Jennifer wrote:

I look at the shocked look on Kree's face at the show Ron and Shian are putting on and smile smugly at her.

"You know Kree," I whisper "If you would've been just a bit more polite I might have told you about our little family. But you had to start squawking right off the bat. Now you are just going to have to learn the hard way....RON'S way!!!!! I know one thing, I'm not missing this one you crabby thing.....hell I may just sell tickets!" I flash her my best smile "Hang on to your seat while you can Hon, cuz when he's done with you, it'll be too sore for you to touch!!!!"

I stifle a giggle so that I don't draw Ron's attention to me and let Kree think about what's coming her way.



"Kree gets one call."

Ron wrote:

As I look over at Kree, I give Shian one last HUG. There, now you can soar like an eagle again and actually be able to see the end of the game when they WIN. After a long HUG Shian gets up from the couch.

I say hello to Jennifer, who was whispering to Kree. "I think you are just intime. Your new neighbor here requires a much needed lesson in how things ARE in Spankville."

I walk over to a surprised Kree looking her in the eyes.

"FIRST we are nice to our fellow neighbors.

SECONDLY we use descriptive words that express our feelings without a swear word filling in as the adjective in every sentence.

THIRDLY…. all problems are solved by spankings. Which is exactly what you are going to get right now."

Kree is caught off guard with my comments but looks to the door where Jennifer is standing. Jennifer reads Kree’s look to run, then gives Kree some very smart advice

"Kree don’t even think it, you’ll just make things worse and you are in enough trouble right now to fry your sitter."

I grab Kree’s hand and lead Kree who suddenly finds her voice, over to the couch.

"YOU young lady are going to get your bare bottom spanked. Grab that package from the table." I tell her.

"NO!!" Kree shouts at me.

“Kree I don’t ask twice”

Seizing the opportunity Shian and Jennifer sit down on the other chairs facing the couch.

Jennifer says to Shian in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, “Kree needs a spanking in the worst way. You should have heard the way she was talking and treated me when I welcomed her."

Shian who was sitting a little more gingerly, agreed. “She slammed the door in my face earlier.”

I open the package with Kree to pull out her KKK paddle.

“I am going to call my uncle right now. You’ll see. You are all completely nuts.”

I hand Kree the phone immediately. GO ahead!!! Noticing Kree has controlled her vocabulary. Hearing the word spanking and her name in the same sentence does have that effect.

"But before you dial Kree, I’ll read you the inscription on your personal



Kree’s Knowledge Keeper

With this paddle applied to Kree’s rear
Much knowledge will Kree begin to endear
The lessons she learns over the knee
Will make Kree the person she wants to be.

"There’s some mistake," Kree yells." Give me the phone!"
I still hold on to the phone but hold it in front of her.

“You young lady are about to get a much needed lesson on conduct in the
learning position. I see here in your uncle’s letter that he feels you were
once a nice person when you were young, but your life lacks the discipline
now to keep you a happy nice person.

You will find that either you begin to understand this or your bottom will
be in a constant state of redness from all the spankings I am going to give

"That’s enough!!!!!" Kree stamps her foot. "NO ONE is spanking my bottom. Let
me talk to my uncle. GIVE ME THAT PHONE!"

"That another spankable offense too Kree, shouting." I add in an even tone.
Kree seems about to explode and vent at her uncle Bob or seek his sympathy.
I turn the phone over to Kree, knowing already what her uncle Bob told me on the
phone before I came over. Boy was Kree is in for one whopping surprise from
her uncle.

I ran the KKK paddle smoothly through my hands, the smacking it lightly
against my palm. Kree’s bottom was definitely in for a long meeting with
her paddle unless she was a quick learner. But one way or another, the
learning position does get the message through. Even if some ladies are slow
learners and need extra time.I look at Shian and Jennifer beaming with smiles just waiting for Kree to get her comeuppance.

We hear the dial tone of the ringing sound and all wait breathlessly hoping
her uncle is there to answer it.

The room is dead silent now. No one dared to speak to spoil the moment. What
Kree doesn’t know yet is that before I handed her the phone, I set it to the
speaker position so we were all going to hear both her and her uncle as she
tried to find a way to convince her uncle out of the fact I was going to
give her a bare bottom spanking and that it was all a mistake.

"HEYYYYYYY!!!!" She shouts. "How do you fix this phone?"
“No uncle I wasn’t yelling at you”

I smile at Kree, "You don’t fix it. It's a speaker phone."
I sat down on the couch to not miss a word.

to be continued