Lighthouse Parts 1, 2, 3

by Katy

Rob looked over at his wife sitting beside him, pouting as they drove away from the city. He frowned at what he saw. "Rebecca Ellen Townsend, you better drop that attitude right now. I don’t aim to have the rest of the week ruined because of it."

Becky crossed her arms and looked out the window ignoring Rob. He could talk all he wanted, she wasn’t going to speak to him until she was good and ready to. He knew she had been looking forward to this vacation and what does he do? Invites his old college buddy and wife to join them. Anne and John were nice, but the guys would be spending all their time reminiscing and fishing. It wasn’t the vacation she had planned.

"BECKY! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Rob was losing patience fast. She could be so stubborn and hot headed at times. "I want an answer Rebecca." Silence came from her side of the car.

There was a turnout ahead and Rob pulled over and stopped the car. He unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door and got out. Striding over to the passenger side he flung open the door, reached in and undid Becky’s seat belt. He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car.

"Rob, what are you doing?" Becky found herself face to face with her husband. His hands were holding her firmly in place, forcing her to look him in the face.

"You have a choice. Either you get over this now, and I mean RIGHT NOW, or I will put you over the hood of the car and help you get over it. Which way do you want to go?" Rob’s blue eyes had turned a steely blue.

Becky knew he meant business. "Rob, it just isn’t fair! I don’t want to spend my vacation with Anne, I wanted to spend it with you!"

Rob pulled her over to a nearby bench and sat down pulling her onto his lap. "I told you Becky, that I will spend time with you. But I also plan on fishing with John. You and Anne always get along. When we fish you can spend the day shopping or doing whatever you want. There will be plenty of time to do things together. Do you want to start the vacation with a sore bottom?"

Tears were pooling in Becky’s eyes. "No, I don’t want a spanking. But I wanted you."

Sighing in exasperation Rob hugged her to him. "Rebecca Ellen, you have me. One day fishing isn’t going to spoil the vacation. This is silly and I don’t want to hear anymore about it."

Rob let her think for a minute. "Okay? Are you ready to be my sweet little Becky? Or do I have to help bring the sweetness back?"

Becky wiped her eyes and looked at Rob. "Okay, I’ll try. But I get to buy whatever I want when you fish. Deal?"

"Within reason, and you know what that is." Rob laughed. Becky was always one to try and get around her shopping restrictions.

"Come on, we better get going if we want to get there for lunch. Then we will have most of the afternoon together to get settled in. They won’t be there until almost dinner time." Rob pulled her up and linking arms headed back to the car.

The rest of the trip was peaceful. In less than an hour they could see the ocean ahead. Oregon’s coast was beautiful. Becky never tired of it. They had been in Oregon since they married a year before. Rob’s family built a home at the beach when he was a child. He had inherited it from them several years before. His father had been a successful investment manager. It was his wish that Rob would follow him in business, but Rob wanted to be a lawyer. His father accepted it, secretly hoping that someday he would still join him. Unfortunately a crash in his plane killed him and Rob’s mother before that ever came to pass.

Becky had a degree in Interior Decorating and worked for a consulting firm, specializing in designing working environments to encourage creativity and productivity. Beck had been assigned to work on the Townsend account when the Senior Townsend died. It was there she met Rob.

It was lunchtime when they finished unpacking and putting things away. "Rob, do you want lunch here, or do you want to go into town? I could make something and we could eat on the deck if you want?"

Rob put his arms around Becky’s small waist. At 6 feet he towered over her petite 5 foot 3 inch frame. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a braid. He loved undoing it and started to do so now. "How about we stay here? It’s a lot more private." Rob had her hair undone and was nibbling at the back of her neck.

Rebecca felt shivers go up and down her spine. She loved it when Rob did that. "I think it is something more than lunch you want." She turned around and slowly pulled her t-shirt off, then started unbuttoning his shirt.

Rob smiled and pulled her into his arms. Kissing her deeply he picked her up and headed to the bedroom. An hour later while Rob was showering; Becky made a crab salad and toasted some garlic bread. She set the table on the deck and smiled happily as she looked out at the ocean; it was a beautiful day. Maybe the vacation would be okay after all; it had started off great.

The shower had stopped and Beck put the salad and some chilled beer on the table. When Rob came out on the deck she was humming happily as she watched the beach.

"Now that’s what I like to hear. Happy noises." Rob grabbed her and kissed her passionately once more.

"Careful big boy, or you won’t get lunch." Becky swatted him playfully.

While they were eating lunch Beck started reminiscing with him. "Do you remember when we first met? I never imagined I would be sitting here having lunch with you as an old married couple."

"No, we did get off to a rocky start. It just took time for me to straighten you out that’s all. I was attracted from the start." Rob ducked as a piece of bread came flying across the table at him.

Rob jumped up and grabbed Becky and sat back down and pulled her across his lap. Quickly pulling shorts and panties down, he held her tight and laughed as she squirmed. "So throwing things at me are you? I think that’s what got you in this position the first time wasn’t it?" Rob swatted her hard on each cheek a few times.

"Rob! People will see." Becky tried to get up.

"Then they will see a husband correcting his bratty wife." Rob smacked her a few more times. "If I remember right you tried to throw me out of the office the first time we met. Said you were waiting for Mr. Townsend Jr., and I was intruding. I guess you didn’t like the jeans and torn sweatshirt look."

"No, I couldn’t believe you were your father’s son. He always dressed so businesslike and professional. I figured you would be the same way. You really made me mad when you fired me though." Becky tried once again to get up. "Rob, I’m hungry."

Her appeal was answered with a few more hard smacks, and then Rob let her up. "Now no more throwing food!" He kissed her and sat back in his chair.

"You were the biggest brat I had ever met, and I thought I had met them all. Not only did you try and throw me out, you were sarcastic and nasty. Every time I suggested something, you said no, it was stupid. So, I called your boss and asked you be replaced. You were cute when you apologized and begged to be allowed to stay on the job. That was when I decided you did have potential. Actually, I think I was already in love with you." Rob smiled remembering those early days.

"Yes, and I think, I was too. But you sure didn’t know a thing about decorating. Things were going fine until you decided to change all the plans after they were put out for bid, then told me you weren’t keeping the business anyway. I was furious with you, all that work and it would never come to be. That’s why I threw the plans at you."

"Yes, and shouted some pretty nasty things too, I recall. But after you were over my knee with your nice business skirt about your neck and your bottom bared, you sang a whole different tune. Well at least my ruler on your butt did."

Becky blushed at the memory of it. "Yes, and then you held and kissed me. I was finished then. I had wanted some man to take control all my life."

"Remember that, when you think about misbehaving." Rob loved to see her blush. "Ready for a walk on the beach?"

Becky took the plates and leftovers in and put them away. She was back in a few minutes. "Let’s go."

Since it was Sunday afternoon, the crowd was thick on the beach. Everyone took advantage of sunny warm weekends. Hand in hand they walked toward Haystack Rock. It was one of the most notable landmarks there. The tide was out and people were walking out to the rock and playing in the tide pools. Rob waded out and brought Becky back a small crab. "Here you are Becky, something to remind you of this morning."

Beck laughed and put it back in the water. "I’m not crabby anymore. You took care of it, remember?"

They sat on a rock to rest and Becky looked out at the lighthouse out in the ocean. "You know I think that is a real mysterious looking place. I would love to see it. See what it looks like inside."

"It’s been closed for years now. They used it when I was a little boy. I can remember the light shining in my window sometimes at night. But there were some people hurt and someone killed trying to explore it, so they closed it down. It is government property and off limits to people." Rob didn’t like the look on Becky’s face.

"How did people get there? It’s so far out?" Becky was strangely taken with the building.

"Rebecca, you can’t go there. Get it through your head right now. You are not allowed there, period. Come on, we better get back. Anne and John could be here anytime now."

Rob took her hand and they strolled back toward the house.

Becky didn’t say anything, but she was still thinking of the lighthouse. Maybe there would be a way to just get out there in a boat and just drive around it. See it up closer.


Part 2

Anne and John arrived shortly after they arrived back at the house. The next several hours were spent getting them settled and visiting. John had brought steaks to grill for dinner. While the men were busy on the deck grilling and planning their fishing trip, Anne and Becky fixed the rest of the dinner. Anne was known for her baking and she had brought several coffee cakes, cookies and a great pie for dessert.

Anne had finished the salad and wiped her hands and removed her apron. "I’m so glad you invited us here. John didn’t want to take a vacation this year, and he really needed to get away. Rob’s invitation was the only thing that changed his mind. Their fishing trip is just the medicine he needs to relax and forget the stress of work."

Becky felt bad remembering how awful she had behaved when Rob told her he had invited them. She knew that John was under a lot of pressure at work. He had taken over Townsend Investments after Rob’s father died. Technically Rob was the owner, but in fact took very little interest in it. All the day-to-day decisions fell to John. He was doing a wonderful job. The company was prospering, but put a lot of stress on John. Rob knew this and insisted he take off and come with them.

"Anne, I know he needs this vacation. Rob promised they would only be gone one day. The rest of the time we can do anything we want. We have to decide what we want to do the day they’re gone." Becky took off her apron and grabbed some beer from the refrigerator and a bottle of wine. "Let’s see what the master chef’s are up to."

"I think a day of shopping and a wonderful lunch would be great. I saw some fantastic antique shops listed in the next town. You should be able to find lots of neat things there for the house." Anne smiled and the gleam in Becky’s eye. She knew only too well Becky’s penchant for shopping and Rob’s feelings on budgets.

"Oh that sounds great, and I don’t have a budget. Well within reason." Becky handed Rob and John a beer and she and Anne sat and enjoyed the sunset.

The sun was almost gone when they finished dinner. Anne was leaning on the deck rail looking out at the ocean. "Hey John, I thought they were going to take that lighthouse down? I see it is still there."

Rob groaned. He figured Becky had probably forgotten about it by this time. As soon as Anne mentioned the lighthouse, Becky was all ears. "Have you ever been there Anne? I think it is so mysterious looking. Wouldn’t it be fun to see it?"

"Rebecca, didn’t I tell you to forget it?" Rob’s voice had that serious tone Becky knew only too well.

"Oh okay." Becky sat back down next to Rob and squeezed his hand. "All forgotten."

Somehow Rob knew better than that.

The conversation drifted back to the plans for the week. Wednesday appeared to be the best day for fishing. Clear weather was predicted and after making a few phone calls, the guys had reservations for a charter. They would have to leave at 5:00 a.m. and wouldn’t be home until 8:00 p.m. that night.

"You girls can have the side dishes all ready, and we will supply the fresh fish for a nice late dinner." John and Rob were really into their plans. As she fell asleep that night Becky was planning her Wednesday as well.

The next day was overcast, misty and cool. Not a good day for the beach. Rob and John were both runners and left before breakfast to get a nice long run in. Anne and Becky sat and drank coffee in the living room watching them disappear into the distance.

"Anne, I have a great idea for how to spend Wednesday. I hope you don’t mind, but it doesn’t involve shopping all day." Becky was full of energy at the thought of her plan.

"What Becky? I am game for most anything. After all there won’t be anyone around to tell us not to." Anne laughed knowing Becky was up to something.

"You mentioned the lighthouse last night. I talked to Rob about it and he of course was against trying to go out to it. But we can rent a boat in town. Rob and I did last year. I know how to run it, and we could go out there and investigate. I could get some good sketches to use later. They won’t be around and will never know. Are you game?" Becky sat on the edge of her chair waiting for Anne’s response.

Anne was taken back a bit at the thought. "Oh Becky, I don’t know. I heard Rob tell you to forget it last night. I don’t want them mad at us. John has a rather unique way of showing his displeasure."

"Do you mean he spanks you?" Becky giggled. "Rob spanked me before we were ever married. I have felt his displeasure up close and personal way too often."

Anne was stunned into silence then broke out laughing. "Oh Becky, I thought John was the only one who did that. No wonder they are such good friends, they are way too much alike."

"Well, what do you think?" Becky really wanted Anne to go with her.

"Okay, I’m in, but we better have some shopping to show for the day, or they are going to be awfully suspicious. John says it is dangerous out there. That’s why they closed it and were going to tear it down. I don’t know why they haven’t."

Before the men returned Becky called and arranged for a motorboat for Wednesday morning. They were all set.

The next two days were spent relaxing and exploring the town when the weather allowed. Tuesday afternoon the clouds lifted and they were able to spend some time on the beach. By this time everyone was relaxing and enjoying the visit. The girls spent every minute they could whispering about their adventure on Wednesday. An early evening was planned so Rob and John could get off bright and early the next morning. Becky was having trouble concealing her excitement at the prospect of exploring the lighthouse.

The sun hadn’t come up yet the next morning when the alarm went off. Rob shut it off and quietly showered and dressed. Becky was awake and stretched out in the bed. She didn’t want to seem anxious to have him leave.

"I’m leaving Hon, you have a nice day. We’ll be back for dinner. Behave yourself and don’t buy too much. Love you." Rob kissed her on the forehead.

"Love you too. Have fun." Becky rolled over and pretended to go back to sleep. As soon as she heard the car leave she was up and in the shower. Anne was up and ready when Becky reached the kitchen.

"Let’s head into town and have breakfast. Then we can do a bit of shopping and be at the boat rental by 10:30 when it opens." Becky had thought a lot about the plans.

"Fine with me, I could use a nice breakfast before our adventure." Anne grabbed her purse and they were off.

By 10:30 they had purchased enough items to convince the guys they shopped and had a long leisurely breakfast. Both of them were trembling with excitement when they reached the rental.

"Hi, I’m Mrs. Townsend and I reserved a boat for today." Becky greeted the man in the rental shed.

"I have it all ready for you. Just sign here." He pushed some rental documents toward her and took her credit card. "Oh, I have to warn everyone about one thing. The Coast Guard prohibits any sea traffic within 100 feet of the lighthouse. Big fine if you get caught violating it. Where you ladies off to today? You don’t look like fisherman."

Anne almost died when he asked. Becky was quick with a response. "Oh we’re going to Seaside to visit some friends. We should be back by early afternoon; it’s just a quick trip. Thought it would be fun to go by boat. Surprise them."

The answer seemed to satisfy the man, he made a note on the agreement then took them to the boat. He explained the motor’s operation quickly and made sure they had on their life preservers. He was back in his shed as they putted out to the breakwall. The hum of the motor made conversation difficult. Becky was steering but as soon as they were in open water turned to Anne and motioned to her to come closer. "I think we will head up the coast a bit in case he is watching, then come back to the lighthouse on the back side. Sneak up on it."

The sun was shining brightly and the air in their faces felt great. Becky headed up the coast for about a half hour then turned around. The water was calm and it was an easy ride. She slowed down as they approached the lighthouse. She could see the rocky shoals nearby and the last thing they needed was to get grounded on one. "Anne, do you know if there is a clearing some where, we can get right up to it?"

"I think it should be around here somewhere. I remember seeing a dock once." Anne pointed to a protrusion on the left in front of them. "I think that may be it."

Becky saw it and steered for it. The dock was indeed still there. This was just too tempting. Becky pulled up along side of it and cut the motor. Anne could read her mind. "I don’t think we better go up there. It really may not be safe."

Becky thought for all of two seconds. She was so close she just had to see it. "Oh we will be careful, come on. We are too close not to take advantage of this." She started anchoring the boat to the pier. Before Anne could protest too much more, Becky was out and standing on the dock.

Both girls climbed up the walk to the lighthouse. The wind seemed so much stronger up here than it did in the boat. They found a door to the lighthouse and were surprised to find it open. The door had been padlocked, but it lay broken on the ground. "Someone else has been here not too long ago." Anne whispered.

Becky was feeling a bit spooked but didn’t want Anne to know. She grabbed her hand and pushed open the door dragging both of them inside. It was cold and damp inside the stone walls. All the furniture had been removed but they could see a fireplace and old coal stove against one wall.

"The living quarters sure weren’t very spacious." Becky walked around the two rooms examining them.

There was another door on the far wall and pushing that open, revealed the stairway up to the light. "Want to climb up and look out?" Becky already was on the first step.

Anne hesitated, but since they were there, they might as well. It took quite a bit longer than they thought to climb up. When they did hit the top, they were surprised to see black clouds gathering fast on the southwest horizon.

"Oh no, a storm is coming, we better get back now." Becky started running down the steps as fast as she could. By the time they walked outside the waves were churning up and rain was falling hard. The wind was almost impossible to walk against.

"Becky, I’m scared. I think we better wait it out." Anne was terrified of getting into the boat with the storm around them.

"We’ll be fine, the breakwall is only a little way away. Once we are in there it will be fine." Becky was pulling her along behind her. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks.

The pier had broken away in the waves and the boat was drifting toward shore being towed by the pier. They looked at each other in horror. They were trapped.

Part 3


The storm took everyone by surprise. Rob and John were well out to sea and had already caught several fish, when the captain told them they were heading back. "Sorry guys, but radar has picked up a bad storm. Blew up suddenly but has a lot of strong wind with it. Won’t be comfortable out here."

By the time they reached port, it was already raining and choppy. The boat was definitely feeling the waves and rough sea. It was only 1:00 p.m. but they decided they might as well head home. "After all we did get a nice catch. Plenty for a dinner or two." Rob pulled out on to the highway. We can surprise the ladies."

John thought a minute. "We may at that. I’ve gotten the distinct impression that they have been up to something the last few days. A lot of whispering when they think we’re not looking. I know Anne was awake this morning too, but she feigned sleep. I bet they were up the minute we left. For her bottom’s sake I hope they aren’t doing something crazy."

Rob turned to his friend. "You may have something there. They have been awfully good and I noticed the whispering myself. It better have nothing to do with a certain lighthouse or Becky may not sit the rest of the vacation."

Becky and Anne hurried back into the lighthouse. "Maybe the boat will be spotted and someone will come by looking for us. We can flag them down. I don’t think the storm will last forever." Becky was trying to be brave. They huddled on the floor waiting for it to end. There wasn’t anything else to do. They had left their purses and cell phones locked in the trunk of the car.

The storm raged for hours, it seemed like it shook the lighthouse with every gust of wind. As it started to wane, Becky and Anne were aware of other noises in the lighthouse. It sounded like footsteps in a room above them.

"Anne, you know more about this place than I do, is there another room above us?" Becky’s voice was trembling.

"I don’t think there is. I don’t remember seeing any windows except for here. Maybe there is a storage area. Might have rats or something in it." Anne was more scared then she could ever remember being.

Rob and John were home and pacing. They had been home for several hours and there was no sign of the girls. John ran his hand through his hair. "Surely, they wouldn’t still be shopping in this weather? Maybe they are holed up in a restaurant somewhere."

Rob was beginning to really worry. "I don’t know, but I wish they would get back." He had no sooner said that than the phone rang. Both men jumped and Rob lunged at the phone, hoping to hear Becky’s voice.

"Mr. Townsend?" A male voice on the other end asked.

"Yes, this is he." Rob listened with his heart in his throat.

"This is Joe Johnanson from Beach Rentals. Your wife and friend rented a motorboat from me this morning. Said they were going up the coast. I expected them back about 1:00 p.m. When the storm hit, I figured they were holed up somewhere. I just got a report from the Coast Guard that my boat is washed up on the beach about a mile from here. Have you heard from your wife?"

Rob paled and grabbed the table for support. John was right next to him. "Rob, what is it? Are they hurt?"

"Hang on a minute Mr. Johnanson." Rob turned to John. "They rented a boat this morning and it was found washed up on a beach a mile away."

"Mr. Johnanson, has the Coast Guard put out an alert for them?" Rob was sick with the thought of what might have happened.

"Captain Meyers is here and wants to talk to you." Johnanson handed the phone to the Captain. "Mr. Townsend, do you know who it was your wife was going to see?"

"No Sir, we don’t know anyone in Seaside. Sir, my wife has been very interested in the lighthouse. Is there a way to check to see if they may have been there?" Rob was feeling physically ill.

"The storm is let up, I can send a cruiser and check it out. The pier from the lighthouse washed up near the boat. I guess that is a good possibility, if the boat was tied to the pier. Maybe they took refuge there. I’ll let you know as soon as we check. Should take about a half hour or so." Captain Meyers hung up and placed a call to the station.

"We may have two ladies stranded at the lighthouse. Get a cruiser out there and have them check." He hung up shaking his head. "Foolish people, we have that off limits for a reason."

The wind finally stopped and sun began to peek through the clouds. The lighthouse was quiet for a few minutes, and then there was a terrible banging on the stairway up high. Anne and Becky screamed and ran outside. They looked up at the window and both thought they saw a man waving a fist at them.

"Oh no, there is a mad man here, and we have no where to go." Anne headed back toward where the pier was. They were both panicky.

They were standing there staring into the ocean when they spotted a small dot on the horizon. It appeared to be a boat.

Becky was crying and screaming and waving her hands, trying to get its attention.

"Oh Anne, what if it can’t see us? No one knows where we are. We have to get home before the guys."

The boat seemed to be coming towards them. Anne could finally make out the Coast Guard emblem on the boat.

"Becky, it’s the Coast Guard! I think they see us." They both breathed easier when a megaphone from the boat hailed them. "Stay where you are, we are coming for you."

Their relief was short lived though when Anne suddenly blurted out. "Oh no, I bet the guys trip was shortened by the storm too. What if they are home and wondering where we are? What are we going to tell them?"

"I think we better say we were waiting in some restaurant till the storm eased. Think of one a few towns away." Becky was trying her best to think of something.

Before she could think of a thing, two Coast Guardsmen were climbing up to meet them. "Are you ladies okay?"

"Yes we got stranded here." Anne offered.

"Your boat washed up ashore and we have been looking for you." They helped them down to the edge and into the rowboat to take them back to the cruiser.

As soon as they were located Captain Meyers called Rob. "We found them as you thought at the lighthouse. We are bringing them in now. Do you want to meet them at the dock? Their car is here, but it might be a good idea to have someone else drive. They are pretty shaken I hear. Think there was a ghost after them."

Rob thanked him and hung up. He grabbed his keys and told John on the way out. "Those idiots could have been killed. I don’t know what you plan, but there is going to be some serious discipline handed down here tonight."

"I agree, there are going to be two well chastised wives by morning. Thank God they are okay." John was almost crying with relief.

Becky and Anne looked back at the lighthouse as they left. There was definitely a man there waving at them. Becky grabbed one of the sailor’s arms. "Look there is a man there in the tower, waving at us."

"Ma’am, there is no one there. We check it periodically." He was chuckling at the frantic women.

"Then it’s haunted. You should do something about it. People could get hurt there." Becky was beginning to be infuriated.

The Captain of the cruiser had overheard the entire conversation. "Mrs. Townsend, I believe that is why it is off limits. You were warned not to go there. I am afraid that is a $2000 fine apiece for violating the order. I have no idea what you will owe the rental for the boat damage, but I imagine your husbands won’t be happy with writing those checks. They are waiting for you at the dock by the way."

Before Becky and Anne could even think of what to say or do, they were docked and in Rob and John’s arms.

Becky and Anne were both crying and hugging their husbands. "Rob, I was so scared. I thought no one would ever find us. I learned my lesson. I’m so sorry." Becky was holding on to Rob tightly. Anne was blubbering into John’s shirt also.

Rob pulled away long enough to thank the Coast Guard and accept the tickets. Mr. Johnanson told him he would figure out the damages and call him. John was already heading to their car with Anne in tow. He landed a few hard swats for everyone to see before they got there. The sailors chuckled.

Rob thanked him and pulled Becky along to their car. Becky started to talk but Rob shushed her. "Rebecca Ellen, I don’t want to hear one word about this till we are home. I am to mad to think about it right now."

Becky started crying the minute she was in the car. Rob peeked at her a few times but said nothing. When they got to the house they could hear John and Anne in their suite on the lower level. Becky blanched at the sound. She had never heard John so angry before.

"Get into the bedroom now, Rebecca." Rob swatted her and turned her toward the bedroom.

"Rob, please I can explain…." Becky started to try and talk to him.

"There is no explanation that would cover this. Don’t lie and make things worse, now move!" Rob swatted her again and kept swatting her till they were in the room.

"Rebecca, I am really furious with you. I want you to shower and get ready for bed. I am going to calm down and be back. I expect to see you in the corner when I return. I want to see a bare bottom waiting for me." Rob left her speechless.

Rob went out on the deck. It was only 5:30 in the afternoon. He never imagined this morning that the day would end this way. After the storm the weather had again turned balmy. The sun was out and it was a pleasant day. He went back in and grabbed a beer. Suddenly he realized he was starving. He and John had never eaten lunch. Worry over their wives had halted their hunger. He rummaged in the refrigerator and found the left over crab salad from their lunch on Sunday. That and some crackers would be fine. He was just settled down eating when John joined him

"Are you finished? I haven’t even started." Rob handed him a cracker

"No, I have to calm down. That looks good." John got a beer and joined his friend. Suddenly he started laughing. "You know they were scared out of their heads. Seems they saw a ghost."

"I haven’t even let Rebecca talk yet. I bet it will be a good story though." Rob sat quietly thinking about the day.

"I think that they really learned a lesson on their own today. I intend to warm her bottom good, but after, let’s have our dinner we planned. The salmon is fresh and will taste great. They can stand in the kitchen and commiserate while they fix the rest."

The two sat and finished their snack and then left to attend to their wives.

When Rob opened the door to the bedroom he was greeted by the sight of Rebecca standing nude in the corner. He suddenly felt like doing something other than spanking her. He regained his senses just in time.

Rob pulled a chair to the center of the room and removed his belt. "Rebecca, come here."

Slowly she left the corner and walked over to him. "Rob, I am sorry. I was scared and learned my lesson." Tears were evident on her face. "The place was haunted."

"I know, but you need to be reminded about obedience. Damn it Becky, you could have been killed." Rob was once more in control

"Bend over the chair. I want to get this over with." Rob pushed her down.

Becky bent and grasped the seat of the chair. She saw the belt in Rob’s hand. He had never used a belt before. "Rob, please, can’t you spank me over your knee?"

"Not this time Becky, you need to learn a lesson. I don’t want to ever have to do this again young lady." Rob raised his arm and let the belt fall on her bottom.

"OUUUUUUUCCHHh Rob that hurts." Becky jumped up and held her bottom.

"Rebecca, take your place again. This isn’t fun for me either." Rob helped her back down. The second lash resulted in the same reaction.

Rob threw down the belt and sat on the chair. He pulled Becky over his lap. "Young Lady, I am so very disappointed in you." Each word was punctuated by a hard slap. "I told you not to go to that lighthouse. You defied me and did it anyway. You never intended to tell me. You could have been killed. Do you know how worried I was?" Rob spanked as hard as he could.

Becky could only answer in short words interspersed with loud ouches. Rob spanked on till his hand was numb. He picked up the belt and doubled it and applied ten quick strokes on her already sore bottom.

"OUCHHHH, OUCHCH, Oh Rob, Please, I am sorry!" Becky was sobbing pitifully by the time he was finished.

Rob threw the belt down and let her sob it out. When she quieted he lifted her up and held her.

"Rebecca Ellen, don’t ever make me do this again. I swear you scared ten years off me today." Rob kissed her lightly.

"I promise Rob, I won’t. I was terrified." Becky snuggled tightly in his arms.

After a few minutes Rob set her on her feet. "Put some clothes on, we are going to have our fish dinner tonight. Then after you and I are going to celebrate again." He pulled her into a deep kiss.

Dinner was a success with two well-punished ladies sitting on pillows. Both couples retired shortly after.

Anne and Becky had forged a new stronger friendship. They would have many more adventures in the future.