Old Fashioned Ways

Chapter Two

While he had been on the phone, Fred had come into the office. He was waiting to talk to Eric. 'Who was that?' he asked.

'My Mom,' Eric replied, rubbing his forehead. 'You remember my sister, right?'

Fred was Eric's second in command; he was living with Eric in the house and had met his sister when she had come up for a short visit a few months ago.

'She coming up again?' Fred smiled and handed Eric some Tylenol.

'Her and a friend. They both are spoiled brats who can't hold a job, and I'm supposed to perform a miracle and make them both into productive citizens.'

Fred laughed out loud. He remembered how Eliza had given Eric a hard time the last time she was here. He didn't envy his boss the job at all.

Eric looked at Fred. He was 4 or 5 years older than Eric, and was used to own a construction company himself. But he couldn't handle the office stuff or deal with the millions of problems that would come up. He was more than happy to work for Eric and let him deal with all of that, in exchange for being able to do the work that he loved.

It seemed to Eric that he had caught a couple of sparks between Fred and Eliza when she was up here. He was almost 15 years her senior, but she had a habit of choosing boyfriends who would let her walk all over them. Fred would be a welcome change, as far as Eric was concerned.

'I guess I'll be moving out then,' Fred said, 'you don't want me in the way with those two coming up.'

'No!' Eric didn't care if Fred could hear the panic in his voice or not. 'You can't leave me alone with those two!'

Fred laughed and shook his head.

'Come on, Fred, you seemed like you had a thing for my sister when she was here before, why don't you stick around and see what happens?' Eric was wondering how much money he could afford to bribe Fred with.

'Eric, the only thing I could think when Eliza was here,' Fred said seriously, 'was that she needed a good spanking. If I stayed, I don't think I could *not* give her what she needs so badly.'

Eric thought about it. The thought of his sister getting her bottom tanned was satisfying. And the thought of Fred being in charge of one of the brats was even better.

'Deal.' Eric held out his hand.

'What?' Fred looked at him in confusion.

'We will come up with some rules for the house. Both girls will be working here too. You can take care of Eliza; I'll take care of Tia. We'll give both brats spankings as punishment for misbehaving.'

Fred just looked at Eric. 'You know, we can get arrested for this kind of thing,' he said.

'Oh, we'll inform the girls of the rules and the consequences for breaking them as soon as they get off the bus,' Eric said. 'And if they don't agree, they can just turn around and go right back.'

Eric thought this might even work out better than he thought. Surely Tia and Eliza wouldn't go for this kind of deal, and he could send them home with a clear conscience.

That night at the house, Eric and Fred went over some rules that they wanted the girls to follow.

They agreed that the housework in the house would be split four ways, and so would the cooking and clean up.

But is was possible that the girls would want to buy their own food and cook just for themselves, in which case, Eric and Fred would just carry on as they had been, mostly eating out.

Eric was in favor of a curfew, since both girls would be working for him, but Fred talked him out of imposing an early one.

'They are grown ups, no matter how much they don't act like it,' he said, 'and you can't really make them be home and in bed by 9:00 like a child.'

Eric reluctantly agreed, but decided that 10 hours before they were due to be at work would give them enough time to sleep for 8 hours and get up, shower and get ready for work in the morning.

'What about weekends?' Fred asked. 'Can we make them be home at a certain time on the weekends? I mean, there is no work the next day, right?'

Eric thought about it, and decided that it would be up to the girls. If they were coming in late and being so loud that they were disturbing the guy's sleep, then a curfew would be set. And if the curfew on the weekdays wasn’t early enough, then it would be changed.

Other than a few more house rules, they decided to wait and see if the girls would be staying or not. Fred pointed out that they didn't want to arbitrarily set up rules without discussing it with the girls first.

Eric agreed but asked, 'How do you go about spanking a grown woman? I mean, do you have any experience at this?'

Fred looked taken aback, but admitted, 'I had a girlfriend I spanked once in a while. She would get out of control and a good spanking was what she needed to get back on course.'

Eric looked thoughtful.

'You never spanked anyone?' Fred was surprised. 'Not even for fun?'

'I've certainly thought some of my girlfriends could use one, but I just assumed that their parents didn't take care of their attitude when they were kids. And they were grown, what could I do?'

'You should have pulled them over your knee, you might have been surprised.' Fred said with a reminiscent smile. 'Some of the best sex I ever had started with her getting her bottom warmed.'

'Wow.' Eric said thoughtfully. 'I never would have thought of it. Are you saying that you have sex with all the women you spank? I'm not sure I want you and my sister...'

'No,' Fred interrupted. 'You don't have to have sex to spank someone. It's just a turn on for both of you, sometimes. But if you are really punishing someone, sex is not a factor. I have punished my girlfriend for something and we did have sex afterwards, but I am not saying that just because I may spank your sister for something she did, that I expect to drag her off to bed.'

Eric had more questions, and Fred and he stayed up till the small hours, talking about implements, positions and bare or not bare bottom spankings. When they finally said good night and went to their bedrooms, Eric had a lot to think about.

Even if Tia decided to go back home, he was going to have a surprise for his next girlfriend who decided to act up.


Chapter Three

The next day was Saturday, and Eric and Fred spent the day cleaning up the house and making sure they had food in the kitchen.

Eric's mother called again, and mentioned that Tia loved Pepsi, that was all she drank practically, so Eric made sure there was a supply in the pantry.

He knew his sister had to have coffee, so Fred went out to buy a bigger coffee maker. Eric had a machine that only made a couple of cups, since Fred didn't drink coffee, and they both remembered how Eliza was without her morning caffeine.

They dropped clothes off at the laundry and made sure the other two rooms were clean and opened the windows to air them out.

That night they were both tired and sat in front of the TV with a rented movie and a couple of beers. They talked a little more about the discipline stuff and went to bed early.

The next day, it was sunny and clear. Eric went to meet the bus, Fred was getting some Chinese for lunch, and they would meet back at the house.

Eric spotted his sister right away. She was talking to another woman who he assumed was Tia.

He felt a stir of attraction. She wasn't that bad looking, and the thought that he might be spanking her bare bottom across his lap was extremely provoking. Even without the spanking idea that Fred had planted in his head, he would have been interested in Tia. She had grown up to be good looking. Hopefully her personality was as attractive!

They both saw him and waved. Eric got their bags, glad to see that Tia had a pretty complete tool kit stashed with her luggage. Maybe she was coming up to work and not just screw around.

He took the long way home, showing them the sites. Eliza was chattering excitedly about finding a job in the college town.

She wasn't quite so excited when Eric informed her that he had a job in his office for her, but brightened up when Tia pointed out that she was going to be working around there too.

During lunch, Eric and Fred took turns asking Tia some questions. When the girls went to get some more drinks, Fred turned to Eric and said, 'at least she sounds like she knows what she is talking about.'

Eric agreed and when the girls came back, he told Tia about some of the jobs he was currently involved in. He had a small company, but he still was working on two houses and some other assorted odd jobs around town.

'So you decided that I passed the test?' Tia asked with a smile.

She was thinking that Eric wasn't so bad looking, and with a house and a business, he was a responsible, stable guy, quite a change from her usual boyfriends. She hoped to get to know him a lot better. And working for him would be a great way to do that.

Fred and Eric looked uncomfortable.

'Look,' Tia said bluntly, 'I know I was pushed on you by your parents, but I do know what I'm doing.'

Eric opened his mouth to say something, but Eliza broke in. 'Let's go out, I'm bored!'

Fred frowned and said, 'that was rude. You should apologize.'

'What?' Eliza looked amazed.

Eric decided this was as good a time as any and began telling the girls about the plan he and Fred had come up with. How they wanted to set up rules and guidelines for the two girls, and to punish them for not following them by spanking them.

By the time he was done, both girls had gone from amazement to anger.

'Who the hell do you think you are?' Tia asked.

'What gives you the right?' Eliza asked Fred, standing with her hands on her hips.

'You can agree to this,' Eric said, 'or you can hop on the next bus and go back home.'

Both girls sobered at the thought of going home again. Neither one wanted to go home, but neither one wanted Eric and Fred to be watching them and treating them like they were children.

Fred waited a minute, then told Eliza, 'It doesn't matter what you decide, you are going to be spanked for being so rude and interrupting your brother.'

Eliza looked at him, open-mouthed. 'What?' she finally gasped. 'You can't!'

Fred grabbed her arm and pulled her over his lap before she even had an idea that he meant right that minute. She yelled and fought, but he put one leg over hers and held her tight to him.

Eric watched and made mental notes. If Tia decided to stay, he had a feeling she wasn't going to take to punishment any easier than his sister was.

In spite of Eliza's fighting, Fred managed to get her skirt up and her panties down. This only made her more determined to get away and she was trying to bite Fred's leg when the first SMACK of his hand landed on her bottom.

'Ow!' She yelled and stopped trying to bite and concentrated on trying to roll away. 'That hurts!'

'It's supposed to,' Fred replied, 'You are being punished, after all.'

Taking a firmer grip around her waist, Fred began spanking Eliza with his hand, paying special attention to where her bottom and thighs met.

Eric remembered that Fred had called that the 'sit spot' and he said that if you spanked well enough there, the girl would remember being spanked every time she sat for a good while after the spanking.

Soon Eliza was sobbing, promising to behave if Fred would just stop. Fred had told Eric that the girls always did this, and to not pay any attention.

'They start singing this song when you are finally beginning to get through to them', he said, 'but if you stop, they really haven't learned anything. You have to keep going until you are convinced that they are really sorry and that they have learned the lesson.'

Sure enough, Fred was not paying any mind to what Eliza was saying. He kept spanking, scolding her about interrupting people who were talking and about good manners in general.

Tia jumped up and went over to Fred, pulling on his spanking arm. 'Stop!' she said, 'you've spanked her enough.'

Fred looked at Eric and he got the message. He got up and grabbed Tia, pulling her back to his chair. Tia struggled and tried to get away.

'How can you let him do this?' she asked Eric. 'You're her brother!'

Eric held Tia's jaw so she had to look at him. 'If you don't stop,' he warned, 'you will be spanked too!'

The sounds of Eliza's spanking and her pleas and sobs filled the kitchen. Tia couldn't stand it anymore and gave Eric a push, trying to get back to Fred.

Eric pulled her over his lap, thrilled that she disregarded his warning and that he was going to be giving his first spanking. He managed to get her shorts and panties down, mentally noting that he was right, Tia was fighting every bit as hard as Eliza had been.

And her language! He couldn't help but notice that she might be able to teach some new words to the construction crew he worked with; something would definitely have to be done about her gutter mouth.

He scolded her for trying to interfere with Eliza's spanking and for pushing him. He spanked her good and hard, he wanted to make sure that she learned that he meant what he said.

She was begging and crying before too long, but Eric kept on spanking for another few minutes. When he stopped, he looked up to see his sister standing in the corner of the kitchen, holding her skirt up.

He helped Tia up and led her to another corner of the kitchen.
He and Fred sat at the table and looked at the two sorry girls in the corners.

'You have something to say, Eliza?' Fred asked.

'I'm sorry I was so rude Eric,' Eliza said, keeping her nose in the corner. Fred had told her to stay there unless she wanted him to get the wooden hairbrush, and she was not going to test and see if he really had one or not.

'Apology accepted,' Eric said. 'Tia?'

'I'm sorry that I tried to interfere,' Tia sniffed.

Fred said, 'Apology accepted. Now you two stand there and think about the spankings you just got, and think about if you want to stay here or not. Next time, we won't be so easy on you; in your rooms you will find nice big wooden hairbrushes that we will be using to toast your bottoms. So think good and hard.'

Eric led the way to the living room. 'What do you think they will decide?' he asked Fred.


Chapter Four

'Who knows how women think,' Fred responded. 'I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to stay and I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to go. But how was your first spanking?'

Eric smiled and said, 'Very satisfying! I think I will be doing this again. I hope Tia decides to stay, even without being able to spank that adorable bottom of hers, I would like her.'

Fred nodded and said, 'She's a pistol, that one. Just like your sister. I hope Eliza decides to stay too.'

After 15 minutes, Eric went to the kitchen door to see both girls still standing in their corners, Tia holding up her shirt and Eliza holding up her skirt.

'Fix your clothes and come into the living room,' he said. He went back into the living room and in a minute, both girls came in.

'Over here,' Fred said to Eliza, pointing to a spot in front of him.

'Tia, right here,' Eric added, pointing in front of him.

Both girls stood in front of the men with tearstained faces. Fred took Eliza's hands gently and asked, 'Well? What have you decided?'

Eliza bit her lip and said, 'I think I would like to stay, please.'

Fred smiled and pulled her to sit next to him. He put his arm around her and gave her a hug. 'Good girl,' he whispered in her ear.

Tia looked at Eric, and he said, 'and you?'

Tia shifted from foot to foot and said, 'I can't.'

Eric felt disappointment shoot through him. 'Why not?'

'I can't work for you if everyone knows that I get spanked.'

Eliza stiffened next to Fred. 'I didn't think of that!'

Tia continued. 'I can't work with the guys and be accepted as one of them if they know that if I do something wrong, you are going to spank me.'

Eliza turned to Fred and said, 'I can't either! I can't be in the office with the salesmen and others, and all of them knowing that you spank me!'

Fred and Eric looked at each other in confusion. 'What makes you think they would know?' Eric finally asked.

'You mean,' Eliza looked at Fred hopefully, 'you wouldn't spank me at work?'

'No,' Fred said positively.
'I might spank you if no one was around and the office door locked, but in front of other people? Never. I would wait until we got home, or stop somewhere on the way home to administer any punishment you had coming.'

Eric looked at Tia. 'The same goes for me, no one would know unless you told them. Not even your parents.'

Both girls thought about it for a minute. Eliza snuggled in closer to Fred and said, 'I guess it's OK then. I know that you will be spanking me cause you care about me.'

Tia finally said, 'I guess I'll stay too then. But I want to know what the rules are before I agree to anything though.'

Eric pulled her down to sit next to him and the four were soon discussing rules and punishments. The guys compromised on some of the things they had meant to be firm about and the girls agreed to some restrictions that they originally had no intention of accepting. All were satisfied at the end and agreed that they could live well together.

'And just so you know,' Eric told Tia as they finally got around to clearing up after lunch, 'if you fight the way you did for your first spanking, you will be getting another one on top of that.'

'The same goes for you,' Fred told Eliza, swatting her bottom as she reached across the table to get some soy sauce packets. 'I won't put up with that attitude.'

She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled. Eliza was very happy that she agreed to stay; Fred seemed even nicer than she remembered. And she got all tingly when she thought about him taking charge and spanking her.

Tia stood next to Eric at the sink and said, 'I'm glad I decided to stay.'

Eric smiled at her and said, 'me too.'

They looked into each other's eyes for several minutes, until the water thrown up by Eliza’s tossing the sponge into the sink splashed them.

They both laughed and turned to face the other two.

'How about a movie?' asked Eric, surprising himself. He had meant to suggest an early night for everyone, the girls especially.

But the girls were so happy with the suggestion, he was glad he thought of it. And later on, sitting in the dark theater kissing Tia, he was even gladder.

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