by Katy

Karen, Kathy, Jane & Molly were normal ordinary ladies. They were from
different states and various ages. They were married, some had children, some
worked and some went to school. It would seem they had nothing in common,
until you discovered they all shared one interest, "Spanking". They wanted
their spouses to spank them, wanted to live an old fashioned type of life in
this modern world. Unfortunately for them, their spouses were what are known
as "Vanilla". They had no interest in this activity and did not even know
their wives were consumed with the thought of it.

Their lives may have continued like this forever, had they not discovered the
Internet and the various sites dealing with their favorite subject. One by one
they all became involved in these sites and finally met each other on a list
for men and women with the same interest. They quickly discovered that they
had a lot in common and decided to form their own list, for ladies only, so
they could discuss it without any male interference. The list became popular
and many other ladies also joined, but this narrative will deal with these

Karen and Dan were married. He was not a spanker, never even considered it.
In his mind it was some sort of abuse. He could not even think of hitting a
woman, no less his wife, no matter how much he may think she deserved it. He
was totally shocked when Karen finally got up the nerve to tell him how she
Dan agreed that their marriage was not the best the last few years and he had
fallen into the pattern of letting her do whatever she wanted just to keep
He didn't feel he could really use discipline, it was just against all he had
been taught, but finally agreed to try small spankings. The minute he thought
she was hurting or showed any reaction he would stop. He did however notice a
pleasant change in her behavior, and decided she was probably right.

Kathy & Jack had also been married a while and had several children. They had
been playing with spankings for several years, but not the discipline spankings
that Kathy wanted. She felt he would never come around and was frustrated with
his lack of progress. She told Jack how she felt and he was thinking about it,
but so far had not taken any action. She was however receiving some hard play

Jane & Joe were newly weds. Joe had started spanking Jane shortly after they
started dating. She had been spanked as a child, but never as an adult. She
loved Joe a lot, but was having trouble with submitting to the discipline. Joe
was the only husband who was a member of the original list. He had never
spanked anyone before, but with the advice of the other men on the list, who
were experienced spankers, he was becoming quite good at it

Molly and Morgan were in about the same place with spankings as Karen and Dan.
Morgan was reluctant but trying to accommodate Molly's wishes. He had spanked
her on several occasions, but never as hard or as long as she would have liked.
They had children also, and he did not want them to hear or know what was going

The husbands had no idea that their wives were talking about this daily,
offering each other advice and support. They would have been collectively
horrified to think they were being discussed on the Internet.

Life was progressing nicely in the various households. Dan had finally started
really spanking Karen. She had finally pushed one too many buttons and he had
given her an extremely hard spanking. The immediate change in her attitude and
behavior had convinced him this was worth a try. Similar changes were also
taking place in the other homes. In fact Joe had convinced Jane she needed to
obey, Jack was taking charge of Kathy and Morgan had discovered that paddles
were effective punishment tools.

The girls were relating their spankings to each other as they happened and were
also talking about them on the other list and getting some advice from the male
viewpoint. One of their favorite advisors was Matthew, who usually told them
they deserved every spanking, if not more. He was very good at lecturing them,
which most of the husbands were not.

It had been several months and Karen was telling the other girls about her
latest spanking and Dan's decision to set up rules and punishments. She left
the room for a few minutes and left her screen up. Dan came into the room and
looked at the computer. He read what was on the screen.

"What the hell is this, who is she sending this to? " He was shocked that she
would tell anyone about their private life. He paged back through her mail and
discovered all of her recent postings, including those from Matthew.

"She is going to be one sorry little lady when I get through with her." He was
furious, madder than he had been in a long time He heard her coming and wanted
time to think it through so he left the room before she saw him. Karen
resumed sending her post to the list and never knew he had seen.

The next day when Dan came home from work he got on the computer and checked
her mail. Karen was still at work and was confident he had no clue how to
access her own mailbox. He had written down the address the day before and
knew she always used the same password so she wouldn't forget it.

" I don't believe this," he shouted. "How can these women sit here and tell
all of their personal business to each other, and then to these guys. I bet
their husbands don't have a clue what they are doing, anymore than I did.
Well, I think I know a way to fix all of that." Dan then typed a message to
Matthew, asking him if he could call him and discuss the situation.

Matthew was more than happy to talk to Dan. What Matthew told him opened Dan's
eyes. With Matthew's help Dan was able to contact Joe and through Jane and
Karen's phone books were able to finally arrange a conference call with Jack
and Morgan. They decided to keep in touch with each other and not let on to
the girls that they knew. Retribution would come later.

A few days later Kathy sent her friends a message relaying that Jack had given
her a hard spanking for discipline. One she had not initiated or asked for.
The rest of the girls in short order replied that they had also received the
same from their hubbies.

A pattern began, that was starting to unnerve them. Dan would make Karen do
something and sure enough within a few days, the rest of the girls had similar
requests from their husbands. It was creepy.

" Do you think there is something in the air, that they are all inhaling that
is making them act like this?" Karen asked the group. Discussion went back
forth on the issue. They all had a good laugh and decided it was just that men
weren't very creative, were pretty predictable in fact, and since these men
were all starting spanking at the same time, they were following the same

Molly then asked for advice about a situation on the original list. She had
done something she wasn't supposed to and wondered if she should confess.
Matthew of course told her she should immediately and that she should be
spanked hard with a hairbrush. Molly decided she would confess but wasn't
worried about the hairbrush. They didn't have one of those old fashioned kinds
and Morgan never used anything but his paddle. So she confessed her
disobedience to Morgan.

"I don't believe this, Morgan, was mad, but I never expected the reaction I got.
He told me I was getting spanked and then brought out this hairbrush. It was
the scariest thing I ever saw. He blistered my bottom but good with it. It
was like he read Matthew's post. I know he doesn't know anything about that
list. These men are getting weird." Molly told the group the next morning.

The real surprise came, when all the ladies related that their next spankings
involved hairbrushes. Matthew was silent when asked if he was advising anyone
but Joe. "How could I?" he said. "You haven't even told me their names." He
was laughing as he typed the reply.

" Morgan, has threatened to cut me off the Internet," Molly informed the group
one morning. "He says I spend too much time on it."

"Boy, that is funny so did Dan last night."
"Jack too."
"Joe is monitoring my time and reading the posts from the other list to see how
long I'm on" Jane chimed in.

"I just don't understand how they can all come up with these things at the same
time." Karen said. "I've been thinking about this and maybe we are giving off
some hint because we are on all the time talking about it. What if we try and
get away together some weekend where we can finally meet and talk without worry
that somehow they are finding out? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

They all quickly agreed and figured out a place to meet that was fairly central
for all of them. All they had to do now was come up with some kind of excuse
for getting away for a weekend. Slowly they came up with what they considered
to be believable and acceptable excuses. Karen was going to a business
conference, Kathy a school seminar, Molly a writers convention, and Jane a
Christian ladies conference. The date was set for several weeks from then and
the plans were made. Since the city they had selected was very close to where
Matthew lived, they had each individually asked him about hotels and
restaurants. When he asked why they wanted to know, they just said they might
have business there.

"What do you think is going to happen to us if they find out?" Kathy asked the
rest of them. "I don't know about you, but I think I will be in for the
spanking of my life if I get caught."

"Hey, how can they find out? We have covered all the bases; they don't have a
clue we know each other. As long as we let them know where we are, how could
they ever find out?" Karen replied. Thus assured, all went happily along with
the plans.

Finally the day arrived and they all met at the hotel. It was a great time,
seeing each other in person for the first time and just talking and talking.
They had all arrived early Friday afternoon, and were not scheduled to return
home till Sunday afternoon. They had arranged to have two sets of connecting
rooms across the hall from each other so they could visit back and forth the
whole time they were there. Friday afternoon was spent just talking and
getting to really know each other. They chose a restaurant that Matthew has
recommended and enjoyed a great dinner. When they returned to the hotel, the
desk clerk motioned them over and told them that they had a message. Molly
opened the message and all it said was "Surprise, come to Room 304." That was
next to their rooms and they were really puzzled.

"I don't know, should we go, who could be doing this?" Jane nervously asked.

"Maybe Matthew figured out we are here, and is surprising us. That would be
just like him, then he could act like a big brother in person and scold us."
Kathy laughed at the thought. They decided since there were four of them
nothing could happen, let's just see what this is all about. Very bravely they
proceeded to Room 304.

Molly knocked on the door and no one answered, it just opened. She walked in
with the rest following her. When she got all the way into the room she
stopped dead in her tracks and let out a gasp.

"Oh, no this can't be. What? How? "She couldn't finish her sentence. Karen,
Kathy and Jane soon saw what the problem was. They were beyond speech. Five
men were sitting around the room, their husbands and a stranger. The stranger
stood up. "Well, it's so nice to meet all of you, I'm Matthew. Did you have a
nice dinner? I was just entertaining the men, until you got back. I think
They have a lot to "discuss" with you so I'll be leaving. Have a nice evening"
He was laughing at the looks on their faces as he left the room.

"Well young ladies, it looks like you have been caught." Dan told them. "Did
you really think you were going to get away with this? I contacted Matthew
when I saw his name on a post you left up, Karen. He helped me contact Joe and
from there we found Jack and Morgan. We have been talking to each other for
several weeks, and know all about what you have been planning. We have formed
our own little group with some of the men from the list, and Matthew has been
advising us."

"Do any of you have any idea of how much trouble you are in?" Morgan glared at
them. " I think you all know the rules and what happens to young ladies who
disobey and lie."

"Matthew has told us what he feels the appropriate punishment should be, and we
agree." Jack added.

"I think that you young ladies had best get those pants and panties down and
find a corner to put those noses in NOW!" Joe told them. Four pairs of eyes
looked at each other and at their husband's.

"You can't punish us together!" Kathy shouted at them.

"We told you where we were going to be, didn't we?" Karen said,

"That's not lying." Molly added. "Plus you didn't tell us we couldn't so we
didn't disobey either."

"Please Joe, we just wanted to have some fun, we didn't do anything bad." Jane
said in a small voice.

Joe told Jane, "Don't even think about trying to get out of this, you are in
more trouble than you even know. Get those pants and panties down NOW and that
nose in the corner. That goes for the rest of you as well. NOW!

While they were waiting in the corner the men told them they were all getting
spanked with each of their favorite implements. That meant each of them was
getting the hairbrush, paddles, spoon and switch. They would not be sitting
well for several days!

Soon all that could be hear from Room 304 was a series of SWAT, SWAT, SWAT,
CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, OUCH, OH, AW, Please stop, I'm sorree,
I'll behave, I'll never disobey again, SWISH, SWISH, SWISH, CRACK, CRACK,
CRACK, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, Please that's enough. OW, OW, OW.

Finally the spankings stopped and the ladies were sent back to their corners.
On view were four pairs of bright red, well-spanked bottoms. The husbands sat
back and admired their handiwork. After what seemed like hours, but in reality
had only been 15 minutes, they were called to their husbands and retired to
their respective room for some comforting.

The rest of the weekend was spent with the couples really getting to know each
other. Life was changed for the couples that weekend, but the ladies still
found ways to get around those hubbies. After all women ARE more creative.
Life was good.