoned for her punishment, which she felt was so wrong. HRMMFF, the man had no sense of fun.

As she sat there pouting, St. Peter was explaining to His Highest Holiness about Angel Caitlyn’s latest escapades. The Good Lord couldn’t help but laugh when he heard, however St. Peter wasn’t finding it quite so funny. “Your Lord, she can’t be allowed to get away with things like this. Even if she does them out of the kindness of her soul, she should observe some dignity. I’m mean after all, almost naked with her wings plainly showing and wearing “red” nothings. It was barely covering her.

The Lord sat down and motioned St. Peter to join him. “Okay, Pete, calm down and tell me the whole tale from the beginning.”

St. Peter sat and joined God at the table. “It all began like this….”

Two weeks earth time earlier...

St. Peter was sitting at his desk reviewing the reports from Earth. It was his daily duty to match up angels with those on earth needing special help. Ever since Caitlyn had won the bet with Satan, and saved her three friends, Satan had indeed been busy. He didn’t take losing well. St. Peter had been very busy trying to keep souls out of his grasp. All it took was a bit of temptation and some fell hard. Perhaps it was a spell of boredom, or just experimentation, but whatever it was, Satan was right there to jump in.

As St. Peter reviewed the reports for the day, he noticed that one man seemed to need some heavenly help. He was overworked and needed some help to relax a bit. Yes, a good man, but definitely needed some intervention as Satan was about ready to figure out his own form of diversion for him. St. Peter hit the intercom button and called for his assistant, Job. He was the only one who had the patience enough to handle the job. “Job, please bring the list of idle angels to me, I have need of one.”

Job hung up and shook his head; St. Peter wasn’t going to be happy at all with his list. He grimly and patiently got up from his desk and took the sheet of paper to St. Peter.

St. Peter took the sheet and then looked up incredulously at Job. “This can’t be right! You must have made a mistake somewhere.”

“No, Peter, I’m afraid that with all of the demand lately, the only angel available for duty right now is Caitlyn. She is a very good angel. I think she could be just the one.”

“I wasn’t too happy with her methods the last time I sent her down. She is still a rookie angel, and hasn’t quite learned the ‘proper’ ways yet. Are you sure, there is no one else available?”

Job shook his head. “No, she is the only one available at this moment. If you care to wait a day or two, some others may finish their current assignments.”

St. Peter read over the report and rubbed his chin. With a big sigh he turned to Job, “No, this won’t wait, please have Caitlyn report here immediately.”

Job left St. Peter’s office smiling. “This ought to be very interesting to watch. He liked Caitlyn and knew she was perfect for the assignment.” He immediately sent a junior angel to fetch Angel Caitlyn.

Caitlyn was busy in her room pruning her feathers. They did tend to get all unruly if she didn’t keep after them. She wanted them to look nice in case she was called for an assignment some time soon. St. Peter still seemed to be a bit miffed about her last one. That baffled her, as she had won the bet and saved her friends. He hadn’t told her she couldn’t do it anyway necessary. When the junior angel knocked and told her St. Peter wished to see her, she quickly ran a comb through her long blonde hair. She was trying blonde for a while; she had grown tired of the other colors. She quickly slipped on a sparkling white robe and hurried to St. Peter’s office.

Job was waiting for her. “This way Caitlyn.” Job announced her to St. Peter and closed the door.

“Good morning Caitlyn, please be seated.” St. Peter motioned her to a chair. “I have an assignment for you. I would have preferred to send someone more experienced, but they are all busy, so you will have to do. I don’t expect you to disappoint me this time. I want you to be the model of properness this time, do you understand?”

“Yes, St. Peter, what is the assignment?” Caitlyn was anxious to please him and couldn’t wait to find out what she would be doing.

St. Peter explained calmly to her about the good man on earth, who was overworked and needed a bit of diversion to relax. “It will be your job, to help him find a way to relax some and get away from his work. Just remember, you need to think about what you do, and whatever you do, avoid Satan, he holds a grudge for a long time.”

“Thank you for allowing me this chance. I promise you won’t be disappointed.” Caitlyn stood and St. Peter waved his hand and she floated down to earth. When she landed she was in a large metropolitan area in the month of December of 2002. She was dressed appropriate for the times and had an address that would be her home base, and the name and address of her assignment.

Caitlyn walked around looking at all the stores and people. She finally found a newspaper and discovered she was in New York City. “Wow, the largest city in America. This should be fun.”

She quickly made herself invisible and went to the address of her assignment. There he was working away on a whole array of computers. The man looked tired and worn out, and from the looks of things, hadn’t eaten more than a few meals in the last few days.

She needed to find out what he was working so hard on. She peeked over his shoulder and blushed, even though no one could see her. He was working on a site of spanking stories. Why he was even putting pictures up and calling them a ‘Challenge’ he wanted people to write stories about them. She looked at the picture and giggled. It looked like her. Except her wings were a bit whiter and bigger. There was one notable exception. The woman in the picture was only wearing the skimpiest of red under things. It left nothing to the imagination at all.

She hung around invisible for a time reading and getting to know his personality and routine. It would take some time to figure out this one, the man loved to work and rarely did anything else.

Caitlyn returned to her home base and thought of possible solutions. Perhaps she could apply for a job with him and clear up all the work with a wave of her hand. Then he would have to relax. After a bit of thought she knew that wouldn’t work, he’d just think of something else to do.

It took her almost two weeks of observing and trying various things before it dawned on her what she could do. It might only bring him a brief amount of relaxation but then it would be worth it.

Caitlyn hurried to the store he was always talking about and brought exactly what she needed. Why they called the place a secret she couldn’t fathom. And certainly Queen Victoria would have rolled in her grave had she known it was named after her. With her purchase in a bag she quickly flew to his house. Since she was still invisible she changed outside into her new outfit. Oh this was perfect.

He was sitting down to eat his nightly pizza and play with his computer when she decided the time was right. He was looking at some of the ‘challenge’ responses when she appeared to him.

“Hello Roger! (that was the name everyone seemed to call him) I just love your challenge, but I don’t think you got permission to use my picture like that.”

Roger shook his head in amazement. “I must be working too hard. Now my pictures are coming to life and talking to me.”

“Who are you young lady and how did you get in here?” Roger bellowed in his sternest voice.

Caitlyn shrunk back just a little. “I’m Angel Caitlyn and I’m your Christmas Challenge. I’ve come to entertain you and help you relax.”

“Who sent you? Are you one of the lingerie models for Victoria Secrets?”

Caitlyn smiled, this was perfect. St. Peter had said something about being a model and here he thought she was. This would surely please St. Peter.

“St. Peter sent me. I’m really and angel. Now sit down and relax, while I rub the stress away from your shoulders.”

Roger sunk in his chair, surely he must be dreaming. St. Peter? Angel Caitlyn? The girl was lovely and her hands on his shoulders soon had all the kinks out. He still wondered about the angel part though. He waited until she wasn’t paying attention and yanked on a wing.

“Ouch! Why did you do that?” Caitlyn flapped her wing in his face.

Roger was stunned, they were real, she was an angel. “I’m sorry my dear, but if you really are an angel, St. Peter should be spanking your body for dressing like that.”

Caitlyn just smiled at him. “No, he will love it, he told me to make you relax and be a model. That’s what I’m doing.”

She spent another hour there with him and he was sound asleep when she left. Quickly she wriggled her nose and was immediately back in heaven. One problem she forgot to change her clothing, or lack of it.

St. Peter met her as soon as she arrived. His face was crimson. “Caitlyn, go to your room at once. What were you thinking of! Dressed like that. It is indecent.”

Caitlyn was stunned. “You yourself told me to be a model and make him relax. Well I did!”

St. Peter turned her and swatted her barely covered bottom several times. “Now, go to your room until I send for you.”

Current time in God’s office...

“So that is what she did! Honestly, she has no common sense, what am I to do with her?” St. Peter sighed in exasperation.

God stifled his laugh. “I think you need to teach her a lesson. Show her what Roger was talking about. Then you need to have her properly trained. I know just the person to do that for you. After you have punished her, send for the Angel Gerald. He will be the perfect one to teach her the proper way a Lady Angel is to behave.

St. Peter smiled at God. “Yes, that is the perfect solution.”
Caitlyn was still pouting in her room when St. Peter arrived and with no words quickly put her over his knee and reddened her bottom to the shade of her red panties. When she was sobbing and begging forgiveness, St. Peter sat her up. “Now Caitlyn we can start over. I have arranged for you to be under the personal tutelage of one of our best Angels.

St. Peter opened the door. “Angel Gerald, this is Angel Caitlyn. She is yours to train.” St. Peter smiled as he saw the hairbrush in Gerald’s robe pocket. Yes Caitlyn would learn to become a perfect angel.