The Birthday Wish

by Barb

Ding-dong! John, not fully awake, rolled over and slapped at the alarm clock sending it spinning.
"Ohhh…" he groaned. "It can't possibly be morning already." He had gone out after work with a few friends for a quick birthday dinner to celebrate, or rather to moan the arrival of his 44th birthday. He'd had a few drinks but nothing, nothing that could explain the exhaustion he was feeling right now. Stretching out on his back he let his mind drift back to the events earlier that evening.
It was supposed to be a nice quiet evening together, just dinner, no fuss. He sighed, what was it about the female psyche that would prompt it to present a forty-four year old man with a birthday cake complete with a raging inferno of forty-four candles. Thinking about that event, he had to smile. His best friend's girlfriend had come up with that idea. One look at her glowing excited face and he had curbed his annoyance. What the hell, he had thought, it was a little thing and it had made her so happy. Besides, he really liked his best friend's girl. She was definitely a keeper. He was glad Mark had found her even though their great relationship occasionally gave him a twinge of jealousy. He smiled wryly at the way she had encouraged him to make a wish and blow out the candles. He had known that when it came to women, the quickest way out of ridiculous situation was just to get it over with. Knowing she wouldn't quit until he had done it, he had taken a big breath mentally said, "I wish I had a woman's naked bottom to apply forty-four swats to," and blew. To her delight, far more than his, they had all extinguished.
"What did you wish for," she had asked him looking like an impish child. He had smiled at her exuberance, glad that he had indulged her foolishness.
"Now if I told you that, it wouldn't come true," he had said, raising one eyebrow at her. "You know the rules, and this is one birthday wish I would like to have come true."
Ding-dong! The sound jerked him back into the present. John sat up. That wasn't the alarm clock that was the doorbell. He searched for the alarm clock, moving his hand quickly across the nightstand. Bumping it and nearly sending it to the floor, he spun it around. Two o'clock in the morning? What the hell?
Ding-dong! Jumping up he grabbed the jeans that he had discarded in a heap earlier that night. Hopping on one foot, he struggled sleepily to get his other foot in the pant leg.
Knock, knock, knock. "Okay, okay…I'm coming!" he yelled. "Hold on a minute."
Yanking the jeans the rest of the way up, he snapped them as he headed for the door. "Who is it?" he asked gruffly. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Yes Mr. Kelley, I do," said a calm self-controlled male voice from the other side of the door. "I have the birthday wish you ordered with me."
"My what?" John asked confused. He hadn't ordered anything, certainly not something that would be arriving at two in the morning.
"Is this Mr. John Kelley?" the voice asked. "And was your 44th birthday today? Mr. Kelley if you would just open the door I think we could clear all this up."
John flipped the dead bolt, and opened the door. On the front step stood a man who smiled at him and stuck out his hand. John grasped the hand firmly, still not really understanding what was going on.
"Mr. Kelley…"
"Just call me John, please. Now what is this all about? I have not ordered anything. And anyway it is two o'clock in the morning. Couldn't this have waited, whatever it is, till a more decent hour?"
"Well John, when your birthday wish was recorded there were no time restrictions listed and certain….uh…events have occurred that make now the best time to grant your request." With that the stranger reached behind him and pulled a trembling young woman into the light. "This is Rachael. She, too, has made a birthday wish."
"I think I have changed my mind," she said. "I am not really sure I want this after all. I mean…my birthday was months ago, why do we have to do this tonight?"
"I think you know exactly why tonight was chosen. Would you like to explain to John just exactly where you were when we rescued you this evening." The stranger looked at her sternly and she blushed and dropped her head.
"Birthday wishes often take much longer to be granted and things have been backing up lately. That is why when the gods of spanking sent us to rescue Miss Rachel, it was decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to grant two wishes instead of one. The foolish risk Miss Rachael took made today the perfect day to grant her wish and through a quirky coincidence you were chosen to administer it." The stranger looked at him and smiled. "You have done this before, have you not?"
John felt as though he needed to pick his jaw up from off the floor. Sleep was the last thing on his mind at this point. Still not exactly sure what was going on, he looked at the beautiful young woman. Her dark eyes bore into his. Looking intently into them he saw fear, but also just a hint of excitement. Drug out of bed in the middle of the night to find two strangers standing at his door, one of them looking sternly in control, the other remorseful and guilty.
"No," he said, "this is a new experience for me. I have no idea what 's going on?"
"What?" the stranger thundered, he whirled around and raised both arms toward the dark sky. "You send me with a young woman awaiting her first well deserved spanking experience to a man who has no idea what such a woman need?" He shook his fist and shouted into the darkness.
Rachael scooted a little closer to John as they watched the stranger's tirade.
John leaned down and spoke softly into her ear. "Who is he talking to?"
"The gods of spanking," she whispered back. "He is not happy that you have never spanked a woman before. I was suppose to be placed with someone experienced for my first time."
"The gods of spanking….your first time….ohhh," said John, understanding finally beginning to dawn. "You're here because you have done something deserving of a spanking, and I was chosen to deliver it."
"Yes," she said swallowing hard and looking up at him fearfully. "But I don't think I want one after all."
"Well, we will discuss this more fully once we go inside," John said. "Right now I have got to get this kook quieted down before he wakes the whole neighborhood. Hey, Mister hold on….of course I have spanked a woman before. You just didn't make your question clear." John glanced around, relieved that he didn't see lights going on in all the nearby apartments. "Why don't you both come and you can tell me exactly what is going on." John stepped back and held the door wide to allow them both to enter the livingroom.
"Well," the stranger sighed, "that's better. The gods of spanking don't usually make mistakes, but it has been busy lately. I have a lot of other appointments tonight and I can't stay around to give lessons to a novice."
At this point John was beginning to get a little pissed off. "I'm no novice, he said. "I am quite sure I can deliver exactly what this young lady is in need of. Now, if you would both take a seat. I would like a little more information. Just exactly where were you tonight, Rachael?"
"Well," Rachael hedged. "I was on my way home from a friends house, and I had car problems. This whole thing is not my fault," she finished defiantly flashing a challenging look at the stranger before she turned with a beseeching pout to flutter her eyelashes at John.
The stranger returned her look coldly. "Rachael, you have already appeared before the counsel and the number of strokes has been determined. If you persist in denying your guilt; John will have the option of adding more than the prescribed forty-four spanks."
"Forty-four?" John questioned, "I am beginning to see why I was chosen." He looked at the young lady answering her unspoken question. "Today is, or at least it was my forty-fourth birthday, and I'll give you one guess as to what my wish was as I blew out my candles."
"You wished you had a female bottom to apply those forty-four spanks to?" she questioned in a trembling voice.
"You guessed it," John confirmed firmly. "Now, unless you want me to get a whole lot older, you better start explaining exactly where you were and what you were doing."
"Well, uh…uhh," Rachael stuttered trying to come up with some excuse that would be honest, yet still present herself in the best possible light.
The stranger sighed and stood up. "At this rate I am going to be here all night. He turned to John. "Despite repeated warnings from concerned friends she took a short cut down Gateway Avenue rather then drive the extra five miles needed to avoid that area. When we arrived, young hoodlums were surrounding her car. Had the gods of spanking not been watching her to determine the best time to grant her birthday wish she might not have gotten out of this one alive."
John jerked his head in her direction. "I can not believe a young woman alone would even consider driving down that street in broad daylight, much less in the middle of the night."
"If I hadn't had car problems, nothing would have happened," Rachael wailed.
John looked at her sternly. "You are in need of severe spanking to curb that type of reckless reasoning. Unexpected problems do arise, that is why you should never have been on that street. I think some time in the corner might give you a chance reflect on the foolishness of your attitude." He pointed toward an empty corner. Rachael swallowed hard as she stood up and walked quietly in the direction John had pointed.
"Well," the stranger said heading for the door, "It looks like the two of you are going to get along spankingly. I have other cases to attend to." John followed him to the door. "Enjoy your birthday wish," the stranger said as they shook hands glancing at the contrite young woman who now stood with her face to the wall.
"Oh I intend to," John said with a smile. Closing the door he walked over to stand near Rachael.
"I think you will be able to think a lot clearer once you have that bottom on display. Lift your skirt, and lower you panties to your knees." When Rachael hesitated, John sent firm whack to her backside causing her to squeal. "Any spanks you receive before I turn you over my knee will not count toward the forty-four you have been promised.
"Okay," she sighed and struggled to pull her skirt up to her waist. When it was bunched around her middle, John reached forward and slid his fingertips into the elastic waistband of her underwear and slowly drug the panties down to her knees. Her bottom was beautiful. The two rounded globes were pristine in their whiteness. As he stared at her bottom he saw her shiver and the white skin goose-pimpled as the cool interior air touched it.
John swallowed hard. She was here to receive a punishment spanking and it was her first time. He needed to bring her along slowly. Stepping back he went to sit on the couch. They were close enough to converse but not close enough that he would have trouble keeping his hands off those beautiful mounds.
He knew, by the way she was trembling that she was terribly embarrassed. Embarrassment was a big part of the experience, but still it was her first time and he wanted to make things just a little easier on her.
"You know what I wanted for my birthday, so tell me…what was your wish?"
"Ohhh," she sighed, "I don't know what ever possessed me to wish for such a stupid thing. But I wished, at least one time in my life, to receive a really good spanking, one that I deserved. But I have changed my mind," she said turning around to face him.
"Get that nose back in the corner," her told her sharply. He was gratified to see her quickly whirl back to face the wall. "At this point, my dear, it is simply too late for you to make that choice. You already made a very different choice when you decided to take a chance and drive down a dangerous street. You had been repeatedly warned not to place yourself in danger, but still you choose to take the risk. You will now have to accept the consequences of that choice.
Look at me," he commanded, and waited for her to comply. Slowly she turned to face him. Tears were welling up in her large brown eyes. "Go ahead and take your panties the rest of the way off. You won't need them for a while. Then I want you to walk over to that closet." He nodded his head in the appropriate direction. "Hanging on the wall just inside the door is a spanking paddle. I want you to bring it to me."
She looked him, her eyes huge with fear, but didn't move to obey.
"Rachael," he said with quiet sternness, "the counsel of, what did you call them, the spanking gods?" she nodded her head without speaking, "has decreed that you receive forty-four spanks for your actions. That is a relatively mild punishment for such foolishness. Unless you are willing to obey me, more will have to be added to address your defiance. Since this is your first spanking I think it would be wise to obey. There is no need for you to make this harder on yourself than it needs to be."
She stared at him quickly assessing her options. She had no doubt given how quickly her rescuers had arrived to save her, that if they needed to, they could arrive just as quickly now. Besides, John was seated between her and the door, she really doubted if he would need any help to subdue her if she did decide to bolt. Did she really want a worse punishment just for the sake of a little useless resistance? Besides, how bad could it be? Children were spanked all the time, if they could survive this so could she. With a quick nod of her head she turned and walked toward the closet.
Opening the door she reached in and groped with her hand trying to find the paddle. There it was. It was surprisingly cool to the touch. She lifted it off the wall. It wasn't very heavy. Turning to face John, she slowly made the long torturous walk across the room to stand in front of him. He pulled her close to his right knee, and then gently helped her across his lap and into position.
"Why are you receiving this spanking, Rachael?" John asked quietly.
"Because I was stupid enough to wish for it," she said defiantly. "Ouch!" she cried as the paddle descended with a stinging smack right across the fullest part of her bottom cheeks.
"I think maybe you better rethink that answer, young lady," John said and brought the paddle down again in the same spot. He paused, "Would you care to try and answer again?"
"I am being spanked because I put myself in danger," she said through gritted teeth.
"That is better," he said. "Now we will be able to get started." He brought the paddle down hard and fast. Rachael held her breath, her eyes squeezed tightly closed. Oohhhh, god it hurt, she thought, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that it did.
The pain was getting more intense. John brought the paddle down on the top if one thigh. That brought a reaction out of her. She gasped and sucked in a big breath to protest. The paddle fell again on the other thigh.
"No!" she wailed, "you can't do this to me, let me go!" She was struggling fiercely to get away, but John just tightened his grip and kept on spanking. "Stop it! You are hurting me," she cried.
"A spanking is suppose to hurt, sweetheart, didn't you think about that before you made your wish?"
"I didn't think it was suppose to hurt this bad," she cried and put her hand back to try and cover her burning cheeks. Without missing a beat, John grabbed it and tucked it firmly at her side.
"I'll call the police," she cried. "This is assault. I'll have you arrested."
"Oh," he said, calling her bluff. "And just how will you explain that you showed up at my door at two in the morning. If you have this much energy to talk, I must not be spanking you hard enough." He increased the force of each individual blow but slowed the pace down. He did not want this to be over too soon.
Rachael was beginning to really panic now. How could she have thought this wouldn't be too bad? John was going to kill her, there was no way she could survive forty-four of these.
"How will you explain a dead body in your livingroom?" she wailed. "You are going to kill me!"
John had to laugh. "I don't think so, sweetheart, there are no vital organs in you bottom. You will survive this."
A huge sob broke free as Rachael's tears began to fall. "Please…. please stop," she cried. "I'll be good, I promise."
"You'll listen to your friends' concerns for your safety?"
"Ohh, yes," she sobbed. "I'll never drive on that street again, never."
"Alright," he said, stopping for just a second to lay the back of his hand on the burning flesh. She really hadn't been spanked all that severely, for a first experience it was just about right. "We are up to thirty-five. You have five more spanks coming. Do you want them on your bottom or on your thighs?"
Her only answer was a low wail that ended in a sob. "Can't decide?" John asked her. "Well then, I will just mix them up." And he did, left thigh, right thigh, left butt cheek, right butt cheek and the final stinging blow he placed right in the middle.
John gently turned her over to sit in his lap. She turned her face into his chest and sobbed out her pain and sorrow. John didn't say anything. He just stroked her hair and let her cry. It didn't take too long for the sobs to quiet to gentle snuffing.
"Well," John asked her gently, "did you learn anything tonight?"
"Yes," she said, "you have to be very careful what you wish for because you just might get it." John squeezed a butt cheek warningly. "And…." She hurried on, "I learned it is a good idea to listen to people who are concerned for your safety, and to never, ever put yourself in danger just because it seems the quickest way to get where you want to go."
"Good girl," he told her. "And, if you ever need a reminder, you know just where to come." He gently rubbed her bottom, easing the sting and sending sensuous feelings coursing through her.
"Yes I do," she said and lifted her lips for a kiss of forgiveness. John looked fondly into her big brown eyes as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
"Well," he said, "now that you know what a punishment spanking feels like…."
"I sure do," she said with a little pout.
"……would you like to see what a spanking feels like that is given only for pleasure?"
Rachael lifted surprised eyes to meet his playful expression. She smiled shyly and nodded her head. John gently turned her back over. This had turned out to be quite a birthday after all.