
Copyright © 2001

Another Kree8Tion by Kree (and a lot of help from Rick)

  He glanced at his watch one more time, then glanced at the den. "Five more
minutes she'd said." His fingers started tapping the arm of the living room
chair with impatience. "This is getting ridiculous."

  He stood up and headed over to the den. "Get off the computer now. You have
work to do and it's not getting done while you're sitting there at the computer."
"Five more minutes" Susan answered, her fingers not slowing down or
stopping. "Five minutes. I promise."

  He walked back to the living room. He glanced at his watch again. "Five
minutes" he told the empty room. His fingers tapped the arm of the chair
again while he waited.

  Fifteen minutes later, Susan joined him in the living room. He watched as
she curled up on the couch, ready to watch television. "Don't you have
things to do?" he asked. "Sure" she answered. "I'll get everything done in
the morning."

"Make sure because Mrs. Johnson is counting on those crafts to be at the
school by 11. If they are there late, they won't be able to be auctioned
off. It'll ruin everything for her fundraiser."

"I know. They'll be there."

"Make sure" he repeated. "If your computer time interferes with getting
those crafts out for Mrs. Johnson, you will be one sorry little lady."
"Don't worry" Susan laughed. "They'll be there."

"Don't worry?" he snickered. "I've watched you spend more and more time on
that computer and I've watched less and less of your work get done. I think
it's time you backed off the email and started concentrating on your

"I'm not worried. I won't be on the computer in the morning and I'll have
plenty of time to finish the crafts."

"Make sure" he warned one last time.

  The remainder of the night was uneventful. He wondered if he should have her
start the crafts tonight, knowing she would forget his warning in the
morning. He shrugged. She knows how important this is to Mrs. Johnson. He
settled himself on the couch next to her watching the television before bed.
He left in the morning with a final reminder about the crafts. He promised
he would meet her at the school before the auction began. She laughed again
and as soon as he closed the outside door, she scurried downstairs and
turned the computer on. She had a lot of friends now and her email box was
full. It took her quite a while to respond to everyone but when she was
finally finished, she turned off the computer and went to refill her coffee.
She glanced over the top of her cup, spotting the time and nearly spit out
what coffee she'd sipped. 10:15 No, that can't be right. I have more than an
hour's work to do to finish the crafts and I still have to get dressed and
drive them there. She ran up the stairs, getting dressed hurriedly and began
finishing the crafts. She stared at the clock more times than she stared at
the work in front of her and before she knew it, it was time to leave. Four
crafts lay before her, unfinished and she knew she couldn't offer them in
that condition.

  She shrugged, piled her completed work into the van and drove to the school.
Mrs. Johnson ran out to greet her as she pulled the van into a spot. "Thank
goodness you made it Susan" she puffed out of breath. "I was getting
worried." She peeked inside the van smiling her relief and turned to the
girl. "There's four missing" she said. "Those are the four that will bring
in the most money today. I have people coming from out of state to bid on
those. Are they way in the back?" She stuck her head back into the van,
looking from side to side.

"No Mrs. Johnson" Susan answered. "I didn't have a chance to finish those. I
think all these will bring in some fairly good money, don't worry."

"That's only part of it Susan" Mrs. Johnson answered. "We have important
people coming from out of state specifically for those four crafts and now
we don't have them. I made promises to people about those four you know and
now I am going to have to announce that they are not available. I was
counting on those same people helping with the aquarium we're trying to
build. How do I build their trust if I can't even present four crafts
promised? We made a deal. You gave me your word. I made promised based on

  Susan cringed at that. "I know Mrs. Johnson. I'm sorry. I just didn't have
time to finish them." She carried some of the crafts inside and her heart
sank knowing that Mrs. Johnson had depended on her and she had let her down.
She knew deep down that if she hadn't gotten lost in all her email, the
crafts would have been done and Mrs. Johnson would not now be disappointed
in her. She felt guilty and wondered if there was some way to make it up to

  Susan watched the auction proceedings from the side and wanted to hide
behind a curtain when Mrs. Johnson announced that the four large crafts she
had promised were not, in fact, available. Mrs. Johnson twisted her hands as
she spoke. Susan could hear the murmuring throughout the crowd and almost
started crying watching Mrs. Johnson struggle to explain. She couldn't
handle it. She stepped up to the microphone and apologized to everyone that
it was her fault the crafts weren't available and begged the audience to
please not blame Mrs. Johnson. Susan scanned the crowds as she spoke,
looking for signs they would not attack Mrs. Johnson when her eyes froze and
locked into her husband's eyes.




 His eyebrows were bent inward and a scowl was plastered on his face. Her
heart skipped a beat when she remembered his words from the night before.
She lowered her eyes while she left the stage knowing he was right. She was
now one sorry little lady. She was sorry she'd spent so much time on the
computer. She was sorry she didn't finish the crafts last night. She was
sorry she'd put Mrs. Johnson in such an embarrassing situation. Yes, she was
sorry and she knew she couldn't fix anything. The guilt left the stage with
her and she wore it in her heart, vowing to stay off the computer until all
her work was done from now on.

  The crowds were beginning to dwindle. She'd done her best to stay as far
away from her husband as she could. If there was one thing Susan didn't need
right now, it was a smug "I told you so" from him! She was putting the last
of the boxes in the van when she heard her husband and Mrs. Johnson
approach. She hid inside arranging the empty boxes, hoping they wouldn't
look at her.

"I'm so sorry again Mrs. Johnson" her husband said. Why? He wasn't the one
who didn't finish the crafts! Susan began loudly moving the boxes to show
her husband she didn't like what he'd just said!

  Mrs. Johnson sighed deeply before replying. "I know. I know. It's just so
much was riding on this auction. I don't know if we'll still get the funding
for the new aquarium I've been trying to have built. These people came based
on what I told them to expect. I'm not so sure if they'll trust me now."
Her husband patted Mrs. Johnson's arm while she spoke and sneaked glances
inside the van at Susan. She cringed each time they made eye contact. Her
husband apologized one more time and slid the side door closed, leaving
Susan to scramble her way to the driver's seat. He never even waved as he
got in his car and simply drove away, heading back to his work.

  She drove the van home, her mind whirling with the events that happened
today. Mrs. Johnson was crushed. Her husband was angry. The audience was
disappointed. She didn't get it. Why were THEY all upset over this? SHE was
the one who was embarrassed wasn't she? SHE was the one who now had to find
a way to make things right. Why were THEY all upset? Her thoughts turned to
indignation as she drove closer to home. She practically stomped her feet
walking into the house and was concentrating so hard on how SHE was the
injured party that she slammed the door shut.

  She paced the hall trying to catch her breath, muttering to herself and
calling her husband names she hadn't used in years. There was only one thing
she was certain would help calm her anger. She stamped her way into the den,
turned on the computer and waited for it to boot. She got lost in her email
and never heard her husband come in.

"Well?" he asked leaning on the doorjamb.

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. She was afraid to look up. She didn't
want to see his eyes while he spoke. "Go ahead" she told him. "Get it over
with. Go ahead. Get the 'I told you so' out of the way because I'm tired and
I want to take a shower. Go ahead. Get it over with."

"No" he told her. "I'm not going to say I told you so. You knew the
consequences if you didn't finish those crafts for Mrs. Johnson. I don't
think, however, that you fully understand the severity of those

  She looked up at him then. "I don't understand? It was ME that had to listen
to grumpy old Mrs. Johnson blabbering about people out of state. It was ME
that had to get up to that microphone and explain to everyone it was MY
fault. It was ME that had to watch everyone give me dirty looks all
afternoon. Me! Don't tell me I don't understand consequences!"

"No, actually, you don't understand consequences." He moved closer to her
and bent his body forward a little, practically touching his nose to hers as
he continued. "The consequences you DON'T understand do NOT involve YOU
being hurt in any way. Mrs. Johnson is the one who has the loss here, NOT
YOU. Those people are the ones who lost out on items PROMISED to them, NOT
YOU. There are kids out there who may never get to see a live whale because
that audience might not ever trust Mrs. Johnson again, NOT YOU. No, I
actually don't believe you understand consequences but I know that by the
time I am through with you, you most certainly will!" He kept pressing his
nose closer to hers while he spoke and she almost slipped from her chair
backing away from him.

"There isn't anything you can do to change what happened today" she told
him, starting to get angry now at his attitude. "What's done is done and I
can't change it, no matter how hard I try!"

"You're right about that" he agreed. "But there will be changes! They WILL
begin now." He grabbed her wrist pulling her out of the den and into the
kitchen. She used her other hand to try and pry his hand from her wrist, but
his hold was solid and she had no choice but to follow. He pulled a chair
away from the table and sat down, throwing her over his lap. He raised her
dress high over her waist and stuck his finger in the waistband of her
panties and tugged until her cheeks were naked before him. She twisted
herself up off his lap and started running for the bathroom, the only inside
door with a lock on it. He caught her waist before she made it halfway.
Running had been difficult with her panties wrapping around her knees. He
lifted her up off the floor and carried her back to the kitchen. She kicked
and slammed her fist into any area she could reach. He sat back down on the
chair, and lay her across his lap.

"You have two choices. ONE: You keep still, take your spanking and then
we'll be done. or TWO: You keep trying to postpone the inevitable and I use
my belt instead of my hand. Which will it be?"

"You can't spank me! I'm a full grown woman! You let me up this minute!" She
squirmed on his lap trying to wrestle free from the grip he had on her.
"Oh I CAN spank you and I am GOING to spank you. Whether I use my hand or my
belt is the only choice you have right now. Which will it be?" He raised her
dress again and rested his hand on her cheeks waiting for an answer.

"Neither! You CAN'T spank me! I'm your wife, for crying out loud. I'm NOT
your daughter!"

"Yes you are my wife but as long as you insist on behaving like a selfish
brat, I'll treat you like one. You deserve this spanking and that's exactly
what you're going to get. Now CHOOSE!"

  It started to sink into her head that she was about to really and truly get
a spanking and that it was going to be on her bare bottom! "Why? Why are you
trying to spank me?"

"I'm not trying. I'm going to. You hurt a lot of people by not finishing
those crafts. I don't think you understand how you affected so many other
people by playing on the computer instead of finishing your work, so I'm
going to teach that to you."

"Bbbbut, I DO understand. I know I'm sorry. I know I didn't mean for all
that to happen. I'm sorry and I've told everyone that."

"I'm sure you are sorry, honey. But you don't fully understand. THIS" SPANK
"will help you to understand and THIS" SPANK "will teach you that you are
NOT the only one who is affected when you fail to do what you are
responsible for."

"Ow. Stop that. You stop that THIS INSTANT! I am NOT a little girl!"

"No, but you ARE a spoiled brat who only thinks of herself. Now" WHACK!
SPANK WHACK! SPANK "Why didn't you finish the crafts last night?"

"Owwwww. Because I didn't have time."

"Now" SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Why didn't you have time?"

"Hehhhhhhh. Stop it."

WHACK! SPANK WHACK! WHACK! "Why didn't you have time" he repeated.

"This isn't funny. You're starting to hurt now."

WHACK! WHACK! SPANK WHACK! "WHY didn't you have time?"

"Bbbbecause I was on the computer."

  He rested his hand on her cheeks, pausing to rub a little. "Very good. Now"
WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! SPANK "What did you say you would do this morning?"

"I said I would finish the crafts."

"Now" SPANK SPANK WHACK! WHACK! "Did you finish the crafts this morning?"

"Owwwwww. Nnno."

"Now" WHACK! SPANK WHACK! WHACK! "Why didn't you finish the crafts this

"Bbbecause I was on the computer."

"Good. Now" WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! SPANK "What happened because you didn't finish the crafts?"

"Mrs. Johnson got mad at me." She started moving on his lap trying to find a
way to get her cheeks out of the line of action from his hand.

"That's right. Now" SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Why did Mrs. Johnson get
angry with you?"

  Susan had to stop and consider that for a minute. She couldn't remember why.
She just knew Mrs. Johnson had been angry and Susan had felt bad letting her
down. She felt the shame rolling through her body and she remained still,
contemplating her answer.

SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Why did Mrs. Johnson get angry with you?"
"Because she had made promises to people about the crafts I didn't bring."

"That's right. Now" SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Why didn't you bring the
crafts to Mrs. Johnson?"

"Bbbecause I didn't finish them."

"Now" SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! "Why didn't you finish the crafts?"

"Because I was on the computer."

He rested his hands on her cheeks again, both cheeks glowing red showing the
results of his hands. She relaxed knowing it was finally over.

"Good. Are you starting to understand why I'm going to spank you?"

"Going to? You DID spank me. You spanked me hard. My butt is hurting! I've
learned my lesson." She pressed her hands to his knees, pushing herself off
his lap.

"Not quite." He pressed his hand onto the small of her back, pushing her
back into position. "First of all, I have not yet spanked you. When I'm
finished, you'll know you've been spanked. Secondly, you're going to
remember this spanking the next time you decide to play on the computer
instead of doing what you're supposed to be doing. And thirdly, you're going
to learn that the world does NOT revolve around you and that what you do,
affects others."

"But I know all that now. I understand it now. Please. Don't spank me. I
won't do it again. I'll stay off the computer until ALL my work is done.

"No. You have earned yourself a spanking. I told you I would. I've told you
why. Now it's only a matter of finishing."


  He started with a rhythm, slapping each cheek in it's turn, watching as she
went from pale pink to dark pink. She writhed on his lap as he continued
spanking her, not slowing down, not easing up on the strength. The sound of
his hand meeting her naked flesh reverberated through out the kitchen and
echoed back to her ears. SPANK WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

She didn't know why, but every question he'd asked her kept running through
her head, following his line of thought as if his voice was whispering in
her ear while he spanked.


  It hit her then. All the guilt she'd been feeling since she saw Mrs.
Johnson's face hit her. She felt every whack even more knowing that she
deserved this spanking. She started crying softly remembering the entire
afternoon and knowing it was her fault for being on the computer.


"I'm sorry" she tried to tell him. The words choked in her mouth and came
out garbled instead. Still he kept spanking her. Her bottom was on fire and
she knew with a sinking feeling he wasn't finished.


"I'm sorry" she said louder. "I'm sorry." No longer softly crying, the tears
flowed down her face and she hiccupped while bouncing on his knees. "I'm
sorry." She felt every whack, each one landing where one had gone before and
she knew she wouldn't sit for a long time. She felt his hand on her cheeks,
her upper thighs, everywhere.


  She cried openly, her sobs echoing in the kitchen as she felt the guilt
drain out of her with her tears. She felt that she'd done a great wrong but
that she was now being absolved from that guilt and the knowledge kept her
crying like a little girl. She slumped over his lap, knowing she deserved
this and knowing she had put herself into this position.

  He slowed his slapping then. He slowed and finally stopped, rubbing her
bottom while she continued crying. When he lifted her and sat her on his
knees, she wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face. "I'm sorry"
she sniffled into his neck.

  He held her and rocked her and let her finish crying. She sobbed and hugged,
hugged and sobbed until finally she was drained and sat there, holding him
tight. Neither spoke as thoughts again whirled through her head. She
remembered how guilty she felt and she knew that it was over. She knew she'd
learned something valuable here and that her sore bottom would help her not
to forget. She kept her head snuggled into his neck, not wanting to look at
him. She no longer felt the guilt wrapping around her heart for everything
that had happened, but she now felt embarrassed that he'd spanked her. She
moved on his lap, trying to find a comfortable spot to sit and he smiled
knowing she wouldn't find one for a long time.

"I'm sorry" she told him again. "I'm sorry for everything."

"I know" he said, kissing the top of her head. "I know."

  They ordered out for dinner, neither was in the mood for cooking. They sat
on the floor in the living room in front of the television and he offered
her a soft pillow to sit on while she ate. They snuggled and kissed and he
watched her thinking the spanking wasn't all that distasteful. She really
did have a cute set of buns and when she was over his lap, he had a full and
open view of them.

  Susan wiggled on the pillow knowing it didn't really help much. She watched
him thinking she felt warm and loved and promised herself she wouldn't ever
give him cause to do that again. He announced he was going to take a shower
and that he would be right back. She sat there letting the day run through
her mind.


  Bored, she went into the den and moved the chair away from the desk. She was
standing, bent over a little, typing on her keyboard when he found her.
"Well, I see nothing has changed. I don't think you've learned enough yet."
"No" she laughed. "I mean, yes. I'm just telling everyone that I won't be
around for the next few days. I have some crafts to work on." He pulled the
chair close to her and pulled her hips so she could sit on his soft lap
while she typed. She wiggled into position, knowing it wasn't going to help
and that her bottom still hurt. When she was finished, she turned and hugged
him tight.

"I'm sorry" she said again.


"For waiting until I got spanked to understand."

"It's over" he told her. "Let it go and know you are forgiven. Just see to
it that I don't have to spank you again. The next time, I might not give you
a choice of my hand or my belt. I may just decide for you." He kissed her
then, long and hard.

  They rose and walked into the living room. He started to clean up the trays
from their dinner and left to put things away in the kitchen. He heard her
pick up the phone and start dialing.

"Mrs. Johnson?" She tried to keep her voice low but he tip toed closer to

"Yes. I know. I am soooooooooo sorry. But I was thinking .... if you could
arrange another auction in, say two or three weeks, I could make only the
big crafts for you. Do you think they'll come if you set it up again?"
He tip toed back into the kitchen, smiling to himself. "All right" he told
the refrigerator and raised his hand to the air as if giving it a high five.
He leaned closer to the refrigerator and whispered "I think she's gonna be
ok. She's a little hot tempered and quite a bit stubborn but I think I'll
keep her anyway. What do you think?" He poked his elbow to the refrigerator
as if he were hitting it in the ribs and walked back to the living room

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