Happy Birthday

by Anna

Marilee carefully carries the big birthday cake to John.
It's a sheet cake, very awkward to hold and heavy. He told her not to carry it, but to put it on a cart and wheel it in. She didn't listen. She thought she was strong enough to carry it all by herself.

Anyway, she didn't want to have to wash any extra stuff, so the idea of using a cart was silly. Why get the cart full of cake? I can carry it she assured herself. Never really gave a thought to not doing it herself. No big deal.

Well, guess what? She was wrong. It was a big deal. A VERY big deal as it turned out. Marilee was walking very carefully, watching over the top of the cake to make sure nothing or no one got in her way.

She forgot to watch the floor. She also forgot to put her shoes where they belong, which is not the middle of the floor.

Marilee was just about to the living room where John was sitting.


Uh oh. Down went the cake and down went Marilee. When she dared to peek, she saw the cake on the floor, and also on John. Mostly on the floor though.

Uh Oh.


Silence only for a minute. Then, "MARILEE!"

Marilee pouts.

"No pouting Marilee." John said as he helps her up from the mess on the floor. He makes sure she's okay and not hurt from her fall. The only thing hurt was her pride.

"Marilee, what did I tell you about that cake?"

"You said it was too awkward for me to carry."

"Right. Then why did you?"

"Cause I wanted to John. That's why."

"Well, guess what I am gonna do, JUST CAUSE I WANT TO Marilee?"

She slowly backs away from John, but he grabs her arm before she is able to move too far.

"Not so fast. You're not going anywhere." He then hands her a rag to clean up the mess off him and the floor. She does. He helps Marilee start the cleanup.

Marilee thinks to herself, Whew, I thought for sure he was gonna spank me for not listening and not obeying him about that cake. Good thing he didn't notice the shoes I tripped over!

"Now that it's almost cleaned up Marilee, you go and take a shower and get YOURSELF all cleaned up."

"Okay John." Marilee hurries past him before he can say anything else. But, he stops her again. "Oh, then, as soon as you're done Marilee, come back down here right away. We need to have a discussion."

Uh Oh Marilee's eyes go wide, knowing exactly what that means. And it isn't a verbal discussion. Her hands instinctively reach to cover her bottom while she shakes her head no.

John smiles and says, "Yes Marilee."

"But... but, you CAN'T spank me!"

"And why do you think that I can't spank you Marilee?"

"Cus it's your birthday John. NO spankings on your birthday... OHHHHHHHHH!" Marilee smiles now. "It's gonna be a Good Girl Spanking for me!" BIG SMILE

"Yes Marilee, it'll be a GOOD spanking alright, but NOT a GOOD GIRL spanking. You have to BE good to get that kind of spanking. Have you been good?" John's eyes look around the room and the cake mess that's left and the shoes strewn on the floor still.


"NO pouting." John lands a few spanks on Marilee's bottom. "Get those shoes of yours put where they belong and then get upstairs and take that shower, now!"

Like a spoiled brat, Marilee stomps toward the shower, stopping only to grab a towel.

She hurries and showers, then gets to her room quickly and gets dressed.
"Hmmm... What should I wear?" Marilee asks herself.

She smiles and decides to wear a very sexy dress, confident that will make him change his mind and NOT spank her for being naughty!

Hurrying the dressing, she leaves her room and finds John in his office.

"Close the door Marilee and come here." He's sitting behind his desk. Closing the door, Marilee stands in front of the desk.

"Very nice dress Marilee." John looks at what she is wearing with a smile on his face. Marilee starts to smile too, until he speaks again. "It's too bad that very nice dress is going to get all wrinkled once you're over my knee for your SPANKING."

Oh no! The plan did NOT work! Marilee feels those butterflies begin moving inside her now. His spankings hurt. She begins pouting again. That doesn't work either.

"You look a little pale Marilee. Perhaps you need some sunshine?" John gets up from behind his desk and opens the drapes in the office. The office looks out into the street, the front of the house. He smiles as he does this. Then he adjusts the drapes so they're open as far as they can be.

Marilee just stands there, wanting to hide, but with no place to go.

Then he slides that straight back chair of his right to the center of the room, sits down and crooks his finger at her.

"Noooooo, please nooooo." Marilee's begging and pleading begin. But he just keeps crooking that finger at her. Slowly she walks to the middle of the room and stands in front of him.

"Now Marilee, you know what to do, you know what I expect."


"Marilee, I want you to prepare yourself for your spanking and do not waste anymore time pouting!"

"Bbbut John!" Marilee points to the open window. "What if someone peeks in and sees???"

"Well Marilee, then whoever does see, will know what a naughty girl you've been and they'll see that you're getting a well deserved over the knee old fashioned spanking. Won't they Marilee?"

"Yes Sir."

"Prepare yourself now or it'll be worse for you Marilee."

"Yes Sir."

She knows what she has to do. *sighs*

She lift up her dress for John and stands there.

"Marilee? How do I spank?"

"Hard John, very hard."


She pouts as she answers, "You spank only on the bare bottom John."

Looking down at the floor, she begins to lower her panties.

"That's better Marilee, I like co operation."

Marilee mumbles, "Yes Sir."

"Marilee, look at me when we speak. Is that understood? Or do you need a lesson for that also?" John's voice is stern.

Looking up, "No Sir, I do not."

She finishes lowering her panties to mid thigh. John takes her arm and gently guides her across his knee.

He rubs her bottom, each cheek in turn, then lands a spank to each cheek. "Why are you getting this spanking Marilee?" He asks.

"Because I didn't listen to you when you told me not to carry the cake, but to use the cart, Sir."

Another round of spanks land but this time they don't stop until at least ten have been perfectly place.

Marilee starts squirming and wiggling over his knee. John keeps on lecturing and spanking while holding her firmly in place.

"Pleasssssssse! I'll be good.. Just STOP SPANKING ME!!!"

Marilee's pleas once again are ignored as John spanks harder and harder. Her legs are flying almost as fast as his hand is landing on her bottom.

"Ohhhh... pleassssssse stop! I PROMISE I'll be a good girl ALL the time if you just...oohhwwwww .. STOP SPANKING!"

John stops spanking and lays his hand over her VERY hot bottom. "Marilee, it seems I hear that quite often, yet, you seem to be over my knee just as often for your naughty behavior."

"I know Sir, but I do try to be good. I try so very hard!"

Another volley of hard smacks land on Marilee's upturned bottom, bringing her to tears now.

"You don't see to try very hard though, do you Marilee?"

Through her sobs she manages a meek, "No Sir, it sure doesn't seem that way right now."

John again rests his hand on her bottom, feeling the heat rising up. Lifting his hand off, he delivers a few more stinging smacks that have Marilee holding onto the chair leg as tight as she can. "These ones are for leaving your shoes in the middle of the floor."

John continues to spank her naughty bottom. "Will you TRY to be a good girl and LISTEN to me when I tell you something Marilee?"

Marilee nods her head, barely able to talk. "Yyyyes Sir, I promise."

"I hope so Marilee, I don't like to have to spank you this hard."

He demonstrates HARD with a HARD stinging SPANK to each cheek.


Laying his hand on Marilee's red bottom again, John speaks softly. "You need to remember there are things I tell you for a good reason and you have to obey me."

"Yes Sir, I know and I will from now on. I promise."

John's hand stays on her bottom, but this time his hand gently rubs all over her hot bottom. The soothing hand now that a few minutes before was inflicting such pain, rubbed and rubbed.

Suddenly Marilee went limp over his lap, taking in every wonderful rub as it slowly took some of the burning pain away.

She felt almost relaxed. John sensed she was relaxing. He continued to rub a minute longer, then as suddenly as his hard spanks had stopped, they began again.

But before Marilee can yell out, the spanks become much softer. Each one softer and lighter than the previous one. Each spank was also followed by a nice soft gentle rub.

Marilee feels herself moving right along with those wonderful soft rubs to her red hot bottom.

"Is this better Marilee?" John asks as he continues to lightly spank, gently rubbing each cheek as he spanks it.

"Ohhhh Yes SIR!" Marilee answers as she feels soooooo relaxed over John's knee.

"I thought it would Marilee. Now isn't this better than those naughty girl spanks I gave you a few minutes ago?"

While waiting for her answer, John reaches with his free hand and pulls the window curtains closed.

With a contented smile, Marilee turns her head to look up at John and whispers, "Happy Birthday Sir!"

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