Kree meets Spankville

stories edited by Anna for the web page

by Kree

I couldn't believe my eyes as Uncle Robert drove us through this little town. These houses! Look how small they are! He CAN'T think I'm going to stay here for 30 days! This CAN'T be what he's asking! I've never lived in a house this small all my life and I'm 34 years old, for Pete's sake!

"Well, Uncle Bob? Which glorious mansion is supposed to be mine?" I watch him cringe as I asked the question. He hates it when I call him Bob and it's always fun to watch him cringe.

"Be patient, Kree. We're almost there. Just you remember the deal. Your 2 million inheritance will be waiting for you as long as you stay here for 30 days and not leave until then. Remember, there are only 2 rules:

You must live with whatever furnishings and clothes are in the house AND Ron is in charge. Your money will be waiting for you. I've tried everything I can think of, but you still insist on being a rude, obnoxious, infantile woman. Yes, you are 34, but most times, you act as if you are 8 years old. I think this is the right town to change your attitude. You have only this one opportunity to change. I suggest you follow those two rules."

I shrugged listening to him. How bad could it be? 30 days for 2 million? I'm not nearly as bad as Uncle Robert makes me out to be. And who is this Ron guy anyway. I'll have him wrapped around my finger in three days flat. I've learned much in my 34 years and my experiences won't let me down now!

We pulled up in front of a house with the number #34 on it. "How quaint" I grumbled, sinking into the seat. "How embarrassing. I can't believe he's doing this to me. After all I've done for him, the old coot! Look at this place."

"Here we are" Uncle Robert said as he literally bounced out of the car. "Come into your new home for the next 30 days Kree."

What a wreck! It was a one story house with a small porch at the front. One Story! Me! Me, who's used to mansions and limousines, and he wants me to stay in a one story house! As we walked inside, I nearly cringed! No wall furnishings and the ugliest curtains I've ever had the misfortune to force my eyes to see. Sparsely furnished with a sofa, large chair and one corner table in the living room. The dining room was no better as it was smack dab in the center of the kitchen! One straight back chair that didn't even match the table graced the area! One chair! Where would my guests sit? How the heck can I have parties here???? The bedroom was no better. One closet only big enough to fit one person, one bed, one nightstand with an ugly lamp.

"All right Kree. I have to leave, but I'll be back in 30 days. Remember, no new furnishings or clothes, and Ron is in charge." He was grinning from ear to ear when he then said "and don't worry. The rent for the next 30 days is all under control ........."

Kree, left standing alone in the middle of the most horrible building I've ever seen in my life ........

continue on to part 2