Caroline Visits the Office


This young lady is Caroline.  From her look you can tell she is in trouble of some kind.  She surely looks very sad or worried.

Caroline is now sitting outside her counselor's office waiting to see him.

She has visited his office before, so she knows what to expect.

At her school a counselor is also the one who handles discipline for his charges.  So when a pupil gets into trouble of any kind in class or on the school grounds she is sent to see her counselor to discuss the problem.  That usually means she will be spanked for her mischief.  

As we now see our Caroline is no longer in the outer office.  Well that is not quite true.  She is still out in the office, but now she is not alone.  Her counselor has come out of his office to talk with her.  It takes the young man a very short time to learn the nature of young Caroline’s problem.  This is not the first time she has been referred for it.  So of course her wise counselor knows what must be done.  He takes the chair she was on and sits on it.

He starts her off by raising her uniform skirt and smacking her knicker clad bottom with his palm.  He spanks her quite hard.

She wiggles and twists over his knees trying to avoid that palm. But of course she cannot escape it.  He hits her round soft bottom exactly where he wants time after time.

Then he feels it’s time for her knickers to come down as well, so he slips the white garment down off her now pink buttocks.

Caroline’s pretty face is now even redder than her shapely bottom.  It is so embarrassing for the young teenager to have her bottom bared to this young man’s view.  Sure he is her counselor, but still he ought not be permitted to bare her backside as he just did.  Then her thoughts are changed rapidly.  Now she is more concerned with the pain his palm is causing her.  She squirms even more violently and cries out in pain, imploring the man to stop.  He merely smiles and spanks her upraised buttocks slightly harder.   

What were simply pink bottom cheeks quickly turn to red as the counselor’s palm smacks the girl’s bare bottom with added vigor.  He is determined to teach this pretty girl a lesson she will not soon forget.  It is not good for school discipline to have any student commit the same infraction of rules 3 or 4 times in the same school year.  Shapely Caroline has been a frequent visitor to his office and he has had to spank her more than once.

Her cries of grief grow slightly louder, and the counsellor has to hold her firmly over his lap to keep her in place as he spanks her heatedly. Soon even he notices that her flesh is very red and sore looking. She has had enough. 

“You may now stand up, my girl,”  the man tells his tearful young charge.  “I think you have had quite enough to teach you an important lesson, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes, sir, Mr. Graceson, oh yes I have,”  the cute teen cries out tearfully.  The man smiles and nods.

“Very well, Caroline, I now believe you need some time to reflect on your most recent infraction of our rules and the punishment you just received.  I want you to go over  there and stand in that corner, and oh, Caroline do keep your skirt held above your waist.  We want your naughty bottom to remain on view.  Perhaps the cool air will help reduce the heat in it?”

A sniffling and badly blushing teen meekly goes over to the corner her counselor had just assigned, and stands there facing the wall, her uniform skirt held above her waist, her  fiery red backside on full view.  Her counselor sat behind his desk filling out some forms, looking up from time to time to admire his handiwork— Caroline’s bright red bottom cheeks. 

Ask any girl in the school and she will tell you something far worse than the spanking you’re given by your counselor is having to stand in a corner with knickers at your feet, red bare bottom on display for some period of time.

Counselors call this “reflection” time.  The unhappy pupils call it “shame time”.  They do not like it.