The flip book is an exciting new way to read books on line. However to view our books or albums (or many others on line) you will have to download the FREE flip viewer version to your computer first. After that you can just click and ENJOY the new experience any time.

Download FlipbrowserDownload Flipbrowser

Then your ready to enjoy the next phase in on line reading for the spanko community

<<THE PARTY click on the book or text to open once you have flip viewer>>


  AOL browser There appears to be a problem with using this browser and the XML code employed in the flipviewer. Use internet explorer (>5) or Netscape
1  screen fit of text The book text fits any screen or resolution perfectly. (The only time I've seen it not is when your desktop font setting is not set to normal size but large.)
2 natural feel to reading page layout and turning pages just feels a more natural reading mode
3 features flipping pages (mouse pointer icon turns a book when at the bottom of a page to turn that page

 book marking

 and lots more