The Gun's Big Bang

by Amber

There had been a recent rash of minor burglaries in the neighborhood. The cops thought it was just “some teenagers” having fun, I was getting worried!

This brings us to the discussion over breakfast.

“But Honey, we really need to get a gun so I can feel safe when you are gone on your business trips! Kate's husband bought one!"

Dan finishes his toast and looks at me, not the least bit happy to be having this conversation again.

“I told you are safe enough, with Charlie and Stephanie, (both police officers) next door and the security system. I also believe I told you that you can go and stay at my mom’s when I am gone. You know they love to have you there! And I am NOT Kate's husband, I have told you using her for an example will rarely benefit you!"

(Like that is an option! Dan’s dad is as strict at he is and his mother loves to tell Dan every little thing I do while he is out of town!!)

“Fine, then if I we get robbed and something terrible happens to me you can’t say I tried to warn you!” this being said I stood up to leave the room.

As I was almost out of the kitchen, Dan’s “Stop right there lil’ lady” caused me to pause. I turned my head, not giving him my full attention and said “What?”

Dan’s eyebrow did that “lift and hold” while looking like he was contemplating standing to come to me. Apparently he decided not to as he said:

“Watch that tone of voice when you talk to me or we will review what happens to sassy little mouths and the bottom that inhabits the same body, clear?”

I gave the customary “Yes Sir” turned and left barely remembering not to stomp, as he considers that “being sassy” as well. (Even after 2 years of marriage this man’s rules are hard to remember at times!)

My mind was already planning to start my plan C my friend Kate had helped me hatch. MEN! They think they hold all the Ace's in THEIR hands. HMPFF..if he won’t get me the gun, then I will take Kate’s advice and go buy my own! He never said I could not buy one, just that he would not get one for me. And he always says to do “just as he says” so since he didn’t say I couldn’t buy one I would not be in the wrong in this case now would I?

Wonder how hard it is to shoot one of those things? All they do is point and pull the trigger on TV………..

Part Two

2 days later….

"Are you SURE Dan said it is okay for you to get a gun?" Kate asked me as we sat in the diner having coffee and bagels.

"Well, he only said HE would not get me one, he said nothing about my not getting one myself."

Kate warily looked at me and shook her head. "Well, I guess if he did not specifically say you couldn't, then maybe it will be okay. But if not, do not tell him I said that! Last time he found out I influenced you into mischief, he told John, who very strongly suggested I not influence you anymore!” This being said, Kate felt her bottom tingle at the WAY John suggested this, and she did not care to have a repeat of that discussion.

“Okay then let’s finish eating and we can go and pick out the gun!” I said.

Soon as we finished, we paid the tab then went to the nearby Pawn shop.

“Hi ladies, what can I help you with today?” said Mr. Conner, the man behind the counter.

“Well, we are looking for a ladies Glock. The lightest gun for women that you have.” I said. I had remembered a conversation my neighbor Stephanie and I had about guns, and was proud I knew the name.

Mr. Conner looked at me and said, “Does Dan know you are buying a gun?”

Kate grabbed my arm, as I was about to put my hands on my hips, aggravated that this man would ask me such a question!

“I need to buy a gun….do you want to sell me one or not? I said in the nicest voice I could, but with enough emphasis so Mr. Conner knew I was insulted by his question.

Mr. Conner looked at me over the rim of his glasses, and deciding he did not want to loose a sale he said “Ok, here are the Glocks we have in stock right now. Please show me your permit and you can pick which one you want.”

I pulled out the permit I had purchased the day before, proud again that I knew what I needed to have to get the gun.

After looking over the different styles, I decided on a small Glock, one very much like the one John and Kate had at their house. I was a little surprised at the price, but it was worth it.

As I was paying for the gun, Mr. Conner said “Be sure and read the warning inside the box, there has been an warning about the trigger lock inserted.

I was too excited about buying the gun to really pay attention to his comment. This would prove to be very detrimental later on, which I would find out about the hard way.

We left the store, and drove to my house. Kate had to leave for a hair appt. but before she left, she reminded me to read the instructions. I told her “Don’t worry, I am sure it is easy, you just point and pull the trigger.” I said goodbye and she said she would call me later to see how it was.

If ONLY I had done what Mr. Conner said, read the warning first, and then read the instructions.
Turns out the warning said:

Danger: A very serious and potentially life threatening situation has recently come to our attention. An aftermarket trigger distributed by the NRA states that this trigger defeats the firing pin safety in GLOCK pistols when it is installed.

The vertical extension on a GLOCK trigger bar is in constant contact with the firing pin safety once this trigger is installed. If a loaded pistol is dropped, it will discharge without the trigger being pulled. If this model has this aftermarket part, immediately remove it from your pistol. If you know anyone else who has this type of trigger, please notify him or her immediately. If this part is installed in your gun, it can discharge if the gun is dropped or jarred. Obviously this will lead to an unintentional discharge and may cause serious bodily injury to yourself or another.

But of course, I thought I knew everything, I had read the book and passed the test to get my permit anyways didn’t I?

Part 3

After Kate left I put the gun on the table, still in its box. I checked the mailbox, happy to find a letter from my sister, then sat at the computer and typed a response to her, remembering to tell her about my recent purchase. I then went to the basement to start some laundry. The phone rang and it was a solicitor, so I hung up as politely as possible.

Before I knew it the clock said 2:00. Since Dan usually gets home around 3:00 I decided I better find a good hiding place. (I did plan to tell him about the gun, but wanted to make sure he was in the best possible mood before “going there” again.) Only problem was I couldn’t think of a good place to hide the gun.

I finally remembered the old lock box we kept in the basement, and decided that would be a good place as Dan rarely went in the basement unless he needed to get some laundry out of the dryer, and probably forgot we had the thing anyways.

I took the gun out of the box, admiring how sleek and new it looked. I remembered all the things I had read about guns when I went to get my permit. I even removed the clip from its separate box, and loaded it into the gun. I made sure the “safety” was on then started to walk to the basement door. I was carrying the gun in my hand like it was an every day thing, to carry a loaded gun through the house.

Our cat Snoopy had decided to sleep in his usual spot, on the bottom rack of the baker’s rack, but hearing me on the steps to the basement, he quickly got up and ran at the chance to go mouse hunting in the basement.

I was on the 3rd to the last step when Snoopy, who apparently thought I was going much to slowly down the stairs, darted between my feet and scared the living jabeegees out of me. In an instant (isn’t that all the time it EVER takes for us to get into BIG trouble?) I was tripping down the last steps, and to catch myself on the banister, I dropped the gun on the basement floor.

BANG! (This really amplified by 10, as the basement is a very closed in area and the sound echoed loudly).

I must have jumped 5 feet in the air!! The cat ran back up the stairs, all I saw was his black and white fur fly by.

Was that ever LOUD!!! I never knew such a little gun could have such a loud noise! I then looked at the gun, and immediately thought how in the hell did I have the bad luck to get a defective gun that didn’t really LOCK when you had the safety on! Of course, that thought lasted a whole 5 seconds, when I heard running feet above me, and Dan yelling for me.

OMG!! Looking at my watch I saw it was 2:20. He is home early!! He called my name again, sounding more panicked.

I’m in the basement honey,” I shouted up the stairs, grabbing the gun and putting it the laundry basket closest to me. It was not a second later that Dan was coming downstairs.

“Are you okay?” he asked me “I was parking the car in the garage and heard what sounded like a gunshot! I have never been so scared, I thought someone was in the house attacking you!”

“Ummm, no honey, no one is here with me. Maybe you were hearing things!” Now I know how lame that sounded, but when you don’t have time to think of a good lie to literally “cover your butt,” you sometimes say stupid things like I had just done.

Dan just looked at me, not believing me for an instant, as I was still quite shaken from the gun going off. Then Dan said, “What is going on here? And what is that sound?” He then turned to look and my eyes followed where he was looking, which was at the thick rubber hosing that ran from the huge sink near the washing machine, to the back of the washing machine.

My eyes instantly got as large as saucers as I noticed, the bullet size hole in the front of the hose, and a steady stream of water flowing out of it.

“What the hell is going on here?” Dan mumbled, as he walked quickly over to the hose. Bending down, he turned off the water at the base of the sink. “Hand me a towel out of the laundry basket honey,” he said.

Like I said, my quick thinking had not returned yet, and I quickly grabbed the towel, forgetting I had shoved the gun under it. I then walked over to Dan and handed him the towel to soak up some water and said, “Let me go get the mop upstairs.”

I ran and got the mop and returned, only to find Dan standing over the laundry basket looking down. I looked down, and my heart dropped straight down! There lay the gun, pretty as can be.

Dan caught my eye, and looked deep into mine and said, “I was going to get another towel, and when I reached for it, this is what I saw. Don’t suppose you know anything about this do you?”

I stood on the bottom step staring at Dan, my mind going 90 miles a minute, trying to think of a way out of this. Dan’s right eyebrow did the “perk” thing and started to lift almost as he were able to read my thoughts!

“Well honey, I was thinking about what you said the other night and even though you said you didn’t think I needed a gun for protection, and that YOU would not buy me one, you never SAID that I could not buy one.”

As I was saying this Dan had started to walk towards me, so I of course, started to ease my way back up the stairs. Not as easy to do as it sounds, let me tell you. After I reached the top of the stair, I turned to walk into the dining room.

Dan grabbed my arm and pulling me to a stop leaned down and in a low whisper said, “Upstairs now, and not another word.” This being said, he let me turn around and gave me a quick smack to my bottom to get me going. (Like I needed the help!)

I practically ran through the house, then upstairs, trying to get a few feet ahead of him. It worked, as I heard him stop in his study, but not for long. By the time I reached our bedroom he had made it to the top of the stairwell.

Reaching the bedroom, I sat on the bed, thinking to myself, that with the way he was looking at me in the basement, this may be the last time I get to sit comfortable for a few days so I planned to enjoy the last few moments of pain-free posture.

Dan came into the room carrying a paper bag. Curiosity was instant, but I decided I better not say anything until I found out if he had cooled down the whole 5 minutes it took us to get from the basement to the bedroom.

Dan stopped in the doorway, and started to talk.

“I am only going to ask this one time, ONE time” Dan started to say, “Where in the world do you get off thinking that I was born yesterday? YOU know I disapproved of the whole gun idea, and yet you very clearly didn’t give a rats ass what I thought, and went and bought a life ending weapon when I told you I didn’t want one in the house!”

As he was saying this, each word was uttered a little louder…until he was almost shouting. Dan is a quiet man, so for him to raise his voice means he is pretty upset.

Now, I know it was not an appropriate time to say this, but it just kind of popped out of my mouth. “What part of that was the question you were only going to ask once?”

Dan’s eyebrows-both of them this time- raised up, as he came to stand over me. What I saw in his eyes was not something I care to see again. His eyes were tearing up! It was at that moment that all the emotions he must have felt from the moment he heard that gunshot and did not know if I were safe or not, to the emotions he was feeling now, the disappointment and total disrespect for his wishes. Never before had I ever felt so sorry for what I had done.

I started to talk and Dan placed his finger over my lips, silencing me.
“I was going to give you time to explain, but from that last smart ass remark, I can see time for talk will be later. MUCH later.” “I was going to save this new paddle for a time when you really needed a punishment, but I never would have thought it would be this soon!” And then he pulled out the paddle he had in the paper bag.

This was not an ordinary paddle, like a ping pong paddle, or the little Ball and string paddle he usually used. NO, this was shaped like a canoe paddle, though about a fourth of the length and half the thickness. I didn’t like knowing that that was the instrument he was about to use on my backside!

“Honey, please don’t use that on me!” I asked Dan, then said “You’ve never used anything more than the little paddles, and that is only when I have been really mischievous or naughty!”

“Well, I think now is the time for an upgrade, and the more you argue, the more swats you will get! Now please, let’s get this over with.”

Before I could utter another word, Dan had sat on the bed next to me, grabbed my arm and almost threw me across his lap. He then started and hand spank, fast and furious, never stopping to talk. After about 20 smacks with his hand, he lifted up the edge of my jean skirt, and hooking his fingers in my panties, drew them down slowly.

I have NEVER felt something so hard hit my butt as when he started to smack my bottom with that paddle.

{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}
{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}

Over and over the paddle fell, never missing its mark, even though I was tossing as much as I could, begging and pleading for it to be over, as I said over and over how I would never even look at a gun!

After what seemed like forever, but was only about 10 minutes, (but about 200 whacks!) Dan finally stopped and threw the paddle on the floor. I just lay there, over his lap, as we both calmed down. I was crying my eyes out as the pain of what felt like a zillion bees stinging my buttocks at the same time was immense! (Dan had not in anyway paddling me in anger, but fear, and he has been known to get emotional whenever he has to deal out a punishment.)

After soothing my scorched bottom, he gently turned me over and had me look up at him.

“I NEVER want to have you because you could have killed yourself again! AM I CLEAR? If you ever put yourself in such danger again, you will NOT sit for a month, this I swear to you! Do you understand me? Because if you don’t I can paddle you some more until I am UNDERSTOOD!”

“I understand honey, I understand, and I promise I will never ever do anything like that again!” I was crying while I said that, more because of what I had done than from the spanking.

We sat on the bed, with me on his lap for a long time, discussing what had led up to the shot fired in the basement. Snoopy came in and sat on the bed, curled up against us, no worse for what I had put us through.

Dan said he forgave me but I was in for a hard hand spanking every night the rest of that week, to equal the fear he had for me when he heard that bang. Dan said it was to remind me of what could have happened. I was just grateful he did not use the paddle!

The End…of this story anyway.


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