by Jules

Carlos hung up the phone and went to tell Juanita the news. She was lying on the bed and writing letters. “Guess who’s coming to visit? Why are you writing? Why aren’t you using the computer?” He was puzzled. She did everything on the computer.
“Who’s coming to visit?” she asked avoiding the questions. “Tell me Carlos. Please, please, please.” She gave him her sweetest smile.
Carlos watched her bouncing on the bed like an excited child. It confused him. This was nothing she’d ever done before. He knew there was something suspicious about it, but couldn’t figure out what it was. “Carlos! Tell me!” Juanita cried.
He laughed and said, “Uncle Tomas and Aunt Lynn.” He watched her face turn from dread to delight. She’d had a run in with Uncle Tomas at the wedding. It’s not that he wasn’t a totally delightful man but he carried the family spanking gene. At the time she knew nothing about it. But in light of recent developments she now recognized it. He was a large man with rather large hands. Juanita was chugging champagne at the wedding, when she felt a hand on her arm. The other hand took her glass away. “You will not embarrass Carlos tonight by being drunk.” he said sternly. Then he gave her a scalding lecture about drinking and why it wasn’t good. When he finished he gave her a hard swat on the bottom and said, “If you were my bride, you’d be getting a good spanking right now. And if you continue I WILL give you a good spanking. Now come on and dance with your new Uncle Tomas.” He swept her onto the dance floor bemused. It didn’t last long because Uncle Tomas could always make her laugh.
“That’s perfect Carlos. With your mom and dad visiting your brother in Florida, they can stay here. Do they want to see anything special while they’re here?”
“Yes Nita. They want to see us.” said Carlos laughing at his wife acting like a tour guide.
“But Carlos, they live in that dinky little town in Mexico. This is a chance for them to see a big city.”
“Nita. Make no plans yet. I have to see what they want to do. They want to see Eddie and the rest of the family. Remember how old fashioned Uncle Tomas is. He’s a busy doctor in a small village. He just may want to rest.”
“All right.” pouted Juanita.
“Nita. I expect you to be on your best behavior while they’re here.”
“Carlos. I always am.” Carlos threw his head back laughing, swatted his wife’s bottom and headed for the shower.
Juanita totally ignored the laugh. She had other things to think about. Carlos wasn’t going to stop her from showing them a good time. And there was one slight problem. She hadn’t said a word to Carlos. He’d been working so much overtime just so they could make ends meet. Something in her head kept saying not to tell. The man was tired and overworked. He didn’t need to think about any problems. But there was another voice that was not as strong that kept telling her she was wrong. This was a lie and her bottom could pay for that lie. It didn’t last long. She was soon able to rationalize the deception once again. Especially when she thought of the cost of medical treatment. That would cinch it, as it did now. She hummed to herself as she started planning for the grand tour.
Uncle Tomas and Aunt Lynn arrived late in the evening a week later. Eddie had picked them up at the airport because Carlos was working late again. The baggage claim took so long that Carlos was home to help Juanita greet them. Juanita was a little nervous. The memory of the large hard slapping her bottom hadn’t left her entirely. Aunt Lynn was very petite, with long red hair, and looked strange beside him. Juanita knew her to be very outspoken and as vibrant as her husband was a joker. They did compliment each other rather well.
“Juanita! Come give you Uncle Tomas a big hug.” he said. Juanita ran to him and he enveloped her in his arms. “Are you behaving?” He looked into her eyes and Juanita looked away. She knew then that he knew everything she’d done or would do with that one look. But she stubbornly refused to look him in the eye. If nothing else, Uncle Tomas was very persistent. “Juanita what have you been up to?”
“Nothing I can’t handle Uncle Tomas.” Carlos responded.
Tomas was eyeing Juanita warily. Something was up and he knew it. His nephew obviously wasn’t very perceptive because Carlos looked oblivious to what Tomas could plainly see. He couldn’t blame Carlos. Juanita was the master of holding things in it seemed.
“Leave the girl alone Tomas.” Aunt Lynn snapped. “You’re forever looking for problems.”
“Lynn be careful.” Uncle Tomas returned.
Aunt Lynn waved his off with a flip of her hand and Juanita watched Uncle Tomas get that look. She’d tried duplicating that look in front of the mirror once. But she couldn’t get it down. She couldn’t raise only one eyebrow or get that crooked smile the men in Carlos’ family would get. She was very adept at assuming the innocent look that all the wives would get. And right now Aunt Lynn looked so innocent, Juanita swore she should be up for sainthood. This seemed to amuse Uncle Tomas as he broke into a hearty laugh.
“Uncle Tomas. What are your plans while you’re here?” asked Carlos.
“Just visiting family. I’ve been so busy I just want to relax. Why Juanita. Why so sad?”
“Even though I told her not to, I’d say she had plans to take you sight seeing. Am I right Nita?” The one eyebrow was raised. She knew she’d better be careful.
“Well maybe a little.” She gave Carlos a wistful smile.
“Did you make a list?” Now the crooked smile.
“Well maybe.”
“Can I see it?” asked Uncle Tomas wearing the same look as Carlos.
“You’re making fun of me.” she pouted, looking warily from one to the other.
“Would I do that?” asked Uncle Tomas laughing. “You do have a list?” This seemed to amuse everyone as they all laughed. “Now go get all of us something to drink or I’ll be forced to spank your bottom right here in front of your husband.” Uncle Tomas propelled Juanita into the kitchen with a hard smack to her behind.
“Tomas! Quit tormenting the girl.” Aunt Lynn had seen the look of alarm that Juanita had when Uncle Tomas said that.
“Lynn, Juanita knows I will not hesitate if the need should arise. Right?” Juanita eyed him before answering. “Yes Uncle Tomas.” she wisely replied.
“Lynn you might want to take note of Juanita’s answer.” he said.
“Whatever you say Tomas.” Juanita could tell Aunt Lynn didn’t mean a word of what she said. Aunt Lynn would tease Uncle Tomas but they both did it with such good humor, it was impossible not to laugh at their conversations. You could tell they were comfortable with each other by the way they finished each others sentences sometimes. And Aunt Lynn was as bad as Juanita. Juanite felt like she was a kindred spirit.

The next morning, Juanita was getting ready to make breakfast when she felt a shock go through her hand. If she had been near anything electrical that would have explained it, but she wasn’t. Her right hand had been bothering her. Actually the whole right arm now. It was too late to tell Carlos without dire consequences and she figured it would go away. But now it felt like it was worse. She was busy trying to make a fist, so she didn’t see or hear Uncle Tomas come out of the bedroom. She became very aware of it when his hand covered hers and he said, “Juanita. Would you like to tell me what you haven’t told your husband?”
“Uncle Tomas! I tell Carlos............” She was about to say everything, but she was only too aware of the numbness is her fingers.
“Well Juanita?” Just then Aunt Lynn walked out and noticed the tension in the room.
“Tomas. You aren’t tormenting that girl again are you?”she asked nervously. She knew something was wrong. Tomas never acted this way unless he had a good reason to be concerned.
“No Lynn. Juanita was just going to tell me what’s wrong with her hand here. Weren’t you Juanita? It seems she hasn’t told her husband from the look on her face.”
“Juanita! You don’t keep things from your husband. I tell Tomas everything no matter what the consequences might be.” Aunt Lynn chided. “Especially not if it has to do with my health.”
“But you don’t understand. Either of you! Carlos has been working so much lately and we don’t have insurance and we don’t have enough money and he’s so busy............” Juanita’s voiced trailed off when she noticed both sets of eyes watching her intently. “He has enough to worry about without worrying about me.” There she said it. They surely would understand that.
“Juanita that’s no excuse.” they both said together causing them to laugh.
“Juanita. We love both you and Carlos. If there’s a problem, he has the right to know.” said Uncle Tomas. “And not telling him is a lie.” He tried to make eye contact with her, but she was avoiding his gaze. He gave her a swat. “Now tell me”
She tried to pull away from him but he put his arm around her waist and held her hand with the other. She knew he was waiting for an answer. “The longer you wait to tell me, the more swats you will get.” Alarmed Juanita looked at Uncle Tomas. He had to be kidding and if he wasn’t he’d find out how pissed Juanita could get. SWAT! The sting spread across her right cheek. She was wearing jeans but Uncle Tomas knew how to land a memorable smack. The jeans did not help. SWAT! Across the left cheek.
“Okay. Just stop that!” Juanita whined.
“Lynn she’s as bad as you! It always takes your Aunt over there at least 2 really good swats to admit to things. Your cousins are usually crying before I even land one.”
Juanita told her story about working on the computer and the pain, the tingling and the numbness. While she talked Uncle Tomas examined her hand. “Damn that hurts Uncle Tomas. Don’t do that.” SWAT! “Ouch. What was that for?”
“Does Carlos usually allow swearing because if he does, I think I need to have a long talk with him.”
“No! Don’t talk to him....” Uncle Tomas looked her in the eye and Juanita could not look away this time. “Carlos does not allow swearing.” she said quietly.
“There’s your answer.”
“But you’re hurting me!” she retorted. SWAT! SWAT! “OUCH!”
“Now which one hurts worse? Your bottom or your wrist?” Uncle Tomas asked her quizzically.
“Okay Uncle Tomas/” she said through clenched teeth. Juanita knew when to quit. Not always though.
“Well you probably have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and you need to see a doctor. Did you want to say something?” he asked her as she opened then shut her mouth quickly. She learned quick he thought. “So you will tell Carlos when he gets home. NO! Do not say anything! But first you lied to me. NO! Not yet! And you will be spanked for lying to me. After you’ve told Carlos, I expect you to report to me.”
Juanita gave Aunt Lynn a mute plea. But Aunt Lynn was being as stoic as Uncle Tomas. “Lynn I believe the little imp is hoping you’ll get her out of it.” They both laughed at Juanita. “Now go you two and fix dinner, I could eat you both and still be hungry.” Uncle Tomas sent them both to the kitchen with a swat.
In the kitchen, Juanita whispered, “Aunt Lynn he can’t be serious.”
“Oh yes he is Juanita. You did lie to him. He did ask you what you were up to and you said nothing. That was wrong. Not telling Carlos just because he didn’t ask is wrong too.” She looked sternly at Juanita. The poor girl looked so pathetic that Aunt Lynn almost gave in. She stopped herself because as humiliating as it would be, Juanita needed to learn this lesson. Juanita sighed and they prepared dinner silently.
Carlos came in the door tired as usual but knew something was up the minute he entered the apartment. Juanita was unusually quiet and very intent on fixing dinner. Both of those were bad signs. Then Uncle Tomas nodding his head made Juanita stiffen then start to walk towards him. “Carlos can we talk?”
“Okay Nita let’s go into the bedroom.” He didn’t want to embarrass her in front of his aunt and uncle. Something told him this wasn’t going to be good. Juanita never confessed to anything.
“No Carlos. She will tell you right here.”
“No! Uncle Tomas!”
“Do it Juanita! You’re only adding to your crimes.”
With a sigh Juanita told Carlos the whole story. “And how long has this been going on Juanita?” asked Carlos.
She sighed again knowing she was in trouble. “Four months.” Carlos would not look at her.
“Why did you lie to me?”
“I didn’t lie!” Juanita wailed. “You never asked me!”
“Then you need to be taught what a lie is.” Carlos looked so angry, that Juanita took a step backwards.
“Carlos your punishment will have to wait. Juanita has an appointment across my knee for lying to me also.” Uncle Tomas was glad he’d decided to spank her first. He didn’t think Carlos could trust himself to even look at her. He picked up a chair and placed it in the middle of the room. Juanita pleaded with her eyes. “Juanita. You can come here or I can come and get you. Which do you think will be easier?” There was the crooked smile and raised eyebrow.
Slowly Juanita walked to Uncle Tomas. She walked like she was going to her execution. Uncle Tomas almost laughed aloud but knew he couldn’t. She stood in front of him with her head down. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face till she was looking into his eyes. “You know you lied.” She nodded. “You know you deserve to be spanked.” Again she nodded. “Undo your jeans.”
Juanita looked around the room for help. Aunt Lynn as determined as usual returned her gaze and Carlos curious now, did the same. She slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Uncle Tomas looked at her and Juanita pulled them down.
Uncle Tomas took her arm and Juanita pulled back. With a laugh Uncle Tomas unceremoniously plopped Juanita face down across his lap. Juanita landed with an audible OOMPH! as her stomach hit his hard thighs. She was being to hate their carpeting. It seems she spent an awful lot of timing looking at it. She felt Uncle Tomas rest his hand on her pantied bottom. She was totally embarrassed being in this position in front of Carlos and Aunt Lynn. And the hand on her bottom was beginning to really annoy her. She tried to squirm away from it. SWAT! SWAT!
“Do not move Juanita. We have some talking to do.” Carlos was watching intently.
“Carlos do you need paper and pen to take notes you asshole!” Juanita sneered.
SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! Juanita kicked wildly as Uncle Tomas’ hand landed hard spots of heat on her bottom. This man had a hard hand. How Aunt Lynn tolerated a spanking from him was beyond Juanita.
“Now Juanita are you ready to listen?” Juanita pretended not to hear. SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! “Ready now?” Juanita nodded with her bottom already on fire. He rested his hand on her warm bottom again. This time she did not move.
“Juanita. You lied to me when I asked you what you were up to.” She didn’t answer and got SWAT! SWAT!
“Yes Uncle Tomas.”
“You lied when you didn’t tell Carlos about this.” SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! Juanita was getting mad by now.
“What was that for!”
“Just a reminder that I expect an answer.”
“This is ridiculous Uncle Tomas. You’ve made your point. Now let me up!” she shouted. SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! The swats fell on her bottom turning it a bright red. Juanita felt her face turning the same color as she endured this barrage in front of everyone.
“Juanita we will get through this lecture and then you will be spanked.” Juanita gasped in horror. This wasn’t the spanking? “I will continue spanking you till I get through talking. Then I will spank you again. I can do it that way, if you want it the hard way.”
But Juanita always learned the hard way. “Let me up NOW you asshole!” With a smile, Uncle Tomas proceeded to spank her pantied bottom, till Juanita out of breath finally uttered, “Okay. I’ll listen.” Her bottom was a berry red by now and Aunt Lynn felt sorry for Juanita. She knew Tomas hadn’t even started yet.
Juanita wanted to cry in shame but refused to let it out. “Now Juanita. What happens when you lie?”
“I can’t be trusted.” she mumbled.
“Very good. And why would you lie to Carlos?”
“I told you already............” she trailed off sensing his hand raised in the air. “Because I hate doctors and he’d make me go.” she said quietly.
“Why lie to me?”
“The same reason.” Uncle Tomas threw questions at Juanita and she tried to answer from her position. The whole time she was very much aware of the hand resting on her bottom. She didn’t know why he spanked each side separately when his whole hand covered her bottom.
“Carlos would you pull down her panties so I can spank her?” Juanita wanted to die.
“NO!” was all she could manage. Carlos came over and carefully pulled her panties down to her knees. The tears were threatening but she would not cry.
Now the hand rested on her bare cheeks and she knew he was admiring his handiwork. Then the hand started falling on her bottom. Each swat landed with a resounding Thwack! Each swat caused her bottom to burn uncontrollably. She kicked. She yelled hoping someone would hear her. She swore. But the swats only got harder. It didn’t seem possible for it to hurt more but Uncle Tomas covered her bottom from the top to her sit spot. Long and hard he spanked her without relief. Juanita couldn’t breath. Her bottom was in agony. She was no longer aware of anything but the fact that Uncle Tomas had her across his knee and was spanking her bare bottom right in front of her husband.
Unable to bear it any longer Juanita started crying and begging. “I’m sorrrrryyyyy. I’ll never do it agggggggaaaaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnn!!!” Still the swats landed till Juanita lay across his lap sobbing uncontrollably. Her bottom was almost purple and was hot to the touch.
Uncle Tomas lifted her off his lap and helped her replace her panties. He took her in his arms and rocked her like a baby till the rocking quieted her. He smoothed back her hair and hummed softly. “Now Juanita you and I are square.” He helped her stand and she turned to look at Carlos.
“Now Juanita you must make things square with me.” She was looking at him hopefully. He knew what that look meant. “No Juanita. We will not retire to the bedroom.” The crestfallen look on her face was almost comical. “It seems I need some lessons otherwise you’d never have dared to lie to me. Now in the corner.”
“You’ve got to be kidding..............” But she knew he wasn’t.
“In the corner NOW!”
“Carlos you don’t need to do this in front of us.” said Aunt Lynn finally relenting.
“Lynn. Do not interfere.” warned her husband.
“Tomas. The girl has been through enough tonight.”
“Lynn. You may join Juanita in the other corner.” Both women looked at him. “NOW!” Juanita watched Aunt Lynn go and stand in the corner. With a sigh Juanita hobbled over to the other corner.
“Juanita lose the jeans.” Carlos’ favorite statement. She stepped out of the jeans and kicked them aside.
“Carlos. Something is wrong here. Hmmm. I know. Panties down ladies.” Uncle Tomas was obviously enjoying this. They each lowered their panties. Aunt Lynn had to hold her dress up to keep her bottom on display. And Uncle Tomas must have had a discussion with her earlier because her cheeks were rosy too.
“Right you are Uncle Tomas.” Carlos was obviously enjoying this also. There was a lot of whispering and moving of furniture while the ladies waited in the corner. Juanita stole a glance back at Aunt Lynn and she winked back. SWAT! SWAT! They’d been caught.
“Since you ladies seem to want to talk, I say we spank them at the same time. And make sure they face each other. That way they’ll have time to discuss what’s happening to their bottoms while it’s happening.” Carlos was grinning from ear to ear when he came up with this idea. Juanita could have smacked him but kept her nose in the corner.
Again furniture was moving to accommodate this brilliant plan. Finally all was ready. “Ladies come here.”
They each went to their respective husbands with heads down and hobbling along with their panties at their knees. Their husbands placed them face down across their knees and the two ladies faced each other. Aunt Lynn winked again. The spanking began with the hand. They keep a rhythm going as their hands bounced from cheek to cheek. SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! The sound echoed off the walls. Both women watched each other as each blow landed. They couldn’t look away. The drumbeat on their bottoms was hypnotic and the unison of each well placed spank added to it.
The ladies were silent so far except for an occasional ouch. So Uncle Tomas and Carlos looked at each other and pulled the hairbrushes from their pockets. Each held a oval shaped wooden hairbrush. Aunt Lynn and Juanita saw what the other husband had in his hand before turning to their own. The men started laughing at the looks on their faces.
“Carlos where did you get that? That’s not my brush.”
“It is now. Uncle Tomas brought it for you. Notice it’s exactly the same as Aunt Lynn’s.”
Aunt Lynn shook her head and laughed softly. “Well Juanita, it looks like we’re in for it tonight.”
“Now Juanita you lied to me. You know you deserve this spanking?”
“Yes.” Juanita replied disgusted. Whack! “You son of a bitch! What the hell did you hit me with?” Whack! If felt like he pressed an iron on the two spots he had smacked her with the hairbrush.
“Juanita. I can keep using this hairbrush on your bottom till you behave. Then we’ll get to the real spanking. You decide.”
She sighed and said, “Yes.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Carlos.” Whack! “What! What did I say wrong?”
Uncle Tomas gave Aunt Lynn a good whack with her hairbrush. “Lynn. Tell Juanita what she didn’t say.” He held the hairbrush on the spot he just smacked containing the burn and making it sting like crazy.
“Juanita. He wants you to say, ‘Yes sir.””
Juanita almost blurted out “Fuck No!” but realized it wasn’t the smart thing to do in her position. She turned and looked at Carlos and saw the hairbrush in mid air ready to descend. She sighed and swallowed her pride. “Yes sir.”
“Lynn you butted in when I have told you not to time and time again. You deserve this spanking don’t you?”
“Yes sir.” She winked at Juanita again.
The hairbrushes proceeded to fall. Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! The hairbrushes made contact with each cheek leaving oval red spots across their bottoms. The women squirmed and kicked trying to escape the assault. Juanita managed to slip almost off Carlos’ lap when he pulled her back up. There was more than the sound of hairbrushes meeting flesh this time. There were OW’s, Ouch’s, Stop, I’ll be good, and Please stop. Neither woman saw the other. They were both involved in their own inner struggle not to break. But the men had strength on their side and the women had some very red bottoms on theirs. Soon both women were in tears, with Juanita breaking first.
The men satisfied that they’d made their point and the ladies had learned a valuable lesson, they sent them both back to the corner. Two extremely red bottoms glowed in those corners and the men admired the display. Then each man went to his wife, scooped her up in his arms, and carried them into their respective bedrooms.
The next morning both ladies stood while eating breakfast while their men walked around mighty pleased with themselves.

to Jules' Jungle