Jule's Night on the Town

Jules considered herself a very lucky woman. Her childhood had been a most happy one. Then just two years out of college she met a tall skinny brown haired young man named William. Of course everyone called him “Bill”. And so the vivacious 5’1” brunette called him Bill as well. They dated, they fell in love, and in good time they married. As they exchanged their vows looked up adoringly at the 5’10” man standing there looking down smilingly at her.
Eve on their wedding day, pretty Jules wondered why someone had removed the phrase “love, honor, and obey” from the woman’s vows.
If there were any thing in the world Jules wanted to do that day and every day of their life together that would follow, it was to “obey” Bill.
She may not have voiced a vow, but the short shapely brunette tried valiantly to carry it out.
But if she were anything, Jules was both vivacious and mischievous.
And so even In their first year of wedded bliss, she began finding ways to test her young husband’s limits. She never did anything really bad. Always it would be some small thing. Love her as he did, Bill still noticed her conduct, and after a time decided he had better “have a talk” with her. He sat her down one evening and clearly stated his case: “Jules my sweet, either you begin behaving yourself like a lady should, OR I’m going to have to deal with you firmly”. Jules sat there that evening looking solemnly at her young husband, nodding her dark curls in agreement every so often, showing no sign of rebellion.
Truth of the matter was she didn’t have the foggiest notion of what Bill meant by “deal with you firmly”. Oh well, she thought happily, this too will pass. Bill will feel much better about life tomorrow.
It really hadn’t been her fault. She hadn’t meant to keep him waiting nearly an hour for her at the bank. Jules had it all planned out. She would leave home in plenty of time to meet Bill at the local bank. But then the phone rang. It was her mother. The older woman was very upset over her older daughter. She just had to talk to someone in the family about the situation. She chose to call Jules.
Jules listened to her mother’s tale of woe, while glancing from time to time at the clock on the wall. Several times she tried to explain to her mother she had to leave to meet Bill. And each time her mother replied by saying “Just a minute or two more, dear, I’m almost finished”. But that minute or two grew to more and more minutes.
When she finally hung up, Jules looked at that chiding clock and gulped. Even if she drove at outlandish speed, she would never reach the bank in time. And if she sped through town and got a ticket, what would Bill say about that? Heck, Jules told herself, the bank will be open again tomorrow. We can meet and do our business then. Bill will understand. The truth of the matter was that Bill didn’t understand. He was furious with her. The bank was closed for the day, and it was too late for him to return to his office, so he told Jules to drive home at once. He followed in his car.
Both parked on the curving driveway leading up to their ranch style house. Jules started to walk in and was startled to have Bill come up from behind her, grab her by one wrist and lead her roughly up the stairs and into the house. Bill was not by nature a rough or violent man, but he was getting close to that as he pulled and tugged her inside.
Jules didn’t know what to expect. He had said nothing about what he intended doing up to that point. Imagine the cute brunette’s surprise as Bill led her over to the long sofa, sat down in its middle, pulled her face down over his narrow spindly legs. With a gasp she realized he had her In the traditional spanking position. Pretty Jules had never been spanked, well certainly not since she was a little girl of 3 or 4. Even in her teen years when she proved to be a real challenge, her parents found other means of disciplining her. Not once in all those years did either parent spank their youngest daughter. So why now did Bill have her face down over h is lap?
Up went her skirt and slip, then down came her frilly tight fitting pink panties, all the way down to her knees. Her bare bottom appeared and suddenly began quivering nervously. Bill was going to spank her. She was a grown woman, but Bill was about to spank her. And spank her he did that afternoon, for the very first time. He spanked her quite hard, and he spanked her for a long time. She squealed, she kicked, she bucked, she cried big crocodile tears. Nothing she did seemed to affect Bill. He simply continued spanking her bare backside, as if he had been doing so for months. And that was the first spanking Jules got I her married life. It was not the last.
Bill and Jules now had been married for over five years. Both felt they had settled into married life very well, that they had smoothed out the rough spots of married life. Jules was so well behaved that Bill found he rarely had to put her over his knees more than once a month. When he did, he spanked her soundly. At first shapely Jules vowed she would stop doing dumb things that got her spanked. That was at first. Gradually she realized that for some unknown reason she actually provoked Bill into spanking her. She wouldn’t admit it to another human being (not even to her very best friend) but Jules liked being spanked. Bill didn’t admit it to another human being, but he too liked these spanking sessions. He loved the feel of his young wife bouncing over his knees, he loved listening to her squeal, cry, beg, and in time promise. He especially liked the feel of his palm smacking her taut curves time after time with a good deal of vigor. He loved watching that special “sunset” appear on her normally white curves. Her cute bottom would be twin sinking suns by the time he finally lifted her off his lap.
Jules had wanted very much to stay in touch with her school chums. So finally she asked Bill if it would be ok for her to play bridge one night a week with her friends. “We will be holding our games at one another’s homes, darling” she explained eagerly. As much as he hated the idea of being separated from her one night a week, Bill decided she deserved to have that enjoyment in her life, so he agreed. In time they both came to refer to the games as “Jules’ Night on the Town”. But to remind her that he was still the boss in their marriage, Bill set a curfew time and warned the cute brunette that if she came home late, he’d blister her but good. A giggling Jules promised that would never ever happen. And to her credit she always came home on time, every week.
But then the fateful night came. It started out like any other of Jules’ nights out on the town. After cleaning up their dinner dishes, cute little Jules came out to the living room to kiss her loving hubby goodbye.
Every week Jules wore the same outfit to their game. The other girls kidded her about the lacy white blouse and the black slacks she wore every week, at their house or in her own. Jules would smile broadly but never explained the reason for her outfit.
That outfit (white lacy blouse and black slacks) was the very outfit Bill made her put on each and every time he planned to spank her. So why did he make her wear it to the card game? That was obvious. In case she goofed off in any way and got into mischief, she’d be all dressed for her spanking when she came home!
This particular night Jules kissed Bill goodbye, told him where she was going, left her friend’s name and phone number on a slip of paper for him. “Be home by midnight, baby” Bill reminded her as they hugged tightly, his palms moved down to squeeze and pat her firm well rounded buttocks through those black slacks.
“You bet, honey. I sure will. Won’t let the clock strike midnight. Hey I might turn into a little dark mouse, and my Chevy into a pumpkin” she laughed. Bill laughed too and gave her shapely seat a louder, harder smack.
“You better not, my sweet, you better not. You know what I’ll do if you come wandering in here late, now don’t you?” Jules reached down and rubbed her firm round bottom globes.
“Sure do, big man, I sure do”. So with one last hug and kiss for her husband, Jules left for her weekly card game.
But there would be no game that night. No the girls had other ideas. Well at least one of them did. That was Kate, the eldest of the group, the ringleader so to speak. Now as it happened Kate had heard of a new club that was just opening. It was a male strip club. Only lady patrons were allowed to enter. The club hired a number of good looking hunks to do the stripping. Kate convinced the other girls that visiting the club would be way more fun than their regular card game. The others quickly agreed, well with the exception of Jules. She was a bit hesitant. Her firm round behind quivered under her black slacks as she tried to imagine just what Bill would do to it IF he found out she had gone to some strip club. She didn’t even want to contemplate that fate. But the others were very persuasive and quickly convinced Jules that Bill would have no way of knowing. He would just assume they had played their regular card game.
“Now don’t worry, you little sweety you” Kate had told her, “we’ll get you home well before your witching hour of midnight, won’t we, girls?”
The other women giggled and nodded. So Jules agreed to go along. Why not? It would be fun, lots of fun watching those guys strip down to their jock shorts. Lots of fun!

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