Barb Finds the Fate of Being Late

Co written Barb and Ron


<Ron> It's early, but suddenly Barb is at the door hesitating to comes in. I
get up and meet Barb knowing that she was told to report to receive a
spanking for her overall lateness. She had been given some specific choices
to make, but had not yet indicated what she was going to choose.
"Barb, you were to choose your number of sessions and the instrument of
correction. Do you feel now you can make those choices?" I open the door
widely and let Barb walk past me to the couch. "Nacles is away today with
friends, Barb, so we have the place to ourselves right now. I'll get you a
drink while you decide.

<Barb> I sat on the couch feeling so nervous. I had arrived very early,
quite an accomplishment for me, but there was no way I was going to make
this evening any worse. Ron left the room to get me a drink. As I sat
quietly I realize that this is the first time that I had come to Ron's house
expressly for the purpose of being punished. Oh, I have had plenty of
spanking here, but usually they are for things that I do after I get here.
I have never had to come just to get spanked. Ron hands me my drink and
even though my hands are trembling slightly I reach out to take it. I am
glad to have something to hang on to.

<Ron> Sitting down myself, in the other chair, I open up my bag of
implements and hand my RRR paddle and the black strap to Barb. "Maybe a
look at them close up will help you decide. 30 incidences when you were late
times 5 per time is a lot of strokes. I'll tell you what, Barb, since you
came here early and set a good example and show me that you are mending your
ways, even knowing the punishment to come, I am going to lessen the amount
so that we can do it in one session. If you choose the paddle it will be 3
strokes. If you choose the strap it will be 2 strokes per incident. If it
were me I'd choose the strap. Feel its fine smooth surface and delicate

<Barb> I reach out and set my drink down so that I can take both
implements. Thinking quickly I try and assess my options. 3 x 30 with the
paddle or 2 x 30 with the strap. That is an awful choice, but one that I
know I deserve.
Tentatively I look at Ron. "Ron do you think it would be alright if I
picked some of both? I know that 60 with the strap will probably be more
than I can stand."

<Ron> "Well Barb you won't have to 'stand.' You will be across my knee and
the strokes will not be delivered as hard as if I had the full wind-up
afforded me as when you are standing; but I can be fair about it and give
you some on your thighs as well.

<Barb> I feel like such a big chicken...but I know what the paddle feels
like, Ron has never spanked me with the strap before. Still, he has always
been fair. I look at Ron knowing what he wants me to choose and sigh, "Okay,
I will take the strap. That is probably the hardest decision I have ever

<Ron> "Yes Barb, and that is exactly why you get to make choices. Usually
neither one is a good choice, but it helps force you to accept the
punishment that you deserve. Now did you bring your diary and planner with
you as I instructed?"

<Barb> "Yes sir," I say as I lean over to get them out of my purse. I
can already feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I blink quickly in an
effort not to let them fall. I look at Ron and wait for his next command.

<Ron> "After your warm up spanking, you are to take a pen out of your purse
and place it with the planner open on the floor in front of the chair. After
you have taken your strokes for that day you are to put a big 'S' through
that day.
Then we will move on to the next day and then the next until we are finished
and September is cleared off. Understand this Barb. Marking each day will
act as a reminder for you. When you see it in the future you will recall
what you were doing and feeling when the 'S' was written in. That should
serve as an extra visual incentive not to be late.

<Barb> I look at Ron and struggle to answer. The physical reaction to
his statement has been very intense. My arms had goose bumps that fled
across them and then traveled up my neck and shivered through my hair as
they raced for the top of my scalp.
"Yes Ron I understand"

<Ron> "Good, then if you are finished with your drink maybe we can start the

<Barb> I nod at Ron, the lump in my throat has gotten so big that there
is no way that I could get any more of my drink down.

<Ron> I look at Barb and see that she seems genuinely repentant over the
lateness but it will all fail unless we carry our things to the proper
measure. I get up and walk over to the straight back chair and drag it to
the middle of the living room. "Barb," I say. "I want you to come here now.
Stand up and walk over here then look at me." I sit on the chair. "Stand at
my left side, Barb."

<Barb> I stand up quickly at Ron's command and walk slowly toward the
chair he is sitting in. I am glad this is finally going to happen, because
at least that way it will finally be over and I can quit worrying about it.
Standing near his left knee, I force myself to look into his eyes.

<Ron> "Okay Barb, I want you to tell me why I am going to spank your bare

<Barb> "Yes sir. I have a terrible habit of always being late and you are
going to make sure that I have strong motivation to break that bad habit.

<Ron> "Very good. Now Barb get yourself across my knee and I will prepare
you for your spanking. Then we will have a further discussion on your

<Barb> My heart is pounding so hard that it is hard to believe that Ron
can't hear it. I awkwardly lower my self into the required position. My
hands stretch forward to brace myself so that I don't tumble on to the

<Ron> "Barb I am glad you have made the proper choice in clothing. You have
prepared ahead of time. That helps in minimizing my preparation now, I

<Barb> In spite of the tenseness of the situation, I almost smile. I had
spent quite a bit of time deciding just exactly what a person sould wear to
a spanking.

<Ron> I grab the bottom pleats of the wide dress and easily tug it upwards
till it is deposited inside out along Barbs back. "That is excellent Barb."
I notice she is not wearing a slip of any sort that would just delay things.
With my hand now reaching for the waistband of Barb's panties, I place my
other hand firmly on her back before the final unveiling begins. "Now Barb,
you know this is to be a bare bottom spanking don't you?"

<Barb> "Yes, sir." Despite my strong resolve the tears begin to steal
softly down my cheeks. As I feel Ron slide his thumb between my skin and
the elastic a shudder courses through my body. I obediently lift up
slightly so that Ron has no problem lowering my panties.

<Ron> "Very good Barb." I notice the lifting up slightly of her body that
tells me Barb has understood fully the need of the proper preparation.
Lifting the panties up and over Barb's bottom I slide them free with one
final tug, and pull them down to her mid thighs leaving plenty of room for
her spanking. Placing my spanking hand on Barb's beautifully shaped bottom,
I now ask Barb if she feels truly repentant for being late so often and
making others wait.

<Barb> The feel of Ron's hand on my bottom is very sobering. My cheeks
clinch in expectation. "I am sorry. I will try to do better,
really I will." A sob escapes.

<Ron> "Now, what will happen in October if you are late?"

<Barb> "You will spank me again, even harder."

<Ron> "And where will you be spanked?"

<Barb> Another sob escapes, "On my bare bottom!" I wail.

<Ron> "Okay Barb, now that we understand each other, I think we can proceed
with your current punishment in the form of your warm up spanking." With
that said I raise my hand from Barb's bottom, but do not start to spank.

<Barb> As I feel Ron's hand lift, I close my eyes tightly as if that is
going to help. But his hand doesn't fall immediately. The anticipation is

<Ron> I wait for evidence that Barb's tension has begun to subside by the
unclenching of both cheeks. I give them both a tender pat to relax them, and
then say to Barb "Okay, now I am going to give you a proper hand spanking."
Bringing my hand back off Barb's bottom I notice she has finally relaxed
enough for me to start. I decide a dose of 20 quick medium spanks
alternating between each cheek, will be a nice warm up starter to get Barb
more relaxed before the real spanking.

<Barb> As I feel Ron gently patting my bottom I realize that I am holding
my breath and that my cheeks are so tight that if he spanks me hard he is
liable to bruise the muscle. I am grateful for the warning and begin to
will my muscles to relax and to accept what I know I have coming.

<Ron> With the light pain of the medium spanks Barb's bottom has become just
a light pink all over but the warmth is enough to relax her fully and allow
for the proper spanking to start. With a series of a quick, hard five
spanks to each cheek, I hold Barb firmly.

<Barb> The pain is starting to increase now. I bite my lower lip. I am
determined to take this spanking like a lady instead of my usual bawling
like a young child. When the quick hard spanks start, I feel my resolve
beginning to crumble and bite down harder on my lip.

<Ron> Noticing the bright redness of my handy work from the hard spanks, I
feel a little shudder in Barb's body as I finish them off. I notice I don't
seem to hear any crying out and decide its time to move to the lower tender
areas now so that I can get a little more reaction. "Now Barb," I say, "you
don't seem to be feeling these spanks tonight. Did you think that I would go
easy on you if you didn't show any reaction to my spanking you. Well we will
soon see how well you can hold things back, very soon." I begin to spank
with hard firm sweeping strokes to each cheek watching Barb's reaction.

<Barb> I will not cry out, I silently resolve, and suck in a quick breath
to help hold back the sobs that are struggling to burst free.

<Ron> Continuing the hard spanks I notice that Barb's bottom has reached a
nice shade of red and decide to touch up all the tender areas I missed so
that Barb's bottom now will have a pair of red panties painted on by my
spanking hand. "Barb do you think you have had enough warm up now or do I
sense you still need more.

<Barb> "No more...please Ron this is enough." Being required to answer
has broken through my determination and a sob breaks free and the tears
begin to flow quickly now.

<Ron> "Well, well," patting Barb's stinging bright red bottom, "I think we
are getting through to you after all." "I thought I was going to have to spank
you harder to get you convinced that you are being spanked properly.
Well get yourself up then and bring me back the strap from the table. Then
asked me to strap your naughty bottom for you. Make sure your planner
and pen are in the right place then and you can resume your position."

<Barb> With another sob, I struggle to stand up. My bottom is burning
and I want desperately to reach back and rub some of the sting out. I can
just barely walk because my legs are trembling. I go and pick up my planner
and the pen. Then I turn and for a moment all I can do is just stare at the
strap. My bottom already hurts. What is it going to feel like to have that
leather applied to my already sore backside? Glancing back and Ron I look
to see if he is watching me closely or if I can slip in a quick rub.

<Ron> Looking at Barb, I notice that she is trying to be brave and resists
any effort to let me know how much her bottom stings. So to play her little
game, I pretend to look out the window turning my head saying, "Maybe we
should have done this outside, since it is such a nice night out." All the
while looking back out of the corner of my eye to see whether Barb takes the
chance for a quick rub, while I appear to be looking away.

<Barb> Ron looks out the window and I see my chance. Quickly I reach
back and rub rapidly hoping to lessen the sting and make what is coming next
a little less painful.

<Ron> I decide not to tease Barb about her quick bottom rub and smile
inwardly to myself. Then turning to face Barb I say, "okay Barb get the
strap off the table now and bring it over to me."

<Barb> I see Ron turning back to face me and quickly move my hand
forward. I gently pick up the strap as if it were a snake ready to bite me.
(which in a way it is) I walk slowly back toward Ron. Stooping down I lay
my planner and the pen beside his leg on the floor just far enough that I
should be able to reach it when the spanking resumes. I straighten up and
fold the strap in half before handing it to Ron. I swallow convulsively
struggling to get the required words out of my mouth. "Please Ron, would
you strap my naughty bottom?"

<Ron> "Now Barb what took you so long? Really, I don't see why it needs to
take so long to get a simple strap from the table and ask for your spanking
with that strap. Are you sure you don't think I am being too lenient with
you and that's why you are dawdling cause you need a more severe strapping."

<Barb> For just a second my eyes flash with fire and a saucy answer
spring to my lips. Looking at Ron's firm no nonsense expression I realize
that to say what I am thinking will be just short of suicidal. I clamp my
lips tightly and take a deep breath. "Oh, no sir. I am sorry. I don't
think I need a harder spanking. I am trying to be good by asking for this
one now. Please strap my naughty bottom."

<Ron> "Okay Barb, then be quick about it and get in position again. You have
wasted too much time already and I may have to warm your bottom up again if
you are not quick about it.

<Barb> I am still pushing the edges of Ron's tolerance trying to delay as
long as possible. But I am too afraid not to obey so I lower myself across
Ron's knees and place my hands on the floor.

<Ron> eh hmm, Barb aren't you forgetting something, I don't plan on
strapping your dress and that is not the way you were when I prepared you
the first time."

<Barb> I reach back and quickly pull my dress back up to the middle of my
back. I am being so foolish. If I am not more careful Ron is going to
start all over. "I am ready" I say and hope that the quick way I pulled up
my dress will appease his anger.

<Ron> "Well hmmmm that is better I was beginning to think you had forgotten
how to take a spanking. And that we would need to go through the
procedures a dozen or so times of pulling your panties down and your dress
up and getting over my knee then the reverse to start again till you had it
down pat and quickly. Now this is a nice strap don't you think Barb?"

<Barb> No I don't think so I want to shout, but to express that would be
the height of foolishness in my position, so I only answer " Yes sir, it
should get the job done all right."

<Ron> Placing my hand on your bottom and feeling it is still very hot, I say
to you "Well Barb, I guess I did do a pretty good job with your warm up
spanking. The heat appears, from this side at least, to be holding nicely,
so I guess we can start on the first day 1. Brace yourself and grip the
floor or the chair leg tightly."

<Barb> Oh god, oh god, here it comes. I take Ron's advice and grab on
tightly to the chair leg. I have never felt the sting of a strap and I am
scared it is going to hurt a lot more than the paddle.

<Ron> Raising the strap up and holding it cocked. I ask you Barb "Now, you
are going to be on time in October more often, aren't you Barb?"

<Barb> "Yes I will," I say through gritted teeth as I wait for the
inevitable sting to sear across my backside.

<Ron> I decide on giving Barb three quick snappy strokes to start off with
to get day 1 off with a "bang." I land the strokes 3 parallel to each other
across both cheeks holding Barb's waist tightly. Then I stop and watch Barb
closely as the red stripes quickly develop from the white heat of contact.

<Barb> "Owww," I screech, the pain was worse than I was expecting and I
was expecting it to hurt. Before I realized that I was going to do it my
hand flies back to try and prevent the strap from making contact again. "No
more Ron.... Please this hurts. And no fair, why did you give me three!!!!!
I thought choosing the strap meant that I only had to take two whacks for
each time I was tardy." I injustice of the situation made me reckless and I
struggled desperately to get loose.

<Ron> "Well Barb you are to get 2 per day, but since you were so tardy and
late getting back over my knee, I thought we needed a little practice round.
Next time you will learn that dawdling is not such a good idea after all. So
now we can start day one. That is unless you have more to say and then while
I listen
I can continue to spank patiently, I will just apply a few more strokes to
keep my arm loose. You wouldn't want me to pull a muscle and feel any
unnecessary pain now would you?

<Barb> I am still so angry that I am not thinking rationally. Who does
he think he is? "Like I really care about your arm Ron, It isn't hurting
nearly as bad as my bottom is."

<Ron> "Well, well Barb, we seemed to have got your full attention now. So
shall we now proceed with your strapping or do you need more time and more

<Barb> I struggle to get out of this awful position. But I had never
realized just how strongly Ron is able to hold me. I was going nowhere
until he is ready to let me. The strap falls sharply on the back of my
thighs. The nerves back there have been heightened by the pain in my
bottom. "Owwww... stop," I wail.

<Ron> Landing another stroke on the other thigh for good measure I say, "ok
Barb put the large "s" through day 1."

<Barb> For just a moment I consider refusing. But the pain is already
pretty bad and suddenly I realize that my bad attitude is only going to make
things a whole lot more painful as Ron will not back down and I know I am
going to be in serious pain before this is over. I grope frantically for
the pen and scribble the required "S" on the correct day.

<Ron> You are now to pay for day 2 Barb. Do you feel day one has been
properly dealt with now.

<Barb> I can feel exactly where those two blows fell and I have a feeling
that tomorrow I am going to be just as sure of their location. "Yes, sir,"
I say. "Can my spanking be over with now?"

<Ron> "Yes of course your spanking is now over Barb. That is, it is over
for day one's payment, but we still have the balance of the month yet."
With that said, I land 2 short quick strokes one to each cheek gripping down
on the strap.

<Barb> "Yeoowwww......" I cry, how will I ever manage to survive the rest
of the month's punishment. Reaching down I put the "S" on the next day.

<Ron> "Barb, are you sure you have the correct month open. That looks like
August to me.

<Barb> "Oh noooo" I wail. The tears in my eyes had blurred the paper and
I hadn't realized that the page had flipped back.

<Ron> "Well its a good thing I caught it when I did. I'd hate for you to
have gotten to the end of the month and found we had to start September

<Barb> "Nooo please, I will be more careful. Please Ron I'm sorry."

<Ron> "We will give you a chance then to correct your mistake and put the
2nd "S" in September. But do not think I am tolerating any more wrong
entries. This is your only chance and I am not sure I should let you get off
so lightly with this one, unless I am sure you properly appreciate my

<Barb> "I do Ron," I say and I quickly flip the page to the correct day
and slap a big "S" on the second day. I don't want Ron to change his mind.
Then laying the pen down I grip the leg of the chair again and wait. This
is taking forever and I am getting anxious to have this "behind me."

<Ron> smiling, I decide it is time to get day 3 behind you properly too, so
I re-grip the strap and apply 2 more strokes to each cheek. Before you can
react I say, "that is day 3 and 4. Your squirming around on my lap doesn't
make me think you appreciated the passing days as much as you thought you
would like the quicker pace.

<Barb> I slap and other S on both 3 and 4 quickly before Ron can change
his mind.

<Ron> "Okay, now suppose I finish off the whole week with a bang placing 6
in the same spot for you, Barb."

<Barb> Nooo," I wail, but it doesn't deter Ron and the strap falls hard
on the left cheek. I make it through 4 of the promised 6 before my hand
flies back. "Please not there hurts."

<Ron> Holding your hand that has now covered your bottom, I turn it by your
wrist placing the palm up and deliver the last 2 on your trembling hand.
When I release your wrist the hand quickly retreats away from your bottom.
"Hmmm Barb, I think that will assist your memory to NOT get your hands in
the way again."

<Barb> I shriek as the strap lands on my tender palm. That is a mistake
I won't make again, I hope. The pain in my hand is throbbing but I grab the
chair leg and hold on so that I don't try and cover my bottom again.

<Ron> "Now you can mark your book up to day seven, unless you are waiting
for me to strap your other hand to match them up."

<Barb> "Noo," I wail. "I won't do that again." I grab the pen and place
the required S on each day.

<Ron> "Well Barb, are you feeling weak now for your weeks lateness?"

<Barb> I can't stop sobbing to answer properly. I try but the only thing
that comes out is indiscernible.

<Ron> I squeeze your bottom a couple of times to feel its readiness for the
next week. "Barb your bottom can take a lot more spanking so not to worry.
But I will give you a choice. One: you can complete the month as planned or
two: you can say stop Ron I'll take choice 2. Choice 2 means I will stop
the spanking immediately. The bad news is you will have to return tomorrow
and take another hand spanking warm up then we pick up where we left off.
But there will also be a penalty of 6 strokes added at the end. So you can
quit, but there is a price to pay.

<Barb> I think quickly weighing my options. I want desperately for Ron
to stop but will it really be worth it. Another day to worry and fret just
so that I can have a bit of a reprieve now, that doesn't sound like a good
idea. I screw up my courage. I want this over with. When I leave here I
don't want Ron angry with me anymore. I want it to be finished.
"Please Ron" I sob, "Will you just finish my spanking tonight? I will
behave better I promise."

<Ron> "Okay Barb, you have made your choice, and I expect you to live up to
that choice and not play both sides of the fence. Now lets proceed to the
second week." Looking at Barb's bottom I decide to strap the lower slopes
individually. I grip down on the strap a bit to land it on only one cheek
at a time. Much to Barb surprise and regret, I then land 14 strokes
alternately. I apply them all without pausing using a nice steady rhythm.

<Barb> "OOwwwww... stop please," I cry. The blows continue to fall until
I realize that week two is now behind me. The pain on the lower part of my
butt cheeks is so intense. I know I will feel those strokes for several
days every time I try to sit down. As Ron stops after the 14 strokes I
grope for the pen anxious to obey and put the required S on each day. But I
am crying so hard now that I can't see where the pen has gone to. I slap
the ground desperately feeling for it. There it is. Grabbing it I quickly
place the "S"s where they are suppose to be. I feel that there is nothing
left of me but my blazing bottom.

<Ron> Looking at my handy work for those 2 weeks, I decide that a moments
rest for the bottom is deserved and switch to Barb's thighs and the crease
of the bottom. Landing a little volley of 4, I get more leg kicking than I
wanted and remind Barb, "it is your choice to continue, so control

<Barb> "I can't Ron…Please it hurts" But even as I plead I bring my legs
down and try to behave myself. I am beginning to think that I will never
sit again. I have cried so hard that there is a small puddle on the floor
in front of my face. "Please Ron, just finish this week quickly." I beg I
am afraid I will weaken and beg him to stop only to have to do this again

<Ron> Gripping the strap firmly, I tell Barb, "Ok your request is granted."
I then proceed to wallop Barb's bottom with a full 8 strokes but scatter
them all around trying to avoid letting them cross. At the end I have to
prevent Barb's hand from interfering. I land the blows cleanly while
blocking her hand.

<Barb> I am sobbing so hard that I can no longer beg for an end to my
spanking. But as Ron rolls my palm face up to strap it again for
interfering I wail out my anguish. I clinch my fist but then think better
of it. I have promised to be good and I am getting close to having this
over. Cautiously I uncurl my fingers and open my hand to await the blow
that I have earned for not keeping my hand out of the way. Ron doesn't
comment but just sends a stinging smack to the middle of my palm. When he
releases it I quickly move it out of the way. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry."
I sob and grab the pen to place an S on each day for the third week. One
more week to go. I lay limply across Ron's knees waiting for it to be over.

<Ron> Noticing the condition of Barb' bottom and feeling the lesson has been
learned I decide for the final spanks to deliver the last 14 all in a fast
volley of stinging hand spanks all over Barb's bottom.
Then I yell out "fill out your book and you can get up. It's over Barb."

<Barb> For just a second I don't realize that it is over. The final
spanks have melted into one hot searing pain even though I realize Ron has
switched back to his hand. I am grateful for his concern for my pain and I
struggle to place the last 7 "S"s on the month of September. I can't even
see clearly anymore. My eyes are red and swollen from crying. But I hit
close enough to the correct days that Ron doesn't say anything about the

<Ron> "Okay Barb, you can get up from my knee. You have taken your
punishment for your lateness."

<Barb> I try to stand up, but my legs are weak and trembling. I would
have fallen if Ron hadn't reached out to steady me. I haven't been able to
stop crying yet, but I want to apologize for how many times I was late. I
struggle to gain mastery over my grief but it is several minutes before I am
able to calm down enough to speak.

<Ron> Letting Barb cry out her remorse on my shoulder, I hold her closely
and firmly showing her support and letting her know that it is over and all
is forgiven. She has been brave enough to stand up to the truth and accept
the punishment for those late times.

<Barb> As I cry on Ron's shoulder the tears begin to change from just a
response to the pain to the relief of having this over with. The tears
continue to fall but now they are cleansing and I feel a lot of guilt
flowing out with the flow. Ron just holds me and lets me cry for as long as
I want. I am starting to feel so much better. I realize that being late
is not something that will be happening for a long time. Leaning back I
look up into Ron's face seeking forgiveness. "I am really sorry, Ron will
you ever forgive me?."

<Ron> "Nothing to forgive at all now, Barb so you can go home freshen up and
then come back tomorrow or later and well give you a proper TLC treatment to
get that bottom back in sitting shape in no time."

<Barb> I kiss Ron softly, "Thank you for being there for me and for
caring enough to try and help me break this bad habit. I will do better now
I am sure of it."

<Ron> "You're welcome my friend." Softly I whisper in Barb's ear, "now be
off with you before you get me mushy and tearful too. lol.
So "off you go", I resist this time and don't plant a light pat on her
behind to send Barb off.

<Barb> I walk to the door and just before I walk through it I turn back
and blow Ron a kiss then I disappear into the night.

The end