Ladies Night Out   Part 7


 Barb wrote:


Barb sat dejectedly on a hard wooden chair very much

like the one that Ron had sitting in his living room,

waiting for the cops to sort out the mess that had

happened in the night club.  There was a nagging

suspicion in her mind that she was going to be taking

a trip over his knee before this evening was over

with, but she really hoped not. 


She could not believe that she and her friends were in

danger of being arrested.  But surely that wouldn’t

happen, they hadn’t done anything.  All they had to do

was just be patient for the police to finish arresting

the REAL criminals that broke the car windows and

started the fight.  Then they would be free to go.

Surely that is what would happen.  Hopefully they

could still make it home without Ron being the wiser.


The evening had started out so innocent.  Just a girls

night out, no harm done, just a chance to let down

their hair and be a little wild.  They had never

expected something like this to happen.


Deb’s car sat in the drizzling rain with a shattered

windshield.  They were trying to leave only to find

out that Deb’s car window had been shattered.  Barb

had been frantically searching for a quarter so that

she could call Katy to come rescue them when the

police barged in and refused to let them leave.   They

had been sitting at this table ever since. 


Anna jabbed her in the ribs and said, “Look, Katy is

here.”  She and Deb both looked up hopefully as Katy

confidently walked up to a police officer and

animatedly spoke to him motioning in their direction.

Their elation was short lived as Katy seemed to shrink

and then scuttle over to their table to join them.


With a sigh Katy flopped down in a chair next to Deb.

“Hi guys, I thought I could help, but no such luck.  I

tried to convince the officer that you all were my

sisters and that we were having a family emergency but

he knew I was lying.  He said he recognizes all of

you.  He must have been one of the police that showed

up at Spankville on that fateful day when you all were

dressed as men and scared Nacles so bad that she

called the police.


“But that isn’t the worst,” Katy continued.  "He said

that he was going to be thinking about whether or not

he needed to call Ron about this incident.”


“Oh, noooo,” Deb wailed, "that is what I was really

hoping WOULDN’T happen.”  Her bottom started tingling

at the thought of facing Ron after tonight’s fiasco.


“Well,” Katy said, “he only said he was THINKING about

calling him.  We just have to come up with a good

reason why he shouldn’t.”


Barb’s shoulders slumped.  “No matter what we tell

him, I just know he is gonna call Ron.  You know how

all these men stick together.  We might as well face

it and start preparing ourselves now.  Ron is going to

spank the daylights out of everyone of us for this.”


“For what?”  Anna demanded.  “We didn’t do anything

wrong.  We are adults and we can go out in the

evenings if we want and I will tell Ron so!”


“All right, young lady!”  The police officer’s voice

sternly shattered her confidence.  “You will have your

opportunity to tell him that in just a minute.  I was

just about to give him a call.”


“Grrrrrrr.....Anna, hush, you are just making things

worse,” Deb whispered. 


“But first I want to get some information from all

four of you.  I want to see some kind of

identification,” the officer ordered. 


“Are we going to go to jail?”  Barb couldn’t stand the

suspense and just had to ask that question.


“Well, there are plenty of things I could charge you

with,” the officer paused dramatically before

continuing,  “but lets see how cooperative you can be

and after I talk to Ron, I will let you know.  Now get

out some ID!”  The ladies frantically started hauling

things out of their purses in search of a driver’s



Deb, Barb and Anna quickly handed their ID to the

officer, but Katy just looked more and more worried.


 “Don’t you have any identification with you, young

lady?” the officer asked, looking sternly at Katy.


Katy swallowed hard, trying to find her voice.  “I

guess, I forgot to grab any when I left Spankville so

quickly.”  She shook her head, a very worried

expression was on her face.


“Hmmmmm.....driving without a license.   Well, that

answers that.  There is no way any one of the four of

you are driving home tonight.  You three girls have

all been drinking.”  He looked sternly at Anna, Deb

and Barb.  “And you don’t have a license.”  Katy slid

a little lower in her chair as the policeman’s stern

gaze shifted her way. 


All four women stared wide-eyed at the officer as he

angrily punched in the number.  By the way the phone

was quickly answered it probably meant that Ron was

not asleep.  That didn’t speak well for their chances

of sleeping on their backs this evening.


The officer stepped a few feet away in hopes of having

a private conversation with Ron.  But all four girls

strained to hear what he was saying and were able to

catch snatches of the conversation.  Their relief at

hearing, “No, I am not going to charge any of them”

was quickly replaced by apprehension at the comment

“You can handle things much more quickly than our

judicial system and I happen to approve of your brand

of justice.”  The officer laughed, and muttered a few

more indiscernible comments.


“Please sir,” Barb started, “may I please speak to

Ron, I just want to explain.”


“One of the young ladies wants to speak to you, Ron.

Shall I put her on?”  The officer laughed heartily and

walked toward the women as he turned off his cell

phone and put it away.  “Ron says he intends to have a

very long ‘discussion’ with each and every one of you,

just as soon as he gets you home.  Anything you have

to say can wait until that time.”


Four pale faces became even paler at that remark. 


"Well, ladies, this is your lucky night,” the officer

seemed to be the only one in a good mood.  Deb

muttered something rude under her breath and Barb

froze hoping that the officer didn’t catch it.  He

must not have because he went cheerfully on, “I have

decided not to charge any of you tonight.  Not even

you, young lady, for driving without a license.”  He

looked at Katy.  “Ron is on his way, and as soon as he

gets here I will be able to wrap things up and call it

an evening.  Too bad you ladies won’t be able to do

the same.”  The officer chuckled at the thought of the

evening still to come for the four downcast ladies

sitting before him.


Back in Spankville, Ron hurried around giving last

minute instructions to Leslie about Nacles.  “She is

upstairs, sound asleep and shouldn’t be any trouble,”

he told the sleepy lady.  “You can just stretch out on

the couch until I get back.  I really appreciate your

help tonight.  I will make sure that each and everyone

of these four ladies expresses their appreciation to

you for your help.”


“Sure, Ron,” Leslie mumbled as she stumbled to the

couch and stretched out.  She quickly flipped over

from her back to her tummy because the effects of her

rent spanking could still be felt.  “Tell everyone I

said hi,” and began to drift off in the middle of her

sentence.  It had been a long and busy day.  She never

noticed the little figure crawling across the floor

and out the back door.  Nacles had decided that this

was one adventure that she didn’t want to miss.

Nacles slipped quietly into the back seat of Ron’s car

and crouched on the floorboard between the front and

back seats. 


Ron grabbed a tarp out of his garage to cover the

broken windshield that the officer said Deb’s car now

had.  They would have to deal with getting it towed

home later, but there was no use letting the drizzling

rain damage it anymore that it already was.  He opened

the backdoor of the car and tossed it onto the seat.

He never noticed the little head that popped up

because it was quickly covered with the tarp.


Just then Linda walked up.  “Thanks, Linda,” he said

and opened the front passenger door to let her slid

into the car.  “I really appreciate your help.  I

can’t imagine what was going through those ladies

heads, to pull such an irresponsible stunt like this,

but I intend on getting to the ‘bottom’ of things

right quick, just as soon as I get them home.”


“Sure, Ron,” Linda said, “This is quite an exciting

little town we have here.  Tell me, what is the

longest you have gone without having to give someone a

spanking?  A week?  Two weeks?”


“Try two days,” Ron said with a shrug and a grin.

“Still, I appreciate you going with me to bring back

Katy’s car.”  Ron shook his head ruefully,  “I can’t

believe she left town in the middle of the night

without even taking her driver’s license.”


Ron eased the car out of the driveway and headed

toward the bright lights of the city.  In the

backseat, Nacles shifted and pushed the tarp off her a

little bit so that she could breath better.  This was

gonna be fun!





 Part 8

'Girls night out reaches the end'


Ron wrote:



It was quiet ride overall, as Linda and I made our way to the police


Somehow, when your out of Spankville, you don't feel as cozy. Linda said she

hoped it wasn't to far, as she only brought one pillow to sit on for the



I took a peek back and spotted Nacles, when Leslie called us.  Sure enough

now sound asleep in the back sleep is Nacles.  I guess she heard the word

Chip 'n Dale and didn't want to miss a stage show of cartoons.


When we finally arrived, the police huddled with me outside.  These really

are nice ladies, Ron who messed up a little, that why I called you.  I'd rather

just make this unfortunate night disappear as far as any charges.  I may

myself move to Spankville next month. I hear the town is growing and has a

position open. I wish I could just take matters into my own hands here too.


"Well these ladies are certainly in for it tonight."


 I head back to the car with Linda and we follow the policeman to Katy's

car. I then see the car's damage, that the police had kindly hauled from the

Chip 'n Dale (my spelling) parking lot.


"I have a truck that will tow that car back for you, Ron" the policeman


"Good idea that will help out a lot."


As I walk inside the police station, I see all the ladies are tired and a

little hung over by now. Well they will soon be hung over my couch, I think

to myself.


Its seems my arrival has mixed feelings. All the girls say " HI".  But the

usual feelings behind it, aren't quite there. As I look over Barb seems to

squirming a bit in her chair, thinking of the future condition that her

bottom will be in.


 The policeman announces, "Everyone is free to go. Ron says he will take

care of things."


A loud groan is heard immediately, but as I look around no one's mouth is



Katy rushes over and says "I wasn't involved Ron, I came here just to help."


"I deal with all that later, Katy, if at all"


As we head for the cars, I realize it is getting very late.

Linda and Barb drive back the cars back. I decide to take the opportunity to

relax while I can to prepare for the strenuous events ahead. This back seat

is rather comfortable. I close my heavy eyes and just listen.



When we arrive home, I put Nacles right to bed. She had been sleeping most

of the trip.

 Anyway I listen to each girl's story and then look at the clock. I ask each

girl to turn around. Lower their panties, I spank them lightly once on each

cheek. Then with a hug  I send them off home to rest.






  Part 9


 Ron wrote:


 I suddenly wake up! I feel Anna tapping my shoulder. My name from her voice is

still echoing in my ears as I try to rouse. As I look around I realize I'm

still in a car but in my driveway in Spankville. Events come rushing back to

me, as I realize I've been dreaming.


"Yikes, what a nightmare that was" as I recall how I handled the incident in

the dream.


As I get out of the car my mind begins to separate the real events that have

occurred versus those that I've dreamed.  I gather up a sleepy Nacles and

carry her the rest of the way toward the door.


"Okay ladies, everyone at my place pronto."


I hear moans about the late hour and how they are feeling. After a brief few

seconds of pretended listening, I then announce, "Anyone who isn't at my

place in 5 minutes gets double."


Katy says, "Not me, right Ron."


"Yes, you too Katy."


Linda thank you for your help tonight", I yell and wave goodnight as she

heads down the street.


I wave a more silent hello with my free hand to Leslie, then I carry Nacles

inside and tuck her into bed for the night. Closing the door quietly I head

back downstairs. In the interests of time, I decide to pull out the couch

from the wall right away.


"Leslie you can go home now, we'll have a little chat about babysitting

tomorrow."  A tired but concerned Leslie, now departs quickly before I might

change my mind. One look at that pulled out couch was enough to hasten

Leslie disappearance.


The girls arrive all together, still muttering, till I hold my fingers to my



Okay over back of the couch, panties down, bottoms up.


With four bottoms nicely positioned, I then proceed to open the drawer where

old thunder is stored.  A collective "NOT old thunder please" is voiced in

harmony by my visiting quartet.


You are partially right, actually. I reach over and open the case for white

lightening too.


Anna, (who is over the near end of the couch) gets a poke from Deb along

with a soft whisper I wasn't suppose to hear. "See what Ron's up to."


Anna peeks back over at the delay and seeing white lightening just utters

the two words  "OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


"Yes ladies, you are all going to experience a stormy night with lightening

and thunder."


Ladies you are all getting this for not properly advising anyone of your

whereabouts, which is only common sense around here. Secondly driving under

the influence. I know only one of you was driving, but it could have been

any of you. No designated driver was selected before your plans for the

evening unfolded. Thirdly, you are not getting spanked for where you went

at all."


It was actually starting to get light outside, as window's glare caught the

corner of my eye.


"Well ladies this is going to be a mile away storm.

You are going to feel lighting first, then 5 seconds later thunder. So keep

you hands back out of the way. Old thunder can leave some nasty bruises on

your fore arms.


Stepping back, I land one quick stripe of white lightening to each bottom

exposed to the echoes of 4 loud accompanying yelps.

As I follow the lightening strokes with old thunder's booming splat sound,

loud crying sounds emerge very quickly form everyone.


Standing back I see a red thin line embossed on each bottom and a wide red

band beneath the red stripe


"Round two coming up"

"Hands out of the way, Barb"


A cacophony of chorused protests and pleading follows, till I shout firmly


"The next one gets a bonus visit. Anyone who thinks lightening does not

strike in the same place twice, better believe in it strongly. If you move

and I land a stripe across or on top of a previous stroke, you will feel

quadruple the pain. So ladies keep quiet and keep still, for your own good."


The next round, down the line certainly brought out more tears for everyone.

The crying was only aborted by my announcing a third round as well.


"Ah ladies, I see on all these bottoms presented before me, there is room

for at least one more round."


Again choruses of the usual promises blister my ears, until I call a halt to


"Next word uttered gets a stroke"


Dead silence followed except for the gentle sobbing.


Landing the last round effectively, the lesson is now well laid on, for each



"Everyone can get up and rub their bottom, now".

This declaration is greeted with frenzied rubbing, immediately, as each lady

rises from the couch but rubs her own bottom passionately the whole time.


Hugging everyone in turn, I announce that I am going to bed.

"You gals are welcome to stay and rub your bottoms as long as you like.  For

me it is Bed Time."


"Good night ladies."




Then End