Love Honor and Obey
by Anna

    The long awaited news came in the mail. Aaron had been offered a job transfer back to his hometown in New York. Five years ago his boss had sent him to Chicago to oversee the new factory the company was opening there. It was a long way from New York and Susanna knew he was looking forward to returning to his hometown. She was as excited as he was. Her family was scattered all about the United States, so nothing was holding her in Chicago.

    They had met the very first month Aaron moved to Illinois. Susanna worked in an antique store right next to the coffee shop that Aaron stopped at every day on his way home from work. She also visited the quaint coffee shop daily and before the month was over they found themselves sharing a booth and enjoying the delicious offerings on the menu.

    Two years later they were husband and wife. The wedding was a small affair with only family members and a few close friends. The marriage vows were short and simple, 

love, honor and obey.

They had discussed the 'obey' part at length, both agreeing it was for the best. Aaron felt that Susanna took too many chances with things, always thinking that nothing can happen to her. He told her she needed to pay more attention to things, and that this was his way of seeing that she did. "I don't want anything to happen to you Susanna." Susanna agreed, reluctantly at first, but came to realize how much it meant to both of them, that he was so caring and loving in many ways, and guiding her in the proper direction, was a good thing. And it showed in many ways. She quickly learned how he planned on 'helping' her mend these ways. The first time she stayed out way too late with friends without so much as a phone call home, she found herself upturned, bare bottomed, over his knee, getting the spanking she deserved. It wasn't the last spanking she received either. There were many more, some for discipline when Aaron felt she needed it, some for just fun. Those were the ones Susanna enjoyed.

    The next few weeks were a flurry of activity, packing boxes, cleaning up at work, all the things that need attention when moving away. The moving van had come and packed up their furniture along with all the boxes that they had carefully packed. It was a lot of work, but before long, they would be settled into their new apartment overlooking the beautiful lake and the city of New York. Susanna hadn't seen it yet, but Aaron had brought back pictures. When he went back to finalize the deal with his company, he also went apartment hunting. "It was easy enough," he told her with a grin. "This is the same building I lived in before coming to Chicago." He had always enjoyed living there and was certain Susanna would too. She felt like she already knew the city, since Aaron had told her so much about it.

    The flight to their new city and home was completed and it was only matter of days before they settled in and had the apartment was looking and feeling like home. Their furniture fit perfectly. Looking about the room, Susanna says, "A few new pieces would be nice Aaron, don't you agree?" Aaron glances around the living room, "All in good time my dear, there's no reason to hurry."

    Aaron's first day back to work dawned sunny but cold. Winter had definitely set in. Susanna had fixed him a nice warm breakfast of hot cereal, eggs and pancakes. While sitting at the kitchen table eating, Susanna eagerly told Aaron of her plans to go scouting antique shops. "I'll have to look around and see what I can find. There must be tons of them downtown."

    Aaron looks up from his plate, knowing what she has in mind. "We'll go together, this weekend. I'll go with you anywhere you want to go." Putting down his fork and meeting her eyes squarely, "Susanna, I don't want you wandering the downtown streets by yourself. You don't know your way around yet. It's very easy to get lost and end up in the wrong part of town." She looks at him and rolls her eyes. "Oh Aaron, what could happen..." He cuts her off before she can finish the sentence. "This is one area that is not open for discussion." Looking at her sternly now, "And I mean it Susanna."

    The tone of voice Aaron just used and the look in his eyes told Susanna exactly what he meant. It meant that she would be punished if she disobeyed him on this matter. And that punishment would be a spanking. "Yes Aaron, I understand." His eyes still upon hers, "Good, I knew you would my dear."

    The next week passed quickly for Susanna. She kept busy putting little finishing touches here and there. Sewing was something she always enjoyed, so she settled in and made new curtains for the bedroom, some fancy pillows to match their country green couch, and also embarked on a big project of making a new quilt for the huge four poster bed. Aaron also suggested she could take the bus to visit his parents. They lived clear across town, but he had taken her there when they first arrived, so she would know which train to take. Once off the train, there would be a bus ride next. Then just a short walk to their doorstep. They made the trip a few times together until Aaron was sure Susanna had it down pat. "I'll be fine, Susanna assured him over and over, but he wouldn't hear any of it. "This city is different from the small town near Chicago you lived in all your life Susanna." Smiling and patting her hand, "I just don't want anything to happen to you, that's why I'm being overly cautious."

    One evening after dinner, Susanna is looking through the newspaper and spots an ad for a big sale at the antique store in the mall. Excitedly, she shows it to Aaron. "I've got to get down there and see if they have any good pieces." Aaron looks at the ad and agrees it might be worth the trip. Handing her back the paper, "But Susanna, wait until the weekend, it's only two more days," he says chuckling at her eagerness. "But it's only a one day sale Aaron." Seeing her pouting a little bit, but trying hard not to show her disappointment at having to wait, Aaron now frowns. "Susanna, there is a big snow storm forecast for tomorrow. I don't want you going anywhere, is that understood? Storms here are different. They come up fast and with a fury." Dejectedly, Susanna agrees.

    The morning brings a gray sky, but not a snowflake in sight. Aaron leaves for work giving Susanna a kiss and also a reminder to stay home today. "Don't be fooled by the sky right now," he warns.

    No sooner is he out the door and Susanna quickly cleans up breakfast, makes the bed up then showers and dresses for the day. "I've got to get to that store today. I'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about. I've lived through many a snowstorm with no problems." Grabbing her purse, coat and sale ad, she's out the door. While locking the door, her neighbor walks out of his apartment. They say 'hello' then Susanna suddenly realizes she doesn't know which bus to take to get to the mall. Showing him the ad, he quickly explains. "You shouldn't go today though, a big storm is heading here," he warns. "Oh, no, I'm not planning on the trip today. I just wanted to surprise Aaron and let him know I'm learning the routes well." He eyes her warily, "you be careful."

    Susanna hurries down to the main door and out in the street. Looking up at the sky, a few flakes are beginning to fall, but not many.

"Big storm" she giggles to herself.

    When she finishes her browsing, she is shocked to see the weather outside has taken a turn for the worse. The snow and wind make it almost impossible to see across the street. "No wonder the shops were just about empty." Braving the elements she heads out the main door to catch the bus home. Looking at the big clock outside on the mall entrance, Susanna calculates she'll have just enough time to get home and get their dinner started before Aaron arrives.

    The bus is nowhere in sight. Tired of waiting, Susanna starts walking the few blocks toward the next stop hoping to catch one there.

"I'm not going to make it back in time," she says in a whisper to herself. The bus finally comes after a long wait. Susanna stops worrying, thinking, "if the bus is late, Aaron will be really late also."

    Dropping the fare into the meter, sitting down, looking around she notices only a handful of people riding the bus. The ride is a slow one. Inching it's way down the snow covered street. "Hurry, hurry," Susanna wills the bus onward. Looking out the window it's almost impossible to see anything except snow. The streets are bad enough she notices, but the wind is horrible, making the snow swirl all about, and driving a slow go. Susanna begins to get very nervous. Nothing looks familiar to her at all. In a panic, she walks to the front of the bus and talks to the driver. Her face goes white as they discover she is on the wrong bus! He informs Susanna she is nowhere near her home. He pulls over at the next stop, gives her the correct bus number. "It should be along soon. Don't worry." Thanking the driver she gets off the bus and waits in the dark for her bus. She mutters under her breath, "Oh, why didn't I listen to Aaron this morning and just stay home?" Pacing back and forth, afraid to go too far, she finally sees the bus. "Is this the right bus?" she asks as she tells the new driver her destination. "Sure is, hop on!" the driver smiles.

    Finally, the bus comes to her stop. Thanking the driver she steps off the bus to a face full of wet stinging snow. Making her way in the dark to the apartment is no easy task, but she finally arrives at the main entrance.  Pushing the elevator button with ice cold fingers, she waits for what seems eons until it arrives. It seems to take equally as long to get up to the twenty-fourth floor. Susanna takes this time to rehearse what to tell Aaron, if he happens to have beaten her home, which she really doubts. "No way could he be home already." Looking at her watch and giving a 'sigh', knowing it's only thirty minutes past when he usually gets home from work. But she's still upset since her plan was to be home just past lunchtime as that would give enough time to cook a really nice supper for them and have Aaron none the wiser about her adventure to forbidden territory. The elevator door dinging signals her floor. Susanna hurries off and runs down the hallway to their place.

    Approaching the door, she digs in her coat pocket for the key. Finding it, Susanna inserts it in the lock and opens the door. To her horror, Aaron is standing right in the middle of the room. What is he doing home already?

    Before she can say a word, he rushes over to and gives her one of his great big hugs. Releasing her, but not taking his eyes off her, "Susanna, where were you? I've been so worried when I got home and you weren't here." She hesitated a moment, then spoke softly, hoping her voice wouldn't tremble as she told the lie. "I must have just missed you coming in. I went down to the corner store about thirty minutes ago to get the newspaper and started talking to the clerk about this terrible storm we're having."

    Studying her face, Aaron asks, "Where's the paper Susanna" Looking straight at him and laughing, "Oh, wouldn't you just know it, they were all out. Nope, no newspapers left for me." Aaron was quiet for a moment, then asked, "Do you want me to go to the neighbors and borrow their paper since you seem so interested in reading it tonight Susanna?" Knowing what that could mean, if he tells Aaron about the conversation they had this morning, Susanna shakes her head, "No that's okay, let's just forget about the paper and let me fix your supper. You must be hungry from the long trip home tonight. I was sure you would be really late, so that's why I didn't even start it yet."

    Walking away from Aaron, wanting to get out of her wet coat and into something warm, she heads for the bedroom. Before she is able to take two steps, Aaron takes hold of her arm, "So tell me about your day. What did you do to stay busy?" Pulling her arm away, determined to act casual, "I was so busy with lots of things Aaron! I did some sewing, wrote a few letters, played on the computer, and cleaned up a bit." He paused now, took a breath, turned back to the window and said in a quiet tone, "Okay Susanna, I'm glad you had a fun day. You better get out of that wet jacket now before you catch cold."

    Walking across the room, the ringing of the telephone stops Susanna. She reaches over, picks it up from the table and says 'hello.' She feels her heart race and her face pale as she listens to the voice of Aaron's mother at the other end.

    "Oh, I'm so glad you're finally home. Aaron's been worried sick about you all afternoon. When he came home from work early, right after lunch, and you weren't there, he called here hoping maybe you had come for a visit." Managing to find her voice, Susanna looks over at Aaron while she tells his mother, "I'm fine, thanks for calling." Aaron takes the phone now and assures his mom that Susanna is safe and sound, says goodbye and hangs up the phone, all the time never taking his eyes off Susanna.

    Her voice shaky, "You got off work early today? Why?" With an almost too calm voice, he answers, "Why? Look outside my dear. Almost the whole city shut things down early so people could get home before the storm made the roads impassable. If you remember correctly, I warned you at breakfast this storm was going to hit hard by this afternoon...and so did our neighbor." He waits for Susanna to say something, but she remains silent. "Yes, Susanna, he came by here, would you believe about fifteen minutes before you got home. He wanted to make sure you got back safely from your shopping trip."

    He sees her visibly trembling now but he's not sure if it's from the cold wet coat she still is wearing, or from what she must know is her impending punishment. Standing in front of her now, he unbuttons her coat and helps her out of it.

    Ushering Susanna towards their bedroom by her elbow, he speaks in an even tone, "Go and get cleaned up. Your clothes are wet from being out in the snow and wind all afternoon. You must be soaked right through to your skin."

    Unable to look at him, let alone speak, Susanna goes into the bathroom that adjoins the bedroom, looks into the mirror and watches the silent tears begin to fall. Talking to herself in the mirror, "Why, why do I do these stupid careless things so often? Why can't I listen to him when he asks me to. I always think I know I'll get away with things, and no harm will be done. But he usually always finds out anyway. Oh dear." Removing her wet clothes, she turns on the hot water and steps in the shower to get the chill out of her body. It feels so good, she doesn't want to come out, but knows she has to. Turning the water off now, Susanna steps out slowly, grabbing a towel for her wet hair and another to dry her body off. Slowly opening the bathroom door she tiptoes into the bedroom to get some clothes to put on. Grabbing clean dry underclothes, sweatpants and a warm flannel shirt of Aaron's, Susanna slips them on. Noticing the shirt didn't close right in her haste to get dressed, she unbuttons it and starts again, this time from the bottom up. With only a few more to close, Aaron enters the bedroom and takes her hands away from the shirt.

    His hand slowly tilts her chin upwards. Looking into her eyes, with a soft voice, "Why did you do it? I asked you not to but you didn't listen to me. You made me worry something awful, you outright disobeyed me, and the worst was you lied to me. Why?"

    Her voice shaking, Susanna mumbles, "I'm sorry Aaron, I really am." Still holding her chin upward in his hand, he slowly says, "I'm sure you are Susanna, but that doesn't change what's about to happen, does it?" Trembling now, "No Aaron." Looking squarely into her eyes, Aaron whispers, "You, my dear, have earned yourself a punishment. You know that though, don't you?" Whispering back with a nod, "Yes Aaron." Still holding her eyes with his own, "And you know what that punishment will be, don't you?" Susanna nods slowly again.
Gently tilting Susanna's chin up higher, Aaron cleared his throat, "Susanna, tell me what your punishment will be." She stalls giving the answer, not believing he's going to make her say it aloud. She turns her head so she won't have to look at Aaron as she says the awful words, but he softly pulls it back with his hand. "Susanna, look at me when you speak." Looking up at him, she could feel her heart pounding and she had to force the words out of her mouth.


    Taking his hands from her chin, he walks to the corner and pulls out the straight back chair. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched him sit down in the chair and then heard his next words, "Get your hairbrush and bring it to me." Walking to the dresser she slowly picks up the wooden brush and looks at it. It is an old fashioned type hairbrush, wide, flat and oval shaped.

    It's nice for brushing hair, but the other end really stings when it's used for spanking. Turning around, she slowly and reluctantly met his expectant gaze as she handed him the dreaded brush. "Don't make me tell you what to do now Susanna. You know what I expect without me having to tell you."

    Aaron watches as Susanna reaches for the waistband of her sweatpants and slowly lowers them to her knees. Silently she then lowers her body over Aaron's waiting knee. He touched the hairbrush to her panty covered bottom and held it there, then lightly and slowly massaged her cheeks with it. He placed it on one cheek rubbed it lightly, then picked it up and started on the other cheek. "Susanna, where did you go today?" he asked in a calm voice as he picked the hairbrush up and brought it down hard on her left cheek, leaving it there as he waited for her answer.

    Momentarily startled, and flinching at the sting on her bottom, Susanna cries, "shopping," as the sting of the hairbrush lands on her bottom again with her answer. The rubbing with the brush begins again but stops as he asks, "Where did you go shopping, Susanna?" When the question was finished, the hairbrush once again found its target. Hesitating for a few seconds, "downtown, Aaron." Two more spanks with the hairbrush land as Susanna squirmed from the stings. The brush is flat upon her bottom as Aaron now asks, "Why did you disobey me Susanna?" Another sharp smack lands that makes her grab the legs of the chair as she answers, "I don't know."

    This time the massaging with the brush lasts almost a full minute before it comes down over her panties. "You don't know? Well, then tell me why you lied to me Susanna." She lets out a soft "oooh" from the latest spank then softly says, "I don't know." Aaron lands another hard stinger, then rubs it with the flat end of the brush, just like he had been doing. Susanna hears the brush now land on the floor, but her relief is short lived. Aaron reaches for the waistband of her panties and slowly lowers them to her thighs as he says, "Maybe this will help you find the answers." He reaches down to pick the hairbrush up again and spanks Susanna's bare bottom with it until he has delivered ten more smacks, totally ignoring her pleas to stop.
The spanking stops and he stands Susanna upright, and pulls her panties back up. "Go to the corner now Susanna, and stand there until you are able to answer with something other than 'I don't know Aaron.'" Susanna feels herself shivering, in spite of the heat on her bottom as she shuffles across the bedroom to the corner.

    "That's when I'll give your bottom the proper spanking it so richly deserves. Keep your nose to the wall and your hands off your bottom," he says as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

    Susanna stands in the corner, not making a sound. The silence lasts only a minute before Aaron speaks up, "Hold the shirt up Susanna." Obeying quickly, she pulls her thigh length shirt up to her waist. "Very good. Now reach back and slide your panties down to your knees so I can see that spanked bottom." Wanting to crawl under the bed and hide when Aaron says this, but knowing she can't, Susanna holds the shirt up with her chin, puts her thumbs in each side of the waistband of her panties, then slowly slides them down to the middle of her thighs.
She doesn't like this part at all, and he knows it. It makes her feel like a naughty little girl, being sent to the corner like this. Oh, if only I could start this day all over again. Her thoughts are interrupted by Aaron's even voice, "Do you have any answers yet Susanna?" She can feel his eyes staring at her from behind. She shakes her head and mumbles, "no."

    She hears the bed creak and knows he got up from it. "Susanna, you've spent fifteen minutes in that corner and that's the answer you came up with?" Coming to stand beside Susanna, his one hand encircling her waist, the other bending her slightly and applying two sharp spanks, one to each cheek. That got her attention quick as she bit her lip to keep from crying out from the sharp smacks to her bare backside. She cries out now, "I thought I could be back before you got home and you'd never even know I went out today."

    Aaron shakes his head in disbelief at her reply as he reaches to pull her panties up. Taking her by the hand he turns her around to face him. "Do you need an extra spanking to help you find the right answers?" "No Sir," is the only thing Susanna says as she watches him slowly undo the cuffs of his shirt, and roll them up ceremoniously. He sits on the edge of their bed and crooks his finger at her. She immediately stands in front of him, more scared than ever. She hasn't seen him this upset in a long time.

    "Go get my strap from the dresser drawer and hand it to me Susanna." Chills run up and down her spine as she does what Aaron tells her to. Opening the drawer, she see the thick leather strap laying there, just waiting to make contact with her bare bottom.
Susanna starts to cry as she picks it up and closes the drawer. Laying it in his outstretched hand she then backs away. "Susanna, what should I do with this strap? I know you'll have the right answer for that, won't you? as he looks directly into her eyes.

Scared not to answer this time, "You should spank me with your strap. " "Why Susanna? Tell me why." Susanna stares at him, trying to get the words out he wants to hear, but none come.


    "Okay, Susanna, I'll tell you why you're getting a spanking with my strap, then maybe you can repeat it back to me." Susanna can tell from the tone of his voice he is beginning to lose patience with her, but she lets him do the talking anyway. She was afraid that if she spoke at all, she would burst into tears.

    Looking at her, Aaron begins, "You are getting a spanking because you lied and were disobedient. You behaved like a naughty little girl who tried to lie her way out of things. And naughty girls who lie and purposely disobey get spanked. Don't they Susanna?" Feeling ashamed, Susanna answers meekly, "Yes Sir."

    Taking hold of her arm to draw her closer, "Take your panties down to your ankles and get your naughty bottom over my knee."

    Lowering her panties she feels her whole body still trembling. Helping her across his knee, he lays the strap on the bed, saying, "I'll save that for last." He begins to adjust her so that her bottom is just where he wants it.

    The spanking starts with a few light spanks to both cheeks. He questions her in between each spank. "Where did you go?" Susanna answers truthfully this time to each question. They become harder now as his hand comes down on her left side, then the right side. Susanna lets herself softly cry as each one begins to feel harder and sting more. Wiggling and twisting, he holds her in place. The spanks were firm, making her bounce on his knee and softly cry at the same time. . Her bottom was throbbing by the time all the questions had been properly answered.

    He rests his hand on her bottom and gently rubs for a brief minute. Then, quickly, his hand came down again, on her left side......then firmly right across the center, catching part of both cheeks. Aaron continued the spanking despite her almost constant squirming. Twenty hard stingers to each cheek land without a pause.

    He stops again, rubbing and massaging a bit, then stands Susanna up. "Go stand in the corner and hold that shirt up high."

    Susanna holds her shirt up high this time, but all she wants to do is reach back and rub the fire out of her blazing bottom, After only a few minutes, Aaron calls her. "Susanna, come here for the last part of your spanking." Gingerly Susanna makes her way to the bed where Aaron has been sitting watching her stand in the corner. He looks at her and sees the tears running down her face, but even though he is feeling bad for having to had spank her so hard, he doesn't relent. He reaches down and removes her panties from around her ankles. "Bend over the edge of the bed now. You will receive six stokes of the strap, then it will be over."

Susanna tearfully obeys quickly, as she holds her shirt up out of the way and bends her body over the beds edge. Aaron picks up the strap, rubs it over her bare bottom, "Are you ready Susanna? This is going to hurt the most of all."

    A weepy Susanna whispers, "Yes Sir." She braces herself the best she can as she waits for the strap to land. When it does, she yells out louder than she ever has before. Aaron places six well deserved stripes on her bottom. He lands three to each cheek, then puts the strap down and picks Susanna up off the bed. While he is holding her and hugging her, Susanna manages to say through her tears that seem to be almost choking her now. "I'm so sorry Aaron for lying and disobeying. Hugging her tightly still, "I know you are Susanna. It's over now. Forgotten and forgiven."

    With a strong arm around her shoulder, Aaron gently guided Susanna back toward their bed. Pulling the comforter and blankets back, he put her in bed, pulled the covers up for her. The tears still fell, but she felt safe and secure. He looked at her and she says, "I'm okay. I was just....." He silenced her with a soft, "Shhh...shhhh" he places the blankets around Susanna, and tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

    Opening the drawer beside the bed, Aaron reaches in and takes out the jar of cream and opens it. Pulling back the covers, "Turn over and let me rub cream in for you." She wiped her eyes with a trembling hand, then slowly turned herself around with help from Aaron.
He slowly calmed her with his touch. She could feel the awful sting and burning being rubbed away as he continued to massage soothingly with his fingers and hands.

    Placing the jar back on the nightstand, Aaron reaches over to Susanna. She brings her hands down to finally finish buttoning the flannel shirt she's wearing, but his hands once again stop her. This time he finishes the job for her, by unbuttoning them. He joins her under the blankets, his mouth covering hers, kissing her hungrily. Aaron pulled her closer and she didn't resist. His hand traveled from her neck up to her hair. He gently pushed it away from her face again.

    Susanna felt herself so calmed by his kisses and touch and could feel herself melting into him. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against him. After a long while, they were both ready for sleep. Aaron reaches over and tucks Susanna in, making sure she is warm and cozy. Leaning over he whispers softly, "goodnight my dear Susanna."

    Outside it was a wintery, cold and snowy night, but inside, snuggled up as close as they could be, Aaron and Susanna felt their warmth for each other, in both their bodies and souls.

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