The story continues as the Spankville neighborhood meets Kree.


Jennifer wrote:

I walk out onto my beautiful porch and see what I'm guessing are my new neighbors moving in. I watch curiously as they walk around the property. To be honest, by looking at them I would have never pictured people like these moving into that particular house. It's one of the reasons I loved this house, I was sure the lot next door would remain empty.

I stifle a giggle as I watch her throw a temper tantrum right there in the front yard. Oh my, she is NOT at all happy. Oh yes, Ron is going to have a BLAST with this one.

Try as I might I can only get bits and pieces of their conversation. I see the man hand her the keys to the little run down house and then get in the car and drive off.

I've heard what they say about the cat and curiosity, but I've never listened before.

I decide this is as good a time as any to introduce myself.

"Hey there, Welcome to the neighborhood! I'm Jennifer, I live next door." I point over to my house.

She introduces herself as Kree and proceeds to go into a tirade about not wanting to be here, how she's a millionaire, blah, blah blah. I just watch stunned. Oh yeah, this one is DEFINITELY a piece of work.

"Well Kree, Ron will be around shortly I'm sure, to introduce himself. You make sure that you tell him EXACTLY what you told me. Don't hold back with him. Yell, scream, shout, stomp your feet, swear. Ron is a strong believer in self expression.

I need to go back inside, but in the meantime let me know if you need anything!"

With an evil little grin I walk back to my place making a mental note to keep an eye out for Ron. I wouldn't miss this upcoming show for the world! I giggle to myself. Oh yeah, this new chick is in for a REAL treat!



Part 3

Shian wrote:

Wow, pulling back into my driveway very much hung over and lookingforward to my bottle of Captain Morgan inside, I see a car pulling out of the driveway next-door. I look around suspiciously, not seeing any outrageous activity and thinking to myself that Anna must be on vacation. I get out of the car and start to take my sunglasses off, but the sun glares at me and changes my mind immediately. Glancing at my watch, I realize I'm home just in time for the Eagles game and grab my bags to trudge into the house. Setting everything down and knowing it can wait, I change from my nice young lady clothes to my sweats and football jersey to relax. Turning on the pre-game show, I make my way to the kitchen and pour a rum with a dab of coke to shake this heady feeling. Making my way back into the living room I catch some movement in the house next door through the living room window. "Damn, must be a new neighbor", I say to myself as I make my way to my nice soft recliner. "Have to bake a cake, maybe some muffins too...NOT!! Well, maybe I'll see how I feel after I remedy this head, could pay a visit at least." The game has begun and after my third cautious sip my head is beginning to clear just a bit. Hope I don't see Ron for a while, it's such a nice day. And where the heck are all the men in this town anyway?? I hate having to run all the way across creation to find a damn cowboy.


Kree wrote:

D**m that little snit Jennifer! She walked in here and had such a wonderful time enjoying my predicament! Is there NO ONE here who understands? I don't F**KING BELONG here!

And who the h**l is this Ron guy anyway?????? I need REAL furniture. I don't even dare look in the closet to see what's there! Well, I know one thing for sure, this place is filthy. At least there's a phone. Oooooo. And a phone book. I still have my credit cards and a maid service is DEFINITELY in order here!

Let's see ... Maids! Yeah, that's it! I give Jennifer's house one last mean glare to show her I'm not one of them as I start to dial .......

"Tomorrow? 9 a.m.? That'll be fine. Yes, Spankville." Why the h**l is she giggling? "OK, I'll see you then."

Whew. That's taken care of. At least Uncle BOB left me my cards, d*mmit! NOW, we'll make this dump look a bit more like home. What's next? Yup! Here it is. Macy's. I wonder how far they'll deliver?



Shian wrote:

Ok...Feeling a little better after the Eagles victory I pump up the stereo and dance my way through the house to some Dixie Chics and grab a bottle of champagne for the sight unseen wonder that is occupying the house next door. Seems it's time for me to be a good a neighbor, I noticed Jennifer had already made her appearance and didn't seem to want to stick around. Bet Ron really flipped on her when he got the bill for that decorating job she did.  I make my way out the door and over the hedge onto the brown dusty lawn and make my way to the front door. Seems to be a lot of kicking and screaming going on in there...*LOL*...Wonder if Ron's been alerted to the problem yet. I stand at the door and try to compose myself through the haze of my major buzz before knocking very loudly to get the attention of the new occupant. "YO!!!! Open the door, I got a big howdy for ya!!!!!" I sway just a bit as I wait for one of two things to happen, either the door will fall on me or someone will open it. Either way, I sure hope it happens fast, seems the porch has grown legs and is trying to shake me off. "Come on!!!!" Whispering to myself, "think I got all day, jeez."



Kree wrote:


NOW What? Whoever is on the other side of the door never took door knocking classes. I swing the door wide and yell "WHAT????????"

I watch amazed as this woman standing on the other side makes every attempt to stand still while my new front porch seems to be rocking her front and back, side to side.

"WELL? You're obviously drunk and I don't have an liquor here so you may as well just move on!"

I slam the door in her face to show her I want no part of her. I can't believe this place! I'm not even here a half hour and so far, I've been barraged. I don't think I am not going to make 30 days here if all this s**t keeps up! The NERVE of some people!

It's bad enough Macy's and every other furniture store that's worth me shopping at already had orders from Uncle Bob NOT to deliver me a d**n thing! NOW what am I going to do?

The obnoxious woman insists on continuing to pound on my door and I swing the door open wide once more, ready to do battle ..... only to find the woman in the process of falling forward. I gained enough sense to catch her before her head hits the ground. Oh great! Just f**king great! NOW what the f**k do I do with her?

Kree (who really needs to find a way out of here!)




Ron wrote:

I walked over to my desk and took out the contract , then a letter and lastly a large package labeled Kree with KKK in large letters. Reading through them carefully, I place them back on my desk. Closing the door behind me, I make my way up the street to Kree's house. I knocked on Kree's door as I entered. Shian was sprawled on the floor trying to get up now. Obviously the result of too much of something she been imbibing. As I lifted her up, I’m greeted with our new neighbor Kree emerging from the kitchen. I introduced myself and handed her the package still supporting Shian with the other. May I use your washroom and couch for a few moments, Kree. Kree fills my ears anyway with all her complaints about being here, the house, spiced with the occasional expletive for effect that I caused me to give her a stern look. When I have wetted down Shian's forehead and gotten her back to reality I escorted her over to the couch. All the while Kree is still following me, standing beside my left ear not missing a beat.

However as I sit on the couch and start loosen Shian’s pants along with shortly there after tug her panties, a sudden hush is heard in Kree’s tirade. The silence is even more deafening, as I flipped a bare bottomed Shian over my knee and started lecturing her about drinking too much. “You CAN'T do that”, Kree finally utters in shock, but standing well back now.

“I can, and I am going to. I am going to sober Shian up very quickly the best way possible. By getting a good bare bottom spanking." Kree hearing the word Spanking is left to stuttering an unintelligible sentence.


"Yes Kree, on her butt.”

I start spanking immediately and continue till Shain is very much sobered up and yelling loud “ow’s” as I spank her bare bottom to a very bright red before releasing her. I help her stand up and give her a hug.

Then I look up at Shian and Kree just as Jennifer pokes her head in the doorway obviously hearing the sounds of a good spanking coming from here.



Susan wrote:


::Sitting quietly as I take a look at all of the action at Kree's house. I can't believe it, another spanking. Who does this guy think he is anyway?

::rubbing my butt, I sit down carefully at the desk:

Well, I am not one to not take action, but what can we do. I secretly know I need the "attention" that he delivers, and I am sure the others here too, but something in my rational mind leads me to protest.

Grabbing a pen and all of my courage,,,, I write....

PETITION- We the Citizens of Spankville do hereby decree that none of us shall receive any spankings.. I fill in endless following demands and rules, but that is the main one. do I get folks to sign? Hmm. I know a meeting.

Grabbing a poster board I write on it...TOWN MEETING, tonight at 7, come my house, and we can discuss improvements to our community.


KREE wrote:

I hear the knock and mumble to myself "NOW what?" just as the door swung open and a man walked it. Ahhhh, the absent Ron. Well good. NOW he'll hear that this place is awful and the he must IMMEDIATELY find a new home for me. I have to stay 30 days, but not in this house!

"... and look how filthy it is and I've had people non stop banging on my front door including HER falling inside. Now really, Ron, Uncle Bob said I have to stay here in Spankville for 30 days, but he never mentioned that I have to associate with riff raff and I can't believe the furniture in here. Does anyone really expect me to touch this shit? Why I wouldn't let my cats sleep on this f**king stuff, let alone me!" Since this Ron person is in charge, I'm going make sure he gets the FULL piece of my mind.

I continue to follow him letting him hear again and again of my plight when he takes Shian, almost lovingly, to the couch and proceeds to help her to feel better.

But then he started disrobing her and for some reason, I fell silent. When he put Shian over his knee, face down, my heart dropped! He's going to spank her? In front of me?

"You can't do that!" I scream at him and he gives me a look that says "are you going to stop me?" I started backing away and for the first time since I arrived, I was speechless.

And then he just went ahead and spanked her! On her bare bottom! I shivered trying to turn away knowing poor Shian must be sooooo embarrassed. I kept trying to back away from the scene as far as possible until I bumped into a wall. I just watched in total shock and silence.

"Where am I?" I whispered.

When Jennifer poked her head in and spotted the scene, I was sure she'd give Ron a piece of her mind. But she just stood there, smugly watching the event.

"Where am I?" I whispered.

Ron is spanking Shian, Jennifer and I watched. I couldn't tell if I was more embarrassed than Shian should be or if I was angry. But the weirdest thing happened when it was all over. Ron held Shian, almost protectively, and then he hugged her. Shian seemed so content with that, regardless of her obviously burning back end!

"Where the f**k am I?" I whispered, a shiver shaking my shoulders.



continued to part 10