Hurts Me Too   part 2

"Yes Mike, I understand.
"I'll be here when you get off late Friday night.
"Yes sir I will have everything packed. Why won't you tell me where
we are going?
"Ok Ok I’ll be a good girl!"

I am slowly starting to dislike Mikes work. You would think with all
the money they make they would hire more computer engineering network
specialist or what ever the heck his title is! It’s not enough for
him to have to do installations while everyone is gone (leading to
night shift). No he has to spend his whole Friday (not even getting
a chance to come home) at the out of town office. He won't even be
returning until 3 or 4 am Saturday morning!!
But he has a surprise weekend planned! Goody! Oh wait I was heading
to the concert on Saturday night. Guess I will just go on Friday.

Maybe I can surprise Mike! (Searching through the closet) Where the
heck are they! All this junk!
'AH here they are a pair of very tight LOW hanging hip huggers! I
will just wear them to greet Mike when he heads home from work. That
means I will have to wear them to the concert with that tiny tee.'

'I guess what he doesn't know won't hurt him, though he will kill me
if he finds out that I wore something like this in public.'

Friday Night 6pm Lake Vale, PA

"Hey sexy let me light your fire!"
"YA want a bag maaaaaaaaaan?"
"How bout a bowl baby you only have to su--"

OH my goodness! What did I get myself into? I can't believe the type
of people that are here. I have been offered drugs 6 times, sexual
propositions more than I can count. And a bowl? Why would they be
selling dishes at a concert?


I should have listened to Mike! I guess it is not too late to turn
and go back home. I haven't bought my ticket yet.

Nikki is deep in thought and doesn't see two guys coming from behind
her. As one starts to grab her arm she instinctively gets on the
ready. With one quick kick to the chest and he goes down. Now for number two! Nikki's odds aren't helped any by the fact that most people are in the arena and she is in a dark wooded area heading back to her car. Her purse was dropped with the last kick so she is on her own as far as defense goes.

Nikki now sees that there are 4 more men and they are closing in on her. She is so scared but tries not to show it. Still trying to fight, she screams as one of the guys grabs her. She is not making it easy for
them but she is way out numbered, the first guy is starting to get

A police officer sees the squrmish and fires his gun in the air to
scare the guys off. It worked, they dropped Nikkie and ran. Relieved
Nikkie falls on the ground trying to gain her composure.

"Ma'am, are you ok?"


"Yes officer, thank you."


"The names John O'Dell." He holds out his hand for a shake.


"Nice to meet you Officer O'Dell, Nicole Carlton."
Glancing at her finger he sees her wedding set and asks "Is your
husband around?"


"Umm no he had to work."


"So he let you go to a Dead concert alone? Did either of you think
about the outfit you are wearing? Not that it is that bad, looks nice but do you realize how dangerous that was? It would be one thing if he were here to protect you."


The officer looked and sounded just like Mike did when he was upset.
That didn't help Nikki's state of mind any.


With tears starting to form she told him.

"I was just trying to get back to my car. After all the drugs I saw and was offered I decided to go home and uh wait until tomorrow to come back with my husband."


"I'm sorry I came down so hard on you. You were just in a very
dangerous and scary situation and I should have given you some time
to calm down. Here let me escort you to your car."


Nikki grabbed her purse and double checked that everything was in
there. She didn't need to forget something and then explain to Mike
why she didn't have it.


"Thank you for your help officer."


"You’re welcome. You be careful now."


Nikki pulled up to the house at 10 after making a few stops.
The first thing she did was check out her clothes for any tell tell
sign of trouble. Thankfully there wasn't any.


As she was packing the bags and cleaning up the house she was
thinking of whether or not to tell Mike about her episode. She
decided that she would later on into the weekend. With that decided
she put a gift she just bought for Mike in his bag.

Headlights flashed into the window. Mike was home! 4 hours early,
good thing she didn't stay at the concert.

Quickly she runs into the kitchen to finish the casserole she was
making (Mike is always half-starved after work.)


Shutting off the car Mike grabs his briefcase, and steps out of the
car. The neighbors cat is on the hood of Nikki's car and Mike stops
to scratch him behind the ears, "hi boy…how do you know when this car
is warm, you always do somehow," leaning on the hood with one
hand, "really warm tonight, I guess the sexy little girl just got
home, wonder where she went?

"Hi Babe, I'm home," Mike's arms are quickly filled with Nikki; the
hug as usual doesn’t last long enough. She breaks off to head back into the kitchen, as she walks away Mike frowns a bit. Following her in to the kitchen he asks,

“Hon, you didn't wear that ummm, outfit out did you?"

"Of course not silly," a nervous giggle, "this was a special treat,
just for you, I haven't left the house all day."

Frowning deeper now, "All day, you haven't gone any where?"

"Nope," really fast, "I was a good little girl, all I did was pack
for us and make dinner," glancing edgily at Mike rubbing his hand on
his thigh.

"Yeah dinner," glancing at the clock, "can dinner wait a little bit

`What the…, she thought, `well not the full Monty at least', adding
out loud as she slips her hands into the back pockets of his
jeans, "Just what do you have in mind handsome?"

"I was hoping Nicole Rene," tightening his hold on her, "that you
might explain why you're fibbing."

"Fibbing!" indignantly sputtering, "I am not fibbing…what are you
talking about," squirming to get away. “I can't believe you…her I am
cooking and dressing to make you happy…"

"Did someone borrow your car?"

"Car," suddenly nervous again, "What about the car?"

"Uh huh," the unconscious rubbing had transferred itself to her
bottom, "the car…did someone borrow it today?"

"N…no," trying to fathom where this was going, "nobody used it I
swear," hoping that was the right answer.

"No one used it," as Nikki buried her face in his chest and
nodded, "and you haven't gone anywhere…?"

"No," her voice muffled. She jumped as the first swat landed, trying
even harder to squirm away. "Owww Mike, what was that for…oww." as he
alternated holding her waist with the other hand and swatting the
opposite cheek.

"For the fib you have repeated several times tonight," continuing to
spank her jeans clad bottom as he spoke.

"M…oww…Mike, wait what fibs…oh please…wait …owww"

"About the car and not going out tonight…"

"…but I didn't go out, Yeouch…ok, ok I did…wait I can explain…"

After several seconds of silence, "Well…I'm waiting Nicole, but not
much longer…"

"Ummm…Ummm," struggling to sound convincing, "I had to run out for
milk and bread," praying he wouldn't check the bread box and see half
a loaf.

"I see," back to rubbing her cheeks, "and how were you dressed for
this milk run?"

"Oh honey," pleadingly, "it was only a second, I was in and out…"

"You wore these cloths?"

"Yes," a very tiny voice, eyes downcast.

"So that's two fibs," Patting her bottom now, "and going out dressed
in a way you have repeatedly promised me you wouldn't."

"It's not a big fib…"


"…umm, fib, and really I wasn't out in public…just into the store and
right back out. Besides Honey, dinner is ready," finding he's let her
loose and she can step away, "you must be starving let's eat.

"Is dinner a casserole, is that what I smell?"

"Yeah Babe, your favorite turkey…."

"Turn it off," almost inaudibly.

"What?" startled by the strictness in his tone.

"Turn it off Nicole Rene," locking his eyes onto hers, his voice low
and commanding, "and take off those jeans and that, that belly shirt
and go stand in your corner…"

"Mike….please no, why…lets just eat and then we can talk…"

"Stand in your corner now Nicole," pointing at the dreaded
place, "While I get ready to take care of your fibbing."

"Mike, I'm sorry really I…"

"Now!" This time the tone of his voice is enough to send her
scurrying into the corner. "Get those jeans and that tee off now

Turning to face him, "Mike…this is so…"

"Get them off, and get your nose back into that corner, in a few
moments you're going to have a lot more to think about then having to
stand there half undressed…not that what you're wearing makes that
much difference." Nikki rolled her eyes at that, "don't think I
didn't see that Young Lady and don't think you won't be paying for it
very soon. Now if I have to come over and take care of those jeans…"

With a huff of exasperation, Nikki unsnaps her jeans, suddenly
worried…'this is the furthest we've ever gone,' she thinks as she
listens to the sounds behind her.

She is a little shy about taking her pants and shirt off, she isn't sure why-its her husband for Petes sake! But this isn't just a taking off the clothes to go to bed kind of thing either.

Mike sees she is dawdling but gives her some lee way, for this time at least, since it is the first time she is going to get real spanking. He stands there for a second staring at the red handprints peaking out of the bottom of her panties, he smiles. This is not what he wanted to be doing the second he got home from work. He was hoping to pick up where they left off.

Wanting to make her think for a few more minutes he heads to the kitchen to grab a glass of milk. He is still wondering why she would go buy milk and bread when they would be leaving tomorrow for 4 days.

Opening the refrigerator Mike sees why. Yet another lie, the gallon jug he picked up 2 days a go is in there 1/2 full. Taking a quick look in the bread box, Mike slams the jug down.

Nikki jumped! 'Dammit he noticed!' Peaking back she sees him with both hands on the counter and his head down focusing on his breathing. He only does that when he is pissed. Turning back she notices a piece of the gift she put in his bag. Yes she has and out! With receipts and everything to prove it. Now to think of a good story....

Mike walks out and starts to head to their room. 

"You'd better think of something good missy. Because you have a lot of explaining to do."

Not waiting for her reply he starts to look for his paddle. He wasn't going to use it, but now that he found lie number 3, she asked for it.

Setting the paddle on the table next to him he sits back and slowly starts to speak.

"I distinctly remembering telling you last night before I left for work that I wouldn't tolerate lying. You not only told me one original lie you told me one more to cover up for it. You wore something you promised you wouldn’t wear in public and then lied about doing so. You also rolled your eyes and were being disrespectful when I told you to take off your pants and go to the corner. I suspect you know how I am going to handle this?"

Mumbling "Yes sir."

"I can't hear you."

"Yes sir."

"Then come here please."

"You can start explaining now."

With tears in her eyes "Around 9 I was getting a little tired but didn't want to sleep. So I thought about what we could do on our weekend away. I decided to go to the adult novelty store down town to umm get a few things for us. There is a gift wrapped up and in your bag. I was going to wait until tomorrow night to give it to you.  When you asked I got nervous because I didn't want to spoil my surprise."

As his expression softens, she smiles to herself 'and the Oscar goes to'

"I appreciate that Nicole. But that doesn't give you a reason to lie. You are still getting a spanking.  I am not a young child, I can handle the fact that there is a gift for me and I don't get it now."

"Please lay over my knee."

"Mike lets talk about th---

Without a second thought Mike grabs her and puts her over his knee and pulls her panties down.

“This is the position we’re going to talk in now young lady,” shifting Nikkie to his left so that her toes barely touch the ground. “So what is that you have to say Nicole?”


She manages no more then a whimper, not at all believing that she’s
here and her panties are down and why was she so flustered by this, its not like he had never pulled off her panties before, why was it so embarrassing now?


“Nicole,” startling her back to where she lie by laying his hand on her bottom gently, “Do you know what brought you here?”

I…I lied to you,” almost inaudibly.

“Did you lie to me once Nicole?”

“Three,” a squeak, clearing her throat, “Three times, I lied three times tonight, and disobeyed a specific house rule.” feeling a twinge of guilt.


“Don’t forget about the disrespect.” Mike kind of likes her squirming guiltily on his lap. “So then you know why I’m going to spank you?”

Y-yes, but you don’t have to, I’m really sorry and I promise I’ll never lie to you again…”

“Didn’t I warn you just a short time ago that I wouldn’t accept anymore lies for any reason…”

“Oh Mike, yessss,” trying to twist around, hoping that eye contact would help her case, “but there’s no need for this, just the threat taught me my lesson…”

“Ahh Nikki, sweetkins,” caressing her bottom lovingly, “this is no longer a threat and I’m not sure if just this beginning is going to teach you your ‘lesson’, but tonight we’re going to start with a new curriculum.”

Exasperated and losing her patients with not being able to control him, Nikki snaps out, “FineeeeeeEEEYOwwww,” as the first four swats land hard and swift on her bottom.

“Now that I have your attention,” rubbing away some of that first sting, “we’ll get started.”

At first Nikki almost enjoys the feeling, his swats are light and spread out, kind of love pats over her whole bottom, bringing more warmth then sting, warmth in more places then just her bottom, ‘well she thought to herself, he better be willing to delay supper a bit longer, ‘cause if this keeps up…’
“Ow…ow…ow….Owwww! Hey that hurts!”

“Not yet baby doll,” rubbing a bit again, “but I’m afraid that it soon will.”

Now every swat leaves behind a shrill sting as he slowly revisits her bottom with harder faster slaps, watching Nikki as she tries not to react, her mouth clamped shut by stubbornness. At first it’s only from small things he can gauge the effect of his attention to her buns, a toss of the head, a foot twitches, soon the eyes that had been tightly shut spring open. The hand punishing her starts to stay in one place more now, waiting until she tensely tries to avoid the torment it brings. Moans and small oohhss escape, as the heat builds on her
bottom. The relentless spanks rain down harder on her cheeks; the small sounds have given way to brighter, higher pitched cries. Her legs move so much that she’s complete kicked off her panties, which lie like a puddle beneath her feet. But the Flame from her bottom has complete wiped out any thoughts of modesty she may have felt before, the searing pain his hand brings seems to multiply with each stroke. Then it stops. Almost too suddenly, the spanking stops, his hand rests on her bottom where he can feel the heat that he produced.


“So Sweetkins, what have you learned?”

“That spanking hurts,” squirming beneath the rubbing he’s doing now, “but that rubbing stuff has a lot going for it, mmmmmm”

“Is that all you learned,” raising his hand off her bottom, “I think you may have missed…”

L-lying isn’t good,” speaking quickly, though she wasn’t sure she really wanted this to be over, “and I promise I will never lie to you again Honey.”

“Guess you got it then,” feeling her try to get up, “not so fast there young lady, I didn’t say we were done…”

“But I promised…”

“And you’ve promised before…”

“But this time I mean it” she whined, “oh no please, No Mike,” seeing him reach for the paddle.

“We need to make sure…”

“I am sure…” struggling to get up and finding Mike has placed a leg over hers.

“…That there are no more lies or fibs or half truths, Nikkie.”

“There won’t be,” almost a wail as she feels the cool, smooth wood of the paddle slide over her burning bottom. “I promise…”

I think ten from this paddle ought to make that a real solid promise don’t you Nikki Love?”

“Nooooo,” this time it was a full-grown wail.

“Oh, twenty then,” with a little chuckle.

Oh ten…ten…please, I’m sorry ten.”

“One thing I’ll promise you Nicole Rene…”

“W-what,” sniffling at the thought of what was coming.

If you ever lie or fib again, you’ll get many more then ten…”

“Yes Sirrrrrrrr,” her voice rising to a very high pitch as the first stroke of the hard wood bites her tender bottom.

"I'm sorrrry for lyyyyinnnng!" As another two hit her bottom.

Nikki may have kept her composure pretty good during the whole thing but once the paddle began she lost it. She was sobbing so hard she didn't even realize that Mike had finished and set the paddle a side and was slowly rubbing her bottom.

"Its ok baby it is all over. No more lying please, I don't like to do this to you."

"Yes sir, no more lying. <sob sob>"

Mike brings Nikki up and she leans her head right on his chest. Mike smiles at the perfect fit. But then again that is a reason he was with her, they were a perfect fit.

"Do you want part of your surprise my love?"


"Here it is."

"MIKE!!!!! These are tickets to the DEAD!!!!!!" Nikki was jumping up and down until she realized what a thorough job Mike did on the spot where her bottom and thighs meet. She also feels a twinge of guilt because of how close she was to disobeying him and going to the concert. And the whole time he had planned on taking her!

"I thought you would like them my love."

"Ok thank you Michael."

"Michael hey...."

"Yes Michael." She gets back on his lap and starts to kiss him passionately.

Mike isn't sure what caused this, the spanking or the tickets but he needed to find out and do it more often.

Running his fingers through her hair. "No more lying?"

Doing some amazing things with her hands she makes him gasp as she whispers. "No more."

Mike can't handle it anymore but decides to control himself as he picks her up and take her to their bedroom. Every fiber in him wanted to take her right out there in the living room but knew that it would be a little more comfortable on her bottom if they were in their room.





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