
By Brandy


“Jayme, do you remember Mike?”

She smiles, “How could I forget Mike? The one who would pull me over and then tell you about it!”

Everyone is laughing and Jayme and Jason share one of ‘those’ remembrance looks.

Reaching out to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek he smiles and says “How have you been Jayme, its been what five years?”

“Pretty busy actually I just got a job at that new private school. Teaching first grade, I love it though.”

“My wife just started there too, Nicole Carlton?”

“Oh yes I know her. Is she here tonight?”

A woman walks up from across the room, “Jayme, Hi.”

“Hi Nikki, we were just catching up with Mike, him and Jason use to be partners on the force before Mike left.”

The men leave to let the girls talk.


“Oh did you ask Jason about the conference?”

“Yes.” With a roll of her eyes “It is not in the proper type of city for a woman to be alone!”

“I got the same response. He won’t listen when I tell him what a wonderful teacher the speaker is and how thousands will be there to see him.”

“Yes, Jason said he guessed there would be thousands minus me!”

“Do you want to go anyway?”

“What excuse can we use?”

“How about a little girls weekend out to that small antiquing town about 4 hours away?

“Perfect, I will get back with you tomorrow.”


Two Weeks later…

“Yes Jason, I have the cell phone and your credit card for emergencies.”

“Ok honey then you are all set.”

“I love you, and I will see you Sunday afternoon.”

”Watch what you spend.”

“Yes sir I will.”


“Yes Mike, everything is taken care of. Reservations and all. We will be fine, No trouble at all!”

Cocking his eyebrow, “I highly doubt that is the truth. You forget that I know Jayme and I know you too. I have a feeling you and I will be having a discussion when you get home. Just what about I don’t know. I just know you plus Jayme plus a weekend away from your husbands is bound to equal trouble.”


“Jayme’s here. I love you.”




“Stevens’ residence.”

“Hey Jase its Mike.”

“What’s going on?”

“I just found a piece of paper that tells me our wives have lied to us. They told us the right city just not the right state.”

“You mean they are headed to that conference?”

“Yes and the brochure for the conference states spouses are welcome.”

“So you think we should make ourselves welcome there?”

“Pick you up in 30 minutes?”

“I’ll be ready.”


“Wow this day has been great.”

“I know, I got a little annoyed by those guys in the back that kept on asking what husbands can do to keep there wives in check!”

“Yes it reminded me of Jason, those are the type of questions he would be asking.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have came.”

“I’m having doubts myself, but we are already her and have already lied. We will be leaving soon enough though, after tomorrows morning lecture we can head where we are suppose to be. Buy some antiques go a little over budget so they don’t get suspicious about us behaving too much!”

“And then we will be in the clear!”


“Great plan Nicole Rene.”


Both women went pale as the turned around to see two very pissed off husbands staring down at them.


Gasping “Jason!” “Mike!”

“What are you two doing here?!?!”


“Ah my Precious One, the question is what are you two doing here?”


Jason who still hasn’t calmed down since they left home is trying to control his voice.

“I suggest you two gather up your things and head to the hotel room. Mike and I will follow. Jayme Lynn don’t even think about trying any funny business. I can’t speak for Mike about Nikki. But if you try anything I will spank your bottom right in the middle of the street. Understood?”

“Yes Sir.”


Slowly the girls walk to the hotel, taking very small slow steps.

Two simultaneous smacks cause them to quicken the pace.


“Go straight to the corner Nicole.”


“Do you want to meet up in an hour Jason?”

“Yes see you then.”


With that Jason and Mike shut the doors to their rooms.


Jason and Jayme’s room


“Good I can see you are wise to do what is expected of you without being told.”

Jayme is in the corner with her panties pulled off and her skirt hiked up.

Slowly turning “I am sor—“

“Did I give you permission to turn around young lady???” Jason barked that last statement and very quickly Jayme turned back into the corner.

She hears him start to pace and take a deep breath. Damn lecture time, “why can’t he just spank her and get it over wit-“

“Oh I will Jayme and do I need to remind you that there is nothing but silence in the corner?”

Damn she can’t believe she said that out loud.


Mike and Nikki’s room


“Nicole Rene come over to me.”

He is sitting on the bed and makes perfect eye contact with Nikki.

“I think you can save me the talking and explain to me what you did wrong.”

“Michael I am so sorry.”

“I don’t think you are but I guarantee you will be.”

“I should have listened when you told me I couldn’t go. You were only saying no for my own safety. I shouldn’t have lied to cover it up and then planned another lie. This was suppose to be your weekend fishing trip which is why you said no in the first place because you wouldn’t be around to escort me.”

“Pretty good. What next?”

“I am going to get spanked on my bottom as punishment for lying and disobeying.”

“Good now there is a friend of yours in my bag please go get it.”


“Ok Jayme, where do we begin? With the lying? The disobeying? The getting into trouble and bringing someone else along? The knowing I had to work this weekend but putting your self in danger anyway? Knowing I would have to take off to come save you? Knowing that I was one step away from promotion, but had to take time off. Why couldn’t you have just been honest to begin with and let me know that you and Nikki wanted to go together? I would have allowed that and so would Mike especially after we realized we all knew each other.”

Jayme is bawling in the corner by this time. She hates his lectures. They are always right on the money. She is also upset that she may have ruined his chance at a promotion. She had forgotten all about that.

“Come here please and lean over the bed.”

No warm up????

As she starts walking over Jason removes his belt.

Leaning onto the bed Jayme sticks her bottom in the air and feels his hand in the small of her back to keep her in place.

“How many should I give you Jayme?”

“20 sir”

“Oh ok I will give you your twenty and then you can give me the real number I want!”

“Count them.”

SMACK –onnnnnnnnnne

SMACK SMACK tweooo, threeeeee

She gets her 20 with his hand without missing one.

“Now shall we try this again?”

“75 with your belt sir.”

“Now that’s more like it.”

After 75 fast hard whacks with his belt Jayme has already fallen to the bed sobbing and limp. Jason rubs cream on her bottom and hears a familiar sound from next door.

“Man Mike must be stricter than me!”

“Jayme honey its over, calm down baby.” Kissing the top of her head he lets her cry her heart out. He knows that she is past the crying for the pain and now is crying for emotional relief.

“Calm down baby doll, Lets get you in the shower we are going to meet Mike and Nikki for dinner in twenty minutes.” (That is if Mike ever finishes spanking her.)


“Ah I see you found the paddle.”

“Yes sir, Could you please use this paddle to spank my bottom and teach me a lesson is obedience and respect?”

“Yes my love I will. Bend over and touch the wall.”

“Yes you heard me correctly. You must stand the whole time, for all 100 that you have coming to you. You may ask to go to the bed at anytime but you will get 30 with my hand and 150 with the paddle once you get there. If you move we will start over at the 10 mark I don’t care if we are at 99, you move and we will start at 90.”

“So which will it be my Precious One?”

“The wall sir.”

“Good choice.”


“Are you finished with lying Nicole Rene?”


“Yes sir.”


“Are you finished with disobeying?


“Yeeeesss (sob sob sniffle) SIR!!!!”


“Glad to hear that.”

This went on nice and slow for 20 minutes which is why Jason was still hearing spanking going on. Mike likes to know that he has done a thorough job and every lick is felt and understood.

“Ok angel it is all finished.”

Nikki turns away from the wall and falls into his arms. It took al of her composure up to then to remain standing.

“Lets get you in the shower so we can meet up with Jason and Jayme.”


At least they got to stay for the whole conference! (even though they STOOD in the back for the rest.)


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