Emmie meets Redbeard


By Jules


            I’m sitting here waiting.  Waiting on a nice red velvet cushioned bench.  These people had money.  Lots of it.  I look around.  There’s wood everywhere!  I’d only seen that on TV.  It looked really nice.  I hear a noise and jump.  I turn towards the door but it remains closed.

            I put my ear to the wall and hear nothing.  Damn these were good walls.  I could hear our next-door neighbor, Jay, snoring through the walls in our apartment.  And my ear was NOT to the wall.  Oh well.  I’d find out soon enough.  Actually I didn’t want to find out.  When he’d started talking to this guy, I do not know.  Now my Wolfie and this rich person were discussing my fate.  I’d leave.  That’s what I’d do.  Just leave.  But I’m still sitting.  “Sit while you still can Emmie.”  That’s what he told me when he went in there.

            The butler brings me a glass of water.  A butler!  Couldn’t you just die!  This was just too much fun.  I’m just sitting in the hall and this guy asks if he can get me anything.  Jeesus!   I wondered how many women that butler has served in the hall while his boss decided on a suitable punishment for them.  Or is this the first time.  Well that butler wasn’t giving it away.  He was so smooth and slick. 

            I leaned back and let my cheek rest on the cool wood.  I needed to keep myself calm.  Something told me I’d need my wits about me with this guy.  Let’s look back at what I did.  It started out innocently enough.  I found a wallet on the street.  No biggie.  So it had a few credit cards.  I’m sure the owner had already called and had them canceled.  Why I bet the new card was already whisking it’s way to their door. 

            Then I thought, “It won’t hurt to try one.”  We needed groceries and had to wait a week before Wolfie got paid.  It was going to be a noodles and butter week.  So I head into a grocery store.  Since I figured the card would be rejected anyway, I had me some fun.  A LOT of fun.  My cart is full when I pull up to the checkout counter and say, “Delivery.”  I was really having a blast now.  I bought all these groceries and was having it delivered to my door.  Then the most amazing thing happened.  The checkout guy didn’t even look at the card.  He put the card through the slot and it was APPROVED!  I signed ‘Roland Stoye.’  This guy had an interesting name.  And left the store to go home and wait for my groceries.

            I was going to tell Wolfie where the groceries came from.  I really was.  But he looked at me with his blue eyes blazing asking if I’d robbed a bank.  “No Wolfie.  Don’t be silly.  My sister sent us all this stuff.   She got a big bonus this month.”

            “Now why would Diane do that?   Didn’t she tell you not to come to her for help till you dump me?  You didn’t do anything did you?”

            I looked into Wolfie’s eyes and saw that look.  I hated that look!  It’s the one that says my butt’s going to be red no matter what I answer.  “No Wolfie.  She just changed her mind.  I think Pammy’s been talking to her.”

            “Emily Rose Cheerable!  Are you lying to me?”

            “No Wolfie!”  I look shocked so I don’t have to look directly into his eyes when I answered.

            “Well I guess I have to get to the ‘bottom’ of this.” he says as he pulls me face down across his lap. 

            “Could we do this without the corny puns?  Ouch!”

            “Well I’d say you’re not in a ‘position’ to argue the point.”  Then he proceeded to bare my bottom.  “Any more comments?  Care to change your story?  No?  Okay it’s time to get to the matter at ‘hand’.”  He chuckled and proceeded to persuade me to tell the truth.  I squirmed.  I yelled.  I swore at him.  I begged.  But his hand proceeded to burn my cheeks and thighs.  He was hitting so hard and fast, I couldn’t catch my breath.  I was sure I’d faint soon.  Lying was one of my bad habits and he made sure I knew he did not like it.

            His hand would hit so hard I felt each finger as it flattened out my flesh and I felt it bounce back as he raised his hand for another slap.  “Is there..SMACK!...anything you’d...SMACK!...like to change...SMACK!  SMACK!”  I could hear my flesh being slapped as it resounded off the walls. 

            “Nooooo!  Wolfie!  OWWWW!  I’m not......OOOOCH!!!........lying......Stoppppp!”  Why I continued the lie, I don’t know.  I just felt I had to.  “Pleasssssssseeeee!  I’ve been.....OOOOOHHHH!.....good!”  I’m in tears by now and my bottom is ablaze. 

            Wolfie stops and rests one hand on my bottom.  I can feel his fingers and the heat under that hand rises to greet it.  “I’ll ask one more time.  Where did you get the money?” 

            “Frrrr...ooommm  Diiiii...annnee.”  I sobbed. 

            “Okay.  But if I find out you lied, this will feel like a kiss.”  He gave me one more good smack on each cheek for emphasis.  That was so annoying when he did that.  Then he helped me up and held me close.  “I’m sorry I doubted you Emmie.  But you know you haven’t always been honest with me.”

            “I know Wolfie. But I am being honest now.”  I keep my face buried in his shoulder.  I hoped this would be the end of it.  But it wasn’t. 


            Roland Stoye questioned the store clerk extensively.  He wanted as complete a description of the culprit.  He was also curious as to who would steal a credit card and buy groceries with it.  He could see TV’s and stereos, but groceries?  A nondescript woman about 5 feet tall.  The only distinguishing feature was the dimple in her cheek.  The clerk noticed it because most people have a dimple on each cheek.  This lady only had one.  So now he’s looking for an ordinary, short, brunette woman with only one dimple.  The bagger said she had a nice ‘rack’ but her bottom was too round for his tastes.

            “Can anyone tell me how she got the groceries home?  What kind of car was she driving?”  Expecting to get no answer, he was surprised to hear the bagger say, “She had them delivered.”

            “Good.  Get me the manager.  I want that address.”

            “Sir.  We can’t give out that information.”

            “Tell your manager who is here waiting to see him.  He’ll give me the address.”   And the manager did come running out of his office and looked up the address and came across a name too.  Cheerable.  Funny name.  He thanked the manager and accepted his fawning.  Roland was the president of the company that owned the store and dozens more like them.  Money did have its advantages.

            When he got home, he went straight to the study and dialed the number.  A man answered.  “Is this the Cheerable residence?.......Well do you have a wife or daughter?......I have a very good reason for asking sir.  It seems I lost my wallet today.  Someone used one of my credit cards to charge some groceries.  They were delivered to your home.  They say it was a woman with one dimple......What?......It was your wife?......No.  Don’t apologize.  I’d say the same if my wife did something like this......She wouldn’t sit for a week!..... Would you care to discuss this over drinks somewhere?  I’m sure we could reach an amicable agreement without calling in the authorities.....Good....Wolfgang?..... Okay Wolfgang I’ll meet you there tomorrow.”  He hung up the phone with a smile.


            Wolfgang kept himself from slamming down the phone.  Thankfully Emmie wasn’t home so he could calm down.  He wasn’t ready to let her know he knew.  Actually he wasn’t under control enough to see her at this moment.  If she were home.......she’d lose a layer or two of skin off her bottom.  He started pacing.  He was to meet this Roland Stoye tomorrow.  Wolfgang wasn’t sure what he wanted but really couldn’t see Emmie going to jail for this.  Her heart was in the right place although the rest of her wasn’t.

            He’d spanked her on their second date.  She was stubborn beyond anything he’d ever seen.  It was over whether she should wear a jacket on their trip to the zoo.  He wasn’t pushing it, but she took his suggestion as a threat.  The more against it she became the more irrational became the argument.   The first thought that came to his mind was, “this girl is totally out of control.”  Then he’d spanked her.  They went to the zoo, she wore her jacket, but the bumpy bus ride both ways wasn’t very comfortable for her.  From that day on, she was his. 

            Wolfgang discovered her lying ability early too.  “Emmie do you know what happened to my mug with the feet?  I can’t find it.”

            “Your mug with the feet?”

            “Yes Emmie.”

            “I don’t know Wolfie.  I haven’t seen it.”  That was the whole conversation till he found it in pieces at the bottom of the garbage can.   He’d spanked her bottom bright red and stood her in the corner for an hour.  And he lectured. 

            “How hard was it to say, Wolfie I dropped it?  So simple.  But you lie about it.   You betrayed my trust.”  He watched her shoulders shake with sobs as he said this.  But he did not let her off the hook that easily.   As a result Emmie rarely lied.

            There was only once more after the first time.  She didn’t actually lie.  She just never mentioned what happened.  He’d used the bath brush to illustrate his point.   Being overdrawn at the bank is something you tell your spouse. 

            Now here he was again.  She’d lied to him.  Looked him in the eye....or did she?  She was a bad liar that way.  If she tried to look him in the eye, her one dimple would have shown up with a broad smile.  She’d somehow found a way around that.  Well it wasn’t happening again.


            They were taking a long time on purpose.  Wolfgang and Roland sat and watched the rest of the football game.  They’d decided she needed to stew out there a bit.  The anticipation would be terrible.  Though neither one was angry with her, they felt she needed to learn her lesson.  Roland was amused.  She could have bought all kinds of frivolous things but she didn’t.  She bought what they needed.   But the lie bothered them both.

            Roland liked this couple for some reason.  He definitely liked Wolfgang for his honesty.  But he liked Emmie for her heart.   He hadn’t met her yet but would soon.   Emmie and he would definitely discuss what had happened.   Then would come Wolfie’s turn.  They’d planned out ahead of time just what course her punishment would take. 

            They watched the game in silence not relishing what they would have to do.   Their thoughts were centered on Emmie in the hallway.  Wolfgang knew she was still gawking at the finery around her.  He could hear her saying, “Damn Wolfie look at this clock!”  He knew she’d say that when she saw the grandfather clock in the study.  He also remembered her face when he confronted her with her lie.

            “Wolfie.  I’m sorry.  I don’t know why I lied to you.  Do you hate me?”  She’d said this slowly and quietly.  He had to strain to hear her. 

            “This will never happen again Emmie.  I WILL see to that.  So will Mr. Stoye.”  He gave her instructions on where they were going the next day and what would transpire.  “You will wear your black velvet dress.  No stockings.  No tights.  You will pull your hair back in a ponytail.  You’ve proven yourself to be a liar so your face must be visible at all times.  We do not trust you.  You will be ready to leave at 2 p.m.  Any questions?”

            “Wolfie you are going to spank me there?”

            “Yes Emmie I will.  And so will Roland.”  Her mouth fell open at that reply.

            “Wolfie!  No!”

            “Emmie!  Yes!  He is willing not to press charges against you.  You owe him and so do I.  I do NOT want to see you go to jail.”  Emmie had no choice.  As she went upstairs to bed, Wolfgang said, “Don’t bother with panties tomorrow.”  She caught the meaning immediately and already started blushing.  She couldn’t do this!  But jail was the other alternative.


            “Shit!” she shouted as the butler tapped her on the shoulder.  He led her into the study and Emmie was entranced.  The shelves of books lined the walls from floor to ceiling.  And there was all that wood.  “Damn Wolfie look at this clock!  It’s taller than I am!”  Wolfie hid a smile.  He hid another smile as he watched her walk past him and right up to Roland.

            Emmie looked Roland Stoye up and down.  Hey this man was going to be doing more than looking at her bare bottom, so she felt justified.  Roland enjoyed her boldness and gave her the once over in return.  Emmie liked Roland’s looks.  She couldn’t believe this man had that much money.  He had long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and a red beard.  He wore a blue plaid flannel shirt, jeans, and soft suede boots.  He dressed about the same way Wolfie did.  He had a beard like Wolfie, except Wolfie’s was dark brown like his hair.  Wolfie pulled his long hair back in a ponytail too.  She almost started to giggle when she realized all 3 of them had their hair the same way.

            Wolfie made the introductions and after offering Emmie a seat, Roland said, “Emmie, Wolfgang and I discussed your punishment.  We have come to what we think is a fair penalty.  Or you can choose not to accept our penalty.  That is where I will be required to report this to the authorities.” 

            “I understand totally.  What’s the punishment.” She said with false bravado.

            “I will start.  You will receive 12 strokes with the cane and 25 strokes with the belt.”  He waited for this to sink in and it did.  He could see her eyes get wide.  Wolfie had said she never had been struck with a cane before and had a healthy fear of them.  “Then you will stand in the corner for 1 hour where Wolfie and I will go over what you’ve done to deserve this.”

            Emmie looked over at Wolfie with a raised eyebrow.  “And where do you fit into all of this besides a stupid lecture?”

            “Emmie lose the attitude.  You brought this on yourself.  I’m going to use the hairbrush on your bottom like I’ve never used it before.  On top of the cane and belt I suspect it’ll be a long time before you sit again.”

            Both men were looking at her, waiting for her decision.  She couldn’t do this.  Let a stranger lift her skirt and cane her?  But she couldn’t go to prison either.  She looked from one to the other in hopes of swaying one to her side.  She was met with two pairs of steely blue eyes.

            “As I have no choice.  Let’s get this going.”

            “Good.  In the corner!” ordered Roland. 

            “I thought that was later….”

            “Oh I forgot to mention.  Wolfie and I are allowed to change the punishment as we go along.  By your attitude I’d say you need a lot of time in the corner.”

            Emmie sighed and went to the indicated corner.  “Raise your skirt.” was what she heard next.  She was about to turn and complain when she heard a whistle and felt a hot strip of pain cross her left cheek.  She looked at Roland and saw the cane in his hand.  Without any arguments she put her nose back in the corner and lifted her skirt.  That really hurt!  She wasn’t going to make it.  She knew it.  Her cheeks were red and she wanted the corner to swallow her up.  She stood there for an eternity. 

            “Emmie come here and bend over the desk.  Good now grab the other end of the desk.  Good.  Corner time agrees with you.”  Emmie couldn’t resist the glare she gave him.

Roland threw back his head and laughed.  He liked this girl.  There was something familiar about her.

            He carefully lifted her skirt and gently placed it across her back.  Emmie flinched from the cool air hitting her cheeks.  She was blushing furiously again.  But that didn’t last long when the first cane stroke landed across her bottom.  She sucked in her breath and prayed it would be over soon.  But Roland was taking his time.  He wanted each stroke to have time to sink in.  And sink in they did.  Each stroke made Emmie stiffen as fiery stripes were laced across her bottom.  The ones that hit her sit spot and thighs were almost unbearable.  She held back the tears.  She wasn’t crying in front of this guy.  No way. Then another stroke would land and she knew she had a welt.  But she still wouldn’t cry.

            “Okay Emmie that was twelve.  Now for the belt.”  The belt landing across the welts on her bottom took her breath away.  She’d thought Wolfie’s punishment would be easy but realized what this meant.  She’d have a welted sore bottom by the time Wolfie got her.  The hairbrush would break her.  Well that wasn’t going to happen.  She was not a whimperer. 

            Roland handled the belt like a pro.  He landed it across her cheeks, across her thighs and back again.  She jerked with each smack.  The leather hitting her already sore cheeks made her want to cry out.”  SMACK!  SMACK!  It hit a million times.  Well a million times in her mind.  And suddenly the belt stopped.

            “Stand up and go to the corner.  No.  Don’t let your skirt fall.”  By now Emmie was too sore to be embarrassed and walked to the corner.  Besides there was no way she was letting anything touch her burning bottom. 

            Roland started the lecture.  “Emmie why did you lie to Wolfie?  Are you afraid of him?  Has he ever punished you unjustly?  I’m sure he’s always been honest with you. What possessed you to use my credit card?  Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” 


Without waiting for answers, Wolfie started his part.  “Roland is right.  I’ve never lied to you.  But you’ve lied to me on more than one occasion.  Why is that?  Why can’t you tell me the truth when I ask for it?  I spanked you and you continued to lie.  Why?”  Both men took turns firing questions at her.  They didn’t wait for a response and her mind was whirling.  She didn’t know why she lied.  But if she made it through this, she’d never lie again she vowed to herself. 

            Then both the men left the study.  They left her alone with her own thoughts and a burning bottom.  She felt like a child again.  Scared and nervous because of a bad report card or a reprimand from a teacher for talking in class.  The tears threatened to come again but she held them back.

            The door finally opened and both men observed the little thief.  She stood in the corner with her bottom glowing.  They appreciated the sight very much.  She had a very spankable bottom and seeing it criss crossed with cane and belt marks only added to its beauty.  “I think she’s waited long enough,” said Wolfie who noticed the slump of her shoulders.  She was ready to break and would when he got finished with her. 

            He sat down in the straight-backed chair Roland provided and said, “Emmie come here and bring that hairbrush sitting on the desk.”  Emmie picked up the hairbrush and saw the ivory back on it.  Dang this guy was loaded.  She walked to Wolfie with downcast eyes.   He took her hand and led her across his lap.   With a flip of her skirt, her bottom was bared.  He rubbed the back of the hairbrush across her tender bottom so she’d get the feel of what was to come.   Then WHACK!  The hairbrush came down.  Wolfie said not a word and brought the brush down on her bottom again and again. 

            The silence bothered Emmie.    Why didn’t he start talking?  He always lectured.  Why was he so quiet and why didn’t he quit smacking her bottom?  “WOLFIE!!!  No more!!” she complained.  But Wolfie wasn’t listening as the hairbrush bounced off one cheek then the next.  WHACK!  WHACK!  WHACK!  WHACK!

            She was squirming and kicking so Wolfie anchored her by placing one leg across hers.  Emmie hated this position.  She had no room to move and knew in this position she had to accept whatever Wolfie dished out.  It was way too much like giving in so she struggled futilely.  SMACK!  SMACK!  Still not a word from Wolfie.  But Emmie had plenty to say.  “OUCH!  NO!  OW!  Stop!  Owie!!”  The relentless brush landed again and again across her bottom and thighs. 

            As soon as Emmie let herself go, her words changed to “NO!  I’m sssoooorrrryy!  Pleasssseeee nooooo moooorrreee!”  The sobs came full force.  She’d let him down again. 

            She lay sobbing across his lap as Wolfie stopped.  He lifted her to her feet and held her in his arms.  He kissed her forehead and smoothed back her hair as she cried.  When she finally started to calm down, he offered her his handkerchief.  Well one of those bandanas he used as a handkerchief.

            She looked up at Wolfie and smiled.  Then she remembered Roland who was sitting on the desk watching.  He saw her look at him and he opened his arms for her to come to him.  She went to him and knew she’d been forgiven.  All worries about Jail and the police were gone.  Emmie figured they could have fried an egg on her bottom but it would fade.  A record wouldn’t.   She looked up at this man who had held her future in his hands and said, “Thank you.”  He released his hold on her and let her go back to her husband’s arms. 


“Damn it!  All the good ones are taken,” he thought ruefully to himself.  Then he laughed at himself for his new wife was everything Emmie was.  Right down to the saucy ponytail and sassy walk he observed as she left with Wolfie.  Maybe that’s why he liked her and Wolfie so much.  They reminded him of he and his wife.  They only had been married a couple of months so he was still thinking in bachelor mode.  This of course would change with time.  He settled back in his chair and put his feet on the desk.  He’d left his wife waiting in the corner for the last 2 hrs.  He’d better go see to her discipline before she fell asleep.  But he waited another 10 minutes before going upstairs into their bedroom.  He rang for the butler and gave instructions to have the ivory backed hairbrush delivered to Emmie.  With a smile he headed upstairs swishing the cane as he went.



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