Twas the night before New Years
Home Up Twas the night before New Years Old Spank Time


Adaption of the twas the night before Christmas


Twas the night before New Years for Spankville new years

Prelude:This parody/poem relates to life in Spankville, our yahoogroups ( see OUR yahoo groups link page for more information).

Twas the night before New Years, and all through the town,
Not a creature was stirring, as the street I looked up and down.

Our paddles were still hung by the chimneys with care
Right in the same room with our straight backed chairs.

The ladies were nestled, all snug in their beds,
But not me, although I'm dressed in my nighty that's red.

It's late, so Ron must be sleeping, Rick probably too,
Oh whatever is a girl supposed to do!

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I looked out to see what was the matter.

It was nothing at all, must have been all in my mind,
Why is it so quiet? My fingers scratch my head and my hair I wind.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Gave a luster of midday to objects below.

Then, what to my wandering eyes should appear,
But many objects to spank a brats rear.

They go by me so fast, so lively and quick,
Am I dreaming? I'm not sure so I give me a kick.

More rapid then eagles the implements came,
The a voice out of nowhere called them by name:

Now Paddle! now Strap! now Old Thunder! now Hairbrush!
On White Lightening!, on Earthquake, on Ruler and a Switch!

To the top of my porch, to the top of the wall,
Now dash away dash away, dash away all!

Then up to my housetop the spanking tools flew
Oh my! Whatever am I going to do?

And then in a twinkle I heard on my roof
The spanking sounds the implements took.

As I drew in my head and was turning around,
There stood Ron, and he hadn't made a sound.

He was dressed in his clothes, must not have been sleeping.
Hmmm, what the heck , as I wonder if I oughta start fake weeping.

A bagful of paddles he had flung on his back,
"So Anna, seems you had another brat attack."

I saw his eyes, they were twinkling, his smile looked happy.
I hope I really don't cry and look real sappy.

His hand reached into his bag, but he didn't look mad.
With a crook of his finger, "Come here Anna, I know you've been bad."

The end of the paddle Ron held in his teeth,
As my arm he took, then said, "You've deserved this for over a week!"

Then he led me right to the straight back chair,
And lifted my nighty and paddled me on the bare.


I saw a wink of his eye and a smile on his head,
And I knew right then I had nothing to dread.

When my spanking was done and my eyes off the rug
I reached up and gave him the biggest big hug.

He was hugging me back when he stopped and said,
"It is almost the New Year, now get right to bed."

"I know it's the New Year, and I'll start it right,
I'll go right to bed, won't give you a fight."

On my way up, I stop and I stare,
Now Rick is standing in the doorway, right there.

"Oh Anna, we need to end the Old Year just so,
Stop right there, don't you dare go."

I stop just like I am told,
Too scared now to be very bold.

Once more I am staring at the floor
As Rick spanks, I yell and say please no more.


Rick spoke not a word, but went right to his work,
He spanked and he spanked till I yelled, "Hey that hurts!"

He then let me up with a big hug right away,
"Now Anna, remember it's almost New Years Day."

They both looked at me and gave some friendly advise,
"These spankings should surely make our meanings concise."

"Be good all the New Year, and don't yell or shout.
And you'll forget what a hard spanking is all about."

Then both Ron and Rick gave me each one more hug,
Then out of my door they started as I gave a shrug.

I hope they hear me exclaim as they go out of sight,
As I shout really loud, I yell with all my might,

