One Step at a Time

 by Brandy


I love walking out in the fresh dewy grass barefoot. I guess it comes from living in a small country town. So when I moved to the city it was really hard to change that habit. Take this morning for instance. Beautiful morning the grass is freshly mowed and feels so goo—

“Jayme Lynn! Come in here and put some shoes on your feet!


Well so much for that moment of peace!

“Ok Jason.”

As I walk in Jason has that stern but gentle look on his face.

“Baby I know you love walking with no shoes on but right now is not a good time. If I have to tell you again I am going to take you over my knee is that understood?”

“Yes Jason, I understand.”

“One more month and the addition will be done and you can walk outside all you want.”

“Ok babe. Are you ready for some breakfast?”

“No not really, how about a morning snack?”

He leans down and starts to nibble on her ear. Jason loves to watch her walk outside barefoot. And he also loves to scold her, he still hasn’t figured that out yet but he loves it anyway. And the combination first thing in the morning, well you can guess the rest.

Jayme playfully swats him away.

“Nope you ruined my morning!”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

“When you let me have my morning walk you can!!”

Both of us are laughing and wrestling around by now. Jason stopped and got serious,

“I am serious honey. Just wait until they are done with the addition and there is no risk of rusty nails and screws.”


The next morning….


“Honey, wake up for a second.”

“Jayme babe I have to go in early. I will meet you for lunch as planned ok?”

“Uh huh.”



Jason hurries and leaves the room. I slowly open my eyes to look at the clock. Only 5am, Jason won’t be here for my morning walk! I smile as I fall back to sleep.


Wow, damn what was that?

Dang I just stepped on a nail!!!

I hobble over to the porch to take a look. It was just a small hole, not bleeding much so I walked into the garage grabbed peroxide and a band-aid. I remember that my shots are not up to date. I will pass on that for now because if I tell Jason I will have to explain why my shots aren’t up to date. And why I was walking around outside barefoot to begin with! Something also tells me I won’t be looking him in the eye when we have this conversation.


3 days later…

“Jayme what is wrong with your foot.”

“Nothing baby, you know I never wear high heels and I just slipped and my ankle is hurting a bit.”

“Ok you be careful there Ms. Clumsy!”


When Jason drops me off at the house (he was on call for 24 hours) I run inside and take a look at my foot.  Are scabs suppose to be green? And what about the red streaks coming from the wound and heading towards my heel? Oh this hurts bad, maybe I should call Jason. Na I will just use more peroxide and iodine and then take a small nap.


Jason got home a little early. He had started to worry when she wouldn’t answer the phone. She is a deep sleeper but no deep enough to never hear the phone.  His worse nightmare is revealed when he walks to the couch and sees her covered and sweat and unconscious.


“Mr. Stevens?”


That sound knocks Jason and his father-in-law James out of their vigil


“I am Mr. Stevens.”

“Dr. Taydon.”

“How is she?”

“She should be fine. She has blood poisoning. The nail that went through her foot must have been rusty. I also saw that her tetanus shot wasn’t up to date.”


“Yes sir, a nail looks as it went straight through and it got infected. I am surprised that you didn’t bring her in before now.”

“I didn’t know Dr. But by my guess this happened 3 or 4 mornings ago.”

“We are monitoring her she should be clear to go in two days. It doesn’t look as if she will need any therapy on her foot.”

“Thank you Dr.”


“What did he say son?”

“That Jayme stepped on a nail, didn’t tell me and it got severely infected.”

“Calm down, be glad that she is ok.”

“I am James I am. I just to understand why she is so hard headed. I only put my foot down on stuff that is important to her well being. Why won’t she understand and just listen to me!”

“Her mother was the same way. In a couple years she will start to get the picture.”




“I am so sorry honey. I should have listened to you but I didn’t want to get in trouble for not having my shots up to date.”

“Shush honey, we can talk about this later. Don’t worry honey we will talk about this later.”

“I uh wasn’t worried.”


2 days later

“Go inside and head to our bed room.”

“Jason can we talk about this?”

“Oh there will be talking, now go. Or do you want me to carry you in and make a stop on every chair?”
”No sir.”


“Kneel on the bed with your bottom in the air.”

“Now Jayme!”


Wasting no time Jason pulls off her panties and starts to spank her with his hand.

“I only make rules for you safety. They are almost finished and I was ready to let you have your morning ritual again. I don’t intentionally stop you from doing things.”






“Do you plan on listening better?”

“Yes sir. I promisssssssssse!”

“Good we will seal the bargain with 30 strokes from my paddle.”

Covering her bottom. “Please no. I have had enough. Please Jason.”

“35, 40, are you going to move your hands or do you want to get up to 50?”

 After 40 she is sobbing and Jason slowly starts to rub and smack around her bottom. The sobbing slowly subsides.

“Are you going to be my good girl?”

“Yes sir I will be, I will be.”


As Jayme falls asleep she wonders why it is always so difficult to get from one point to the other. Um what was it that Jase just said? ‘One step at a time!’


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