Memorial Day 2010

by Katy

“Come on Maggie let’s go, I want to beat the traffic. You know how bad it will be just a bit later.” Jason Halloway was pacing the hall yelling upstairs to his wife while muttering under his breath. <I> “That woman never can be on time.”</I>

“Hang on dear, I’m coming!” Maggie came down the stairs two at a time, almost tripping on the last one. Jase grabbed her and steadied her.

“How many times have I told you not to do that? You’re going to break that pretty little neck yet.” He swatted her bottom twice as they went out the front door.

Maggie giggled. “Ok, I’ll try to remember not to do that anymore.”

The ride to the cemetery wasn’t as bad as Jase feared. They were still early enough to miss the bulk of the crowd. The Memorial Day services in High Top, Georgia were the biggest celebration of the summer. All of the founding fathers and heroes were remembered. This year was their second year here. They had moved here shortly after Jase had left his government position and started his own medical practice. Maggie’s ancestors were from this area and Jase had fallen in love with it as well. A remote relative had died and left a large house and land to Maggie. She was the only surviving heir. Maggie had wanted to have a B&B as long as she could remember; inheriting the house gave them the opportunity. They had been here for two years working on it and were almost ready to open. She had been researching the library for history on the house and her family. The house apparently had been one of the original homes in the area. When it was first built it was a long way from town, but now with modernization wasn’t that far out of town, just far enough to give it a country feeling.

They were both quiet on the way to the cemetery, each lost in their own thoughts. Jase parked the car and they headed into the cemetery. They walked around and found the graves they were looking for. Well over 100 years old, they were still in good shape.
Jase put his arm around Maggie. This was always an emotional time for them. Memories stirred that neither expressed to each other. Maggie ran her hand over the inscription.

“In Loving Memory, Entrusted to Heaven, Jack Hanley and Annie Morgan Hanley.”

The graves surrounding them were of their children and grandchildren. Maggie was now the only living relative left. They stood there for a minute and then walked over to the seats that had been set up for the ceremonies Every year it was almost the same. The local school did a skit reenacting the part played by Jack Hanley in saving High Top from destruction during the Civil War and how he almost single handed made the town grow and prosper in the years after. His ancestors continued to be prominent citizens of the area and the country. One of his grandsons had been responsible for saving untold lives in the First World War, enabling the US to win the battle that turned the tide and led to winning the war. Following the play was a band concert and the usual speeches, then a barbeque that was Jase’s favorite part of the day. As soon as it was dark there was a wonderful fireworks display. Maggie lay on the blanket with her head in Jase’s lap. “This is such a neat day isn’t it? Aren’t you glad we came here?”

Jase looked down on his wife’s beautiful face. He pushed a strand of blonde hair off her face. “Yes, I’m glad, very glad and happy to be here with you.”

When the fireworks ended they packed up the blanket and headed back to the car. There was no sense in hurrying, since traffic would be bad this time. It was late when they got home. Maggie went to get ready for bed and Jase decided to sit on the porch swing and wait for her. He sat down and noticed a book lying next to him. He picked it up and looked at it. There was just enough light from the porch lamp that he could read it. It was Maggie’s diary. He knew he shouldn’t read it but he couldn’t help himself. He flipped open to the last page expecting to see just some random notes about her day. What he saw froze him. She wasn’t supposed to remember. He did, but was cautious about never letting anyone from the government know. He wondered how long she had been remembering. He had to put a stop to this now.

“Maggie, come out here, I need to talk to you.” Jase waited for her to come out the door.

“What’s up, I was just going to call you to---.” Maggie spotted him holding the book and froze in mid speech.

Jase patted the seat next to him. “Sit down Maggie.”

Maggie sat and started to say something, Jase hushed her. “Let me talk first. How long have you remembered?”

“You remember too don’t you?” Maggie looked at him.

Jase sighed. “Yes I have since we came here. I guess it was the place. But Maggie, you can’t be writing it down. We can’t ever let on that we know. Do you understand? I thought you understood that.”

Maggie looked down. “I know, but Jase it is fun to write down what happened. I like doing it. No one will ever know.”

“Maggie, you can’t continue. You must promise me you will stop. It could ruin everything. I don’t want to have to go through reprogramming and start over. Promise me?” Jase held both her hands.

“Ok, I promise, but can we just talk about it with each other?” Maggie looked pleadingly into his eyes.

Jase pulled her tightly to him and put his arms around her. “Ok, but if I ever see you write one word of this down or even look like you are thinking about it, I swear I will put you over my knee and give you the spanking of your life. Understand?”

Maggie looked at him and saw how serious he was. “Yes, I do understand.”

Jase pulled her closer and started talking.

May 2006

“C’mon Jase the old man wants to see us, maybe it’s time to rock and roll.” Jack Hanley threw his roommate his jacket.

Jason Halloway slowly unwound his 6-foot frame from the couch and flipped off the TV. “I hope it’s the real thing this time, and not more of these stupid “training exercises”. I would like to know what we are supposed to be learning. After all it’s the 21st century and we are being taught how to live in the 19th century.

“Quit complaining and let’s go.” Jack had his uniform jacket on and was ready to go.

Both Jason and Jack were officers in the Air Force, currently on special assignment. They volunteered for a new experimental program that was Top Secret. The only problem was it was so secret they didn’t know what it was. They were chatting about it on the way to see the ‘old man’ Admiral William Frost. His nickname of Frosty was appropriate; the man must have ice water for blood.

They knocked and entered the office. Both saluted and stood at attention. Admiral Frost looked up from the papers on his desk. “At ease, gentlemen, please sit down.”

The Admiral didn’t wait long after they were seated to start talking. “You are both probably wondering why you are here. I know you think the training you have been receiving is somewhat silly and useless. I can assure you it has not been. You were both hand picked for this mission, because of several factors. You are both smart, and quick on your feet. You Major Halloway are an excellent doctor. You Captain Hanley have excellent engineering and flight skills. Both of you are single, and have no living family members. You possess excellent leadership skills and disciplinary skills. In other words you were ideal for this mission. Your mission is ready to go. I’m going to explain it and you’ll have one chance to change your minds. It can be dangerous and there is no guarantee you will come back. Not because we can’t bring you back, you may not wish to. Now before I go further do you have any questions?”

Jase and Jack looked at each other and at Frosty. Jase spoke up. “I don’t now, I may when I actually hear what we are going to do.” Both men were keenly interested in this puzzling mission.

Admiral Frost rose and motioned for them to follow. “I’m going to take you to the briefing room, and if you agree to go on with the mission, you will leave immediately. You won’t need to pack or take anything with you.”

The three men walked down a long hall and into a high security clearance zone. ID’s were checked closely and they were admitted. The room was pristine like a laboratory. In the center of the room stood a vehicle that looked like a very small jet.

Admiral Frost led them into a conference room off the main room and introduced them to two officers at the table. “I’ll let you take it from here.”

“Good morning gentlemen! I’ll make this short and brief. We have developed a means to go back in time and return. Our reasons for wanting to do this are simple. We wish to alter some things in history.” The officer paused.

Jase spoke up, “How do you account for the change in the history books and everyone’s memory?”

“Good question. We have found that once changed in the time period all future events and histories are correct. It is as if the old never happened. Your assignment is to go back to the mid 1800’s and change an event. Changing this event will alter the course of many things in the future. That is why you have been trained in the way of life at that time. We intend to transport you to a small town in Georgia close to the end of the Civil War. Most of the men went off to war and have been killed or captured. There are only a few farms still in the area. There are two sisters who have been orphaned and are trying to run their farm. They are very stubborn and will not leave the area, even though they have been warned that the Union Army was on its way and would destroy everything in its path. These women would fight and most likely be killed. It is important that this not happen. The town will be valuable in the future if not destroyed. We want you to convince the women to hide or to somehow save it from the Union Army. When you arrive there, you will be appropriately attired for the era and have whatever identification and money you need. Now you may return to the present by coming back to the same spot you left on any Tuesday 30 days after you leave. If you are standing in the same spot you will automatically be transported back here. You may not wish to leave and may want to stay. If so you will live out your lives, as you would have had you been born in that time. Should you return, you will go through a de-programming and not remember anything of your mission. This is your last chance to change your minds.” The officer paused and waited for their response.

Jase and Jack neither one hesitated. “I’m in.”

They were placed in the craft and told to push the button in front of them it was already programmed. Jack pushed the button and in what seemed like two seconds they were on horses on a hill overlooking a very small town.

They were no longer wearing their uniforms but were dressed in the clothing of the day.

“I guess it’s time to go into town and find out what we can and who these two stubborn young ladies are.” Jase looked over at Jack.

It only took a few minutes before they were in town. It was mostly deserted and boarded up. There was a general store still in operation. They tied the horses to the rail and went in. There was one old man sitting by the stove. “Howdy! How y’all doing? Not from these parts are you? What can I do for you?”

“Good morning sir, my name is Jack Hanley and this is my friend Jason Halloway. We ran into some people from here on the road. We understand that there are two young sisters here, who may need some help running their farm.” Jack waited for his answer.

The old man eyed them both up and down suspiciously. “Sounds like the Morgan sisters to me, but they are both a spoiled stubborn lot. No one can talk any sense into them. We heard soldiers are headed this way and will probably destroy everything in their path. I am leaving soon myself. I would advise you to just keep going and get out of their path. Let the two fool women do what they want. Their Daddy just spoiled them and now they won’t listen to anyone. Probably get themselves killed.”

“Could you tell us how to find them, let us see for ourselves what we can do?” Jase smiled at the old man.

“Sure just keep riding on through town west. Will be the first farm you see, big old white house. But watch out they probably have guns and don’t take to strangers much. Fool women.” The old man spat in the spittoon.

They thanked him and got back on their horses and headed where he told them. 20 minutes later they were in sight of the house. Before they got within 20 feet of the house a girl with a rifle appeared on the porch. “Halt where you are. Who are you and what do you want?”

Jase dismounted and walked toward her. “We’re here to offer you some help. We were told you might need some help running things here, and avoiding the army on its way. We can help.” He kept walking as he talked. He noticed another girl in the window peering from behind the curtains. Jack also dismounted and started walking toward the girl too. She shifted her attention for one minute to Jack, which gave Jase plenty of time to grab the rifle.

She screamed and tried to grab the rifle back. “Give that to me! It’s mine. You give it back and get out now!”

Jase held onto the rifle. “Let’s go inside and talk a bit. I’m not giving this back to you.”
Jack took her arm and ushered her inside.

The other girl was standing in the parlor, clearly shaken. Jack escorted both girls to the couch and set them down. “Now, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Jack Morgan and this is Jason Halloway. He goes by Jase. We hear you need some help, and we are here to provide it. There is a large troop of Union soldiers headed this way. They have destroyed everything in their path. They will not spare you or your farm. You can’t fight them so we have to outwit them.”

Jase looked at the two girls, the one with the gun was a blonde and spitting fire at him at this moment. The other had soft brown hair and looked terrified. “Ok, you know who we are and why we’re here, how about telling us who you are. We know you are the Morgan sisters, but how about some first names.”

The blonde did all the talking. “My name is Margaret and this is my little sister Anne. I am usually called Maggie and she is Annie. We don’t need your help and have no idea who you are. You could be Union soldiers for all we know. So just leave and give me back my gun. You aren’t welcome here. We don’t want or need your help.”

Jase sighed. “That’s too bad cause we are here and we are going to help. We aren’t exactly Union soldiers, but we are soldiers. You are just going to have to trust us to help you. Now, we are both hungry so for starters I think a nice supper would be in order.”

Maggie looked shocked. “You mean you aren’t leaving? You intend to stay here? We are not women to be just taken you know.”

Jack laughed. “We aren’t here to ‘have our way with you’ we are truly here only to help. Now how about some food, while we get settled?”

Maggie got up from the couch with a huff and pulled Annie along with her. When they got to the kitchen she turned to her. “I can’t believe this. Who do they think they are? I wonder if they are spies and are going to use this house as a base.”

Annie started peeling potatoes. “Maggie, we do need help and you know it. Maybe God sent them and they are angels. Anyway they are cute. I say let them stay and see what happens. There isn’t any way we can get rid of them anyway.”

Maggie huffed and went on with supper preparations. “I’ll give it a try, but if they think they will have their way with us they have another think coming.”

Meanwhile Jase and Jack had looked over the house. It was well built and large. They picked out rooms for themselves and brought up their saddlebags. They took the horses to the barn and unsaddled and brushed them down. They noticed that hay was low and so was feed. The barn was in need of repair also. Jase shook his head. “Looks to me like these gals have needed some help for a long time. We have our work cut out for us. That Maggie is sure a feisty one. I have a feeling she is going to need some taming.”

Jack and Jase made a quick trip around the yard and near by fields. Things were really in need of repair and help. It was obviously too big of a job for two young girls. When they had made mental notes and talked about what they needed to tackle first, they went into the kitchen.

“Hmmm, that smells wonderful! I am starved.” Jack was inhaling all the smells.

Annie turned to him, ”Go wash up, dinner is almost ready.”

Jase and Jack proceeded to the pump and washed their hands. When they were done the food was on the table, delicious fried chicken, potatoes, biscuits and beans. They dug in and ate quietly for a bit. When the edge was off their hunger, Jase wiped his mouth and began asking some questions.

“How old are you young ladies? How long have you been trying to run things yourself around here? How are you getting by?”

Maggie looked at him with a blank expression. “Don’t you think those are pretty personal questions for a hired hand to ask?”

Jack laughed out loud and looked at the thunderous expression on Jase’s face. No one ever dared talk back to Jase. Jase got his temper in control and leveled a hard glare at Maggie. “Let’s get a few things straight. We are not ‘hired hands’. We are going to run this place for you and save you hides. I want you both to understand right now that we are in charge and we are to be obeyed. There are no exceptions to this rule. I am waiting for an answer to my questions, and it better be coming quick”

Maggie sat with her mouth open. She was in shock. She started spluttering, but Annie quickly spoke up. “She is 19 and I am 18. Our parents died last summer and we have been doing fine since then. We are getting by just fine Maggie says.”

Maggie had regained her composure by this time. “What happens SIR if we don’t chose to obey your silly orders? This is my home and you cannot tell me what to do! So there!”

Jase had to hide a smile. He remembered learning about discipline in these times. He felt when he learned about it, that it never should have been stopped. “I will put you over my knee and spank you. Something your father obviously should have done many times. I don’t brook disobedience or sassiness.”

Jack was having a hard time not laughing looking at the two girls, but he finally spoke up. “The same goes for me. You had both best behave and let us take care of things. Now Jase and I have some plans to make. We will be in the den. It would be nice to have some coffee later on the porch with you.”

They rose and went to the den that had obviously belonged to their father. The girls silently in shock cleared the table and did the dishes.

Jase and Jack looked over the ledger book. Maggie was keeping records but they showed a steady drain on their reserves. They were not able to keep the farm productive like their father had. They also discussed what they would do about the threat from the approaching army.

Jack was the logics man. After thinking for a minute he turned to Jason. “This army must be Sherman, on his march to the sea. We are only a hundred miles or so north of Atlanta and he came right through this area on his way there. He was known to destroy and plunder everything in his path. His soldiers were not a nice bunch with the locals at all. I think I know a way of saving this town though.”

Jason listened intently as Jack talked. “Yes, that may just work. It’s worth a try, cause we can’t stop them single-handed. I’ll use my forgery skills and do the paperwork. I think we probably have about a week or two before they will be here. I remember the date they hit Atlanta and that is almost a month from now. They don’t move that fast on foot, so it gives us some time. In the meantime, let’s see how much we can get done around here, and if we can’t tame some shrews, so someone will want to marry them and keep them.”

Laughing at that thought both men went to the front porch. There were two hanging swings and some rockers. Jack sat in one swing and Jase in the other. They were enjoying the evening when Maggie and Annie joined them and brought their coffee. Jase looked at Maggie as she handed him the coffee. “Thank you, would you like to sit and swing for a bit?”

Maggie bit her lip, but had decided it would be best to go along with him, and maybe he would leave sooner or later. “Thank you, I would.”

Annie was sitting with Jack and the evening passed pleasantly.

The next morning Jase prepared the paperwork they would need and then the two men went to work on the farm. Maggie and Annie were told to tend the garden and take care of the house. They would handle the rest of the chores themselves. Things progressed well for the next week. There were only a few times that Jase or Jack had to remind either of the women of the rules.

The next week however things began to take a different turn, Maggie decided she wanted to help with more than she was doing. While the men were in the fields she decided to tend to the livestock. There was a new horse ready to be broken, and she was ready to try it. She told Annie about her plan. “After all, I watched Daddy and the men do it a hundred times. How hard can it be? You just hang on and he calms down.”

Annie bit her lip, “Maggie, Jase and Jack said not to do anything like that. They won’t be happy at all.”

“Too bad, they won’t know about it until it’s done. I don’t think they will do anything about it anyway. They are pretty easy going, like dad.” Maggie put on her fathers old pants and tied them at the waist. She pulled on boots and a hat and went to the barn. She had managed to get the horse saddled after a struggle. He had never been saddled and didn’t like it much at all. Maggie rested a bit and let him get used to it. She took the reins in her hands and led him outside. “C’mon, Smoky, this will be fun, you’ll see.” Smoky had other thoughts about that though and was bucking and pulling against her.

Maggie finally pulled him against the corral fence and tied the reins around it. With him tied in place she managed to get in the saddle. She undid the reins and he immediately ran around bucking trying to throw her off. She held on for dear life, but was now terrified. She never dreamt he could keep it up this long and that it would be so hard to hang on. Smoky gave one big buck and Maggie flew off. She landed hard on her arm and hit her head. She was woozy but saw Smoky still running around bucking. Annie had been watching and flew outside to the corral. “Maggie, are you all right?”

Maggie yelled to her to try and get Smoky away and tied up. Annie was in the corral trying to get a hold of the reins. At this point Jase and Jack rode into the yard. They had finished earlier than they thought. When they saw what was happening in the corral they both dismounted and ran. Jack yelled at Annie, “Get out of the corral now!” He jumped in and managed to grab the reins and slow Smoky down. He tied him to the fence and grabbed Annie and led her out of the corral. “What on earth were you two doing? Weren’t you told not to do this?”

Annie didn’t know what to say. “Maggie said she could, she fell and I was trying to help.”

Jase in the meantime was tending Maggie. He scooped her up and carried her into the house. Jack and Annie followed. Jase put her down on the bed and started examining her. Maggie started fighting him. Jase held her down. “Stop fighting you. I know what I am doing. Now lay still.” He turned to Annie, “Get me some warm water and a cloth.”

“What can I do?” Jack asked him.

“Go to the barn and see if you can find some leg wrap for the horses, and two short pieces of thin board. I think she has a broken wrist.” Jase went back to examining Maggie.

He was angry and not at all pleased that she had disobeyed him. She could have gotten herself killed. It was at that moment that he realized he had developed strong feelings for her. “Margaret Morgan what possessed you to do that?”

Maggie didn’t answer him. She was angry with him and with herself for not being able to do it.

“You will answer that question young lady sooner than you think.” Jase took the water and cloth from Annie and washed the mud from Maggie’s face and arm. He then looked at the bump on her head. It was not serious. Her vision was fine and her temper was fine also he noted. Something he planned on taking care of very soon. Her arm may hurt, but something else was going to be just as sore soon.

Jack returned with the wrap and wood. Jase took them and asked him to hold Maggie down. Jack held her shoulders down to the bed and blocked her legs with his legs. Jase took her wrist and pulled on it snapping it back into place. Maggie screamed at the pain. Jase felt her wrist and the bone was now in place. He splinted it with the boards and wrapped it tight so it couldn’t move. “There that should take care of it.”

Annie had been standing there white faced watching. “Is she going to be all right?”

Jack took her arm and pulled her out of the room. “She will be fine, now you and I are going to have a talk about obedience.” Jack closed the door as they left.

Maggie was trying to sit up and moaning with her wrist. She looked at Jason and was about to say something. Jason sat down beside her before she could say anything. “Don’t you say one thing until you answer my question.”

Maggie looked at him with anger glinting from her eyes. “Get out of my room now you bastard. That hurt!”

Jase scowled at her with a thunderous look on his face. Without another word he pulled her up and undid the pants, the flipped her over his lap. Her bloomers were soon at her knees with the pants. Maggie was protesting loudly and screaming at him.

“You will not speak to me like that ever again Maggie Morgan. You disobeyed me and nearly killed yourself. Now you are going to get a much deserved spanking.” Jase brought his hand down again and again on her bottom. Soon her bottom was as red as a tomato and she was sobbing loudly. Jase stopped and listened to her apologize.

“I’m sorry, I was bored and wanted to help. I won’t disobey again, please don’t spank me anymore.”

Jase sat her up and held her close to him. “You scared me Maggie. I don’t want to see you hurt. You mean far too much to me.”

Maggie enjoyed him holding her tight. She also had realized that she really did like him a lot. His words made her very happy. As she was snuggling in his arms they heard the distinct sounds of a spanking coming from her sister’s room.

She tried to get up from Jase’s lap. “She didn’t do anything but try to help, that’s not fair.”

Jase pulled her down. “That is their business and you are to stay out of it. Now I want you in that bed and resting for the next few days. I’ll bring you something to eat and check on you later.” Jase kissed her on the forehead and left the room.

Maggie obeyed Jase this time and Annie was very docile and obedient also. It was very evident that there were close bonds being formed between the four. Jack and Annie had taken to holding hands on long walks in the evening. Maggie and Jase would curl up on the swing long into the evening. Life was peaceful and the farm was starting to recuperate and prosper.

Jase and Jack had been there exactly one month. There was still no word of the Union Army. They were sitting in the fields eating lunch when Jack brought up the subject of their mission. “We have been here thirty days and can go back at any time. I don’t know about you, but I have grown awfully fond of Annie and I don’t think I want to go back. I think I want to marry her and stay here. Of course we still have the army to contend with and I think that will be soon.”

Jason looked at his friend. “I know how you feel. I am quite fond of Maggie myself. But I do want to go back. I plan on taking Maggie with me if she will go. I don’t know how Frosty will re-act to that, but it will be too late to do anything about it.”

“I guess we both have made up our minds then. Are you going to tell Maggie the truth? I don’t plan on saying anything to Annie. I don’t …” Jack stopped in mid sentence. There was a rider advancing fast toward them.

Both of them stood up and waited for the rider to arrive. He pulled up next to them and yelled down to them. “Soldiers are about two hours away. I am warning everyone to get out. It is a small platoon, but the larger army must be right behind. They should arrive in the center of town first, so you may have about 3 hours to get going.” He rode off in a hurry.

Jack and Jase rode as fast as they could back to the house. Jase ran into the house. “Maggie, Annie come quickly!” They both flew downstairs. Maggie ran up to Jase looking him over. “Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?”

“No, Jack and I are fine, but soldiers are on the way. We are going into town to meet them. We have a plan to divert them from this area, but we can’t guarantee it will work. I want the two of you to stay here in the cellar until we return, just in case someone comes here. You will be safe there. Even should they burn the house, you will be safe. Get some supplies for yourself, but we should be back before dark.”

Maggie stood firm. “I don’t want to hide. I want to go with you. I am not hiding like a coward in a cellar.”

“Maggie you do as I say. I don’t want to risk any harm coming to you.” Jase grabbed her and kissed her hard. “Now go!”

Maggie didn’t have time to recuperate from the kiss before Annie was pulling her toward the cellar door. When both girls were safe in the cellar, Jack and Jase grabbed the paper they had prepared a month earlier and rode for town. When they arrived there were people running around trying to load wagons to leave. Jack climbed onto the back of a wagon and yelled to get everyone’s attention. “Please do not run! I have a plan to save the town and your homes and livestock. But you must cooperate with me. Will you listen?”

Everyone hushed and let him continue. “I have a paper here signed by the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. It grants me sole control over this area as a representative from him. It is binding and will deter Sherman from doing any damage to this area.”

A voice from the crowd called out. “So you are a Yankee after all! Why should we trust you?”

“I am not a soldier on either side. I won this concession through means I can’t tell you. I am not your enemy and plan on settling here myself. I intend to marry Annie Morgan and stay here. It is the only way I can save this town. Will you cooperate and not say a thing to any of the soldiers when they arrive. Act normal and I will do the talking.”

There was muttering among the crowd but the finally agreed. Jack climbed down and he and Jase mounted the horses and waited for the arrival of the soldiers. There was about an hour wait and then hoof beats could be heard in the distance. Both men tensed waiting the arrival.

Back at the farm, Maggie was getting impatient. Finally she turned to Annie, “I am not waiting, I’m going into town. You can stay here or come with me.”

Annie tried to pull her back. “Maggie, Jack and Jason forbid us to leave the cellar. I’m not going. Come back!”

Maggie wouldn’t listen and left the cellar and climbed on her horse and headed for town. She decided to take the back way to avoid running into Jack and Jase. She was almost there when soldiers suddenly surrounded her. She was terrified and tried to run, but they grabbed her horse. “Whoa there little lady, where do you think you're going?” A burly sergeant had hold of the horse.

“You let me go, I am going into town. This is my land not yours, you scum!” Maggie spit at the sergeant.

Wiping her spit off his face he grabbed her off the horse and onto his. “You aren’t going anywhere little lady. You are now one of my prisoners. We shall see what the Lieutenant has to say.”

He held on to a writing protesting Maggie and rode hard to catch up with the rest of the platoon. Maggie was struggling so hard, that when they caught up the Lieutenant ordered her bound and gagged and placed back on her horse. “We shall tend to her later, now we have to get into town.”

It was this group that Jack and Jase met on the edge of town. Jase was shocked to see Maggie with them. He could not figure out how she was captured. Where was Annie?

The Lieutenant rode up to them. “I am taking over this area in the name of General Sherman. I advise everyone to leave now and take nothing with them.”

Jack handed him the paper. “ I think you better read this first Lieutenant. I am Captain Jack Hanley and this is Major Jason Halloway. These orders are from the Commander in Chief.”

The Lieutenant took the orders and read them. He took another paper from his pocket and compared it to the one Jack handed him. “Well it appears authentic. I have orders from the Commander in Chief to General Sherman as well. These do override them. He saluted Jack and Jase. I’m Lieutenant Maxwell, nice to meet you Captain Hanley and Major Halloway. My men and I will be on our way to meet the General now. I guarantee you this area will be safe.”

He was about to turn away when Jase called to him. “One more thing Lieutenant, may I take your prisoner off your hands? She happens to be my fiancée’, I am not sure how you ran across her, since she is supposed to be at home.”

The Lieutenant laughed. “I think you need to teach her a bit of manners and obedience then. We found her on the way into town; she has a sharp tongue in her head. I will leave her to you. He motioned to the Sergeant to bring Maggie forward.

After turning the reins of her horse over to Jase, he saluted and they all turned and rode off. The townspeople left were stunned at how easily Jack had saved them. They suddenly broke out in whoops of joy. Jack and Jase talked to the townspeople for a bit and then re-mounted to head back to the farm. Maggie was still tied and gagged on her horse and her eyes were spitting fire at Jase.

Jase pulled her onto his horse and undid her hands. “Before I remove that gag, I am telling you I don’t want to hear one word from you till I tell you to talk. Understand?”

Maggie nodded yes, and Jase removed the gag. He tied her horse behind his and headed home. “Maggie, what on earth possessed you to disobey me? You could have been killed. I gave you that order for a reason and you are going to find out shortly what happens when you break one of my orders. I love you but you are going to obey me. My wife is not going to be a disobedient shrew.”

Jase let Jack ride on ahead and stopped his horse. He jumped down and pulled Maggie down after him. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. “Okay, now you may tell me what on earth possessed you to do that?”

Maggie was no longer mad at him. “I wanted to help. I was worried something would happen to you. I didn’t think there would be any real danger. Did you mean what you said about marrying me?”

Jase hugged her again. “Yes I did. But I also meant it about punishing you too.” Without another word he pulled her over to a tree stump, sat and pulled her over his lap. He pulled up her skirts and lowered her bloomers and brought his hand down again and again. Maggie was squirming and crying and promising never to disobey again. When she was red, he stopped and pulled her up into his arms.

“You are forgiven, but you have a taste of the hairbrush coming when we get home.” Jase stood and lifted her back on his horse. As soon as they arrived at the farm, he sent her to her room. “I will be up in a minute.”

Maggie ran to her room without a word. Jack had made sure Annie was fine and they were in the kitchen talking. Jase called to Jack. “I need to talk to you for a minute.”

When they were alone in the den Jase told Jack his plan. “Tomorrow is Tuesday, we are leaving then. You will have to explain to Annie after we are gone. Since there is no clergy anywhere near here, I think we should marry ourselves tonight. I want her to be my bride when I return. You and Annie can formalize it later, as we will.” Jack agreed and went to tell Annie.

Jase climbed the stairs and opened the door to Maggie’s room. “Bring me your hairbrush.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

Maggie reluctantly brought it to him. “Jase, please don’t spank me anymore, I promise I will obey you in the future.”

“I know you will Maggie, but I aim to reinforce that, now over my knee young lady.” Maggie lay over his lap and Jase once again bared her. He brought the brush down on her flesh 25 times hard. Maggie was squealing and sobbing when he finished. Jase threw the brush down and gathered her into his arms. “Shh, it’s all over now. There are going to be some changes in your life in the next few days that you won’t understand. That is all I can tell you right now, but you must trust me and not ask questions.”

Maggie looked up at Jase. “I do trust you, but you aren’t leaving me are you?”

“No, I am not leaving you. In fact we are to be married this evening along with Annie and Jack. We can formalize it later when clergy are near.” Jase pulled her to him and kissed her deeply and passionately.

Several hours later the four assembled in the living room and exchanged vows and wrote down a marriage contract and witnessed it. The couples retired to their chambers for their wedding night. Jack had said nothing to Annie and hoped she wouldn’t be too upset to find her sister was about to disappear and not exist anymore. But he was too busy claiming her as his wife to worry much.

Jase and Maggie spent a passionate evening and feel asleep only shortly before dawn. Timing was crucial though, so Jase woke her early. “Come Maggie, we need to take a ride.”

“A ride? Jase, it is so early. Come back to bed for a bit.” Maggie rolled over.

Jase pulled her up. “No Maggie, we can sleep later this is important.”

Maggie rose and dressed and 30 minutes later they were sitting on the same hill where Jase and Jack arrived a little over 30 days before. Maggie was uneasy and questioning Jase when all of a sudden she found herself in a weird machine dressed in different clothes. “Jase, what is going on? I don’t understand.”

Before Jase could answer the doors were opened and they stepped out in the same room that Jack and Jase had left. Admiral Frost was there to greet them. “Mission well done. I must say this is a bit of a surprise, but not unwelcome.”

Jase smiled and turned to Maggie. “I’ll explain it all to you, but welcome Mrs. Halloway to the 21st century.”

Jase looked down at Maggie as he finished the story. She smiled up at him. “I am glad it worked out this way. I’ll burn the book tomorrow. This will be our little secret.” They linked arms and went into the house, the very same house where they first met.