More or Les for Tess

Ron J

There once was a young lass named Tess
Who was always annoying poor Les.
He was really the kindly quiet sort
So she picked on him for her sport.

Les one sunny day was sitting in the park
And she thought she scare him for a lark.
She snuck up behind where he was sitting
And yelled out sending his papers splitting.

Tess laughed loudly as Les gathered his wits
And tried to reassemble the scattered bits.
But Les’ look had changed when he arose
And Tess’ face took on a little more rose.

Les grabbed her hand then sat on the bench
Then gave her body a forwarding wrench.
She landed across his waiting knee face down
Then Les’ right hand starting going to town.

I was behind them, down by the river’s deep bank
My head popped right up upon hearing a loud spank.
Followed by a loud ‘ow’, I knew it wasn’t a mistake,
When I heard, “Tess I had from you about all I can take.”

At that comment poor Tess’ bottom did twitch
But once started Les, it was like scratching an itch
He spanked hard till I sure her bottom was blistered
After the long spanking that Les had administered

When Les elevated a crying Tess, to her own two feet,
Both her hands riveted to her bum never missing a beat.
What I saw from the look on Tess’ red teary-eyed face,
Was she had learned, Les would now put her in her place.

As they walked away, Tess looked as if she hurt her hip
But hopefully she had learned not to give Les more lip.
I was the only one later on, to know that under her dress,
A bright red sore bum was the real cause of her distress.