by Luis R.

I probably liked spanking since I was born, I can remember being excited about spanking stories when I was about 7. I had had a few experiences, playing games with female friends when I was 16 – 17 and with a girlfriend when I was very young but I had never met my dreamed woman, a woman who shared my spanking feelings, a woman I loved and who loved me. By then I just chatted at spanking chat rooms and cyber-played there but I missed a real loving spanking relationship and I knew I’d probably never have it. I know to meet the love of your life isn’t easy and I think to meet it when you are looking for a very special person is more difficult, so I conformed to cyber playing.
One evening I was chatting at that spanking chat room where I played sometimes, all my cyber spanking friends were from other countries there but that evening, it was different, I met a woman, I liked her nick: daisy, I sent her a person to person message and we started chatting in English (I didn’t know she was Spanish) -Where are you from?- -I’m from Spain, you?- -I’m from Spain too- -Oh nice- -What’s your real name? Mine Luis- -Mine Susana- -Where do you live? I live in Sevilla- - I live in Barcelona- -well, it’s only about 1,30 hours by plane- After it we played online, she wanted to be a naughty daughter and we played dad / daughter I cyber spanked her, finally we gave our e-mails and told bye each other. I didn’t know if I’d meet her again.
I enjoyed that chatting but nothing had changed, I just had a new friend, Spanish but she also was far from me.

I looked for her for 2 weeks but I couldn’t meet her and I sent an e-mail, she replied it and we met again, we chatted about our hobbies, our problems, our jobs and our lives, since then we started chatting 4 or 5 hours everyday, we also played cyber spanking sometimes and at the end, one day, I phoned her and since then we started talking by phone everyday, we also sent photos of ourselves each other.

I was falling in love but I didn’t want believe it, I thought it couldn’t happen chatting or talking by phone, I also thought a long distance relationship isn’t easy, I didn’t want losing our cyber relationship but I was on fear about a real relationship, everyday she told me –come here- and I always had an excuse, till one day she was angry –Luis I want you come here next weekend- -I’m sorry, I’m busy- -I’m thinking you are married in other way I can’t understand why you don’t want to meet me- -well, it isn’t true but you may think what you want- -I think you are deceiving me, you are idiot, you are making me to loose my time, I hate you and I don’t want to notice from you never more, bye- -bye-.

The following day I was feeling depressed and mad with myself, she phoned me, she was crying –I love you Luis, I don’t want to miss you, I know I was bad yesterday, please come here and punish me, spank me for that- -Susana, I also love you, I also was bad, what’s my punishment?- -Love me for ever and spank me when you feel I deserve it, that’s all- -Yes I’ll do, I’ll be there next weekend, ok?- -Yes darling, I can’t wait for it. Is it going to hurt me? - -Well darling, a spanking must hurt- we hung the phone.

Friday came soon, I arrived there at lunch time, she was waiting for me at the airport, we kissed each other and went to a restaurant, we didn’t talk about the spanking she was going to take, I knew she have never been spanked for real, I have done it a few times for play, for that first time I was going to use just my hand on her, we talked about us, after lunch we was walking along the city and finally we went to her house.

When we went in her house she went to her room and changed her clothes, she came back dressing a sweat suit, pant and t-shirt, I was sitting on the couch, -Over my knees- she did, I took down her pant at her knees, then her panties, I could see her nice bottom for first time in my life, I started spanking her bottom with my hand, hard, alternating both cheeks, spanking every part of her bottom, she didn’t cry or scream, she didn’t move, I went on, harder and faster, her bottom was very red and some bruises was appearing on it, her bottom was too hot and my hand too, but she continued still, I had been spanking her for about 15 minutes, I stopped, -All is over, darling- I kissed her bottom and took up her panties and pant, -Are you well?- she sat over my knees crying softly and hugged me, I hugged her as strong as I could, then I kissed her lips, I felt I loved her more than I thought –Now I’ll start my punishment, I’ll love you for ever and I’ll spank you when you deserve it. Are you sure you want a domestic discipline relationship?- -Yes, I need it, I want you spank me when I did anything bad for myself, for yourself or for both, I want you choose when I deserve it and I want you do it though I didn’t accept it, then I want you forgive me and kiss and hug me. Do you agree about all that? - -Yes darling I agree, I know I’m starting the best relationship of my life- I kissed her again; I knew she was my dreamed woman.

After that we started a nice relationship, we met every weekends since Friday till Sunday and holidays, and I decided to move to the city she lived. I thought I had met my dreamed partner.

A few time later she posted the following post at a spanking forum:

“I have been into DD for a short time and it all started as a consensual way of putting an end to a quarrel that had been going on for a long time and then forgetting all about it. And it worked. It meant the beginning of a brand new relationship that was deeper and stronger because the anger was gone and we were capable of talking and specially listening to each other again.

Now, about the crying thing. I think that although the pain helps to open the gates and start crying and it is also important in order to feel who is really in control, most of the times it's the shame about what you did to deserve the spanking that makes it happen.

When I'm ohk, part of me feels like a little girl who is very nervous and scared about the spanking (even though I know he loves me and he won't hurt me) and who needs a relief from her emotions. At the same time the grown up is trying to hold up and maintain her feelings and her mind under control as well as all the stress it means.

For me, the crying allows the grown up to get rid of bad emotions and sometimes self-destroying feelings (like hating herself and the whole world for she not being wonder woman-in-control-and-always-right). At the same time, the little girl is also entitled to forget about all her fears and anger. Then it comes the best part, when you get all those hugs, soft words and kisses, when you cry and cuddle in his arms like a baby and you feel safe, loved and protected no matter what. And hey!! After all a sore bottom surely deserves such a reward :))

Sorry for the long speech, I don't know if it makes much sense to you, I'm still struggling to understand how come an independent and strong woman like me can sometimes benefit from a sound spanking over Luis's knee.”

Luis R.