
by Brandy


“Sure Sara I’d love to go out. I’ll be the designated driver. Let me clear it through Jason. I’ll call in about 15 minutes.”



“In the den honey.”

I hope he goes for this. He can be entirely too unreasonable. I don’t see why he would say no though, he won’t be home he has patrol tonight. Well here goes nothing…..


“Is it ok with you if I go out with Sara and Erin? I will be the DD.”

“So if you have already planned on being the one not drinking that means you planned to go with out even asking me if it is ok.”

 Sheesh, he looks into stuff way too much. He may need a drink or to himself. But instead I am smart, and not a smart ass (which will only lead to a smart-ING ass.

“No sir. I told Sara I had to check with you but I didn’t think you would mind since you are on patrol until 3am.

“Where are you going?”

“The local strip club.”

“Jayme Lynn. I’d watch my tone and that sass if I were you.”

“I apologize. We were planning on going to Bennagin’s. Erin graduated yesterday and was rewarded to third grade teaching job at the elementary school. Right now they are clearing their plans with Donavon and Patrick.”

“Ok you may go. But you’d better be home by one.”

“But Jason we weren’t planning on going until ten and I have to pick them up and drop them off, and—“

“Go to the corner right now young lady!’

Dang it, I should have kept my big mouth shut and been happy with what he gave me. Knowing my luck he is going to cut my curfew to 10:30 if he even lets me go! Will I ever learn, probably not? We’ve been married 4 years and I still get corner time and spankings for questioning his judgment in a sassy manner.

“Jayme, come here.”

“I’m sorry Jason, please don’t spank me. I am going to have to be sitting down all night tonight. I’m sorry I questioned your judgment.”

“Jayme where does pleading get you?”


“Nowhere. Whom?”

“Nowhere sir.”

“Ok bend over my knee.”

After about 50 good hard swats he allows me to get up.

“That is a reminder for tonight. You are a lady and you will act like a lady even when you are not in my company. You will be home by 12:30, and not a moment latter. You will not be drinking since you are doing the driving. You will not question my judgment. Do you understand me?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ok I am leaving for work. Make sure you clean up the house before you leave.”

With a quick kiss he is gone. Man that hurt! Even through my clothes. I don’t know what has happened between the two of us lately. He has gotten stricter but I have gotten more rebellious. Maybe we could have a weekend alone where we spent our honey moon.

That might bring us closer. Oh I have to go check that out!!


Yes reservations are made. Opps ran out of time. I guess a run through the house pick up will have to do. He will be so happy about the planned weekend that he won’t even worry about the house!



“Come on Jayme have a few with us!”

“Donavon is going to pick me up, I am sure he will take Sara home too. Give Jordan a call, your brothers are always sitting around and will come get you!”


“Ok, see you in an hour Jordan, thank you so much!”




“Thank you for the ride, Jordan and thank you for driving my car Jesse.BURRRRRP”

(giggle) “Excuse me!” (giggle)

“Hey, Jess I am taking her upstairs give me a second.”


I got upstairs with a little help from my brother, and didn’t feel like changing my clothes so I feel on top of the covers fully clothed. I should have gotten undressed.


Jason Comes home

Boy is she in trouble, three lights left on, the door not closed and things piled up to look clean instead of being put away. He walks into their bedroom and sees her laying side ways on the bed, fully clothed reeking of alcohol! And her car was out front! Seeing red, Jason puts her in a night gown and lays her in bed; his wheels are turning as to what he is going to do to her when she wakes up.


10 am

Jayme wakes up with a slight head ache and looks to the side of the bed. There is a tray with a light breakfast and some aspirin. Plus a note.

My Dearest Jayme,

I wouldn’t bother coming down with

Anything but your under wear on. You

Can just go straight to the corner. But

Don’t forget your hairbrush.

Your loving Husband





“Ok Jayme. Care to explain?”

I go to where he stands and explain every thing. Even our surprise weekend. I know I should have called him on his cell phone to tell him about my brothers but it slipped my mind. I am crying out of fear by now. It is a rare occasion to get the belt, and even rarer the brush.

“well that explanation saved you part of the spanking, you won’t have to get the switch but you still broke quite a few rules. For now until I decide no more Ladies nights out. I will decide when you can continue them. Over my knee please.”


Down my panties go in one quick motion. And before I even have time to tense up the brush starts falling. SPANK, SPANK, SPANK

“Passed out on your bed isn’t very lady like is it?” SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK

Pushing everything into a pile isn’t obeying me is it?


Drinking after I said not to isn’t obeying is it?  


Not locking doors isn’t only disobeying house rules but it is dangerous!







“I’m sorry Jason. I am so sorry. I should have called you.”

After that I started mumbling stuff I didn’t even know my self and he picked me up and cuddled me. Stroking my back and hair. Speaking softly to me.

“Ok honey why don’t you go upstairs and I will come tuck you in for a nice nap?”

“Ok Baby. I love you. And I am sorry.”

“I know sugar.”

I never got around to that nap ;)



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