Kree wrote:


"Kree? What's wrong dear?" Uncle Bob questions innocently.

"What's wrong? Do you have any idea what this Ron guy thinks he can do to me?" Almost back to yelling now, "Uncle Bob, you have GOT to get me out of this damn place now!"

"Now, now, Kree. You know the agreement. 30 days. No more, no less. And of course I know what Ron is going to do to you. That's why I sent you there. You've been in need of good old fashioned spanking for an awfully long time and since you are used to nothing but the best, I got the best spanker to do the job!"

"But .. but, wait! Do you know he wants to do it on my bare bottom? And Uncle Bob, he thinks he's going to do that in front of these people! I'm not one of them, you know that. Ask me anything else, please? Anything. Ask me to do anything else for my inheritance. Tell these people I don't belong here!"

"Oh my Kree. You most certainly do belong there. Hiding inside you is the most wonderful caring person I know and this is your last chance to go deep inside yourself and find that person. You can't keep treating people as if they were dirt and you're the only princess in the world. I'm not going to stop Ron from doing anything. I've given him free reign in teaching you some self discipline. What ever Ron decides for the next 30 days is exactly how it will be. Do you understand me Kree?"

"Yeah. Oh yeah. I understand all right. I really thought you loved me Uncle Bob. I really did. I guess I was wrong!" And with that, I slammed the phone down to let him know I meant business! When I turned back to the group, Shian and Jennifer were grinning from ear to ear, sitting back in my ugly furniture, waiting for some fireworks to begin.

Ron, on the other hand had a look on his face that made me shiver. I'll fight him, that's what I'll do. I'll kick and scream and run and he'll never catch me! This Ron guy must be psychic or I have a loudspeaker attached to my brain because he just stood there looking at me and shaking his head from side to side.

"You won't do any of those things Kree. And you won't do them because it will only make things much worse than they already are." He stood crooking his index finger at me. "Come here, Kree. You WILL get into the learning position and you WILL learn the rules of Spankville. There are certain things that are not tolerated here, and I'll explain them all while you're in the learning position."

I tried. I really really tried. But I couldn't move. I was frozen where I stood staring into this Ron guy's eyes. I had no words, just this fear that shook my insides. What was I going to do now?

Seething as she hears the comment from the couch,  "Got any popcorn, Kree?? Jennifer and I have the munchies!"

Ok. That does it! Seeing the contentment on their faces is enough to bring me out of my spell! Stamping my feet and glaring at both of them, I start giving them a piece of my mind .....


Kree, who turns to stomp out the door!